Are you wondering how long is The Callisto Protocol? Here’s the answer:
The Callisto Protocol Story Length:
- Easy Difficulty = 8-12 Hours
- Medium Difficulty = 9-14 Hours
- Maximum Security Difficulty (Hard) = 12-15 Hours
These times are based on a typical first playthrough. The game can of course be beaten much faster on a second playthrough when you already know where to go. For example, when you do a playthrough on easy first, you can beat Maximum Security difficulty in about 7-10 hours instead of the 12-15 hours range, simply because you already know how the game works and where enemies spawn. It’s worth noting that cutscenes are unskippable but they only account for 30-40 minutes of the playtime. The story consists of 8 Chapters total – see The Callisto Protocol Walkthrough for a Chapter List. On Maximum Security difficulty, enemies have about twice as much health and deal about twice as much damage. As a result you will need more checkpoint retries and it takes longer to defeat enemies.
100% Completion / Platinum Trophy Length:
- Maximum Security Difficulty Playthrough with 100% Collectibles = 12-15 Hours
Everything can be done in a single playthrough on Maximum Security difficulty, which is available from the beginning. The 100% time is about the same as a standard Maximum Security playthrough. Most collectibles are along the main paths you have to take anyway. A few are slightly off the main path in side rooms but they are never far away from where you have to go. The game is quite linear and the maps are relatively small (basically one corridor after another). There are no side quests or optional tasks beyond finding the 43 Data-Bios Collectibles. 43 items isn’t too much either, so overall this adds very little extra time to your playthrough. If you do platinum across two playthroughs (1 on Easy to learn the game = 8-12 Hours + 1 on Max Sec when you already know the game = 7-10 hours) you can expect platinum to take around 15-20 hours total. If you do it in one run you can do it in 12-15 hours but it will be a little harder starting on the highest difficulty right away.
How long did it take you to finish The Callisto Protocol story and to gain 100% completion / platinum trophy? Leave your times in the comments below.
For more The Callisto Protocol info, check out our full The Callisto Protocol Wiki & Strategy Guide.
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