Hogwarts Legacy has 13 Flying Brooms. This guide shows all Broom Locations. They count as Collectibles to complete the Collections Menu and to earn the Collector’s Edition trophy & achievement.
You can start obtaining Flying Brooms after Main Quest #19: Flying Class. This is about a third into the story. After this quest the broom shops open up and you can buy them. It costs 18,500 money total to buy all brooms. Also see Hogwarts Legacy Fastest Money Farming Method (takes about 45 minutes to farm enough money).
None of the Brooms are missable. You can still get all of them after the story in free-roam. The first 9 are bought from vendors, the last 4 are rewards from challenges for popping ballons that hover in the air. See Hogwarts Legacy All Balloon Locations. After completing a Challenge Tier you must click on it in the Challenges Menu to obtain the broom as a reward. It doesn’t unlock it automatically when completing a challenge, you have to claim it manually from the menu.
You can check which Brooms you have and which are missing under Collections > Brooms. This guide lists them in the same order as the completed in-game menu, which uses alphabetical order. This way you can easily compare against your in-game list.
Related Guides:
- Hogwarts Legacy Collectible Guide – 100% Completion
- Hogwarts Legacy Fastest Money Farming Method
- Hogwarts Legacy All Balloon Locations
- Hogwarts Legacy All Challenges Guide
#1 – Aeromancer Broom
Bought from Rohan Prakash in Poidsear Coast, south-west of Marunweem Bridge (Cost: 3000).
#2 – Ember Dash Broom
Bought from Spintwiches Sporting Needs in Hogsmeade (Cost: 600).
#3 – Family Antique Broom
Bought from Priya Treadwell in Feldcroft Region, south-west of the battle arena (Cost: 2500). She also has a shop north of Feldcroft town and in South Sea Bog region, can buy it from any one of them.
#4 – Hogwarts House Broom
Bought from Spintwiches Sporting Needs in Hogsmeade (Cost: 600).
#5 – Moon Trimmer Broom
Bought from Spintwiches Sporting Needs in Hogsmeade (Cost: 600).
#6 – Silver Arrow Broom
Bought from Arn in Hogwarts Vally region (Cost: 5000). This vendor only spawns after doing Side Quest: Carted Away.
#7 – Sky Scythe Broom
Bought from Leopold Babcoke in Hogsmeade Valley (Cost: 5000).
#8 – Wind Wisp Broom
Bought from Spintwiches Sporting Needs in Hogsmeade (Cost: 600).
#9 – Yew Weaver Broom
Bought from Spintwiches Sporting Needs in Hogsmeade (Cost: 600).
4 Brooms come from Challenge Rewards. After buying a broom you can fly into balloons in the air throughout the open world. There are always 5 balloons close together, popping all of them count as “1 balloon set”. There are 32 total but for challenges you only need 15 of 32 sets. After completing one tier of the challenge, claim the broom by going to Challenges Menu > Exploration > Pop Balloons > click the completed challenge icon ( /
) to get the Broom. It doesn’t automatically unlock it, you have to manually claim the challenge reward in the menu.
See » Hogwarts Legacy All Balloon Locations
#10 – Night Dancer Broom
Challenge Reward for popping 2 Sets of Balloons.
#11 – Lickety Swift Broom
Challenge Reward for popping another 5 Sets of Balloons (7 total).
#12 – Wild Fire Broom
Challenge Reward for popping another 10 Sets of Balloons (17 total).
#13 – Bright Spark Broom
Challenge Reward for popping another 15 Sets of Balloons (32 total).
That’s all 13 Brooms in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Legacy.
For all other Collectible Types refer to Hogwarts Legacy Collectible Guide.
Felix says
I’ve got all brooms apart from Silver Arrow Broom, it’s not showing in the shop. Any ideas?
Leon says
Did you do the Carted Away side quest? The merchant only spawns if you complete his quest.