The Second Verse is a Side Quest in Horizon Forbidden West (HZFW). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of The Second Verse side mission.
Location: The Base / Plainsong
Quest Giver: Zo
Quest Level: Level 25
Requirement: Finish Main Quest 10: Cradle of Echoes.
Reward: 8330 XP, 3 Skill Points, Utaru Birthsinger Face Paint + Healed the Land-gods Trophy
Mission Info: Zo seeks to heal the Utaru’s ailing land gods and bring life back to Plainsong’s fields. But she needs Aloy’s help to do it.
- Go to the Meeting Place
- Call Zo at the Campfire
- Go to the Grimhorn Site
- Kill the Machines
- Gather Grimhorn Cores
- Give the Cores to Zo
- Talk to Zo at the Base (or after story: Talk to Zo at Plainsong)
- Wait for Zo to complete the Reboot Code
- Install the Reboot Codes at the Land-gods
- Go to the Shrine at Cinnabar Sands / Search for the Land.god Ti
- Kill the Machines / Kill the Stormbird / Instal the Reboot Code
- Go to the Shrine at the Lake / Search the Lake for Land-god So
- Clear the Debris / Install the Reboot Code
- Go to the Shrine at the Canyon /Search the canyon for the Land-god Do
- Search for the Source of the Vines / Destroy the Metal Flower / Install the Reboot Code
- Meet Zo at Plainsong
Starting Location: The Base (during Story) / Plainsong (after Story)
Depending on your story progress, the starting location of this quest can vary. During the story you can start it at your Base by talking to Zo:
After the story, Zo is found in Plainsong instead and you grab the quest from her there:
Go to the meeting Place / Call Zo at the Campfire
Zo wants you to retrieve a reboot-code in order to fix the land-gods in Plainsong. She tells you about Grimhorns west of the Base you can kill in order to obtain control cores. Once you reach the objective call Zo at the campfire and she will arrive during a cutscene.
Go to the Grimhorn Site / Kill the Machines / Gather Grimhorn Cores / Give the Cores to Zo
Once Zo arrives head north towards the Grimhorn Site. Once there you will have to kill a group of machines: 2 Grimhorns needed for the cores as well as some other machines that roam the area. After defeating them give the Cores to Zo.
Talk to Zo at the Base (or: Talk to Zo at Plainsong)
Go back to Zo where she gave you the quest. Depending on where you accepted the quest from her this objective will change, either going back to the Base or to Plainsong.
Wait for the Reboot Code completion
After heading back, talk to Zo. She will tell you completing the Reboot Code will take some time. The Quest can be continued after delivering Aether, Poseidon and Demeter to Gaia, so just keep advancing the main story to continue with this quest. Then Zo will give you the Reboot Code you will have to install at 3 Landgods while she takes care of the remaining ones in Plainsong.
Install the Reboot Code at the Land-gods
You will now have 3 objectives on your map. You can do them in any order you want. In this guide we will start with the one at Cinnabar Sands.
Go to the Shrine at Cinnabar Sands / Search Cinnabar Sands for the Land-god Ti
Head to the location to the south of Plainsong and find the Shrine. From the shrine head south 50 meters to find a group of machines that you must kill.
Kill the Machines / Kill the Stormbird / Install the Reboot Code on the Land-gods
Before you reboot the machine you will have to first kill all the small machines in the area. However, the moment you interact with the Land-god a Stormind will appear. You have to kill it before you can progress. After killing it, head to the Land-god and Install the Reboot Code.
Go to the Shrine at the Lake / Search the Lake for the Land-god So
Now head to the second Shrine at the Lake south-west of Plainsong. You will be told to search at the bottom of the lake for it.
Clear the Debris / Install the Reboot Code
Jump in the lake and dive to the bottom, then pry open the rocks to reveal the Land-god and interact with it. You can swim around the machines and completely avoid them, no need to fight any machines here.
Go to the Shrine at the Canyon / Search the Canyon for the Land-god
The final Shrine is at the Canyon to the north-west of Plainsong. Head there and use the ability to cut through vines, which you unlock during Main Mission 12: Seeds from the Past. You do this by destroying the metal flower in front of the vines and then pressing to insert the vine cutter module. Afterward you can find the Land-god at a cliff, but it will be covered in vines as well.
Search for the Source of the Vines / Destroy the Metal Flower / Install the Reboot Code
Move to the other cliff (can scan for climbable wall with ), destory the Metal Flower there, which removes the vines to a cave entrance. Head through the cave to reach another Metal flower above the Land-god. Again destroy the metal flower and
insert the vine cutter module. Afterward install the Reboot Code into the Land-god.
Meet Zo at Plainsong
After a short dialogue with Zo head to Plainsong and after the cutscene the quest will be completed and you will be awarded the “Healed the Land-gods” trophy.
This finishes The Second Verse Side Quest in Horizon 2: Forbidden West.
For all other Side Quests and Main Quests, check out the complete Horizon Forbidden West Walkthrough.
Al says
Zo doesnt spawn for me when i should meet her at plainsong. What should i do? I just finished Faros tomb.
Perdigas says
Same here. Any luck?
Bandy says
This side quest can be bugged if you don’t finish the quest before the final mission. Zo will move to Plainsong but the quest location still believes shes in the mountain base.
*You can find her in Plainsong and talk to her but the quest line doesn’t update and you are locked out of healing one of the 3 Land Gods.
Will says
[Story spoiler]
Zo does’nt appear for me. O think the game believes that she is seeking for help arround the coutry after I finished the game. This is the last trophy for me to get the Platinum ??
Kieran says
After calling Zo at the campfire, and heading into the ‘Grimhorn Site’ – there are no machines to be seen. I have reloaded previous saves, fast traveled away and back again, closed the game application and re-started, and restarted the console. All of which I’ve done multiple times each.
Frustratingly, my partner who is playing through the game as well on her account (but same console) has had no issue whatsoever. I have even currently done more main story quests and side quests than her.
If anyone has any idea of what on earth might be happening, I’d be greatly appreciative ?