What Was Lost is a Side Quest in Horizon Forbidden West (HZFW). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the What Was Lost side mission.
Location: The Base / The Memorial Grove
Quest Giver: Kotallo
Quest Level: Level 30
Requirement: Available at The Base after completing main quests: “The Kulrut“, “The Sea of Sands” and “Seeds of the Past”
Reward: 7500xp, 3 Skill Points, 1 Shellsnapper Circulator, 2 Behemoth Force Loader, 2 Ancient Sculpter
Mission Info: Kotallo wants to build a new arm using ancient Zenith technology. But he needs Aloy’s help to complete his mission.
- Go to the Meeting Place
- Call Kotallo at the Campfire
- Enter the Zenith Lab
- Go to the Storage Room
- Search the Storage Room for an Access Point
- Kill the Specter’s
- Find the Components
- Give the Components to Kotallo
- Talk to Kotallo at The Base / at the Memorial Grove
Starting Location: The Base / The Memorial Grove
This quest has two potential starting locations. During the story, after completing Main Quests “The Kulrut“, “The Sea of Sands” and “Seeds of the Past“, it will be at “The Base”. The green exclamation mark quest icon will not appear on the world map, but will appear when you enter The Base. Or if you go for the quest after the story, it will start in The Memorial Grove.
After the story, the quest will instead start at The Memorial Grove:
Go to the Meeting Place
Simply travel to the meeting place.
Call Kotallo at the Campfire
Press at the Campfire to call Kotallo.
Enter the Zenith Lab
After a cutscene there will be some machines, you can kill or ignore them, either way make your way to the close-by lab entrance and enter the Lab.
Go to the Storage Room
Follow the linear path down into the lab, and around the path into a larger circular room with a couple of machines, ignore or kill them.
Leave the room via this doorway and follow the path forward where there is a burrower.
Up the stairs, down the corridor, then to the right through the broken glass, you’ll be in the large room where you found Beta earlier in the main story.
Search the Storage Room for an Access Point
Go to the far end of the room, turn right and you’ll see a green console here, examine it.
Kill the Specter’s
You will be attacked by 2 Specters, kill them.
Find the Components
Now leave the room through the door below where you dropped in.
Go through the door, drop down, run to the end of the corridor, turn left, up the ramp then right, go forward and up the same stairs from earlier.
Follow the linear path forward again, then right, through the same broken glass as before, exit this room via a door on the left side.
Through this door go right and forward a bit, then look on the left wall after the “Nianmah Research Lab” text appears on screen, pull down this vent and go through.
Go through the sparking hole in the wall here, then pull down the vent on the ceiling in this room, climb up to it, then follow the linear path through the vent shaft until you drop down into another room.
Leave this room using the only door here and turn right, there is a loot chest that you can pry open on the right side of the room that contains the components.
Give the Components to Kotallo
Opposite of where you looted the chest is some Firegleam on a wall, detonate it.
Back in the same room earlier with the sparking hole in the wall, go through this, then the short vent shaft, then right through another door, give the components to Kotallo who is overlooking the storage room from earlier.
Talk to Kotallo at The Base / at the Memorial Grove
Now leave the lab the same way you came in and return to where the quest started. If it started at The Base you need to return to The Base. If it started at Memorial Grove you must return to Memorial Grove.
Wait for Kotallo to Finish Building the Arm
If you started the quest at The Base you will get this objective, it will progress after completing Main Story Quest 13: Faro’s Tomb.
Talk to Kotallo
Next talk to Kotallo in The Base or Memorial Grove (depending on where you started the quest) to progress.
Go to the Meeting Place
Now you need to go to the meeting place, which is at a campfire 1600 meters north-west of The Memorial Grove. Once here press to call Kotallo at the camp.
Follow Kotallo
Follow Kotallo who will lead you to the next objective area, which is very close by.
Talk to Kotallo
When you stop, talk to Kotallo again.
Kill the Scorcher
You need to kill the Scorcher that appears, once you have done so there will be a short cutscene and the quest will be complete.
This finishes What Was Lost Side Quest in Horizon 2: Forbidden West.
For all other Side Quests and Main Quests, check out the complete Horizon Forbidden West Walkthrough.
Oblivionbydesign says
This quest glitch and it can no longer be completed. Rip my platinum
Atonya lewis says
I can’t even get through the glass????
Adi says
I dont have this quest to
nTrophy says
I follow Kotallo to the bridge (before the Scorcher encounter) and I’m supposed to talk to him again, but there’s no prompt. He just stands there.