Hogwarts Legacy features many puzzles and secrets that appear in multiple locations throughout the game. Hogwarts Castle has secrets and puzzles in every corner. At first it can be tricky to figure out what to do so this guide explains how all puzzle types work. This will give you an idea what to look for and how to solve all puzzle types.
You often need spells that are unlocked from Main Quests and Assignments. These become available gradually throughout the game. You can’t solve all puzzles from the start, some require specific spells which will be explained here. For all spells refer to Hogwarts Legacy How to Unlock All Spells.
There are also some Side Quest specific Puzzles that are unique and only appear once. For these refer to the detailed side quest walkthroughs in Hogwarts Legacy All Side Quests Guide. The page here covers the general puzzles that are often repeated throughout the game.
1. Arithmancy Math Puzzle Doors
These math puzzle doors are found frequently in Hogwarts Castle. Interact with the door to reveal the puzzle. This will show two mathematical calculations that need to be solved with the result number inside the circle. Complete the calculation by figuring out which number completes it. The correct number is given by the magical beast icons around the door. For example: if the number inside the circle is 21 and around it you have 11 and 4, then the question mark must be 6 (11+4+6 = 21). Now count the magical beasts around the door from 0 to 9 and select the correct one from the corresponding question mark switch found around the puzzle (can be highlighted with Revelio). For this particular example it would be the lizard. You won’t always get two numbers per calculation, sometimes you’ll get a number and one of the magical beasts or two magical beasts altogether.
2. Daedalian Keys
To solve these puzzles you must first play through side quest “The Deadalian Keys” by talking to Nellie Oggspire at Hogwarts. While on a puzzle, you need to press /
when the key quickly moves over the keyhole going from one side to the other.
3. Eye Chests
Cast Disillusionment (spell that makes you invisible) to avoid getting spotted and get their 500 Galleons reward.
4. Depulso Puzzles
Unlocked after playing through side quest “The Hall of Heriodana”. The goal of these puzzles is to cast Depulso or Accio at the blocks in the room to create a path to the other side of same room. There’s caveat though: when the blocks touch one another, they connect and cannot be separated. These puzzles can be reset if you fail.
5. Locked Doors (Level 1-3 Locks) & Alohomora Lockpicking Puzzles
First you must finish Main Quest #25: The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament, this unlocks Alohomora spell to open Level 1 Locks. To unlock Level 2-3 locks you must do Side Quest “The Man Behind the Moons” and collect the Demiguise Statues. You can open Level 2 locks after delivering 9 Demiguise Statues and Level 3 Locks after 22 Statues (there are 33 Statues total). After casting Alohomora on a lock, you need to hold both controller sticks in a way so that the inner lock shows a red light and the outer one a green one. When the circles slightly move, stop for a second as this indicates that you’re close to finding the right position.
6. Clocktower Hogwarts Secret Puzzle
First you must finish Main Quest #25: The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament, this unlocks Alohomora spell to open Level 1 Locks. To unlock Level 2-3 locks you must do Side Quest “The Man Behind the Moons” and collect the Demiguise Statues. You can open Level 2 locks after delivering 9 Demiguise Statues and Level 3 Locks after 22 Statues (there are 33 Statues total). Head to South Wing > Clock Tower Courtyard and unlock the door to the left and get to the second floor where you should be able to see 4 different symbols the clocktower pendulum swings by. Cast Arresto Momentum when the pendulum swings by one of the symbols. You have to do this on all 4 symbols to be able to access all of the doors in the area. Can be highlighted with Revelio.
7. Key of Admittance Hogwarts Secret Puzzle
First you must finish Main Quest #25: The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament, this unlocks Alohomora spell to open Level 1 Locks. To unlock Level 2-3 locks you must do Side Quest “The Man Behind the Moons” and collect the Demiguise Statues. You can open Level 2 locks after delivering 9 Demiguise Statues and Level 3 Locks after 22 Statues (there are 33 Statues total). Once you have Alohomora on Level 3, go to the Headmaster’s Office (accessible only after playing through main quest The Polyjuice Plot) and open the office leading outside. Climb the stairs and open the door at the very top to access the highest point in the castle. From here, grab the Key of Admittance and go back down to the phoenix statue. Open the door opposite the phoenix statue on the other side of the corridor to complete this Hogwarts Secret
8. Viaduct Bridge Hogwarts Secret Puzzle
First, you must obtain Incendio (unmissable, story-related spell). Then, head to Central Hall floo flame and head towards the South Wing. On the Viaduct Bridge are four braziers and at the start of the bridge, on the floor, are four numbers. These same numbers can be found at the base of the braziers. the solution to the puzzle is to turn each brazier to the correct number, which will then open a hatch. The solution to the puzzle is to turn each brazier to the correct number, which will then open a hatch. Stand at the side of the viaduct close to the library and look across the bridge. Closest-Left: Four, Furthest-Left: One ,Closest Right: Two, Furthest Right: Three.
9. Portal Walls That Pull You In
Found during Side Quest “Solved by the Bell“, you must cast Arresto Momentum at the wall that sucks you in, then the wall is “frozen” and you can walk past it.
10. Merlin Trial Pyre Puzzle
Cast Confringo at the pyres around the area. Can be highlighted with Revelio.
11. Merlin Trial Boulder Puzzle
Cast Wingardium Leviosa at the boulder near the Merlin Trial platform and drag it inside the hole that’s nearby. Can be highlighted with Revelio.
12. Merlin Trial Block Flipping Puzzle
Cast Flipendo at the blocks standing on the pillars, so that the drawings match. Can be highlighted with Revelio.
13. Merlin Trial Stones Puzzle
Cast Basic Cast at the standing spherical stones found around the area. They’re always together in a set of three. Can be highlighted with Revelio.
14. Merlin Trial Confringo Puzzle
Cast Confringo to destroy the pillars around the area. Can be highlighted with Revelio.
15. Merlin Trial Firefly Puzzle
Use your broom to scan the area for swarms of fireflies. Cast Lucio and get near them to attract them and bring them to the pillars. Can be highlighted with Revelio.
16. Merlin Trial Reparo Puzzle
Use Reparo to repair the pillars. This is the opposite of Confringo Puzzles.
17. Merlin Trial Standing Stones Platforming
Climb the first stone and jump over all stones quickly without falling down, if you are fast enough it finishes the trial. If you took too long you must jump over all stones again and do it quicker.
18. Butterflies
When you encounter Butterflies in the wild, follow them until they stop at one spot, then cast Revelio to reveal an invisible chest that contains a collection item. Butterflies only appear on the map when you get close to them and they don’t stay marked on the map after you move away.
19. Wizards Chess Puzzles
Some of the Treasure Vaults in the southern regions like Clagmar Coast and Cragcroftshire have a chessboard. Use Revelio in the vault to highlight the chess piece and then cast Transformation at it to turn it into a Wizard Chess piece. Then, you must place the piece on a tile to create a checkmate situation. Remember that Rooks move only in one direction, up or down, left or right, the Knight moves in an L fashion, and the Bishop moves diagonally.
Hratgard says
you are missing a one puzzle. The concentric rings puzzel up i a littel valley just south east of Hogwarts
Thomas says
Yes what about the puzzle south of Brocburrow. I but something in the middle and was able to move two pillers with signs but then i tried to reload it cause I was messing up. And now it won’t even allow me. But wierd signs and huge door, you can hear someone else on the other side.