This trophy / achievement unlocks upon completing the feat “I Will Cry if I Want To”. It’s a little easter egg in which you must shoot 18 golden elephant statues in the penthouse. The elephant statues are rather small and stand on shelves.
Whenever you shoot one you will hear an elephant’s roar. Their locations are:
– 8 in left library
– 2 in office (left side)
– 5 in right library
– 3 upstairs on shelf in one of the rooms
The silver elephants aren’t needed, only the golden ones count.
After you’ve destroyed all of them you must leave the building. Walk down the stairs and back to the starting point, then the challenge and trophy / achievement will unlock. If you die before leaving the building it won’t unlock.
When you go straight to the penthouse there will be many people in it. They are likely to spot you at some point. If you want your peace and quit just do the opportunity “On The House” and all the guards will be gone (makes it easier, but this isn’t necessary).
Special thanks to PSN User “GTAJJ” for sending in tips about this trophy!
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