This Judgment (Judge Eyes) walkthrough will guide you through all the main choices of Chapter 1 for 100% completion.
For this and all following chapters there are a few general assumptions that will be made from the start, so certain things won’t be mentioned after the first time. I will assume that you are purchasing the “Key to Success” skill very early, so correct keys will only be mentioned the first time they need to be used. I would highly recommend buying the “Detective’s Hunch” skill as soon as you can, as this makes dealing with the investigation sections much easier. Same for the three “Photo Op” skills which make the sections that require taking photos easier.
Chapter 1 Choices
When the game starts out you’ll be first put in a short tutorial about the combat basics. Finish each prompt then defeat the group of thugs to continue. After that you’ll have to head over to Pink Street to the marked location to look for the detective. You’ll be put into your first investigation section where you have to spot him from the similar looking people. To your left, he’ll be the guy standing talking to the man in the brown jacket who’s facing away from you.
You’re then introduced to the tailing mechanic, and have to follow him to his destination without being spotted. Once he reaches his destination you’ll be stopped and have another investigation instance, where you’ll have your first cat to spot.
2nd Active Search: “Locate your drone”
Cat will be practically right in front of you, facing the wall on top of the Air Con unit
After you spot the cat look directly up above the alley, where you should see 4 blue lights, which are your drone hovering in the air. You’ll then have to head into the alley to interrupt the detective in his talks with the bookie, where he’ll then try to run away. This then introduces you to the chase mechanic where you sprint after someone, avoiding obstacles to catch up with them, then grabbing them by pressing . The final thing you need to do is beat him up to get the money back, after which you’ll be done this tutorial section and earn the first trophy of the game.
After the credits you’ll be in your office with Kaito, then need to head over to Genda Law Office to see if you can pick up any work. First you have to head over to the marked Poppo store to buy a gift for him though, so make your way to the marked location and buy the only available item. Once you go back outside you’ll be attacked by some thugs, and the game will prompt you to try out the Wall Jump attack, then you can defeat the group. After a short talk with Captain Hamura you’ll be able to fulling move around Kamurocho if you wish, or head over to the Law Office to continue the story.
Head inside and speak to Genda to ask about work, which he won’t have anything pressing yet. You’ll then be tasked with heading over to Bar Tender, which is another of the main locations you interact with your friends during the story. When inside you’ll speak to Shintani, and have your first instance of dialogue choices with a “correct” order. Aside from mentioned locations for trophies these aren’t required that you get them in the correct order, but you get bonus SP when you do so if you’re following along it’s better to pick the correct choices for the extra early SP.
Correct Choices:
“Why did the police arrest Hamura?”
“What has Hamura said about it?”
On the way out the owner mentions he has some work for you, but to come back later once you’re finished what you’re doing now (you’ll be prompted to during the story later). Head over to one of the taxi locations now and choose to head to the Police HQ where you’ll go to speak to Hamura about his arrest.
Talking to Hamura
Correct Choices:
“Arguing with Kume”
“About the Victim”
“About the Alibi”
Once you’re back in Kamurocho you’ll have to head over to Sauna Goten to talk to someone there about the possibility of there being any tapes or people who saw what happened. Speak to the man in the orange uniform, who won’t have much info for you. Next you should head around the corner towards the Kyushu No. 1 Star restuarant, where you should see a man in a brown coat with glasses by the corner of the building. Speak to him and he tells you about the host that Hamura got in an altercation with. After that speak to the woman in the pink jacket and the guy in red who don’t know anything. After that you have to head back to your office to end the day.
The next morning you’ll have to head to Cafe Mijore to speak to Shintani again, who tells you about Club Amour. Head over there next to find out some more info about the case. Once outside you’ll enter an Investigation to look for the club’s security camera, but first you should find the cat in this area.
3rd Active Search: Outside club Amour “Find the Security Camera”
Turn around from where you start, cat is in a doorway to the left right near the barrier keeping you in this area.
After spotting the cat go back in front of the club, then look at the buildings on the opposite side of the street. The camera will be just up and left of the “Girls Bar Raspberry Sunshine” sign. Once you do head into the club to speak to the worker, then go out the back to the alleyway. You’ll then need to head over to the Mantai Internet Cafe to meet Tsukumo, where the game will introduce you to the Chatter search which you’ll use at a few points later in the game. He finds the potential location of the owner of the club, which you should head over to. You should see a man in a red hat on the side of the road, speak to him and he’ll tell you the owner went over to Taihei Blvd, and you’ll have another location marked on your map to head to. He’ll want you to show him evidence of what went on, and you should show him the following:
Security Footage: Outside Club Amour 10 PM
You’ll head back to the club, and should pick the following choices:
“About the security camera out back”
“About the violence in the club”
You’ll then have to head out and Kaito will call you once you’re outside and ask you to come back over to the office. There you’ll be introduced to Mafuyu, followed by some important police figures once you head outside. After that’s done you’ll get a text from Tsukumo asking you to do him a favor and pick up a figure for him, which will be your introduction to the friendship mechanics that the game has. Head over to Ebisu pawn, which will be marked on your map, and purchase the Love Star Figure. After you do you need to head back over to the Internet Cafe to give it to Tsukumo, which will raise his friendship to maximum. You’ll then have access to a number of friends around Kamurcho that you can interact with and raise their friendship level by interacting with them. To progress the story though you’ll have to head over to Genda again to speak to Shintani. You’ll be tasked with looking at a photo of the murder victim, and you should choose the following spots to look at:
Quick Search: Dead Body Photo Investigation
Ground just left of his lower knee
Garbage bag right on the right side of the image
Leg just by bottom left edge of jacket
After going over the facts you’ll be back outside, and need to head over to the Matsugane Family Office. After the cutscenes inside you’ll get a call from Kaito, who asks you to head over to KJ Art to meet him. Once outside he’ll give you a call, asking you to look to the right of the building to find him. Before you spot him though you should find the next cat.
4th Active Search: Outside KJ Art “Look for Kaito”
Turn back around to where the KJ Art door is, cat is sitting on top of a vending machine
After spotting the cat you can turn back to the right, looking up the where he’s standing at the top of the building
You can head up the stairs to get to him, or the shorter way up the ladder on the left side of the building. Speak to him on the roof, and you’ll then be introduced to the drone flying mechanics. Before you do anything there is a cat and a man you want to spot.
1st Drone Search: After meeting with Kaito outside KJ Art “Use the drone to find Murase”
Top corner of the KJ Art building, sitting on the ledge
After you spot the cat move down two floors, you should see a man sitting in a chair reading a magazine. You need to spot him here to cause a Skill Book to spawn in this room later that you can pick up. After that you can finally move to the right of this room, where you should see Murase kicking a guy on the ground
After you spot him there and he walks away, fly up one floor and he’ll be in the fancy room in the corner (he takes a second to walk up there). You’ll be back on the roof with Kaito, and should pick the option “Put on a Disguise” as the way to get inside the building. You first need to go over to the side of the building to destroy the heating unit so that there is something for a repair man to come fix. You’ll be introduced to lockpicking here, which you need to do to get inside the gate. Once you’re in interact with the AC unit to destroy it, then head over to Don Quixote to buy a disguise. Once you’ve purchased it head back over to the roof where Kaito is waiting. Make a save before speaking to him, because you cannot save at all until you finish the next section.
Speak to him and the game will prompt you to put on the disguise you purchased, then head down to the front door of the building. Talk to the lady inside at the front desk, then head in the room to the left.
Active Search: ‘Turn on the room lights”
Before doing anything look to the left out the window, there is a cat is just outside the building door
To progress, check immediate left beside the door you came in, where light switches typically are.
Then, check the desk on the left for the blueprints.
Next you can look at the note on the desk in the middle for extra SP, then zoom in on the safe keypad on the left to acknowledge you need a code for it.
There’s three sticky notes around the room, two on the server racks then on in the laptop in the middle. The one on the laptop gets you into the safe, the code is 5038. You should also spot the note on the left side of the server rack, 8919, as this is used to get into the room on the third floor.
Enter the code into the safe to get a key, then head back out to the main area. Go out the door to your left so that you end up outside. After inspecting the unit you destroyed before you’ll be stopped by a man who brings you upstairs to fix a different unit. You’ll have to hit during a quicktime to fix it, then can exit this room. You’ll be stopped by another man, and should select the option “I’m from a different company…” to avoid a fight with him and the other guys in the room. Head upstairs to the next floor.
On the next floor when you are ready to progress more interact with the marked door and the game will introduce you to the key selecting mechanic. Press to use the correct key, then head upstairs again and pick the lock on the door.
On this floor you want to head around the corner to the door with the keypad, then enter 8919 to enter the room. On the floor here you’ll find the Rush Training skill book, which appears here because you spotted the guy with the drone earlier. Leave this room then head out the window to the right and up to the roof. Move along the outside, then after you hop over the fence you’ll have to deal with a large group of enemies. Once they’re dealt with go down the fire escape ladder and enter the building again, then head through the large door to the office.
This will be your first main boss fight of the game against Murase. At the start he is like a normal enemy, but once you get him down about halfway you’ll enter a quicktime where you must press to avoid an attack from him. He’ll then pick up a wooden sword from the wall, and the game will introduce you to the Mortal Wound and Deadly Attack mechanics, followed by the EX Boost mechanic. Murase will immediately come at you with a 4 swing Deadly Attack combo, which you should try very hard to avoid. You can then use the rest of the room to your advantage to take him out. Weapons work well due to their abundance, and you can use the EX Attack of a weapon to interrupt his Deadly Attacks if you have meter available for it. Once he’s down you’ll have to show him some evidence, select the following options:
Kume’s Autopsy Report
Select the ground between his knee and hand to show lack of blood
After the following scenes you’ll be back on the rooftop with Kaito, and be tasked with heading back to the Detective Agency to end the day. This time your office will be locked, press to use that key to open the door. The next day head over the Genda Law Office to speak with Shintani again about what you found out.
Speak to Shintana, then afterword speak to Saori. You’ll have to then go do something while waiting for Shintana to call you, so you can use this opportunity to go around and make some friends or something like that. He’ll call you evntually, then you’ll have to take a taxi over to the Police Station again to speak again with Hamura. Once you’re back you’re tasked with heading over to Tender to speak to someone about some information potentially related to the case. You then need to head over to Stardust to find the host that Hamura apparently assaulted the night of the murder.
Speak to the main outside and he’ll tell you Seiya is out in a date. You’ll call Tsukumo to have him search chatter, and select the word “Date” to give him. You’ll get three locations marked on your map, head to each one and speak to a girl in each spot. After those three you’ll get a fourth marked, which you can head to to finally find Seiya.
You’ll next be tasked with heading to Kyushu No. 1 Star to find the security camera there.
6th Active Search: Outside Kyushu No. 1 Sushi “Find the security camera”
First find the last cat for this chapter, it’s at the South end of the Alley, just outside the boundary for where you can walk
Then look for the camera, it’s just North of the storefront on the opposite wall
After you spot it you’ll be attacked by Murase with a large group of enemies, but Kaito will come along to help. Murase has a real sword this time from the start of the fight, so you’ll want to avoid his swings as much as you can as you typically can’t block edged weapons. Midway he’ll do the same thing and attack you in a quicktime, and you’ll have to hit two times to avoid his attacks. After that he starts doing deadly attacks and launches into the 4 swing combo again that you should avoid. Once he and all the goons are defeated you’ll have a whole bunch of story stuff to go through, then end up back in Kamurocho and need to go to KJ Art again.
Head up to the roof where you were with Kaito before, and you’ll hatch a plan to get inside. Kaito tosses a sign through the front door to bring some guys out the front, then you’ll go in the fire escape side again. To get into the building proper the game will introduce the Thumb Turn Bypass lock picking mechanic to you. Inside head upstairs, and you’ll be stopped by a man who you have to fight. After that head up the fire escape to the next floor and pick the lock.
Inside you’ll be attacked by a man with a sword, and have to press in a quicktime to avoid it. After that you’ll have to fight the group of 4 guys on this floor. After they’re defeated go check the room in the corner, where you’ll have to fight another two guys. You’ll come back out and question one of the guys before, select the following two options.
“Where’s the girl?”
“What’s the code for the door?”
Head up to the next floor, then use 1370 on the door to get inside. You’ll have to fight a group of 4 guys to rescue the girl, then you’ll have some more story and the chapter will end.
This concludes all investigations and main choices in Chapter 1 of Judgment.
For all other chapter Walkthroughs, check out the complete Judgment Story Walkthrough.
J says
Picked I’m from another company and avoided the fight when got questioned about where the normal repair guy was
Twothumbedfist says
For the last dialogue option in KJ I asked “where’s the girl” and “what’s the code” for both stars.
Ghost_1824 says
Hey, there’s a TON of stuff that you can find (apart from just the cat) before you go to Kaito for the first time on the roof near the KJ Art building.
In addition to the cat, I’m pretty sure that there’s AT LEAST an office woman being harassed by a man in front of pne of the windows inside the building that Kaito is on, and there is at LEAST one more guy in another window in the same building. There is ALSO a smoking woman on the rooftops of one of the buildings behind you from that position when facing Kaito (on top of the KJ Art building that he is staking out).
In addition, if you managed to find the smoking woman, on the rooftops, when you go in for the KJ building to fix the heating on the ground floor (when you wear the disguise), when you get inside the safe room, in addition to the cat there will ALSO be a SECOND SECRET in the safe room detective detective segment where you can view the receptionist that you talked to in order to gain access to the room, and you will realize that she was the same smoking woman from the roof.
Cool huh?! I’m pretty sure that if there was this much in a single detectivesegment that we managed to miss, then there must be a TON of other stuff that we may have missed. It may be worth going through the detective segments again and screening them THOROUGHLY to see what else we might have missed! lol