Blaze is a crafting resource in Horizon Forbidden West. It is used to craft ammunition and traps that deal Fire damage to burn enemies and damage them over time.
Item Description: An extremely flammable biofuel processed by machines. Blaze Canisters can be detonated by shooting them with a Fire Arrow.
Blaze Location:
- Bought from Salvage Contractors, for example the one west of Barren Light.
- Bought from some Hunter Merchants, for example the one in Barren Light.
- Dropped by tearing off machine parts that use Fire Weapons or use Blaze Canisters or Blaze Sacs, and by tearing off parts using these components, as seen in Notebook > Machine Catalogue. For example, Fanghorn has a 100% drop chance.
- Sometimes found in Resource Chests (random).
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