This guide shows all Door Codes & Safe Codes Combinations in Hitman 3. All Keycodes in the game are fixed and will be the same for all players on each playthrough. Knowing these will save you some time.
Dubai Codes
- 4706 (Door, Staff Area) – Door Code to Staff Area on Floor Level 00 which you can enter from the Atrium (behind the bar). You can see the code on a whiteboard in the Meeting Room on Floor Level 00.
- 4706 (Door, Atrium) – Door Code between Atrium and Staff Area on Floor Level 00. This is the door in the bottom map corner of the Atrium (same code as the other door). You can see the code on a whiteboard in the Meeting Room on Floor Level 00.
- 6927 (Safe, Security Room Floor 02) – Safe Code Floor Level 02, Security Room. Contains Evacuation Keycard that you can use on two panels in the Penthouse 5th & 4th floor to trigger the evacuation sequence of the two targets. Same code as 3rd floor Security Room.
- 6927 (Safe, Security Room Floor 03) – Safe Code Floor Level 03, Security Room. Contains Evacuation Keycard that you can use on two panels in the Penthouse 5th & 4th floor to trigger the evacuation sequence of the two targets. Same code as 2nd floor Security Room.
- 7465 (Safe, Penthouse Guest Bedroom) – Safe in the Guest Bedroom in the Penthouse, Floor Level 05. Contains a Tablet with Intel. The code is on a blue sticky note on the computer screen in the same room (Thanks to Angelweaver for sharing this in the comments).
Dartmoor Codes
- 1975 (Safe, Case File) – Safe Code containing the Case File. In Alexa Carlisle’s Office on 2nd floor. Press the button on her office chair and it will reveal a safe behind a picture frame. You’d normally find out this code by looking at the 4 symbols above the safe (Clock, Telescope, Fire, Moose) and finding these objects around the manor which have numbers on the walls next to them. The code is always the same so you can skip all that and enter it directly.
Berlin Codes
- 1989 (Safe, Hirschmüller’s Office) – Safe Code for Floor -02 Hirschmüller’s Office, contains Cocaine Brick and Gold Idol bust. You get the code by overhearing two employees talking and saying the code is the same year the Berlin wall was taken down (which was in year 1989) – thanks to Osiris for sharing this in the comments.
Chongqing Codes
- 0118 (Door, Container) – Container Door Code to the ICA Facility Entrance. You can find this out by overhearing some people in front of the container talking about it and one of them will also enter the code to enter the facility and say it out loud. Same code combination as the apartment with the P41 form.
- 0118 (Door, ICA Apartment) – Door Code to the ICA Apartment that contains the P41 Form, on Floor Level 02 of an apartment building. You can find out this code by climbing into the same apartment from the roof and listening to the answering machine. Same code combination as the Container Entrance to ICA Facility.
- 0118 (Door, Laundromat) – Door Code in the Laundromat, on Floor Level 01. Leads to the roof for All-Seeing Eyes Story.
- 2552 (Door, Benchmark Lab) – Door Code to the staircase in the Benchmark Lab, Floor Level 04 (building where “Hush”, the mission target is). You can find this out by looking at a whiteboard on the top floor (5th floor) of the same building.
- 2552 (Door, Hush’s Private Lab) – Door Code to Therapy Room which you access by going to the balcony from Hush’s Private Lab. You can find this out by looking at a whiteboard on the same floor, behind a wall where Royce likes to stand around near a patient in a chair.
- 2552 (Door, Arcade) – Door Code inside the Arcade on Floor Level 00.
- 2552 (Secret Hatch) – In the fenced area behind the Arcade are two Street Guards and a keypad on a wall (Floor Level 00). Enter code 2552 to unlock the secret hatch. This also completes Discovery Challenge “Quite a Hatch”.
Mendoza Codes
- 1945 (Laser System) – Door Code to shut off the Laser System to the Wine Fridge on Floor Level 01 (Wine Cellar where the Sommelier is). The code is the same as the year the wine was mode, which is the year 1945 Grand Paladin. A guard talking to the Sommelier also says the code “is the last year of World War II”.
- 2006 (Safe, Villa Basement) – Safe Code for the Villa Basement, contains important Intel and completes a Challenge. You’d normally find out the code by overhearing two guards outside the Yateses Villa by the cliffside. They mention the code is the wedding year of the Yateses. Upstairs in their villa you can find a calendar on the wall from the year 2021 which has their wedding anniversary circled as “Crystal Anniversary”. Crystal means 15 years and 2021 – 15 = 2006 which is the code.
Carpathian Mountains Codes
- 1979 (Door) – Door Code at the start of the mission (shown on the poster directly left of the door).
That’s all known Codes and Combinations in Hitman 3.
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Osiris says
There is actually one safe that you can unlock in Berlin (4 digits), in the club owner’s office underground. I have yet to crack the code. Tried to find clues in his office but so far no luck.
I was wondering if anyone knows?
Osiris says
The code is 1989, the year the Berlin wall fell
CamilaVanilla says
Yes, it’s 1989. I discovered this while overhearing two club employees talking about stealing from the safe. The woman mentioned that she could never forget the safe code because it’s the year that the “Wall” was taken down (the Berlin Wall, as the map is in Berlin).
PowerPyx says
Thank you both, this has been added in!
I credited Osiris in the guide because posted it first.
Angelweaver says
The Code for the Safe, Penthouse Guest Bedroom is on a blue sticky note attached the computer monitor in the same room .Located directly in front of you if you enter the guest room via the door . Mine was 7465 but unsure if it changes.
PowerPyx says
Thank you! Added that in and credited you in the guide =)
CamilaVanilla says
Hi, I know the safe code for Berlin! 1989. As I mentioned in a comment reply above, I discovered this while overhearing two club employees talking about stealing from the safe. The woman mentioned that she could never forget the safe code because it’s the year that the “Wall” was taken down (the Berlin Wall, as the map is in Berlin).
Alex says
In Berlin, if you take a picture of the UFO on the wall in the parking lot by the club entrance you can exfiltrate to a UFO once you have killed all five targets. Simply run all the way back to the gas station and use the payphone with the code from the wall, 1993, to get a secret abduction exit to the level.