Village Heart contains 15 Collectible Locations in Kena Bridge of Spirits. This walkthrough will guide you to all the collectibles in Village Heart Region in chronological order. Everything that’s needed for trophies and 100% completion is included. Nothing is missable, everything can be collected after the story.
- 6 Rots
- 3 Hats
- 1 Flower Shrine
- 2 Spirit Mails
- 2 Cursed Chests
- 1 Meditation Spots
This guide is intended for use AFTER the story. During the story some regions can’t be fully explored on first visit and some Rots and Hats are story-related rewards from later on. Nothing is missable, you can return everywhere. After finishing the story you will be put back in the Title Screen and can click Continue to spawn before the final cutscene. From there you can keep searching for Collectibles. After the story you will have all abilities and access to all map areas, so you will be able to reach all Collectibles. On the map there’s a collectible counter for each region that tracks how many collectibles you found of each type, except for Meditation Spots which aren’t tracked.
For all other Regions, see Kena Bridge of Spirits Collectible Guide.
#1 – Spirit Mail 1/1
Our starting point will be where you first enter the Village Heart area, after entering it through the north-west border of the Fields region. You can quickly get here by fast travelling to the Village Heart fast travel point and backtracking a bit to the east. Inside a half-destroyed house is this Spirit Mail.
#2 – Cursed Chest 1/2
In the middle of the bridge, just next to the Spirit Mail. You need to defeat 15 enemies in 1 minute. This is best done on Story Mode difficulty (can change difficulty in game settings). Use simple quick attacks.
#3 – Hat 1/3
From the Cursed Chest, enter the next house on the left (along the path leading west). Inside the house there’s a blue glowing flower grapple point you can shoot with an arrow, then you land in front of a chest with the hat in it.
#4 – Spirit Mail 2/2
Continue on the normal story path until you get to the “Village Heart Entrance” fast travel point. From there, head all the way left to the cliffside. At the cliffs you can head left for a meditation spot, or right for a spirit mail. Take the right path, throw bomb at glowing rocks, this reveals a grapple flower to shoot, then do a double-jump in mid-air to grab the ledges, pull yourself up, on top you find another wall to bomb, behind it is the spirit mail.
#5 – Meditation Spot 1/1
Same cliffside area as above, but this time take the left path (shoot glowing rocks with bomb to jump across the gap).
#6 – Rot 1/6
Enter the cave area of Village Heart (normal story path). When you first swim in water, there will be some blue glowing stones you can bomb. Instead of throwing a bomb, stand on those stones and grapple to a blue grappling flower, then in mid-air aim your bow to slow down time and shoot another grappling flower at the end of the water area. This will drop you off in front of a Rot (purple glow on ground), press to reveal it.
#7+#8 – Cursed Chest 2/2 + Hat 2/3
Still in the water area, backtrack to the blue glowing stones from where you shot the grappling flower. Then jump over to the ledges and climb up, then in the corner you find a Cursed Chest. It requires you to defeat a Wood Knight (can lower difficulty to Story Mode if you need). The Cursed Chest also contains the Hat.
#9 – Rot 2/6
From the last collectible, continue on the normal story path. About 1 minute later, in the next cavern that has blue glowing (bombable) rocks, you can find this Rot on the left after climbing to the very top, must press to reveal it (bomb the platforms and shoot the crystal on middle platform to raise it, then shoot crystal on a small platform to jump to the climbable ledges, then the rot is left after pulling up the ledges).
#10 – Flower Shrine 1/1
From the above Rot, it’s in the next room. Use the tear drop in the middle of the room to summon your spirit and lead it over to the left to attack the shrine with it.
#11 – Hat 3/3
Continue on the linear story path until you get to the “Village Heart Room” fast travel point, the room with the big corruption that’s shooting fire waves at you. After destroying the big corruption at the end of the area (story objective), you can enter the water in this room and swim to the left to enter a small cavern with a Hat in a Chest and a Rot to the left of the Chest. This is basically underneath where the big Village Heart corruption was.
#12 – Rot 3/6
Same location as the hat, left of the Chest.
#13-#15 – Rot 4-6/6
3 Rots are an automatic story reward, after having destroyed the Village Heart corruption there will be a short cutscene with an elevator lowering and then you get 3 Rots automatically, unmissable.
That’s 100% of the collectibles you can find in Village Heart area in Kena Bridge of Spirits.
For all other Regions, see Kena Bridge of Spirits Collectible Guide.
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