Horizon Forbidden West has a total of 59 Trophies (1 Platinum, 1 Gold, 7 Silver, 50 Bronze). Below you can find the full Horizon Forbidden West trophy list.
Horizon Forbidden West Trophies
All Trophies Obtained
Obtained all Horizon Forbidden West trophies.
Reached Level 20
Reached player level 20.
Reached Level 30
Reached player level 30.
Reached Level 50
Reached player level 50.
Hidden Story Trophy 1
Hidden Story Trophy Description 1
Hidden Story Trophy 2
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Hidden Story Trophy 3
Hidden Story Trophy Description 3
Hidden Story Trophy 4
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Hidden Story Trophy 5
Hidden Story Trophy Description 5
Hidden Story Trophy 6
Hidden Story Trophy Description 6
Hidden Story Trophy 7
Hidden Story Trophy Description 7
Hidden Story Trophy 8
Hidden Story Trophy Description 8
Hidden Story Trophy 9
Hidden Story Trophy Description 9
Hidden Story Trophy 10
Hidden Story Trophy Description 10
Hidden Story Trophy 11
Hidden Story Trophy Description 11
Chose a Desert Commander
Aided both Drakka and Yarra and chose the better candidate.
Saved the Daunt
Resolved all of the problems troubling the Daunt.
Aided Kotallo
Helped Kotallo build and test a mechanized arm.
Healed the Land-gods
Helped Zo reboot the land-gods to save Plainsong.
Recovered Alva’s Data
Helped Alva retrieve data to help the Quen.
First Tallneck Overriden
Reached the top of a Tallneck and accessed its information.
All Tallnecks Overriden
Reached the top of every Tallneck and accessed their information.
First Rebel Camp Completed
Completed key objectives in 1 Rebel Camp.
Defeated Asera
Investigated all Rebel Camps and helped Erend defeat Asera.
First Core Overridden
Reached the Core of a Cauldron and accessed its information.
All Cores Overridden
Reached the Core of every Cauldron and accessed their information.
Obtained 3 Stripes at a Hunting Ground
Earned at least a Quarter Stripe mark in all three trials at one Hunting Lodge.
Obtained 3 Stripes at All Hunting Grounds
Earned at least a Quarter Stripe mark in all three trials at all Hunting Grounds.
All Acquisition Machines Killed
Killed at least one of every type of Acquisition machine.
All Recon Machines Killed
Killed at least one of every type of Reconnaissance machine.
All Combat Machines Killed
Killed at least one of every type of Combat machine.
All Transport Machines Killed
Killed at least one of every type of Transport machine.
Rode All Regular Mounts
Rode a Charger, Bristleback, and Clawstrider.
All Machine Types Scanned
Encountered and Focus scanned every type of Machine
Complete a Long Glide
Glided uninterrupted for 60 seconds.
Completed 2 Flying Mount Quests
Completed 2 quests that required a flying mount.
Won 2 Gauntlet Runs
Won first place in two different Gauntlet Runs.
Completed a Set of Salvage Contracts
Completed all contracts at a Salvage Contractor.
Completed 4 Rebel Outposts
Defeat the outpost leader and recovered the tags from 4 Rebel Outposts.
Completed 3 Relic Ruins
Discovered and completed 3 Relic Ruins.
Completed Arena Challenge Set
Completed 1 Arena challenge set.
Defeated Machine Strike Challengers
Won a match against 2 different Machine Strike challengers.
Obtained All Weapon Classes
Obtained 1 weapon from every weapon class.
Used all Elemental States
Inflicted every elemental state on an enemy at least once.
Performed 3 Melee Combos
Successfully performed 3 different unlockable melee combos.
Stealth Killed 10 Machines
Performed a stealth kill on 10 machines.
Tore off 100 components
Detached 100 components from machines.
Picked up 5 Heavy Weapons
Picked up 5 different heavy weapons.
10 Types of Machine Overriden
Unlocked and used the overrides for 10 different types of machine.
Defeated the Enduring
Defeated the Tenakth melee master known as the Enduring.
Fully Upgraded a Valor Surge
Upgraded a Valor Surge to its maximum level.
Upgraded 3 Weapons
Fully upgraded 3 weapons.
Upgraded 3 Outfits
Fully upgraded 3 different outfits.
Upgraded Every Pouch Type
Upgraded the Food Pouch, Potion Pouch, Resource Pouch, Trap Pouch, and any ammo pouch at least once.
Enhanced Weapon with Coils
Equipped a weapon of any tier with 2 coils.
Unlocked 3 Weapon Techniques
Unlocked a Weapon Technique for 3 different weapon classes.
Skill Tree Learned
Learned all available skills on one tree.
Recovered 5 Different Collectables
Completed 1 Survey Drone, 1 Black Box, 1 Relic Ruin, 1 Vista Point, and 1 Signal Tower.
Used Dye Flowers
Used dye flowers to unlock and apply a new dye.
There are no difficulty-related trophies, so you can do everything on the easiest difficulty.
For Collectibles we need: All Tallnecks, 1 Rebel Camp, all Cauldron Cores, at least Quarter Stripe in all Hunting Lodge Challenges, all Melee Pits, Scan and kill all types of Machines, 4 Rebel Outposts, 3 Relic Ruins, 1 Arena Challenge Set, 1 Survey Drone, 1 Black Box, 1 Vista Point, 1 Signal Tower.
The only Collectibles that require finding all of them are Tallnecks, Cauldron Cores, Melee Pits (and Hunting Lodges but you only need the lowest score). Of everything else you only need a few items per Collectible Type.
Overall this looks very easy and not too time-consuming, just doing the story and a few side tasks of each type. We won’t even need 100% completion for platinum.
What are your thoughts on the Horizon Forbidden West trophy list? Do you like what you see? Are you going for the Platinum? For all solutions check out the full Horizon Forbidden West Trophy Guide & Roadmap.
mark says
Looks like a really easy list and I’m so keen for it
Alien99 says
Simple list like the first horizon game?
korewadevil says
No New Game+ trophies, thank god.
Knabster says
Well those were added after Zero Dawn came out so they are on a seperate list not needed to aquire the platinum.
Spee says
I have been checking every day for the last week for this.
I am ready.
2/17, 2100 PST cannot get here fast enough.
Mitch says
Lookin motherflippin good
Tom Hughes says
Flying mounts baby!!!!
Cocka says
As always looking forward to your guide.
Also am interested about auto pop.
Btw really appreciate your teams work.
Jimmy says
Fantastic list… especially considering I’m still slogging through dying light 2’s mess of a broken list..I was going to give up but couldn’t. I hope they fix some of mine that didn’t pop soon.
But I cannot wait for this game and the trophy list being straightforward is just a bonus.
The original is my favorite PlayStation 4 exclusive and this has the potential to be my favorite game of all time.
So going for the Platinum isn’t even a question.
I can’t wait to follow your guide.. keep up the good work and thanks for all you guys do!
Arne says
Good luck with DL2! It was just too much for me in that game..?
InnesJack says
I’m very excited, can’t wait to play. Loved Zero Dawn! Note: If you buy the ps4 disc version you’ll get to upgrade to ps5 for free. Save yourself a few quid.
Crusader says
Going for the platinum for sure!
I replayed HZD a few weeks ago to get the 2 missing NG+ trophies to 100% it. Also refreshed my memory on the story. Really looking forward to this one!
Josef Barker says
Looks very similar to the zero dawn list. Way too many bronzes though, very small complaint but notable.
johnny clarke says
looking forward to trying this, really enjoyed the first game.
Jahpups says
Horizon Zero was my first Platinum. Now 32 platinum later I’m looking forward to this. Thanks to you as well Powerpyx you’ve help me in this journey.
Anonymous says
I assume it will be an easy Platinum trophy to earn (just like Horizon Zero Dawn) with no missable trophies which is good. I recommend to anyone who is planning on buying the game, should buy the PS4 physical edition which is the cheapest and includes a free PS5 upgrade.
Amity says
Is there any missable trophies?
PowerPyx says
Check back for Trophy Guide at launch
Chris says
Does the PS5 trophies auto pop? Getting the PS4 special edition physical to save $10.
PowerPyx says
Will be revealed in Trophy Guide in a few days
Kierewiet says
I’m not going for platinum, I’m going for 100% completion, just like I did for Zero Dawn
I’m looking forward for your guide since I probably going to need it.
Natas says
Thanks for the list!
I wasn’t to hyped for this game, but after watching DF’s recent video on Horizon. I pre-ordered and can’t wait!
Sany Roy says
How many of you playing this game on PS5?That’s my question.Because I’ve got a base PS4.Gonna play on that.
Story lover says
I play on ps4.
Story lover says
Hunting grounds is What’s bothering me
Story lover says
I hope the hunting grounds won’t keep me half a d.ay in one trial
Story lover says
Any Missable Trophies?