Hogwarts Legacy contains 1428 Collectible Locations. This collectible guide shows all collectibles for 100% game completion and all trophies & achievements.
- 603 Collections –
Collector’s Edition
- 10 Tools
- 69 Enemies
- 89 Appearances
- 150 Revelio Pages
- 13 Beasts
- 75 Traits
- 42 Wand Handles
- 140 Conjurations
- 16 Ingredients
- 13 Brooms
- 168 Collection Chests – for Traits, Wand Handles, Conjurations
- 83 Floo Flames –
Floo Around the World
- 95 Merlin Trials –
Merlin’s Beard!
- 32 Balloon Sets – needed for Brooms (Collections)
- 33 Demiguise Statues –
Demiguise Dread
- 2 Battle Arenas –
Rise to the Challenges
- 5 Cairn Dungeons –
The Intrepid Explorer
- 12 Breed Beasts –
The Nature of the Beast
- 8 Grow Plants –
Put Down Roots
- 6 Brew Potions –
Going Through the Potions
- 236 Field Guide Pages – 180 needed for Collections (unlocks Appearances as challenge rewards)
- 15 Astronomy Tables – needed for Collections (challenge rewards)
- 20 Landing Platforms – needed for Collections (challenge rewards)
- 20 Ancient Magic Hotspots – needed for Collections (challenge rewards)
- 3 Hogwarts Secrets – needed for Collections (challenge rewards)
- 18 Infamous Foes – needed to unlock Enemies (Collections)
- 24 Challenges – needed for Collections (challenge rewards)
- 16 House Tokens – not directly a collectible but needed for The Daedalian Keys side quest
- 15 Butterflies – needed for Collections
None of the collectibles are missable! You can pick up everything in free-roam after the story (which is recommended). Pick up what you find yourself during the story. After the story, the first thing you should do is unlock all Spells and finish all Side Quests. The side quests will open up optional side areas that contain collectibles, you can still revisit these areas after the quests. Many Collectibles are gated behind puzzles that require certain Spells. You get all Spells from story progress and from Assignments. Some Collectibles aren’t available until you reached enough story progress.
The most important collectible type to prioritize is Demiguise Statues. These are needed for “Side Quest: The Man Behind the Moons” which upgrades your Alohomora spell to open Level 2-3 Locks. This is mandatory to open up the full Hogwarts Castle. Demiguise Statues can only be collected at night after having reached Main Quest #25: The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament. Without the ability to unlock Level 3 locks you would have to do a lot of backtracking because you can’t enter many rooms without it.
Some areas can’t be revisited after the story but those don’t contain collectibles. All collectibles are in areas that can be revisited. Areas that can’t be revisited only contain regular chests with money / potions / gear which isn’t needed for any challenges, trophies, or achievements.
For Trophies & Achievements you basically need 100% completion including all Challenges. Each Challenge Tier unlocks other Collectibles that count towards the 603 Collections. Each Collectible Type either has Challenges associated with it or directly unlocks a trophy. You claim Challenge Rewards by pressing /
on the completed Challenge Tiers. The only thing you don’t need everything of is Field Guide Pages, of those you only need around 180/236 to complete all challenges for their rewards. Of all other collectible types you need 100% of everything.
Many Collectibles register automatically as rewards from Main- and Side Quests or just walking past fast travel points or encountering new enemy types. Even collectible types that don’t directly give a trophy are tied to challenges which then unlock a collectible as a reward. For example, you need the Balloons to finish the Balloon Exploration Challenge, which then unlocks Broom Collectibles, and you need all Infamous Foes to register all 69 Enemy Types in the collection menu.
Potential Bug Warnings:
There are reports that if you start Side Quest: Follow the Butterflies in Hogsmeade, but do not complete it and instead complete another butterfly, you permanently get bugged out of 1 conjuration. Complete the quest as soon as you accept it to avoid this.
There are also reports that some players end up with 74/75 Traits. This happens if a Collection Chest from a Bandit Camp doesn’t reward you with a Trait (can happen randomly). You can prevent this by reloading last autosave if a collection chest from a bandit camp doesn’t give a Trait.
Useful Links:
- 603 Collections –
Collector’s Edition
- 10 Tools
- 69 Enemies
- 89 Appearances
- 150 Revelio Pages
- 13 Beasts
- 75 Traits
- 42 Wand Handles
- 140 Conjurations
- 16 Ingredients
- 13 Brooms
- 168 Collection Chests – for Traits, Wand Handles, Conjurations
- 83 Floo Flames –
Floo Around the World
- 95 Merlin Trials –
Merlin’s Beard!
- 32 Balloon Sets – needed for Brooms (Collections)
- 33 Demiguise Statues –
Demiguise Dread
- 2 Battle Arenas –
Rise to the Challenges
- 5 Cairn Dungeons –
The Intrepid Explorer
- 12 Breed Beasts –
The Nature of the Beast
- 8 Grow Plants –
Put Down Roots
- 6 Brew Potions –
Going Through the Potions
- 236 Field Guide Pages – 180 needed for Collections (unlocks Appearances as challenge rewards)
- 15 Astronomy Tables – needed for Collections (challenge rewards)
- 20 Landing Platforms – needed for Collections (challenge rewards)
- 20 Ancient Magic Hotspots – needed for Collections (challenge rewards)
- 3 Hogwarts Secrets – needed for Collections (challenge rewards)
- 18 Infamous Foes – needed to unlock Enemies (Collections)
- 24 Challenges – needed for Collections (challenge rewards)
- 16 House Tokens – not directly a collectible but needed for The Daedalian Keys side quest
- 15 Butterflies – needed for Collections
Joshua says
Hi. I am very confused… so I’m a platinum hunter for many games, but I am confused on Hogwarts Legacy, my character is Slytherin and obviously can only go into their common room, I’ve seen videos on people getting the field guide pages in other common rooms… how can I do this on the one save to get 100%? Or does the game realise you’re on the certain house therefore has everything in the house for you?
Lys Marie says
In order to receive the trophy “The Four of Them” you must reach the map chamber as each house.
FranciRoosters says
None of the Field Guide pages are missable! Regardless of your house, the tutorial to the the Field Guide Pages is with a Page that is ALWAYS outside of a house’s common room and can be accessed at all times. For example, the Field Guide Page tutorial for Hufflepuff is in front of some wine barrels, just outside the common room entrance.
sharpIIS2 says
603 already wayssss too much
Irwynn says
Jes, searching Hogwarts castle for collectible chests made me angry. This is the worst level design I seen. I literally see chests on the map but absolutely no path to reach them. I give up and rather wait until someone make guides.
matt says
that’s the point.. to explore your way around
Gh0st says
That’s the entire point of it being a magical school with moving stairways, changing walls, hidden secrets. They made a point multiple times in the books, movies, and this game itself that the school is very confusing to navigate and has a lot of secrets.
James says
I’m stuck at 128/140 Conjurations – Everything else is complete so I am not sure how to get the rest to complete the collections
GamingIsFun says
there are some chests in the Vivarium, 12 of them to be exact.
Andy1775 says
Do you have the 12 chest in vivarium?
Jake marsden says
Currently bugged. I’ve done all side quests, main quests and 100% on challengers. Still only on 118. It’s bugged
Vale says
I open all chest and i Need 2 conjurations, i don t know where to find them, pleas help me. They are Hogwarts banner and and pedistal
PowerPyx says
You are probably missing the collection chests from inside the Vivarium or from Butterflies.
Miguel Wolf says
there are only 5 collectible chests left to get, but there are 11 collectibles left to get the trophy, what do I do?
PhantomFear94 says
Did you ever resolve this?
Jack says
I have one appearance missing and I do not know how to get it. It’sright at the bottom of the Appearances section under the exploration sub heading. I have one of them (the one with blue trousers & a white shirt). If anyone knows how to get the other one I would be so greatfull!
Joe says
You must beat both arenas
Daniel says
Hello, I’m struggling to find Grodbik to complete the enemies collection. Can someone help me out please?
StefanGose says
I got all collectibales but didnt get the trophy 🙁 My trophy tracker is stuck at 17%. This was the last needed for platinum so i am stuck until a patch
Nono says
I dont belive you.
I do have near all collections in the menu and stuck at 18%.
I do not belive that you are only the collector away from plat tho.
stefangose says
you can track me if you want xD why should I lie? PSN: StefanGose
Aaron says
My trophy tracker for the Collector’s Edition trophy has been stuck on 19%, 120/603, for a while now, even though I’ve collected more than that. I hope this glitch is fixed.
Haikrazon says
Hi! Can anyone confirm that you don’t need all 150 pages? I see that the guide says you only need around 100 for the challenge rewards, but just want to make sure since 150 is what’s listed under the collections tab. I also unfortunately got the bug where I cant get the trophy until the new patch anyway, but just want to be prepared.
Gediminas says
History of magic class side quest holds 2 field pages in Bell Tower. so if you have 32/34, that’s where 2 last pages come from.
Mohammad says
I just want finish the game , not more
Because this trophy have problem .. good for everyone that got it
Andy1775 says
I have the problem that 1 moth in the library is bugged -.- it doesn’t spawn and i have collected 1 field page outside the clocktower over a spring and it hasn’t counted….
Josh says
I had the same problem too.
I notice after I completed the puzzle 2 challenge the moth spawn back near the location (of the library/ Sphinx statue)
Abububuki says
when the Field Guide Pages?
Abububuki says
and Revelio Pages?
PowerPyx says
Still working on them 🙂
It will take a few more days. There are a lot more of them than other collectible types.
anasterion says
I’m confused about field pages. So do we need to collect all 150 or 100 to get the trophy ‘Collector’s edition’ ?
PowerPyx says
No, you only need 180/236 Field Guide pages to complete all their Challenges. Each Challenge gives a Collection reward.
The Field Guide pages themselves don’t count as Collection Items, only their Challenge rewards do count.
However, of Revelio Pages you need all 150.
anasterion says
Got the platinum. Collected all 150 revelio pages. Found workaround in twitter some guy posted and it worked for me. I was stuck at 19% progress showing in psn. So here is workaround – ‘Upload save data to cloud. Delete your PS account on your ps5. Re-add your account. Upload your saved data. Load back in. Wait roughly 30 seconds to a minute and it will pop’.
The only thing I did differently is leave one collectible to collect (for me it was purchasing broom). And it instantly popped after I buyed it from the vendor.
Baness says
I finished every challenge to 100% also my ingame collection is 100% on every category. But the trophy didn’t pop. If I check the trophy in the PlayStation tab it says 18% but I’ve collected everything in the game. It shows a 100% and the map is completed too. Last trophy I am missing. Does anyone else have the Problem?
PowerPyx says
They released a patch today that should fix this 🙂
Jordi says
I had every collectible listed in Hogsmeade Valley, but hanging around I found some butterflies which brought me to a chest with a collection item. So I must asume that there must be more butterflies in other areas that I already completed. Is there a way to know how many butterflies chests are there and how to locate them?
Pumpkin_Bumpkin says
Thanks for all fo your hard work PowerPyx!
FranticBLaZe says
Do you need to do the treasure vaults to get all collectibles? Through all the guides on this site it seems I can skip those??
Curtis says
I Have found all collections except 1 conjugation. I have 117 chest in world. 35 from Hogwarts, 5 from hogmeade. 15 butterflies. And 12 from vivariums. Where do I find this last one!!! I think it’s bugged
LOLTrophies says
same, missing one wand.
TK says
I have same problem …
Missing 1 conjurations ??♂️
Darren says
Same , i even back tracked and went to all the butterfly locations and checked the vivaruim again but still can’t find the 1 conjuration i need
Angelo says
Yepp! Also hanging on 1 conjuration..
PhantomFear94 says
Reportedly, if you start “Followed the Butterly” but do not complete it and instead complete another butterfly, you permanently get bugged out of 1 conjuration. Reddit has multiple reports on this. Might want to add this to the guide, as it makes the Collector’s Edition trophy missable.
I have that one, but I’m doing my grind now and feel I’m going to be 3-5 short. I’ve done all the vivarium ones; open world + hogwarts says I have 84 left but I’m missing 87.
PowerPyx says
Thank you, added a note about it in Trophy Guide, Collectible Guide and Conjurations Guide.
PhantomFear94 says
Made a comment on the main roadmap, but I’d also recommend people being save-cautious with traits when mopping those to avoid a particular bug. Many are stuck at 74/75, and some just aren’t awarded a random trait when opening bandit chest. I personally saw this happen to me live; I re-loaded a previous save twice, and fortunately, it worked. I have 67/75, and all remaining ones are challenge based which I can account for exactly, so manually checking each trait in your collections every time you collect one via a chest is strongly recommended.
Devawarewolf says
well need to wait some sort of patch to fix bug since im stuck at 597/603 and in collection is say i have them all
Ash says
I’m stuck at 598/603. Everything is 100%.
Did you find a solution?
Devawarewolf says
not yet have keep looking everyplace some sort of solution and 100% and everything is collected but nothing
only what i read is that you need to do 100% withouth closing the game but i dont really want to collect everything again
Mike says
Any updates on the revelio and field guide pages?
PowerPyx says
Still working on them. I should have Revelio Pages guide ready by tomorrow. Field Guide Pages soon after (150 Revelio Pages automatically count as Field Guide Pages).
Ge0ffroy says
Hi, my ingame collection is 100% on every category. But I didn’t get the trophy . If I check the trophy in the PlayStation tab it says 600/603 and I’ve collected everything in the game. Every challenges is complete too…
XDev_AngelX says
I have same problem mine is showing 596/603
Arkalois says
I met the same problem. Even after new patch,because everything what is possible to get in this game i’ve collected. Trophy tracker is saying 593/603 ??
kraeuschen says
In my case, i had to buy missing weeds, although the tools showed 10/10. If i remember right, i bought the plants from the vendor, instead the seeds, during the story. But only the weeds are counting for the trophy.
MrC says
i got same problems too, mine is 599/603.
Helen says
Same problem I have all of them in collection. But the trophy doesn’t show up.
Had an issue with collection pages: according to hints, the one above green houses. Then it just went out from trophies, it’s neither done, nor shown. But I have 2 not completed (collector’s and platinum). And the hints show 1% done
Gblum says
I have all collections 100% completed but the trophy (collectors edition) didn’t pop. Why is that?
Lazypleb says
Welp, joining all the people with bugged trophies, tracker stuck at 591/603 but I have everything filled out
eastpak333 says
If you had a bug like me for the collector’s edition trophy (602/603), patch 1.05 fixed it. just go to the floo flame forbidden forest and the butterflies are there again and they will lead you to the last chest (tested on 2 characters and with each I already had all the butterflies collected and after patch 1.05 there were those from the sidequest again)
Gblum says
Didn’t work for me… Still got 602/603
TugaCruz says
Hey guys, there is a way to get the last 2 conjurations, just follow these steps:
1. You have to have 1 or 2 missing from conjurations 138/140 or 139/140.
2. Teleport to “Room of Requirements” and go inside a vivarium
3. Wait for the game auto save, then reload the last save. (It takes about 3~ minutes)
4. Speak to Deek change the room to anything different.
5. Now, just go in each vivarium and look for a chest that have respawned you just will have to
locate it.
Note: For me, i needed to do it two times because i was missing two conjurations.
Hope this help you guys
Gblum says
Anyone any updates on the collectors trophy? Tracker still says 602/603
xFrTyCz says
Tracker still says 614/617
xFrTyCz says
All 617/617
Jono says
These are more collectibles in this game then many of the other games I played.
I hope to place in a massive 60 hours of this game. Aiming towards 100% completion of Hogwarts Legacy . But it will consume my time.