Are you wondering how long is Dead Island 2? Here’s the answer:
Dead Island 2 Story Length:
Dead Island 2’s story takes about 7-10 hours to finish. There are no difficulty settings so it will take all players roughly the same amount of time. It’s doable slightly faster in about 7 hours because you can revive each other and can defeat zombies faster. Solo it will take around 10 hours.
You will have to do some side quests to level up. If you are more than 2 levels below a main quest requirement it can get pretty tough. This 7-10 hour estimate includes the time it takes to do some side quests to stay within the recommended level range for main quests. Lots of side quests aren’t available until after the story.
100% Completion / Platinum Trophy Length:
It takes about 25 hours to obtain the Platinum Trophy / 1000 Gamerscore, which requires around 75% overall completion.
About 10 hours of this goes into Main Story Quests, 15 Hours for Side Quests and Lost & Found Quests and Challenges.
The first tier of each challenge (1 white checkmark) is enough for trophy purposes and you don’t need all Journals either (you get enough automatically from quest rewards).
Going for 100% completion would require finding all 234 Journals, opening all Lockboxes, and completing all tiers of all challenges. This would add another 5-10 hours.
The 100% completion time is around 35 hours.
How long did it take you to finish the Dead Island 2 story and to gain 100% completion / platinum trophy? Leave your times in the comments below.
For Completion Guides refer to:
- Dead Island 2 – All 33 Side Quests
- Dead Island 2 – All 15 Lost and Found Quests
- Dead Island 2 – All Challenges Guide
- Dead Island 2 Zompedia – All Zombie Locations
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