This Judgment (Judge Eyes) walkthrough will guide you through all the main choices and investigations of Chapter 10 for 100% completion.
Chapter 10 Choices
Drone Search Mission: Search Mode – “Infiltrate the Matsugane Family Office”
Right from the start of the chapter you’ll be using the drone to spy in the Matsugane Office building. Fly over to the second story window were you can see the guys and examine it to continue (there is no cat in this area).
You and Kaito will head out of the van to tail Higashi as he leaves the office. This is the first tailing spot in the game that actually requires moderate effort to complete, as Highasi has multiple other people with him who will stop and look around as you’re going. Off the bat your best bet is to stay on the opposite side of the street, this keeps the group more in view around the buildings and there’s more spots to hide. Move forward to the white truck and hide behind it, then wait for the one guy to stop ogling the girl and then move back toward the group. You should have a red spot marked ahead that you move to to progress more. The guy might stop and turn around again at one point before he gets back to the group, so don’t move ahead too quickly behind him or you’ll get stuck in the middle of the road.
One of the guys disappears, so one less to worry about. The squad heads down into the Millenium Tower lower floor, and they spread out while Highashi starts talking on the phone. What you want to do here is move to the second pillar forward from the door to keep Higashi in view. The other two guys will wander around the area a bit but won’t spot you when you’re standing in this spot, so just keep Highashi in view so you don’t lose track of him.
After he’s done on the phone the group will wander out the opposite side of the lobby, follow them up the stairs then hide in the marked spot while Higashi is in the smoking area. The gang will head outside on the door opposite side of the smoking room, to where you should just go sit in the hiding spot at the nearby plant, as the game will want you to be there once they get outside the building. Another guy will leave and you can continue following. Next bit don’t go too far forward, the one guy will stop near the group of guys by the car while Higashi walks ahead, then Higashi will come back and get him. You can go hide inside the restaurant while this happens, just make sure Higashi can’t see you through the windows. Continue forward a little more hiding behind one of the plethora of objects, then move to the final spot to end the tail.
Higashi doesn’t even wait until you say a word then makes a run for it, and you have to chase him down. He tells you that all the family members have orders to contact Hamura if they see Yagami or Kaito, so the plan is to basically be seen so that you can bait them out. Basically just walk around, buy some stuff, do what Kaito suggests. After a bit he’ll suggest you try getting drunk, and then you need to head over to Tender.
You’ll talk to Mari in the bar, and this is where you actually gain her as a friend. She makes a bet with you about how many drinks the other guy in the bar can have before going to the bathroom again.
Active Search: When Will the Man Use the Restroom? – “Observe the man”
You can observe the man’s shoulder and face for some extra SP, but what you actually want to do is look at his drink. When done, Mari will ask what your bet is, and you should select:
He’ll go after two more drinks.
If you pick the other option you’re both wrong, so you don’t specifically lose here. Once you’re done you gain half of Mari’s friend level, then leave Tender. Kaito gives you some grief, then suggests heading over to one of the Matsugane clubs which gets marked on the map for you. There are some Matsugane thugs outside messing with the owners, and you promptly beat them up. Yagami comes up with the idea to trying hitting the other Matsugane clubs as well to draw as much attention as possible, and you’ll have three marked on your map to go introduce yourself at. Once you’ve been to all three go for a bit more of a walk, and Kaito will suggest heading over to the Champion District as it’s less crowded. You’ll get jumped by a group of guys, but they’re relatively easy to take out. After they all go down you’ll have to chase the last guy to get info from him about Hamura.
After a bit of story stuff, you and Suguira head over to the Soleil Building to try and find Hamura. If you don’t want to go in immediately you can tell him you aren’t ready yet and can go around and do side stuff, but if you are let him know and you’ll bust your way in.
First room you go into your friend with the cane will be back (though this time he’s only wielding a knife). Once you take him out he’ll leave, and the 4 grunts will get back up and you have to knock them out again. Once you beat them and head into the next room he’ll be waiting, this time wielding a large bladed staff. Beat him again and he drops his staff and runs away some more.
Head up the stairs, and in the next room you’ll be introduced to the light gimmick here. Hit the green switch on the floor to turn on the lights, then pick the lock on the door in the minute timer. Next room there is a guy with a gun at the far end that you should get to quick if you can, then knock out the rest. Head up to the third floor.
Cane Man buggers off again, leaving some grunts to try and deal with you (poorly). Next room he’s fighting again, but this time his cane is a shotgun. It doesn’t do a huge amount of damage if you get hit, but each hit does mortal damage so try and keep him visible at all times so you can avoid the gunshots. This is a good spot to use EX boost on him if you have it so you can swing through his mortal attacks and get him down quick, then make use of any EX bar items and medkits to heal mortal wounds before heading up to the fourth floor.
This room has the lights turned off again, but there are actually guys up here. Gets the lights on right when you come in so you can actually fight them, then head up the stairs to the next floor. Another short one, turn the lights on and head through the gaps in the boxes to get to the enemies at the end, then head up to the next floor. There’s a medical kit at the top of the stairs, and it’d be highly recommended that you use it now if you have a large amount of mortal damage.
Three more guys, then one more lock to pick. You then come to the last room where you fight Cane Man, and Suguira will get grabbed and pulled out so you have to do it alone. Try to quickly turn the lights on at the back of the room under the pile of chairs, and be aware Cane Man will immediately start doing mortal attacks on you. You can make good use of all the furniture in this room, as it will stun him more and the EX attacks using it do a lot of damage. Once you get him about halfway through his yellow health bar he’ll pull out his classic sword and try hitting you with mortal attacks immediately with it. You can’t block his sword attacks, so your best bet is still swinging at him with furniture. You can use the EX attack to override his mortal attack windup, and your normal furniture swings will stagger him after one hit most times. Once he’s knocked out he stays down for good, and you can head to the next room.
In this final room you have to fight Hamura. He only has 3 health bars, but you can’t lean on furniture like in the prior room. If you took a lot of mortal damage before you can use a med kit from your inventory during the fight, which is useful. Hamura isn’t too hard here, he’s fairly slow and staggers easy if you use charged Tiger attacks. Once you get him about halfway through his yellow health bar he’ll initiate a quicktime where you have to press to block an attack, then will start using mortal attacks on you. He only does a single strong punch when doing it, so just try and back away quick then hit him hard after. Once he’s defeated you’ll get a big story dump, and the chapter will end.
This concludes all investigations and main choices in Chapter 10 of Judgment.
For all other chapter Walkthroughs, check out the complete Judgment Story Walkthrough.
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