Horizon Forbidden West New Game+ Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 6.5/10
- Approximate amount of time to 100%: 15 hours (if you skip every cutscene and dialog)
- Offline Trophies: 3 (0
, 0
, 0
, 3
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: 0
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, you need to play the game on Ultra Hard for
Completed Ultra Hard
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1, but 2 are highly recommended
- PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: Save Transfer = Yes, Autopop = Everything EXCEPT for completing New Game+ and completing New Game+ on Ultra Hard.
- PS4/PS5 Crossbuy: Yes
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Yes, there is free-roam, but cannot revisit the prologue area & final main quest area
- Release Date: June 02, 2022 via free Patch
Welcome to the Horizon Forbidden West New Game+ Trophy Guide! This update to Horizon Forbidden West adds a slew of new features, including the highly-requested NG+. This update also introduces three new trophies. In addition to your standard trophies for completing NG+ on any difficulty and Ultra Hard, you also need to collect a new type of Token, the Champion’s Token, which are earned by completing main and side content activities. To be able to unlock the trophy for obtaining all NG+ Rewards you need 125 Champion’s Tokens, which is equal to replaying 80% of the game.
Step 1: Complete NG+ on Story Difficulty and Obtain 95 Champion’s Tokens
It is highly recommended to do your first NG+ playthrough on Story Difficulty. The reason being that if you immediately start on Ultra Hard, you then cannot switch back to Story Difficulty after finishing the Story. You would then be locked into the highest difficulty setting for the Champion’s Tokens grind, taking a lot longer to 100% the DLC. So, rush through the Story first on Story Difficulty. Completing each Main Story quest will earn you 2 Champion’s Tokens. After completing the Story you will have 30 Champion’s Tokens. To obtain the remaining 65 Tokens, you need to complete side content. Prioritize Rebel Camps, Cauldrons, and supporting characters’ side quests as these unlock 3 Tokens each. Additionally, you can easily earn 10 Champion’s Tokens by overriding 5 Tallnecks (the story-related one doesn’t count). Simply land onto them with the Sunwing to speed things up. Everything else gives you 2 Tokens. With the exception of a couple of Errands, you can ignore anything that gives you only one Token or no Token at all. These are just not worth the hassle. Once you’ve collected 95 Tokens, you’re ready for Step 2.
Step 2: Complete NG+ on Ultra Hard Difficulty for the remaining 30 Champion’s Tokens
Now replay through the Story, but this time on Ultra Hard. Just focus entirely on the Story and skip everything else. Because Champion’s Tokens carry over from save file to save file, you now need an additional 30 Champion’s Tokens from just the Story to buy whatever you’ve got left.
Horizon Forbidden West New Game+ Trophy Guide
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Completed New Game+ Completed a New Game+ playthrough on any difficulty. |
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Unlocked for completing NG+ on any difficulty.
It is highly recommended to play through your first NG+ on the Story Difficulty. The reason being that if you immediately start on Ultra Hard, you then cannot switch back to Story Difficulty after finishing the Story. You would then be locked into the highest difficulty setting for the Champion’s Tokens grind, taking a lot longer to 100% the DLC. During this playthrough, rush through the Story and then start the grind for Champion’s Tokens until you get to 95. |
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Completed Ultra Hard Completed a new or New Game+ playthrough on Ultra Hard difficulty. |
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Unlocked for completing NG+ on the Ultra Hard difficulty setting.
It is highly recommended to keep Ultra Hard for your second NG+ playthrough. During this playthrough, just focus on finishing the story. If you’ve followed this roadmap, you should not need to focus on any side content during this step. On Ultra Hard enemies hit harder. Machines are not as deadly as human enemies, but some of the strong ones, like the Scorcher, can easily one-shot you if you’re not careful. Your best ally here is a fully maxed out Wings of the Ten Blastsling (obtained by collecting and returning all Black Boxes Collectibles) with Coils that increase its blast power. How often you can use it really comes down to how many materials to craft ammo you have farmed during your very first playthrough of the game or how much you’re willing to do so during this Ultra Hard playthrough. If you have enough materials to consistently craft Advanced Bombs, these will make quick work of most enemies. Smaller machines go down in 2-3 hits, bigger machines and tankier human enemies in 7-10, provided you aim for their weak spots. Using other weapons on Ultra Hard doesn’t make much of a difference. Even the strongest arrow types don’t deal as much damage as a fully maxed out and properly coil-loaded Wings of the Ten. Just be aware that using the Wings of the Ten Blastsling increases the chance of destroying machine components. However, the goal during this Playthrough is to just finish the Story and farming materials to upgrade weapons should not be your primary focus. |
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Obtained All New Game+ Rewards Obtained all New Game+ weapons, dyes, and face paints. |
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New to the NG+ update are 8 Legendary Weapons, 4 Dyes and 5 Face Paints that are unique to NG+. These can be purchased by acquiring Champion’s Tokens, earned after completing main and side content. To unlock this trophy you need a total of 125 Tokens (80 for the Legendary Weapons, 20 for the Dyes, and 25 for the Face Paints).
After playing through the story on your first NG+ run (awards 30 Tokens), prioritize Rebel Camps, Cauldrons, and supporting characters’ side mission as these give 3 Champion’s Tokens each. Everything else gives you 2 Tokens. Additionally, you can easily earn 10 Champion’s Tokens by overriding 5 Tallnecks (the story-related one doesn’t count). Simply land onto them with the Sunwing to speed things up. With the exception of a couple of Errands, you can ignore anything that gives you only one Token or no Token at all. These are just not worth the hassle. Because Champion’s Tokens carry over, once you’ve gotten 95 Champion’s Tokens from your first NG+, start a new NG+ on Ultra Hard to get the remaining 30 from finishing the Story again. Then you can visit any Hunter, Dyer, and Painter to get everything in one go or whatever you’ve got left to buy. Here’s a brief rundown of everything needed for this trophy: Weapons
Face Paints
Danny Thomas says
Damn, already started on Ultra…looks like I’m in for the grind
FranciRoosters says
It is a grind nonetheless. Acquiring 125 Tokens means replaying almost the entire game.
BridgeToClarity says
I started on ultra too. I am just out of the first area. Having a way harder time than ultra hard zero dawn. I don’t have the weapon that is suggested to use and no interest in doing the things to get it. I might start again on story mode first. I finished the game a week after release and forgot how to play I think.
Nauk says
Can you obtain tokens on NG?
I have platinum on PS5 version, if I could play NG on ultra easy on PS4, then NG+ on ultra hard and then autopop on PS5 it might be worth it.
If not, I highly doubt I’ll play the game 5 more times. I loved it, I already achieved >90% completion on my first playthrough, but I honestly wouldn’t do it again for 3 miserable bronze trophies
FranciRoosters says
If you have both versions, I suggest you do your NG+ runs on PS4. Then, start the PS5 version and load the PS4 save with all trophies’ requirements met for an insta-pop.
Bob says
Hmmm, are you sure that we cannot change the difficulty in NG+?
I’ve read from another site that you CAN after finishing the story.
FranciRoosters says
No, you can’t. The option’s not there at all under Game Settings.
Tk says
You actually can, I just beat it on ultra then from the base went to ng+ again and started on story, loaded up with the origin 30 token I got for first clear don’t fret
FranciRoosters says
You can do that across two playthroughs as I mentioned in the guide, but you can’t swap difficulty within the same Ultra Hard playthrough.
Erica says
Yes you can. I have changed it few times. I play on NG+ on ps4.
This guy says
Surely it doesn’t matter if you do story or Ultra first. If you do ultra and just clear main quest, then start again on story to clear main quest amd then do sides to get tokens? End result is the same?
FranciRoosters says
Yeah, you can switch it around. It doesn’t really matter.
stardrab says
Thanks for clarifying it can be done in either order. Didn’t want to give up my partially complete NG+ in UH after reading the original article.
Marty says
Do you need to get these three trophies for the platinum?
FranciRoosters says
No, this is a separate DLC list.
Michael says
There are four dyes and five face paints, each 5 tokens needed.
FranciRoosters says
Yeah, oversight on my end. Thanks for confirming!
Petter Almberg says
If I do this on PS4 will the trophies pop automatically on the PS5 like the base game did?
FranciRoosters says
Yes, there’s auto-pop.
PhantomFear94 says
I misread this – you have to do another NG+ on Story first just to get a bunch of tokens? In my opinion, they should have retrospectively rewarded you with them from your based playthrough once you start NG+. I’m a 100% fiend and even for me, I don’t think I have the energy to go through the game again…TWICE…this close to release. Thanks for the roadmap, either way. Make circle back to this after the first paid expansion (if one comes).
Darksheik says
I second this, I’d hoped that my ~99% initial playthrough would be rewarded somehow. A pity.
Anyway, thank you very much for this guide. Super helpful as usual!
HusKy says
You can unlock 5 Tallnecks (10 tokens) on UH very easily. This way you can skip ~5 missions in NG+ playthrough #1.
stardrab says
Good point, so plan for 40 in UH and rest in story.
I suppose you could also start additional NG+s and get the tallnecks a 3rd, 4th time.
d3mystic says
If I wanted to get all the tokens in a single UH NG+, does that mean I’d have to 100% everything to get the req. amount? And is the flying mount unlocked from the beginning?
FranciRoosters says
You can get all 125 Tokens on Ultra Hard, of course, but it would take a lot longer than doing two playthroughs. Also, you don’t have to 100% the whole game again. Some quests and errands can be left out, but you’d still have to complete at least more or less 80% of the game for all Tokens. The flying mount can be unlocked as soon as you reach the Base. After unlocking the Base, you can override one of the Sunwings found on top of the mountain.
Adnan says
Open World Games NG+ totally bad idea. Almost Everything Gone When We start NG+.
Dragan says
Wait a minute I started NG+UH and completed it by rushing thru the story so I got total of like 30 tokens then a started a new NG+ on story rushed thru the story so in total I got 60 now then I did some Talknecks and and some Rebell camps so I have 80 . I bought every new weapon so now I have zero can I still do some side content on the NG+story difficult and still be able to get 45 tokens or do I need to switch to the UH and get tokens from there
stardrab says
No, keep grinding on story until the get the rest. If you prefer, you could instead start a third ng+ in story mode and get the reminder there.
foxische says
The DLC trophies didn’t auto pop, what could be the possible solution?
bluemoon says
can we still get Champion’s Tokens after second NG+ from story mission ?
stardrab says
Yes, the only reason to do ultra hard is to get the trophy for completing ng+ on ultra hard. The 30 tokens you get from that are just a bonus and decrease the number of tokens you will need to get from playing the other ng+ in story mode.
You can get 2 of these 3 trophies just from story mode if you want.
Kungfuhamster says
I’m personally finding ultra hard a breeze. I’ve only died when I’ve been a bit too gung ho or careless.
If you have fully upgraded the legendary weapons and added suitable coils then they all pack a big punch from what I have found. I also have four different legendary outfits all upgraded to max. This helps. Also make sure to use the ng+ weapons as they are kick ass.
Currently I am doing story missions here and there but taking my time to do rebel camps, side missions, even upgrading the big+ weapons, just basically enjoying the game all over again.
Nick says
Exactly what I did. Upgraded legendaries about 3 lvls and did it all in one NG plus cycle. I recommend people do it thus way it’s more enjoyable and seems like less of a grind.
kantera says
Thank you very much for the guide! With the coils that increase blast damage? Do you mean “Explosive damage”? Because I’m searching in my coils but I can’t seem to find the exact wording “Blast”. Also any tips and where to get the best coils for the blast damage?
FranciRoosters says
Yea, explosive damage.
Nick says
Did the whole 3 trophies in one NG plus cycle. It’s not that bad. After completing the main story go back to chainscrape and start with the easiest side missions then work your way across the map. The hardest side mission I had to do was lvl 30. Also make sure to do all relics ruins as they are non combat so easy. You can even cheese some with the sun wing. I replied mainly on sky killer and Irivs Downfall braced shot both upgraded 2 levels.
BocaProwler says
Just finished my 1st New Game + play through on Ultra. After completing it, I was able to start a new game + from the base and choose Story mode. The 32 tokens I earned during my Ultra play through were there.
GaGu18 says
Supporting Characters’ Side Missions (Companion Side Quest) are:
-The Second Verse
-Forbidden Legacy
-What Was Lost
-First Forge
GaGu18 says
based on the trophy Chose a Desert Commander:
Thirst for The Hunt
The Wound in The Sand
The Gate of the Vanquished
and of course based on the trophy Saved the Daunt:
Shadow from the Past
Shadow in the West
The Twilight Path
The Bristlebacks
There are huge for the Champion Tokens alone.
Andy says
I started NG+ on UH just concentrating on the story I found it easy enough until I got to defeat Tilda and now im stuck for days ive tried everything I have, any advice? Or should I just start again after I max new weapons on NG+ story
stardrab says
That’s a tough spot to be in. I’m stuck just a ways before that on the Slaughterspine in GEMINI. Tried it about 15 times so far.
Timmah200 says
It should be noted: to purchase all the dyes, you need to have in your inventory that specific armor type. Then, the dye will show up at the vendor. As I used Utaru armor for most of my run, I never knew that dye’s were tied to specific armor types.
I hope this helps someone.
HashMeIfYouCan says
Wow, this is the solution why i dont get any utaru dyes.
Big thanks and cheers.
DemonRaider1138 says
I just finished all 3 trophies. Rushed ultra hard and then started another new game plus on story for the tokens. Barely had to make it past the base doing all side quests that reward champion tokens.
: if you complete ultra hard and start a new game, ultra hard will not auto pop on ps5 from ps4 import.
The auto pop is tied to the specific save file. I was very lucky to have a ultra hard completed game auto save at the very bottom of my save list. When I started the 2nd new game plus and loaded that save only the token trophy unlocked. After loading my completed game from ultra hard that popped.
So if your going to do 2 runs make sure to import your save from one run before beginning a second or you will have to do a 3rd and complete the requirements again
Lee says
Will playing NG+ on the easiest difficulty x3 times award 3x 30 tokens?
Exodus Attack 85 says
Does it make sense to just play NG story, then immediately go into NG+ to mop up all the base game achievements while going for tokens?
Or should I just clean up the base game on NG Story first and then just focus on the DLC achievements after?
MaliciousLoki says
Echoing what others have said… PS4->PS5 import does NOT carry all trophies forward. Everything except “Complete New Game+” and “Complete New Game+ on Ultra Hard.” Unfortunately for me, the saves I have are not at the proper point in the story to count. So now I have to do the main story all over for the fourth time, and the second time on Ultra Hard. *groan* Wish I would have known/checked this board before starting my third playthrough to get all the New Game+ crap…
anon says
I got more than 125 champion tokens on my first ng+ playthrough.