Forbidden Fruit is a side quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Forbidden Fruit side mission.
- Starting Location: Trosky Region > Lower Semine Mill
- Quest Giver: Miller Kreyzl
- Requirement: Finished Side Quest Materia Prima (Miller’s Questline)
- Reward: 85 Groschen, Skill XP: Vitality & Stealth, Skill Book: With the silence of a cat II (Stealth)
- Quest Type: Side Quest
- Questline: Materia Prima > Forbidden Fruit > Opus Magnum
- Quest Description: The miller needs saltpetre for his alchemy. He sends you to find him a saltpetre pit, with the help of Bonnie and the gravedigger.
- Talk to Bonnie
- Visit the gravedigger
- Accompany the gravedigger on his rounds
- Find the carcass in the ruined farm
- Protect Ignatius from the farm hands
- Talk to Ignatius
- Follow Ignatius to the wagon
- Find the source of infection (Optional)
- Clear the carcasses from the farm
- Talk to Ignatius
- Follow Ignatius to the wagon
- Take care of the greengrocer’s dog
- Talk to Ignatius
- Find the saltpetre pit and taste it to see if there’s actually saltpetre in it
- Return to the miller
Starting Location: Forbidden Fruit
Forbidden Fruit starts when you hand in the side quest Materia Prima to Miller Kreyzl. Then agree to help him with another task, which will start this quest.
Talk to Bonnie
Note: it’s possible to head to the saltpetre pit directly (see second last objective) and ignore all objectives with Bonnie and the gravedigger, but you won’t get the Knacker’s gloves as a reward. It’s better to do the objectives to get the Knacker’s gloves, that’s how the quest is intended.
Follow the path southeast of the mill, leading further into the forest. There you find Bonnie. Before talking to her, you should check that you have any 1 herb in your inventory, it can be gifted to her to gain reputation.
The best dialogues for reputation are: I’m looking for a saltpetre pit > The Poet (doesn’t matter what nickname you pick, she finds them all uncreative) > I have something for you (give her any 1 herb, doesn’t matter which or what quality, she always says it’s exactly what she needs and grants reputation) > I can’t wait to see what comes of it > Let’s talk > A family of blacksmiths > He seems mystical > That’s a lot > No, I don’t > A gravedigger?.
Afterward feel free to exhaust the remaining dialogues, they don’t affect any reputation.
Visit the gravedigger
Talk to Gravedigger Ignatius east of Troskowitz.
The best dialogues are: I need to find a saltpetre pit > (Tell him the truth) > Of course, I understand > I’ll have to think about it > (End dialog). The gravedigger tells you he’s only ready at daybreak (around 5:00AM). If it’s any other time and you push him to get going it will give negative reputation, so the best option is to end the dialog and advance time.
Accompany the gravedigger on his rounds
Press Touchpad to advance time, 5:00AM will work. Then tell him “let’s get going”.
He will get on the carriage in front of his house. Approach the carriage from the right side and press /
to mount when the prompt appears. Press
to talk to him and the carriage will start moving.
During the ride you can talk some more, the best dialogues are: You could say that > Bonnie’s not a thief (Lie) > I don’t see a thing.
Find the carcass in the ruined farm
When the carriage stops, dismount and go through the bushes to the hut where the quest marker is. There will be a wolf outside the hut, it will attack you.
Missable Warning: For Lent trophy/achievement you’re not allowed to kill any animals for the entirety of the playthrough. Use bare-handed attacks to kick the wolf until it runs away, don’t kill it! You can keep track under Player > Statistics > Combat > Animals killed (must say 0).
The door inside the hut is locked (very hard lock). Climb over the barrels behind the hut and enter through the open window.
You can open the door from the inside. Bag the corpse and bring it to the carriage.
Protect Ignatius from the farm hands
Back at the carriage, Ignatius has gotten himself in some trouble. The carriage was stopped by three farmers who are looking for thieves, and they suspect you.
You can solve the situation peacefully through dialogue if you win the skill check, or fight them. If you win the dialogue they walk away. “Do we look like thieves to you?” has high chance for success (I only had 4 stat for it and was wearing the thief outfit and it still succeeded). If you attack them, use your fists only, don’t kill them. They will run away after 1-2 hits.
Afterward put the sack in the back of the carriage.
Talk to Ignatius / Follow Ignatius to the wagon
Talk to the gravedigger, wait for him to climb on the carriage, sit next to him.
During the ride you can talk again with /
. The best replies are: “I’m happy to help” > “She embellished it” > “I’ll take a look at it”.
Find the source of infection (Optional)
Wait for the carriage to stop, two new objectives appear on the map. Head north to the dirty stream. When the compass shows a yellow search area, ignore it. You must leave the search area and head upstream (northeast) to find two rotten deer corpses in the river. Upon approaching them, the objective updates.
Return to the gravedigger at the carriage to report your findings.
Clear the carcasses from the farm
Enter the barn at the bottom of the farm. There are two dead pigs inside, bag them and put them on the carriage.
Talk to Ignatius / Follow Ignatius to the wagon
Talk to Ignatius again and get back on the carriage. You can talk again, the best replies are: “So far, so good” > “What can I do?”.
Take care of the greengrocer’s dog
At the next stop he wants you to put down a dog, which comes with the job of a knacker/gravedigger.
Head to the dog hut where the quest marker is, in the southeast corner of the farm. The dog got out and you get a yellow search area. Head east along the road and you’ll hear the dog barking in the distance, under a big tree. You find him here:
Missable Warning: Killing the dog would lock you out of the Lent trophy/achievement! You must save the dog.
Bonnie will stand next to the dog. Talk to her: “I asked you first” > “I don’t want to kill him“. Then she takes the dog and you don’t need to kill it. If you insist with Bonnie that you’re really going to kill it, she’ll storm off and you have to kill the dog.
Talk to Ignatius
Return to Ignatius. Regardless of whether you let the dog go or killed it, you can pick “It’s taken care of”. If you let the dog go you can try to convince Ignatius by winning the dialogue. If you convince him you gain reputation, if you fail you lose reputation. What worked for me was: “I killed him (Lie)” > “It wasn’t a dog” > “It was a man in disguise” (6 stat). Regardless of the outcome he’ll take you to the pits anyway. If he catches your lie, or you outright admit you let the dog go, he’ll complain and deduct reputation, but still takes you to the pits.
A fast travel screen will appear and you arrive at the pits. Here the dialogues that grant reputation are: “Is that really it?” > “Kreyzl will draw inspiration from this” > “That may very well be”. The gravedigger rewards you with Knacker’s gloves, Survival XP, Vitality XP.
Find the saltpetre pit and taste it to see if there’s actually saltpetre in it
Now you have the glorious task of tasting the saltpetre. Get in the carcass-filled pit and eat it off the wall, yummy!
Return to the miller
Fast travel back to the mill and tell the miller that you found the saltpetre pit. Exhaust all dialogues, he’ll babble on about another task and then offers to take you to the wedding. Answer “Certainly!”. He goes over the plan with you. This transitions into the next quest “Opus Magnum“, which you’ll have to do to advance the story.
Your reward is 85 Groschen, Skill XP for Vitality & Stealth, Skill Book: With the silence of a cat II (Stealth).
This finishes Forbidden Fruit side quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
Next Quest: Opus Magnum
For all other Quests refer to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Walkthrough.
Josh says
just a tip i noticed that poisoning animals via meat doesn’t seem to affect the animals killed counter as i’ve done it tons and even butchered them afterwards and my animals killed count is currently sitting on 0