There are 4 Hunting Grounds Locations in Horizon Forbidden West (HZFW). Each of them has 3 Trials for a total of 12 Trials. They are needed for the trophy “Obtained 3 Stripes at All Hunting Grounds”. For trophy purposes it’s enough to get the lowest grade “Quarter Stripes” (bronze) in each trial.
None of the Hunting Grounds are missable. You can still find all of them after the story in free-roam.
For Trials Walkthroughs, refer to: Horizon Forbidden West Hunting Grounds Trials Guide.
Hunting Grounds Locations
Hunting Grounds #1: The Daunt
Hunting Grounds #2: Plainsong
Hunting Grounds #3: Sheerside Mountains
Hunting Grounds #4: The Raintrace
That’s all 4 of the Hunting Grounds in Horizon II: Forbidden West (HZFW).
For anything else needed to 100% completion, check out the full Horizon Forbidden West Wiki & Strategy Guide.
moneymk33 says
Hey- why is I get only a quarter strip does it says in progress? It only goes to completed status when I get full stripes? Is that normal? Thanks