In Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 the money is called Groschen. This guide explains how to make money quickly. It comes down to three methods: stealing, playing dice, and quest rewards.
Method 1: Stealing Groschen and selling Stolen Items
At night you can go into people’s houses and pickpocket them while they sleep. This makes it less likely they detect you. Loot their key and use it on their bedside chest. This will contain all their items. Sometimes you find Groschen directly in the chests or on the person. Loot their most valuable items. Also loot wardrobes and any other storage containers.
During some story quests you fight soldiers in armor. You can loot every armor piece from corpses. Armor is particularly profitable to resell, especially the gloves which don’t take up much inventory space. If your inventory is full you can move items to your horse.
At night you can break into shops and steal their items, but they will have hard to very hard locks on them. You can raise your thievery skill by pickpocketing people, lockpicking, and stealing items. Then it gets easier to pick higher difficulty locks. In shops without guards you can also toss stones (crouch and R1/RB) to distract the shopkeeper, then quickly steal items while they investigate. Just don’t get caught. If you are caught the guards will taken stolen items from you, but if you store them in your personal chest first you keep them. Instead of paying a fine you can accept punishment (Pillory or Flocking), this will give a temporary debuff but you can simply sleep it off.
Stolen items will have a “red hand” icon on them to indicate they were stolen. Regular merchants won’t accept these, but there are ways around it.
- Store stolen items in your personal chest, found next to any bed you own (at any inn you rent for the long term or beds you are given during the story). Simply wait a few in-game weeks and the stolen icon will go away, then the item can be sold to merchants. This usually takes 1-2 in-game weeks, you can speed it up with the skill “Thievery > “Trafficker” (stolen goods lose their stolen status a quarter faster). You can sleep in your bed to skip time, then eat soup from the pots when you wake up to restore health, advance time until the items no longer counts as stolen. This is most efficient if you looted a huge amount of items first.
- Sell stolen items to a fence. You can find “Fence Whitebeard” in the Nomad’s Camp east of Troskowitz. The downside is he only has around 200 Groschen, but he restocks his money after a while.
- At 20 Speech skill you can buy the skill “Speech > Partner in Crime”. It lets you sell stolen items to any merchant immediately without the risk of detection. You increase the Speech stat with every line of dialogue and winning skill checks during dialogues (repeating the same lines of grayed-out dialogue doesn’t count).
It takes a while to reach Speech Level 20 but once you have the “Partner in Crime” skill you effectively have an infinite money glitch. When merchants run out of money skip time until they have money again.
Note that the prices merchants pay depend on your reputation in that town. So don’t go around murdering, and don’t get caught stealing and doing other crimes in the towns where you want to offload your loot.
Method 2: Playing Dice
You can find dice tables at most taverns. Bet the maximum and win. You can make a manual save before each game, in the Pause Menu click “Save & Exit to Menu”. If you lose, reload the save and retry. When you have good dice it will be pretty easy.
How to get best dice:
The best dice are Heavenly Dice and Lucky Dice. You can simply loot them from gold-badge dice players (when you have a gold badge in inventory which is bought from most taverns, some dice players will offer to play for your gold badge, those are the best players with the best dice). You can approach the players from behind, choke them out, then steal the dice from them. This is a crime and will make you wanted by the guards, but if you move to a different town they won’t hunt you there. You can store the dice in your personal chest next to your owned beds, then return to the scene of the crime and accept your punishment (flocking), then you keep the dice and don’t need to pay any fine. Now you have the best dice permanently and can win matches easily. Best combo is to put 5 Lucky Dice and 1 Heavenly Dice. You will almost always roll pairs and can make thousands of points in a single throw.
Method 3: Quest Rewards
Some quests give hundreds of Groschen, and a few even give 1000+ Groschen if you accept bribes and loot defeated enemies. Refer to the Side Quests & Tasks Walkthrough (the reward is listed at the top of each walkthrough page).
An early questline to get money fast is the Miller’s brawler questline. It’s available as soon as you gain access to the open world, consists of a bunch of fistfights and you can bet Groschen on yourself to improve the payout. See Melee at the Mill (155 Groschen) > More Melee at the Mill (20 Groschen) > Wine, Women and Blood (200 Groschen). This only takes a few minutes and gives you 375 Groschen at the start of the game.
For more guides check out Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Wiki.
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