Hush, My Darling… is a side quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Hush, My Darling… side mission.
- Starting Location: Kuttenberg Region > Miskowitz
- Quest Giver: Blacksmith’s wife Martha
- Requirement: Complete Main Quest 14: Speak of the Devil
- Reward: 60 x Groschen (for making the horseshoes), trophy/achievement
Henry the Matchmaker (if you carry Black to Victoria in the forest)
- Quest Type: Side Quest
- Quest Description: The wife of the Miskowitz blacksmith, Martha, is looking for horseshoes. But is there more than meets the eye here?
- Bring Martha two sets of horseshoes (0/2)
- Bring the horseshoes to Victoria
- Search Victoria’s house
- Find out what happened to Victoria
- Tell Martha about what you found
- Speak with the farmer (Optional)
- Ask about Victoria in Sigismund’s camp (Optional)
- Speak with the soldier
- Treat the soldier
- Ask the soldier about Victoria
- Find Victoria!
- Speak with Victoria
Starting Location: Hush, My Darling…
This quest is started in the town of Miskowitz, where you can speak with the Blacksmith’s wife Martha. She will sometimes be waiting near the gate of the smithy, or inside the house. You can also be pointed toward her location by a quest tipster.
Bring Martha two sets of horseshoes (0/2)
Martha requests you make two sets of horseshoes, which you can do at the blacksmith station beside the house. You can speak with her husband and son about the request, but this doesn’t gain you anything currently unless you pass a hard speech check with the husband and can ask him for materials. If you don’t do this, you can purchase both sketches for horseshoes as well as the materials if you don’t have them. Then make any set of horseshoes two times.
Once you have both ready, go back and speak with Martha and turn in the horseshoes.
Bring the horseshoes to Victoria
Martha asks you to take the horseshoes to Victoria who will deliver them. She is in the house directly south of the smithy.
Search Victoria’s house
Victoria isn’t currently in the house, you need to go in the door immediately left and inspect the blood on the floor by the bed.
Find out what happened to Victoria
Your next steps will be finding out about what happened to Victoria. If you already know her location (from looking at step Find Victoria! below) you can go straight to that location without other searching, but to complete the quest you will still have to do the prior steps about speaking with the soldier in the camp and resolving the actual issue in some way.
Tell Martha about what you found
First, go back and speak with Martha again and tell her about what you found at the house. The first question you ask will have her suggest you ask in Sugismund’s camp, and if you press her and pass a speech check she will also suggest asking one of the farmers who was interested in her.
Speak with the farmer (Optional)
You should first ask the farmer as he lives in the village. He should be located in the house immediately north of the smithy.
You can bother him a bit and insult him because of how he is responding, which causes him to start attacking you. After you beat him up he’ll admit he doesn’t actually know anything, so you will need to go to the camp next.
Ask about Victoria in Sigismund’s camp (Optional)
Head into the camp and you can ask around about Victoria. Someone will point you toward the smithy in the middle of the camp first. Head over and speak with the blacksmith.
Speak with the soldier
The blacksmith will tell you about the man named Black that Victoria normally sees, and that he’s currently in the infirmary. Head over there to speak with him.
Treat the soldier
Speak with Black and you’ll need to determine what’s wrong with him. Passing the survival skill checks you’ll determine that he consumed poisonous mushrooms. You’ll need to give him a Digestive Potion to cure it, which you can make yourself or purchase.
Ask the soldier about Victoria
Continue speaking with him to ask about Victoria. You can either wait with him, come back in two hours, or pass an easy Perception skill check to have him tell you immediately. He lets you know about a location nearby where they met that you can check out.
NOTE: If you are aiming to earn the trophy/achievement Henry the Matchmaker you will want to select the bottom option and not push back against his mean comment for the next step.
Find Victoria!
You will have a spot marked in the forest where Victoria is located.
If you want to resolve the quest by talking with both Black and Victoria, you can head there and meet Victoria on your own. If you want to earn Henry the Matchmaker you will need to physically carry Black out of the camp and into the forest where Victoria is located. The easiest way to do this involves killing guards in the camp, so if you don’t want to keep these actions you should make a save now that you can reload later (also helpful if you accidentally alert guards).
A good route out of the camp is through the gate directly west of the Infirmary Tent. This involves a little more walking around the south end of the camp to head to the forest, but you can more easily avoid the guards going straight across this yard than if you try to go through the path north and out the east gate.
Wait until nighttime (Victoria stays in place regardless of how long you wait) then you will want to carefully stealth kill and hide a few guards who will be in your way. First, take out the possible 1 or 2 that are outside the west gate. If they are standing far apart you can take out the farther back one first as long as you correctly hit the stealth kill prompt, then move the body left in the ditch near the wall. Repeat with the second guard if one is present.
Next, you will need to take out the guard that stands near the back entrance of the Infirmary tent. This one will notice you when you knock out Black, so make sure you deal with the guard first and move the body farther behind the tent to the east. It is possible for a second guard to walk into the area, but it seems rare so you can safely deal with just one before continuing. If one isn’t present there when you are wanting to move Black wait and they will likely walk back within a minute, so they are worth making sure they’re dealt with.
With these guards dealt with you should be safe to knock out Black while he is still lying in the Infirmary. Make sure to hit the knockout prompt correctly or he will make noise and possibly alert the other guards walking around.
Now with your route set up, make sure to switch to a stealth outfit to help stop the guards from noticing as you slowly carry him out of the camp. Your route will be to cut through the Field Chapel tent to stop the guards in front of the middle gate noticing you, then across to the gate. If a guard is standing on the opposite side of the tent (circled below) you can drop Black near the back of the tent and take that guard out before continuing.
Once you have Black out of the camp you are relatively safe, just don’t walk close to the east gate when you are coming around the camp and accidentally alert those guards. It’s a slow 5-minute walk to Victoria as you can’t place bodies on your horse to speed up the trip.
Speak with Victoria
Speak with Victoria as she is sitting on the stump. If you have brought Black over, make sure after she explains the situation you select the bottom option “Hang in there a while longer”.
Speak to her once more with Black present for a unique scene that completes the quest and awards Henry the Matchmaker. If you aren’t completing the quest in this way, you can choose one of the other options related to your conversation with black to complete the quest. What you choose is entirely up to you as you don’t actually receive a reward for this quest completion regardless of what you do.
This finishes Hush, My Darling… side quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
For all other Quests refer to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Walkthrough.
Rm says
Must be something else not allowing me to not find her dead. Tried going there without talking to the soldier, going there when talking to the soldier , dragging him out there . All times she’s already poisoned. So maybe it’s a time thing?
Yuhu says
you must be have low speech level that’s make option not open when dialog with black
hsk says
if you give the wrong potion to the soldier in the infirmary at sigismund’s camp he will not tell you victorias location and she might end up dead if you sleep too many days, try an older save. this happened to me
Greg says
There’s an easier way to pop the trophy. After you treat Black, just simply knock him out, when the guards find you out just pay 300 groschen. then you can safely bring Black to Victoria, Exhaust all the dialogue with Victoria until you can choose “Hang in there a while longer”. Then voila the trophy would pop out after you talk to Victoria again while Black is there
Omairi says
Its worth mentioning that its a time sensitive trophy (cuz if you postpone the quest for later ((after accepting it)) the girl would be found dead) well thats what happened to me so i had to go to an early save to get the trophy.
Pawel says
Save for me. I was collecting all the quests first and I left the camp for later. Because of that I’ve ended up with the dead Vitoria, even with speech at 30 and all proper dialog options.
Stubbs says
After getting the achivement, i followed black when he ran, killed him obviously since he is not a man of his word, and frankly just a cow for sigismund, then i escorted Victoria safely back to Miskowitz, now i feel quite hungry.