Rescuing Rococo is a Side Quest in Hogwarts Legacy. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Rescuing Rococo side mission.
Location: World Map -> Manor Cape -> Bainburgh
Quest Giver: Agnes Coffey
Quest Level: Level 25
Requirement: Having Finished Main Quest: The High Keep
Reward: Gold, Appearances, 180XP
Mission Info: The vendor in Bainburgh seems to be worried about ‘her poor boy’. It sounds like she needs help.
- Speak with the vendor in Bainburgh
- Enter Henrietta’s Hideaway
- Find Rococo
- Return to Agnes Coffey
Starting Location: Rescuing Rococo
Speak with the vendor in Bainburgh
Talk to Agnes, she wants you to rescue her Niffler.
Enter Henrietta’s Hideaway
Follow the quest marker to find Henrietta’s Hideaway. The entrance is below Merlin’s Trial, just go down the stairs to the right of the trial, around the cliffside.
Find Rococo
Once inside the hideaway, you must first solve a puzzle to proceed.
Use Incendio on the statue to your left.
This will reveal a cube, use Accio or Windardium Levioso to get the cube onto the pedestal. Then cast Incendio on the cube to the left, and Glacius spell on the cube to the right. If done right, a door behind the cubes will open.
Beat all enemies in the next room, then go up the stairs on the far left side.
You will come to a wall that tries to suck you in. To pass it, cast Arresto Momentum onto the wall.
After another set of enemies, you will need to place 2 cubes on pedestals on the left of the room. The first cube is on the balcony on the left, grab it with Wingardium Leviosa, place it on the left pedestal that has a Leviosa icon.
The second cube is a secret room on the right behind a wall that opens up when you go near it. Just walk really close to the right-side wall of the room (downstairs) until it opens up. You can cast Revelio to also see the cube marked blue behind the wall. It’s behind some chests.
Again grab it with Wingardium Leviosa, then go upstairs to leave the room, and place it on the right pedestal with the Incendio icon.
Cast Levioso on the left cube and Incendio on the right cube. This opens a door that leads you to a treasure room with money on the floor and the little Niffler Rococo.
Use the Nab-Sack to rescue Rococo.
Return to Agnes Coffey
After rescuing Rococo, step onto the pedestal inside the statue at the end of the room. This transports you back to the start of the dungeon. Exit and return to Agnes.
This finishes Rescuing Rococo Side Quest in Hogwarts Legacy.
For all other Side Quests and Main Quests, check out the complete Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough.
Steven Clarke says
On hogwarts legacy how can you unlock level 34 on the game to complete the game and to start a new game and keep all the spells and gadgets to carry on with the newgame.
Tianee says
Thank you