Back in the Saddle is the 7th main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Back in the Saddle main story quest.
Follow the chamberlain
After the talk with von Bergow, follow Chamberlain Ulrich through the castle. He’ll stop to talk to Sir Hans, then you can auto-follow him with . He’ll bring you to a room in the courtyard and explains that all your belongings were put in the chest there.
Take your equipment
Interact with the chest to get all your items back. Anything you had in your inventory before the wedding will be returned to you.
Next to the chest you also find a Riding Waffenrock, Military sword, and Saxon Huberk. These have pretty good attack/defense values, so feel free to equip them to your combat outfit (in inventory you can make 3 outfits by pressing /
Talk to the stable hand
Talk to Hired Hand Kabat at the stables down the road and tell him you’re there for the horse tack. You can then look at the horse in the stable next to him, you can check the stats with /
. Then talk to Kabat once more. If you already had your own horse, you can either keep yours, or upgrade to the new horse if it’s better.
Escort Sir Hans Capon to Nebakov
Mount the horse – if your inventory is overburdened you can’t mount and must move heavy items to the horse inventory (press /
in your inventory to do so).
After mounting the horse, go to the inventory and open the horse section. There you can equip gear to your horse (horseshoes, saddle, bridle, harness). This will improve the stats.
Then talk to Sir Hans Capon, his location will be marked on the map. The best choices are “I’d like to punch him in the face” > “I care about you”.
Afterward get on your horse and press /
to auto-follow him. You can engage in some optional dialogue along the way and even a race. If you win the race you get 55 Groschen, check the red marker on the compass and head straight to the end point through the wilderness instead of taking the roads.
Wait till Sir Hans’ meeting is over
This is the main objective that spawns across the quest. To wait until Hans is done you have two options: You could do the optional objectives around Nebakov. Or you can simply skip time for 6 hours (press Touchpad). Skipping time is the fast and easy way. If you want to gain reputation and learn more about Nebakov you can do the optional objectives.
Missable Trophy/Achievement: Old Raven (You found the true Lord of Nebakov)
This can be done while you wait for Hans’ meeting to end.
Inside Nebakov Fortress, go to the upper yard where the dice table is. Behind the dice table go up the stairs in the corner where the palisades are.
Enter the metal door, then immediately in front of you will be another door with an easy-difficulty lock. Lockpick this (can close the metal door behind you so the guards won’t see).
Behind it on the table you find the “Nebakov jail key”, pick it up.
Head back downstairs, use the key on the wooden door in the corner to open the jail area (directly below the upstairs metal door).
Be careful, if you enter the jail while a guard notices, you will be attacked. If there’s a guard stationed by the door, you can circle around him by going through the kitchen and the back corridor. There you can run around until he hears you, or throw a stone to distract him. While he investigates the back corridor, quickly enter the jail area.
In the first jail cell talk to the prisoner. Pick the dialogue “I’ll report to von Bergow!”. This will unlock the trophy. It’s revealed that the bandits took over the castle and are posing as Lord Nebak and his guards. But the prisoner in the jail is the true lord Nebak. This also gives some new dialogue options later when talking to von Bergow.
Optional: Get to know Michael the adjutant
Sit down at the table with Michael in the upper yard.
These are the best choices to gain reputation: “A call to arms” > “He’s got plenty” > “Very significant” > “I accept” > “There’s something I’d like to ask” > “You’ve got a lot of horses here” (counts towards other objective) > “I’ll be glad to hear it” > “Let’s fight”.
If you didn’t accept the duel, you can talk to him again to accept it.
Optional: Take on Michael in a duel / Talk to Michael about the outcome of the duel
If you accept the duel, you can choose a training weapon during the dialogue. Pick whatever you’ve used before. Doesn’t matter if you win or lose, you gain reputation either way.
Optional: Find out more about the Nebakov horses (Beat Peltzel in a race / Ride to the granary at Nebakov mill)
Talk to Groom Peltzel at the stables. You can either win the skill check or win a race and he’ll tell you his version of how they got the horses. He claims they killed a bunch of bandits and took their horses. If you want to do the race, look at the map to see the path and plan your route.
Optional: Explore the Fortress
If you did the previous two objectives you’ll get this. There’s no map marker, it’s basically just for finding the true lord Nebak in the jail cell (see Old Raven trophy above). When you’re ready to continue rest for 6 hours, then Hans’ meeting is over.
Escort Sir Hans Capon back to Trosky
After skipping time for 6 hours Hans will appear. Talk to him at the stables. If you did the optional objectives you get some extra dialogue options to report your findings, if you also found the true lord Nebak you will automatically tell him about that. Then fast travel back to Trosky. If you say you want to keep looking around then Hans travels there by himself and you can meet up with him later.
Go with Capon to Lord von Bergow to announce your return
Back at Trosky, tell Hans “Let’s go and see von Bergow”. All that remains is to listen to von Bergow. He tasks you with torturing a bandit who was captured. The same bandit was part of the gang that attacked your camp, Bergow wants to find out who is aiding the bandits, so you are to extract that information by any means necessary.
If you say “we’ll get it out of him the hard way” you gain reputation. If you say “I don’t want to torture anyone” you’ll lose reputation, but you get the next quest anyway.
Important for Silence is Golden: When Bergow asks if you noticed anything suspicious, it’s best to say “I don’t know of anything“, don’t pick any of the other options. If you say “Young Semine left his own wedding” it will change the dialogues required for the trophy and can make it missable (the trophy takes place in the next quest, doesn’t unlock here). This is the safest option to not mess with other things. If for example you helped the miller you can report what he’s up to, then Bergow will suggest you tell the Bailiff.
After this long dialogue the next quest will start.
This finishes Back in the Saddle main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
Next Quest: Necessary Evil
For all other Quests refer to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Walkthrough.
Alex Jones says
You can also do a Klara romance by getting herbs with her