Horizon Forbidden West has 43 Machine Locations. This guide shows where to find every machine. Scanning and killing all Machines unlocks the following 5 trophies:
- All Machine Types Scanned
- All Acquisition Machines Killed
- All Recon Machines Killed
- All Combat Machines Killed
- All Transport Machines Killed
Missables Warning: Specter & Specter Prime are missable. They are quest-related. They have no open world spawns and quests cannot be replayed. You can scan both of them during the final story quest, Main Quest 17: Singularity. If you die during the final boss fight you must rescan the last boss. Check your machine catalogue after the story to make sure it registered correctly. If not, reload the autosave before final mission and replay to rescan them. *As of Patch 1.08 “Specter Prime” now gets added to database automatically after story if missed, “Specter” is still missable but after Patch 1.16 can be scanned in New Game+.
All other machines can still be found after the story in free-roam. Only Specter and Specter Prime are missable. For the “all scans” trophy you need only one variant of each machine. Most machines have multiple sub-variants, e.g. Burrower has “Tracker Burrower” or “Apex Burrower” sub-variants. You only need one single variant scanned per machine, it doesn’t matter if you scan the normal variant or Apex variant or whatever other variants. It is mostly random what variant spawns, exceptApex variants which spawn mostly at night. Each variant adds 0.13% progress towards overall game completion. You can fast travel between campfires to farm the same machines over and over again if you need specific crafting materials from them.
You can keep track of which machines you scanned under Notebook > Machine Catalogue. To see which ones you defeated, check under Notebook > Statistics > Machines Killed.
This guide lists them in the same order as the in-game Machine Catalogue, see numbering below to quickly reference the one you’re missing:
Machines Overview:
- Grazer
- Burrower
- Scrounger
- Leaplasher
- Scrapper
- Spikesnout
- Skydrifter
- Plowhorn
- Charger
- Lancehorn
- Longleg
- Bristleback
- Fanghorn
- Redeye Watcher
- Widemaw
- Clawstrider
- Corruptor
- Bellowback
- Glinthawk
- Shell-Walker
- Stalker
- Grimhorn
- Ravager
- Snapmaw
- Sunwing
- Clamberjaw
- Rollerback
- Rockbreaker
- Behemoth
- Dreadwing
- Tideripper
- Shellsnapper
- Stormbird
- Thunderjaw
- Frostclaw
- Scorcher
- Slitherfang
- Tremortusk
- Fireclaw
- Slaughterspine
- Tallneck
- Specter
- Specter Prime
Machine #1: Grazer
Machine #2: Burrower
Machine #3: Scrounger
Machine #4: Leaplasher
Machine #5: Scrapper
Machine #6: Spikesnout
Machine #7: Skydrifter
Machine #8: Plowhorn
Machine #9: Charger
Machine #10: Lancehorn
Machine #11: Longleg
Machine #12: Bristleback
Machine #13: Fanghorn
Machine #14: Redeye Watcher
Machine #15: Widemaw
Machine #16: Clawstrider
Machine #17: Corruptor
The Corruptor is part of the Arena Challenges, in the 2nd Set of the “Legendary” Tier Challenges. This is repeatable and therefore not missable. It doesn’t have a location in the open world. They also spawn during Main Quest 13: Faro’s Tomb.
Machine #18: Bellowback
Machine #19: Glinthawk
Machine #20: Shell-Walker
Machine #21: Stalker
Machine #22: Grimhorn
You find Grimhorns at the Arena in the “Intermediate” set, 2nd challenge called “Cage Fight”. This is repeatable as often as you wish, can scan them there. They have no map icon in the open world. Grimhorns are also encountered during Main Quest 6: The Dying Lands & Main Quest 14: Gemini.
Machine #23: Ravager
Machine #24: Snapmaw
Machine #25: Sunwing
Machine #26: Clamberjaw
Machine #27: Rollerback
Machine #28: Rockbreaker
Machine #29: Behemoth
Machine #30: Dreadwing
Machine #31: Tideripper
Machine #32: Shellsnapper
Machine #33: Stormbird
Machine #34: Thunderjaw
Machine #35: Frostclaw
Machine #36: Scorcher
Machine #37: Slitherfang
Machine #38: Tremortusk
Machine #39: Fireclaw
Machine #40: Slaughterspine
Machine #41: Tallneck
Machine #42: Specter
[MISSABLE SCAN] Specters are only found during Main Quest 5: Death’s Door, Main Quest 10: Cradle of Echoes, Main Quest 17: Singularity. Alternatively, you get another chance in Side Quests “Valley of the Fallen” and “What Was Lost” for more Specters. Scanning this Machine is MISSABLE! It doesn’t spawn anywhere else outside of these quests (also doesn’t appear in the Arena or Hunting Grounds). It has no spawn location in the open world. If you just finished the story and forgot to scan it, see if you still have an autosave from the last story mission, to reload and potentially still scan the machine.
Machine #43: Specter Prime
[MISSABLE SCAN] Specter Prime is the endboss of the story, it only appears in Main Quest 17: Singularity. Scanning this Machine is MISSABLE! It doesn’t spawn anywhere else outside of the final story quest (also doesn’t appear in the Arena or Hunting Grounds). If you don’t scan it in the final story quest it won’t get added to your machine catalogue and you will miss the trophy “All Machine Types Scanned”. If you die during the final boss fight after scanning it, you will have to scan it again! If you just finished the story and forgot to scan it, see if you still have an autosave from the last story mission, to potentially still scan the machine. (*As of Patch 1.08 this gets added to your database automatically after the story so it’s not longer missable. Also works retroactively if you download the patch after finishing the story)
That’s all of the machines and their locations in Horizon Forbidden West (HZFW).
For everything else needed for 100% completion, check out the full Horizon Forbidden West – 100% Completion Wiki & Strategy Guide.
TimotheusFlavii says
I only need to scan three more machine types, but I can’t seem to find them. Does anyone have any idea where they are?
The machines are:
– Shock Canister Burrower
– Apex Purgewater Canister Burrower
– Apex Sentry Scrounger
Kontrollito says
Shock / Purge is a random spawn south of Bulwarck/North of Sheersidr Mountains Sunken caverns ( are is shaped like an ear). Just go there and scan, when they aren’t there just go to Bullwark, save and fly out again. Small grind. Sentry is glitched GG is looking into it.
Joanna says
I finished Singularity but only got the Specter Prime, Im still missing the Specter. HELP! what should I do? According to the new patch I should have gotten both, right?
[This has been patched as of 1.08 to no longer be missable as they now get added to your database automatically if you missed them (even retroactively), so if you missed them simply update the game.]
PowerPyx says
Hmm according to the patch notes and what I heard from other players it should be patched (for people who had missed stuff pre-patch it unlocked the trophy retroactively post-patch).
Perhaps they only fixed Specter Prime and the normal Specter is still buggy.
If you haven’t progressed too far you can simply reload an autosave during/before Singularity and replay that quest while scanning a normal Specter.
Otherwise it can be found in the side quests listed here.
Joanna says
Another question is, what if I do a manual save and then start the game again to scan the specter as soon as I encounter one, load the my saved game to go back, would I get my ‘All types machines” trophy?
danial says
thank you very much I need this information about machines
Luigi says
On the PC version of the game, i have 4 empty spots that would be after the specter prime. does anyone know what they are
Tim says
Probably the 4 from the DLC
YoJimbo says
Bilegut, Horus, Waterwing, and I’m still looking for the last.
Thom says
I am hoping it is the sting spawned a little wasps that are surround the bile gut