Are you wondering whether Nioh 2 is harder or easier than Nioh 1?
The answer: Nioh 2 is definitely easier than Nioh 1.
There are a few reasons for this which we’ll break down in more detail below and compare Nioh 2 difficulty against Nioh 1 difficulty.
Why Nioh 2 is easier:
- Nioh 2 lets you summon AI partners from blue graves. These fight alongside you and draw the attention of enemies and bosses.
- A lot more missions feature AI partners by default and those can never die. In the original Nioh you had to play a lot more on your own without having AI to help you out. Now you can let the AI take all the damage while you lean back and attack from behind without risk.
- Bosses’ Ki (Stamina) is easier to drain now / drains faster. With most Yokai (Monster) bosses their Ki barely recharges. Monster Bosses now go into a “Yokai Realm” multiple times throughout the fight and during this time their Ki is more easy to drain. Draining their Ki leaves them completely unable to attack while you land hits on them. Meaning you can do a lot more damage without any risk.
- Bosses do less damage. Meaning you can take a lot more hits (there are exceptions to this – the early bosses still hit hard but many do less damage than the average non-boss enemy, e.g. “Kamaitachi” or “Azai Nagamasa”).
- Boss attack patterns are a bit easier to predict. They are slower and don’t jump around as much as many of the Nioh 1 bosses. For 90% of fights you can simply run sideways to evade all attacks, do a single high-stance
counter-attack after they miss and repeat.
- Burst Counters (pressing
while enemies do red charged attacks) lets you stun them instantly. While this new mechanic takes some practice to get the timing right, once you learn how to do it, it makes fights a lot easier. You could exploit just those Burst Counters against some bosses. This new mechanic is completely optional too, you can also outrun or block all attacks if you have trouble with the timing.
- Without farming anything you are usually 10-20 levels above mission requirement all the way throughout the game. In Nioh 1 I had to farm Amrita (XP) for hours to stay sufficiently leveled. This time leveling is much faster and no farming is necessary. Being constantly above level requirement certainly helps to make things easier.
- A lot of enemies and bosses are copy & paste, so if you played Nioh 1 you will already be familiar with a lot of them.
- More weapons, which means more ways to break the AI.
- More overpowered and game-breaking skills that can easily exploit the AI. For example the High-stance spear skill “Spear Flourish” can stunlock human enemies and bosses for the entirety of the fight, leaving them unable to attack you even once. For most human bosses all I pressed was
in Spear High-Stance and the enemy was unable to move or attack (see video example).
- Fewer traps in the game environments (in first Nioh you had lots of enemies standing behind corners or bats flying at you from cave openings and pushing you down cliffs – some jumpscares are still there but far fewer).
- No insanely overpowered double bosses like Nioh 1 had. There are some double bosses but their health and damage is that of level 1 enemies. By the time you encounter them you’ll be level 100 or so, so they hardly do any damage and are quite slow and easy to separate. In fact, a lot of bosses are 2v1 in your favor (an AI partner that cannot die fighting for you).
- Shrines are closer to the bosses in Nioh 2. While this in itself does not make the bosses easier, it allows you to retry them more quickly and waste less time walking.
- The developers have confirmed after feedback from the Alpha and Beta that they have downgraded the difficulty of Nioh 2.
Personally, I did most bosses in Nioh 2 first try without any trouble. The most tries a boss took me was 5 and I did everything 100% solo without even summoning AI partners from blue graves. In Nioh 1 some bosses took me dozens of tries and hours to beat. Nothing like that is even remotely the case with Nioh 2.
How does Nioh 2 difficulty compare to Nioh 1?:
- For new players who played neither game before, I would rate Nioh 1 difficulty 7/10 and Nioh 2 difficulty 5.5/10 as an average for the entirety of the game. New players to this genre who never ever played any other “Dark Souls-like” game will probably find it to be a challenging 9/10 for the first 2 bosses and the difficulty goes down as you get more familiar with the combat (it gets progressively easier the further you get).
- For Nioh 1 veterans who are experienced with the game mechanics I would rate Nioh 2 a 4/10.
That’s not to say there isn’t still plenty of challenge. The new enemies are punishing on first encounters and you will suffer some deaths by them until you’ve memorized their move sets. The bosses still require good reflexes, but if you played Nioh 1 you’ll find the bosses much easier in comparison, for the above-mentioned reasons.
The above is based on 200 hours+ of playtime with either game, having cleared all missions in either game 100% Solo, and having also played through New Game+.
What is your difficulty rating of Nioh 2 after having beaten it? Did you find it easier too? Which bosses did you find the hardest? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.
More Nioh 2 Guides:
- Nioh 2 Wiki & Strategy Guide
- Nioh 2 Boss Guide (All Bosses)
- Nioh 2 Walkthrough
- Nioh 2 All Kodama Locations
Goran says
Aproximate time to platinum? Thanks!
(SiC) says
I’m sad. x(
The last demo was waaay easier than the others, so i’m not a surprised.
PhantomFear94 says
This is surprising! I’m not very good at Souls-esque games, but I always appreciate them and admire people who are good at them . I am a ‘completionist’ who likes to go through as many upcoming AAA and indie releases as possible, so I never really dedicated the time neccesary to master these games and learn the mechanics, which appears critical.
I love the aesthetic of games like Nioh/the upcoming Ghost of Tsushima, so this games intruiges me. Nioh 2 sounds attractive to me because it could be an easier introduction into the series as a whole, and could possibly be a stepping stone into some of the more typical ‘difficult’ games. Your thoughts give me that impression, anyway. This also doesn’t seem an over-nerfing situation, as your analaysis seem to indicate that a lot of this is indicative of design and mechanics rather than just ‘bosses have less moves’ (although that’s also the case).
Wonder if people think Nioh 2 wil have its difficulty tweaked in post-game patches or DLC content? For the game to be so much easier seems a strange decision, as its what so many people liked about Nioh 1, at least amongst my friends. Not complaining though.
PhantomFear94 says
By series, I mean backtracking to Nioh 1 – appreciate Nioh and Dark Souls/ Bloodborne/ Sekiro etc. are not connecting in any way lol.
Asgurd von unterwald says
People like you are part of the problem, not complaining about an easier entry is why team ninja moves from a niche product to mainstream BS
EDUB says
I remember the blob boss in the first game giving me a lot of trouble for whatever reason.
SlimWisk says
That thing destroyed me over and over again and then I thought it would be a good idea to try the Twilight mission with him…
pksTOXIC says
Are there dumb twilight missions in this one?
Wayne says
This is disappointing to hear. At times, Nioh one made me wonder how long my TV will last until i threw a controller through it. However, it was also the same element of the game I loved. Oh well I’ll still give it a chance.
Aizaz Izzat says
I’ve finished nioh 1 twice but I remember having a lot of trouble with the bosses in the demo that came out before the recent one so I don’t know how it’s been tweaked
PowerPyx says
The devs made it significantly easier after player feedback. People were complaining it was too hard. Hence, final game is much easier than Alpha or Beta.
Nicholas says
Hi Power, I am planning to get Nioh 1 to replay it again before getting Nioh2. Would you suggest to get complete edition that comes with DLC? I heard the DLC is good but super hard.
Please advice.
PowerPyx says
If you want to play the DLC anyway then yes go for the complete edition. It’s cheaper than buying the DLC separately 🙂
Enjoy both games – both are fantastic!
Gd says
I read this got excited as i loved 1 but it was hard 4 me. Been playing a few hours 2 is way harder so far unless i use blue phantoms.
SlimWisk says
Yep. I also feel that Nioh 2 is way harder if you’re playing solo. I completed all Nioh 1 had to offer as well.
Bob says
I agree 100%!!! I am getting wrecked and do not remember dieing this much in 1. In my opinion unless you have just recently finished 1 and going into the game already tuned up from the mechanics then 2 is harder. For players that haven’t played nioh since it came out it, nioh 2 will surely bring you to your knees. And I have been on a souls binge just recently finishing Bloodborne and DS3 again. Which was a few years since playing both and didn’t think it was this hard.
March says
really? cause i’m finding it harder than the first game. more BS game mechanics and move sets.
PowerPyx says
It’s only the first 2 boss fights (which are comparable to Onryoki in Nioh 1 in terms of difficulty), after that the difficulty goes down fast.
Adrian Lo says
First 2 boss is easy. Yatsu no kami made me retry for 2 hours. Maybe i was underleveled
PowerPyx says
For Yatsu you need to drain the poison pools first, then he’s easy.
Ecchiboi says
Already 200 hours… how is that possible!! Did you even went outside bro? Not hating just makes me wonder how can someone possibly spend so much time in a small time margin. One thing i wanted to know is the game just as repetetive late game as nioh 1 or less? I platinumed the game and some levels where just too much of the same also with the enemy variety. Those 2 points made it that darksouls franchise is bit better. Not sekiro btw:p that game is nothing compared to nioh even tough the level design was very nice.
PowerPyx says
I’ve had the game for weeks so I had plenty of time to spend with it.
And I’ve also been playing the *don’t get Corona Virus* game, so not going outside seems like a safe option right about now :p
It does get mildly repetitive at the end with repeated enemies, but I never found it annoying. Because you encounter them in a mix with different enemies and in different numbers it still requires some adjusting to each situation.
Pavel says
My opinion on sekiro is it is way nicer, polished an Fair than nioh. No bs homing attacks and strange hitboxes. I fo from DS background and I say nioh bosses are really cheap and doing same stuff all the time. No interesting moves in the end. Also repearing same look enemies rhrough the whole game is just boring and lazy. Even small variation in look might be nice. Ordinary soldier still kicking you at the end of the game, where you are 100lv more and using highly polished gear…
To make it short, when you say DS and Sekiro, I see games harder but more fair and polished. I enjoyed nioh in my 10-20 hours but now it is kinda boring to mee…
Jon says
I think you are waaaaaaay over exaggerating the difficulty.. at a difficulty of 5.5/10, that is like saying it is of average difficulty.. implying that a casual could pick this game up and beat it.. I have friends who are only casual gamers and they look in horror at games like this. They watch me play, and if I die like 3 or 4 times to a boss( I don’t on most bosses, but sometimes).. they say stuff like, “Wow, I would just quit” ( I don’t use the blue phantom things though.. cuz if I do, I don’t like how the boss acts.. if he is attacking me, it’s easier for me)
anyways, the point is that 5.5/10 is a bad way to score this..
but your choice in the end..
PowerPyx says
Appreciate the feedback Jon. What’s your difficulty rating?
The Souls-like genre is definitely not for everyone, so it will vary a lot for players across the board.
I gave Nioh 1 a 7/10. Not giving Nioh 2 a lower average difficulty would not be realistic in comparison. The game is easier to beat/complete than Nioh 1 (no crazy double bosses). Remember, you can also overlevel as much as you want, thus you effectively decide the difficulty for yourself. If someone struggles they could just grind out 50 level-ups and blaze through it. So it really depends on how you play it, too.
If you’ve never played a Souls-like game ever, then yes you’ll struggle at first. The average gamer can beat this, it just takes some patience at first to get used to the combat. Rating a game based on the first 15 minutes doesn’t paint the full picture, especially since this particular one gets progressively easier the further you get (after the first 2 bosses the difficulty goes down). That’s why the 5.5/10 is an average based on the entirety of the game. If you are new to Nioh/Souls-like genre, then the first 2 bosses will probably be a 9/10 for you. But once you’re done with the game and look back, you’ll find most of it wasn’t that bad 🙂
I encourage everyone to leave their difficulty rating please 🙂
The more community feedback, the better. If enough people leave a rating we can form an average community score.
Lucian Howard says
I beg to differ… The enemies are tremendously difficult. I can’t get past an area without dying several times whereas in Nioh 1 I moved through the areas quite easily. Nioh 2 is a killer… I love it but, I just dropped the game after frustration and this is coming from someone that has 100% on nioh 1… Dlcs up till the way of the Nioh level… No stone unturned… Nioh2 reminds me of how difficult dark souls 3 was… Not demons souls but almost there… So I think this would definately think this would differ from experience… The enemy AI is way up there. Whereas with Nioh 1 they were too predictable. So well done Team Ninja for properly breaking my spirits
Gd says
So after about 15 hours I switched from phantom to Brute, I’m assuming people that struggle arent using this spirit. Ridiculous how much easier game is as your burst counter is honestly too easy to use. Went from a 10 to a 5 difficulty for me.
sax says
I play nioh 1 before i think nioh 2 is extremely hard than nioh 2. nioh 1 it took me only 40 hrs and this nioh 2 it took me over 80 hrs to complete.
SMOOV says
Yeah I’m on the dream region with 3 main missions left and so far the only boss’ that I died more then 5 times to is gyuki and ryomen sukuna….. which is a bit of a bummer because I was CRAVING that difficulty I experienced in nioh 1. Honestly I think nioh 1 ORIGINAL ALPHA was the hardest and should’ve been the actual difficulty but I’m not complaining with what nioh 1 dished out cuz it was pretty hard. Nioh 2 I find myself repeating habits I made with 1 which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but I found myself plenty of times not needing to be as cautious as I was in 1. Per say checking corners to see if there ain’t an enemy waiting. Taking out humans/yokai from far away, luring enemies away from crowds. More methodical gameplay. I’d give the difficulty of nioh 2 a 5.5/10 as well, but I’m no casual when it comes to these games and rpg’s so there’s that. But the game is awesome though and I truly missed me some nioh.
Garry Cowan says
It’s all subjective nioh 2 is harder by a country mile I put 500 hours into nioh 1
Okuni says
Just finished nioh2 and started ng+. Definitely agree that nioh2 is easier. I felt that nioh2 was long and repetitive compared to the variety of maps that were in nioh1. There were a few bosses that were difficult only because they were long fights. I rate nioh2 a 6.5/10 on difficulty and 8/10 for nioh1.
pepek says
Much harder than the first one. Stupid enemy placement aka constant ambushes, traps like enki/gaki on a tree, goddamn rolling boulders and the worst thing: every enemy spams grab constantly.
Bosses are mostly okay but the levels are made to torture the players.
Nioh1 was much more about figuring how to fight and using items in the fight to your advantage, this one is based on reflexes and burst counters. Bad influence from Sekiro. Shame!!!
Janky hipster beards says
I doubt Sekiro had any influence on it as this was way into the final stages of development when Sekiro was released.
Janky hipster beards says
I picked Nioh 1 as my first soulslike to play. I know right? Terrible choice if you want to ease into the genre. If I told you it took me 30 tries to beat the first boss, that yokai in the ship, I would be grossly underexaggerating. The second boss, that vampire bitch, OMG I was there FOREVER and I had to farm to level up for, jeez I don’t know how long. Quite embarrassing. Anyways I have now finished all Dark Souls, Bloodborne many, many times, and Sekiro at least a dozen times. Possibly more (Sekiro). I recently restarted a game on Nioh from scratch even though I STILL haven’t finished the DLC.
Dude, Nioh 1 is HARD. It is superior to many of the souls games in some respects although I think the level design is inferior to Dark Souls. But the crafting, combat, and weapons are much better. The story is a little lame but acceptable. I was really stoked for Nioh 2 and I must say your article, although quite informative, is pretty disappointing. I am usually a PC player but I was going to go ahead and order it for PS because I was so desperate to play Nioh 2. I think I will hold out for the PC release after reading this. SO disappointing that they nerfed it. Thank you so much for the info,.
Infernoblaze says
I’m a huge fan of the souls games and played them all starting with Demon Souls. I’d have to say Nioh 2 has it’s challenging moments and the first two boss fights are a little hard but the rest are easier and I’m not at all disappointed great game I’d give it 8.5/10.
David says
I was really pleasantly surprised at how much easier Nioh 2 was than nioh 1! For example 2 AI and 2 real players helping for the final boss!!! Certain boss battles in nioh 1 took me days to beat. I’m so relieved not to go through that again!!
Darthdracu says
Sorry but you’ve lost my trust. That snake boss is insanely hard. I platinumed nioh 1 and all dlc, never was i ever stuck ON THE 3RD BOSS!! This game so far has not been easier, i can rarely summon a human, and those blue sword “help” are totally useless. I went into this game excited but now I’m regretting it cuz u made it sound so much easier than nioh 1
PowerPyx says
I think you’re doing the boss wrong bro ;)
You need to destroy the 3 statues in that map first to drain the poison in boss area. Then it’s much easier.
Check out my Nioh 2 Boss Guide for the solutions, that will help. And you can always do it in Co-Op if you get stuck and have someone else kill the boss for you (or summon one of the ghosts from blue graves to help you). You can also always grind level-ups and overlevel if you need to.
The first few bosses are the hardest (just like Nioh 1 where it got much easier after Umi-Bozu). Wait till you get to the human bosses, those are a joke and can be stunlocked for the entire fight with one spear move. Again, see the boss guide intro for general tips, and the specific bosses for videos and text explanations. It always comes down to exploiting one attack per boss (finding one attack after which to counter-attack and evading all other attacks).
Darthdracu says
I managed to beat the snake boss, i almost soloed it, but was finally able to summon a real person that was really good and helped me beat it. Already troubles with a side mission afterwards. But I’ll get it. Nioh 1 was rough at first, but i find the enemies in this game harder, summoning the blue AI can help but still difficult. Sorry if my original comment came off like an asshole, i was just really pissed and stressed out over that boss and second guessing my skill
PowerPyx says
Glad to hear you got past the boss 🙂
matteous says
Nioh 2 main story can be Easier, if you get the build and gear right. magic and ninjutsu are also more powerful. I dual wield swords and use the new fists added from the recent dlc. I’m level 276 have beaten NG+
Nioh 2 does a good job of handing you your butt in the first half, and then making you feel like a badass in the second, providing you build right.
Recent updates have added more challenging “scroll missions” I can solo the final boss from the original game. But with some of these scroll missions I have barely made it with team mates. I recall a mission with two level 300+ characters against two bosses, we won, but it took 45 minutes and one of the bosses one shot my team mate who must have had over 4000hp…
I wouldn’t dream of soloing that mission, even if I doubled all of my stats I’d probably still struggle. ironically it says recommended level 214…. hilarious collectively we were over level 800 and we still almost lost.
to summarize; if you look for challenge you will find it, each DLC adds another layer of difficulty too.
Mark says
Tempted to give the sequal a go going by the breakdown here. Though i was impressed by the overall style of the first game, i just couldn’t get a handle on the combat and especially the way enemies re-spawned everytime you died or left an area. Same goes with Bloodborne which i tried when it was free a while back on PS Plus.
The sequal seems a bit more approchable though
Some French guy says
“a challenging 9/10 for the first 2 bosses and the difficulty goes down as you get more familiar with the combat”
Have to disagree here as the third boss is significantly harder.
PowerPyx says
Not with the right tactic.
TaLLa says
Mhm, I felt that Nioh 1 was way more easy to me but I played also a different style. I had no real struggle in the first game while in the second 3-4 bosses made me think if I should invest more into specs etc. cause they felt unbeatable at first, like Shibata Katsuie. I didn’t even use any magic etc in Nioh 1, cause I didn’t care, it was challenging but manageable. Only this dumb Hydradragon Endboss was so bad that it’s kinda the only boss I didn’t forget about in 1.
dan says
I finished Nioh 2 and for me, it was much more difficult. Two times harder than the first one.
I have to add, i made the game as challenging for myself as i could, on purpose:
– i never used summons (on some side missions maybe)
– i never used weapon skills. only the basic stances and attacks
– no onmyo magic/talismans
sidenote: the only talismans i used – all the time -, the Leech, the Rejuvenation and the Oasis talismans for hp regen to spare as many elixirs as i could. i almost entirely replaced elixirs with the healing talismans.
– no ninja skills
sidenote#2: i didnt use any skills actively, however i learnt passive skills
– no Burst Counter
– no Yokai form/Yokai abilities
– no living weapon
– and i used only dash and roll for avoiding attacks:
for a long time i didnt use guard at all. most of the human bosses would be much-much easier with well timed blocks.
so yeah, i didnt it… for a while… but at one time i faced a boss which was too fast i couldnt avoid it’s attacks by dodging alone. so i started to use guarding and i use it since then. It’s almost easy compared to dodging.
And before anyone starts to argue, i played Nioh 1 like this too. 🙂
Just brute force, the basic stances and attack, and only dodging/dashing, no guard, no skills (only passive skills) and only healing talismans from magic.
With all this considered, Nioh 2 is much-much-much more difficult… well at least if you dont play the game as it should be played…
Regardless of this, there are some points i have to disagree with:
– I didnt feel that bosses made any less damage. Not only bosses, but simple field mobs one shot me all the time. And i played with a strength/odachi build, so i had armor.
– In 2, maybe the bosses hav less patterns, but i had more struggle to avoid them then in 1.
– And the non-boss enemies have more patterns.
– And the traps. I don’t think that traps makes the game more difficult, but more frustrating. Its a very big difference. You can learn the moveset of an enemy and adapt to it. Its about learning and becoming better. But if you die because of a hidden trap, its just sheer frustration and not about difficulty or challenge.