Red Dead Redemption 2 has a very long story consisting of 104 missions.
Red Dead Redemption 2’s story took me 50 hours to finish. Out of that, it was 40 hours gameplay and about 10 hours cutscenes and dialogue. That’s a very good length for a story-driven game and brings a lot of value for what the game costs.
There are no difficulty settings in RDR2 so it will be roughly the same length for everyone.
I focused on just the main missions and uncovered the full map in that time. I did not do any other activities. According to Rockstar it will take most players 60-65 hours to finish is a fair estimate if you spend some time in shops and take part in side activities in Stranger Missions (Side Quests). I rushed the story to beat it in under 50 hours.
Going for 100% completion will take a lot longer, well over 100 hours. If you want to go for the Platinum Trophy you must also get all Animals which goes far beyond the 100% requirement so you’re looking at 150 hours just for completing the story mode (with guides). The game features around 200 collectibles and 178 animals so there’s a lot to collect too.
It’s worth noting that there are also medals in each mission ranging from bronze to silver to gold. So there’s even replay value here! You can go back and replay missions at any time to complete the tasks for the Gold Medals. If you want to know more about that, check out the Red Dead Redemption 2 Gold Medals Guide.
How long did it take you to finish the RDR2 story? Leave your time in the comments below 🙂
Hunter says
What about replaying story missions and the next one the next one is automated, do you have to replay that one also? Or is it just the one you select?
Adam says
I’m looking forward to playing it for the first time.