Dancing with the Devil is the 23rd main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Dancing with the Devil main story quest.
Prepare for battle
This quest features a lot of combat. Make sure you’re well equipped. Have strong armor and good weapons. Bring some bandages to stop bleeding if you get hit. It’s highly recommended to bring ranged weapons, this makes some objectives easier. Bring a Pistole (rifle) and ammo (Lead Ball or Scatter Shot). During the last objective there will be a good spot for High Noon (shot a gun-wielding enemy with a gun).
When ready, talk to Jan Zizek at Devil’s Den, say “What awaits us at Maleshov?” > “I’m ready. Let’s do this!” > “I’ll wait with you till evening”.
Come to the evening meeting
With the previous dialogue choices it will automatically skip to the evening meeting. You can’t say anything wrong here. After the meeting you get a cutscene where you arrive at Maleshov village. Afterward you talk to Dry Devil about the strategy.
Speak with the Devil
Dry Devil’s plan is to torch the entire village of Maleshov.
[MISSABLE] No Good Deed – Step 1 (saved Maleshov without getting caught): You must say “No! I won’t murder the innocent!” > “My family was killed in such a raid” > “Let’s duel” –> Win Duel against Dry Devil!
It’s important you win the duel! Then Dry Devil won’t torch the village and nobody dies. If you lose, reload the last autosave. The trophy unlocks later after finishing the stealth section in Maleshov fortress.
For sake of completion we’ll go over the other path in the next objective. If you won the duel then skip to objective “Climb over the Wall / Help capture von Bergow”.
[Alternate Path – Torching the Village] Help capture the village
If you agreed to torch the village or lost the duel, you must kill the villagers to draw out Bergow’s army. The advantage of this is that there will be fewer soldiers in the fortress, but the bigger disadvantage is that the village will be destroyed, the NPCs are killed, and you miss out on the trophy. It might negatively impact the availability of side content for Been There, Done That (completed most of the game’s content).
Get the villagers to flee: Kill the villagers in the burning village.
Speak with Zizka: Talk to Zizka for new orders.
Wait for orders: Wait with your teammates until Bergow’s men arrive in the village.
Attack!: Ambush Bergow’s men, kill them all.
Get orders from Zizka: Talk to Zizka again. Then the next objectives are the same on both paths.
Climb over the wall / Help capture von Bergow
Regardless of whether you won the duel or torched the village, the rest of the quest progresses the same. Follow your teammates, then climb the ladder to the castle wall.
Open the first gate
[MISSABLE] No Good Deed – Step 2: You must open the gate without being seen by the soldiers. There are two guards in front of the gate. Throw stones to lure both guards away (crouch and
). Then sneak past them to the gate and press
to open it. The trophy unlocks immediately after that, when the screen fades to black and says “Opening the gates for the Dry Devil”. It only unlocks if you defeated Dry Devil in the duel so that Maleshov village wasn’t torched.
Hang on until reinforcements arrive
After opening the gate, you will be attacked by the guards. Defend yourself for a few seconds until your allies arrive.
Defeat the enemies in the outer bailey
Follow your allies into the courtyard, defeat all enemies. Attack from behind while they are distracted by your allies.
Engage in covering fire for your friends
Archers will shoot from the walls. You don’t have to do anything here really. Just wait 2-3 minutes and a cutscene will trigger automatically. You can hide behind cover in the stables, or go up the stairs above the stables. If you want you can shoot the archers with ranged weapons.
After the cutscene, defeat the remaining enemies. Watch out for the archers/crossbowmen shooting from platforms. Easiest method is to hang back and let your allies kill all enemies for you.
Speak with Capon and Zizka
After all enemies are dead, Capon and Zizka go upstairs, talk to them.
It doesn’t matter whether you say “We’re going to negotiate” or “No, we must withdraw”, they will always go to negotiate with von Bergow. And there’s a surprise, he has Lady Rosa trapped with him in the tower.
How your negotiation goes with von Bergow may impact your relationship with Lady Rosa. If you want to pursue the Romance with Lady Rosa you should go inside the tower and rescue her without threatening to burn down the tower.
Choices for Lady Rosa Romance: “Let’s make a deal” > pick any of the 3 skill checks, it’s okay if they fail (for me all 3 options always failed) > “I refuse to put Rosa in danger!” > “I’ll try to rescue Rosa” > “Yes, I’ll do it!” –> triggers the next objective to defeat Bergow in the tower.
If you insist on burning the tower, Bergow will surrender willingly and comes out of the tower with Rosa, this immediately ends the quest. However, Rosa will be very mad at you for wanting to sacrifice her. The better outcome is to defend Rosa to improve the relationship with her.
All outcomes lead to Bergow and Rosa surviving, the cutscene is the same. Since they’re vital characters for story quests they can’t die.
[If you chose to rescue Rosa] Defeat von Bergow in the tower
If you chose to rescue Rosa, you must go into the tower and defeat the enemies. In the first corridor will be a crossbowman and rifleman.
This is a good opportunity for High Noon (shot a gun-wielding enemy with a gun). If you brought a pistole, shoot the gun-wielding enemy in the corridor with it to pop the trophy. Equip the pistole from inventory and Lead Ball or Scatter Shot for ammo.
Peek around the corner to lure the enemies into shooting. While they reload you can rush into the corridor, camp in the right room and shoot all the enemies from there. Then kick open the left door to defeat the remaining enemies. You can also lure the enemies one by one up the barricaded stairs, this way they can only attack from the front.
After they’re dead it triggers a cutscene. Bergow surrenders and Rosa is rescued. The next quest starts immediately.
This finishes Dancing with the Devil main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
Next Quest: Oratores
For all other Quests refer to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Walkthrough.
kate says
I persuaded Otto to change sides with 30 scholarship skill