Professor Garlick’s Assignment 1 is the thirty-first main quest in Hogwarts Legacy. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of Professor Garlick’s Assignment 1 Main Mission.
Requirement: having completed Main Quest: In the Shadows of the Estate, Level 16
Reward: 150 XP, Wingardium Leviosa, Tools Collection: Venomous Tentacula and Mandrake
Quest Info: As per Professor Garlick’s instructions, I successfully field tested a Venomous Tentacle and Mandrake in combat. In tertian, she taught me how to cast the Wingardium Leviosa spell, which is useful for levitating and moving objects around the environment.
- Acquire and Use a Venomous Tenatacula
- Acquire and Use a Mandrake on Multiple Enemies Simultaneously
- Attend Herbology Class During the Day
- Return to Professor Garlick
Starting Location: Professor Garlick’s Assignment 1
In order to proceed with the next main quest, we first need to learn Wingardium Leviosa from Professor Garlick.
Acquire and Use a Venomous Tenatacula
Warp to North Hogsmead floo flame and head north, past the village, to Dogweed and Deathcap. Enter the store and talk to the shopkeeper, Beatrice Green. From the store, buy Venomous Tentacle for 600 Galleons. While you’re at it, also buy a Mandrake for 500 Galleons, which is needed for the next objective for the assignment. If you don’t have enough money, sell something from the Sell Items tab. To use the Tentacula press and hold /
and then release it to equip it. Press
again to cast it.
Acquire and Use a Mandrake on Multiple Enemies Simultaneously
Now head outside and look for at least two enemies close to each other (red arrows on Minimap). Press /
and then select the Mandrake. Release
and then
again to use the Mandrake on the enemies.
Attend Herbology Class During the Day
Now warp to the Greenhouses floo flame at Hogwarts Castle and enter the greenhouse to start the lesson.
Return to Professor Garlick
Return to Professor Garlick to start learning Wingardium Leviosa, the Levitation Charm. As usual, steady your wand with the left stuck and guide it along the symbol’s path to learn the spell. Don’t let go of the left stick and remember to press the corresponding button to gain speed and lose the red spark. Wingardium Leviosa is used to levitate and move objects. Control its position with your movement, and use the D-pad to fine-tune its distance and rotation.
This finishes Professor Garlick’s Assignment 1 in Hogwarts Legacy.
Next Quest: The High Keep
For all other quests refer to the Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough.
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