Here you can find Walkthroughs for all Side Quests & Tasks in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
There are 126 Quests confirmed: 32 Main Quests, 40 Side Quests, 54 Tasks. The game divides side content into “Side Quests” and “Tasks”. They are effectively the same thing but the game tracks them in different sections in the Journal. Most of the side content is missable in some way. If you kill quest-related NPCs you could get stuck, some quests fail if you leave them unattended after starting them, and some characters become unavailable if advancing the story too far.
There are two regions: Trosky (starting region) and Kuttenberg (reached after Main Quest 12: Storm). Each region has its own Point of No Return. You should complete all side content in the region before those points. After reaching Kuttenberg you can still travel between both regions by going to the red carriage icon on the map, but some quests are no longer available past the Point of No Return.
- Trosky Region Point of no Return: Main Quest 8: Necessary Evil (complete any side content at start of this quest).
- Kuttenberg Region Point of no Return: in Main Quest 24: Oratores (complete any side content at start of this quest).
For the Been There, Done That trophy/achievement you must complete most of the game’s quests/tasks. It requires around 90% completion, the trophy is confirmed to unlock at 112 quests total (32 Main Quests, 38 Side Quests, 42 Tasks). Repeatable tasks such as Pilgrimages don’t count towards it, must be 112 different quests. If you fail too many quests you could lock yourself out of it. If a quest fails, reload the last save and retry. When you accept a quest complete it immediately. Some quests will fail after too much time passed, but only if you accept them. For example, if you go near an NPC surrounded by wolves you get a task to help that person, if you ignore it the person dies after a few in-game hours and the task fails.
You can track active and completed quests in the Journal. The amount of failed quests can be seen under Player > Statistics > Quests. Some quests are marked by a gray shield icon on the map, but some aren’t marked and come from talking to certain characters. Don’t kill any uniquely named non-hostile villagers. Killing bandits and quest-related enemies is fine and doesn’t interfere with any quests or trophies.
This page lists the side content by category (task or side quest). For chronological unlock order when everything becomes available please refer to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Main Walkthrough.
Trosky Region – Side Quests
- The Blacksmith’s Son (Tachov – Blacksmith’s Questline)
- The Jaunt (Tachov – Blacksmith’s Questline) – MISSABLE
- The Hermit (Tachov – Blacksmith’s Questline)
- Materia Prima (Lower Semine Mill – Miller’s Questline)
- Forbidden Fruit (Lower Semine Mill – Miller’s Questline)
- Opus Magnum (Lower Semine Mill – Miller’s Questline)
- Frogs (Zhelejov) –
- Mice (Tachov) –
- Battle of the Frogs and Mice (Tachov/Zhelejov) –
- Troubadours (Zhelejov Wagoners’ Inn)
- Mutt (Wilderness) –
Man’s Best Friend
- Lackey (Wilderness – Vostatek’s Questline)
- Combat Training 1 (Nomad’s Camp)
- Combat Training 2 (Nomad’s Camp)
- Miri Fajta (Nomad’s Camp)
- Bad Blood (Bozhena’s Hut)
- Invaders (Troskowitz)
Trosky Region – Tasks
- A Sinful Soul (Apollonia) – HIGHLY MISSABLE
- Canker (Semine – Gules Questline) – MISSABLE
- Handsome Charlie (Semine – Gules Questline) – MISSABLE
- Johnny the Gob (Semine – Gules Questline) – MISSABLE
- Casper (Semine – Gules Questline) – MISSABLE
- Melee at the Mill (Lower Semine Mill – Brawler Questline) –
Henry the Bruiser
- More Melee at the Mill (Lower Semine Mill – Repeatable Task) –
Henry the Bruiser
- Wine, Women and Blood (Zhelejov Wagoners’ Inn – Brawler Questline) –
Henry the Bruiser
- The Best for Last (Zhelejov Wagoners’ Inn – Brawler Questline) –
Henry the Bruiser
- The Voivode’s Curse (Nomad’s Camp)
- The Axe from the Lake (Tachov)
- Bird of Prey (Wilderness – Vostatek’s Questline)
- Sheep among Wolves (Troskowitz – Shepherd Questline)
- The Lost Sheep (Wilderness – Shepherd Questline)
- Carrot on a Stick (Apollonia – Shepherd Questline)
- Hunting the Werewolf (Semine – Shepherd Questline)
- Demons of Trosky (Trosky Castle) – HIGHLY MISSABLE
- Pilgrimage (Trosky Castle)
- The Lion’s Crest (*Pre-Order DLC)
Kuttenberg Region – Side Quests
- Yackers ‘n’ Fash (Kuttenberg City) –
Under a Brown Flag
- Striped Tonies (Kuttenberg City) –
Under a Brown Flag
- A Good Scrub (Kuttenberg City)
- Ill Repute (Kuttenberg City)
- Feast for the Poor (Kuttenberg City)
- The Spark –
Remember, Remember…
- In Vino Veritas (Kuttenberg City)
- Ars Dimicatoria (Kuttenberg City)
- Kuttenberg Tournament (Kuttenberg City)
- Lost Honour (Wilderness) –
Master of Masters
- The Mouth of Hell (Old Kutna)
- Thou art but dust… (Sedletz Monastery)
- Spoils of War (Sigismund’s Camp)
- Hush, My Darling… (Miskowitz) –
Henry the Matchmaker
- All’s fair… (Wysoka)
- Bellatores (Bylany)
- Dragon’s Lair (Bylany)
- The Thunderstone (Grund)
- The Magic Arrow (Devil’s Den)
- The Heirloom (Wilderness)
- Ransom (Dänemark)
- Post Scriptum (Kuttenberg City)
- The Fifth Commandment (Kuttenberg City)
Kuttenberg Region – Tasks
- Arrow-head (Wilderness) – HIGHLY MISSABLE
- Popinjay Shoot (Kuttenberg City)
- The Thieves’ Code (Kuttenberg City)
- Beyond the Grave (Kuttenberg City)
- The German’s Treasure (Kuttenberg City)
- Teeth in the Bag (Kuttenberg City)
- More Teeth in a Bag (Kuttenberg City)
- High Toll (Kuttenberg City)
- Warding Off Evil (Kuttenberg City)
- Under the Straw Hat (Kuttenberg City) – HIGHLY MISSABLE
- Mark of the Brotherhood (Kuttenberg City)
- Last Will (Kuttenberg City)
- Master Schindel’s Toys (Kuttenberg City) – HIGHLY MISSABLE
- Rosa’s Book (Kuttenberg City) – HIGHLY MISSABLE
- The Collector (Miskowitz) – MISSABLE
- Enough! (Miskowitz)
- Fight Dirty (Hroschan)
- A Moment of Fame (Hroschan)
- X Marks the Spot (Pschitoky)
- Tragedy in Danemark (Dänemark) – HIGHLY MISSABLE
- Hammer and Tongs (Grund)
- The White Roebuck (Suchdol)
- Primum Nil Nocere (Suchdol)
- The Reliquary (Wilderness)
- The Stalker (Sigismund’s Camp) – HIGHLY MISSABLE
- Absolver (Sigismund’s Camp)
- Nail in the Coffin (Kuttenberg Region)
- Skeleton in the Closet (Ruins of Zimburg)
- Like Old Times (Devil’s Den) – HIGHLY MISSABLE
- Civic Duty (Kuttenberg City)
- Damsel in Distress (Wilderness)
- The Peasants’ Revolt (Wilderness)
- Something rotten… (Grund)
- Seeking Justice (Suchdol) – HIGHLY MISSABLE
- Attila (Maleshov) – MISSABLE
- Victimised (Pschitoky)
For all other game info refer to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Wiki.
Keith says
“A Sinful Soul”
A task in the Trosky region during “The Hermit” questline. It’s started by doing the optional objective and talking to Margaret in the graveyard afterwards.
Col says
Sinful soul – widow Margaret
Handsome Charlie
Johnny the gob – x4 Gules
They side tasks all seem missable if you ended up doing millers path you can’t do The jaunt side quest which introduces you to Gules
The sinful soul isn’t accessible if you skip an optional step on the side quest ‘the hermit’
Kiwigamr says
Is sheep among wolves possible when going for the lent trophy? Been here wondering for ages because if I don’t do these quests I might need a 2nd playthrough
Marlon says
Im stuck dont know if the millers path locked me out on those 4 quests of gules and if im still Able to get the almost done everything trophy anybody already find out?
PowerPyx says
The 4 tasks from Gules require you to have done “The Jaunt” before the wedding (Canker, Casper, Handsome Charlie, Johnny the Gob). He’s only at Semine after The Jaunt. I tried finding Gules in the camp in Apollonia but he doesn’t spawn there outside of that quest.
It absolutely doesn’t matter for the trophy, there are many more quests than you need.
dobisskill says
Kuttenberg Task
Got it when fast travelling from close to Old Kutna to Devil’s Den, Prompt mentions someone sleeping at the side of the road. The task is simply helping the NPC carry a sack to their camp.
TheJoschka says
Seeking Justice
A few days after you complete „All fair…“ you can help Captain Frenzl to look for the thief from Wyoska (Pavel)
Tiago says
arrow head is a task on 2map found in a road traveling “sleeping man”
Col says
‘Damsel in distress’ task little north east(follow river to small farm) of Old Lhorta requires you to lock pick/find the key to a shed to let a woman out that says she’s kidnapped but apparently she was a thief and you have to pay for what she stole or pass a skill check and that’s the quest complete
Col says
‘Like Old Times’ Task given by Hans capon in the devils den during The lions den main quest – not done it yet but it mentioned something about going poaching so might need to kill animals which will void Lent for those going for it so I’ll be cautious whilst I try finish it
Col says
I’m on main mission 22 & have completed altogether only 99 between main missions side quests and tasks & ‘Been there done that’ popped for me so make of that as you will instead of the speculated 112 as stated before
PowerPyx says
That’s very interesting it popped for you so early.
I wonder now if the trophy disregards main quest progression entirely, and only counts side content specifically.
Because when we popped the trophy it was post-story when cleaning up side content in Trosky so main quests had already been done and we counted them towards our total.
There’s also a chance the game weighs side quests and tasks differently towards completion, unfortunately there’s no progress tracker in-game so it’s hard to tell.
Could use more confirmation by other players at how many total quests it popped exactly to narrow down the range of required quest amounts.
Seems like you have a lot of wiggle room with missing out on quite a lot of quests and still get it.
dobisskill says
I also happened to be on main quest 22 and it popped for me at 99 completed too
Willant says
Got a random encounter (ambush) NW of Danemark (half way to Kuttenberg), and there was a NPC named Jan of Suchotlesky injured by the river. I had to fix him up and it lead to a quest named “Ransom”.
Jacob says
“Ransom” started for me by finding Jan of Suchotlesky injured in the Lodgings directly west of Kuttenberg
Skilleto says
Seen on another interactive map. There are 2 missions in Trotsky but doesn’t say how to start them. One is Magic Horseshoes and on is Quarrel of the horse dealers. They both involve the Nomads but no idea if they are only active once you go to kuttenberg and come back.
Rasfisch says
The Collector is in fact missable. You can run into Mathew before getting the task, and it will not allow you to start the task afterwards.
PowerPyx says
Walkthroughs for all known side quests/tasks are now done.
– Linked everything in chronological unlock order in the Main Walkthrough Hub
– Linked all side content in the Main Quest pages when it becomes available
Now it’s as easy to follow as can be 🙂
Two tasks still unknown how to trigger (if they actually exist):
– Magic Horseshoes
– Quarrel of the horse dealers
If anyone can confirm these exist and how to trigger them that’d be helpful, we’re still trying around with it. There may be a few more hidden/missable tasks, if you find anything not yet listed leave a comment with the starting location and what main quest you’re at and we’ll add it asap.
Marlon says
I found task attila left of Maleshov quest tipper was in maleshov saving a horse
PowerPyx says
Added, thank you!
Marlon says
Mine popped also at 100 quest been there done that woow now finishing the story and smashing the Platinum im at main quest 19
Dolas says
At 99 popped to me, after quest 17!! Lets do it!!
Dolas says
Finded a quest named victimised, south of pschitoky, some days after completing damsel in distress, i found margaret who we rescue in that quest!!
Victor says
I came across another side quest – “Victimised”. After completing the task “Damsel in Distress” I found the same girl, Margaret, at the inn west of Kuttenberg. Together you have to blackmail the tailor Latsek. It was after I completed the main mission Dancing with the Devil.
PowerPyx says
Thank you, confirmed and added it now!
dEstiny says
Hi, I missed one side Q and it’s this one, otherwise I’ll have all the others. Do you think it doesn’t matter about the trophy? Thank you
Mice (Tachov) – trophy Truce
Dom says
Spoils of war is missable. If you speak to complete all the other quests in camp then leave the raid happens anyway and the town is burnt.
seb says
Shouldn’t be “Like Old Times” done before “The Stalker”? Since “Like Old Times” is only available at the beginning of “The Lion’s Den” and “The Stalker could only be done mid-quest.
Greg says
Contributing my stats for “Been there done that” trophy:
quest completed = 104
quest failed = 1 (Mice)
quest missed = 1 (arrow head)
main quest = at main quest 18 (taking french leave) – not yet finish
Andy says
My achivement popped just as Quests completed under Statistics reached 104. I am however at Oratores in the main quest line (main quest 24) so the number 112 dies not seem correct. I am also pretty sure those 104 of mine include completing the tournament in Kuttenberg twice