The Twilight Path is a Side Quest in Horizon Forbidden West (HZFW). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the The Twilight Path side mission.
Location: Chainscrape
Quest Giver: Petra
Quest Level: Level 7
Requirement: Finished Main Quest 3: To The Brink
Reward: 1750xp, 2 Skill Points, 1 Carja Scholar
Mission Info: A ragtag group of Shadow Carja, displayed loyalists of the old regime, have refused to let anyone up a trail that leads to valuable. Oseram thugs have threatened to force them to move by any means necessary.
- Talk to Tolland (Optional)
- Go the Twilight Carja Camp
- Talk to the Twilight Carja Refugee
- Find Sahovar
- Talk to Sahovar
- Gather the Stormbird Heart
- Return to Sahovar
- Return to the Twilight Carja Camp
Starting Location: Chainscrape
This quest starts in Chainscrape, talk to Petra inside the tavern.
Talk to Tolland (Optional)
Tolland is just outside the tavern in Chainscrape, next to the melee pit, you can talk to him if you want and he will tell you how he killed the stormbird.
Go to the Twilight Carja Camp
Proceed to the camp and help kill the machines there.
Talk to the Twilight Carja Refugee
Once the machines have been killed, talk to the refugee in the same area.
Find Sahovar
After talking to Lokasha, go straight ahead, you will have to climb up a ladder, shoot the ladder just below it in order to reach it, climb up the ladder and follow the linear path to the left.
You will come to a broken ladder, examine it, then climb the broken ladder and look upwards to see a grapple point, jump to this (
), back to the partially broken ladder and use it to reach the top.
Here you will have to jump off a wall to reach another grab point ( to jump on wall,
to wall-jump), then climb to the top.
Just ahead on the left is another set of wall ropes and ladders to climb further up.
When you reach the top Aloy will comment about another broken ladder, instead you have to scale the cliff on the right to climb further up.
After reaching the top here, proceed ahead and drop down at the broken bridge, and climb up at the other side.
Just across the broken bridge Aloy will comment on some blood on the floor, hold to use your focus and tag the trail with
, this will lead you on a linear path to a new area.
You can sneak past or kill the machines here. Either way, follow the marked blood trail past this area.
Talk to Sahovar
After leaving this area, continue following the trail and you will find Savohar not very far ahead, talk to him.
Gather the Stormbird Heart
After you have talked to Sahovar, look to the right and down to find a grapple point, jump to it then climb just down to the right and jump to another grapple point, then climb around the right of the cliff, then up to the top.
Once at the top, climb up the tower just here, where you will find the Stormbird at the top which you can then loot for the heart.
Return to Savohar
Just next to the stormbird you can rappel off the tower down below, then return to Savohar by using the grapple point across the broken bridge.
Return to the Twilight Carja Camp
Go back to the area with the machines and go left across a small bridge, you can rappel down to the camp from here.
Then talk to group of people here, select any dialogue choice to defuse the situation, afterward the quest will be complete.
This finishes The Twilight Path Side Quest in Horizon 2: Forbidden West.
For all other Side Quests and Main Quests, check out the complete Horizon Forbidden West Walkthrough.
JoeT says
There’s a question mark seemingly on a landing by the mountain in the twilight quest area and I can’t seem to find it…looks like it’s beneath the ground…any thoughts.
Givensp says
I had this too. If you go out the camp and look over the cliff there is a waterfall, at the bottom of the cliff/waterfall there is a cave that leads to the question mark.
Natalia says
I also am looking for this!!!
JoshS says
On the map, go basically straight south of the question mark, past the field/plateau where you fight the machines, you’ll see some water with some rapids. At the north end of that “lake,” along the southern wall of the plateau you’ll find the entrance to a cave
Gabriel says
I would like to know the answer to this too. Looking at the map on this page it seems to be a sunken cavern? But I can’t find the entrance.