Hades Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 7/10 without using God Mode, 4/10 using God Mode (see note below roadmap about God Mode)
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 50 – 75 hours
- Offline Trophies: 50 (1
, 2
, 7
, 40
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: No missable trophies (you aren’t able to lock yourself out of any trophies on a save slot by spending resources improperly)
- Glitched trophies: None, though trophies sometimes don’t pop until you leave the current room you are in when completing the requirement
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Skelly’s Last Lamentations requires completing a run with a minimum 16 heat total
- Minimum Playthroughs: Approximately 80~ playthroughs worth of encounters cumulatively (doesn’t mean successfully escaping 80 times, just the total amount of rooms you must finish is roughly equal to the number of rooms you’d see over 80 full playthroughs, about 1900 enemy rooms)
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: The game doesn’t end after completing the story, can play on the same save forever without restarting
- Release Date: August 13, 2021
Welcome to the Hades Trophy Guide! Hades is the newest release from Supergiant Games, originally released in 2020 on PC and Switch, finally making its way to Playstation and Xbox. Hades is a rogue-like game that pulls aspects from all of Supergiant’s prior games into one incredible package, utilizing a procedural dialogue system to tell a continual story in the rogue-like game format. The platinum is the same as the requirements for the PC version, so if you had already played the game there you should know what to expect. The trophies require many runs through the game and involve unlocking basically all the major gameplay affecting aspects and dealing with the majority of the side quest style content. Player-selected difficulty modifiers allow you to adjust the difficulty as you like once you start completing more runs and working on earning more resources to unlock more items.
Step 1: Learn the Basics, complete your first Escape
The first step will be to just learn the game and work on completing your first successful run. The game gradually reveals things to you as you play, and is generally very good at gradually explaining how things work as long as you are reading the dialogue from the characters during and between runs. A number of requirements for trophies can’t be worked on until you unlock the ability to increase run heat and purchase more House Contractor options, so you don’t need to worry about too much prior to your first successful escape other than learning the basic mechanics. Make sure to actively speak to all available characters you can whenever you return to the House of Hades, as that is required to progress some unlocks and to unlock certain things such as the Codex, which requires speaking to Achilles several times and can be received after your third escape attempt.
When you obtain Cthonic Keys you should first use them to unlock the other Infernal Arms first, followed by the rest of the options in the Mirror of Night to spend your Darkness on. Try out the different weapons as you obtain them (the one with the purple aura gives increased Darkness if used in your next run) as you need to complete a run with each weapon at least once so it’s good to not get stuck only using one of them off the start. Once the House Contractor becomes available you can start using your resources on the Work Orders items to help yourself during runs. When you receive Nectar you should give it to each character one time, before giving multiple to the same character so that you can unlock Keepsakes as quickly as possible.
Step 2: Complete the Story, unlock all Keepsakes, complete Work Orders, complete Prophecies, and increase Favor with other Characters
After you have successfully completed your first escape you should have been introduced to a number of the meta systems the game has, and you can start working your way through them to give yourself a leg up during runs and working towards the specific trophies. It’s recommended to keep switching weapons to the one that offers increased Darkness (because you can only obtain the boss rewards once per weapon before you need to start increasing Heat level with the Pact of Punishment to obtain the rewards again).
When spending resources at the House Contractor you should aim to complete things in the Work Orders section before anything else, those either directly affect gameplay or allow you to unlock more things. Items in the other sections are all cosmetic and not specifically needed for trophies, aside from 12 Lounge upgrades needed to level favor with Dusa. During runs pick new Boons and Upgrades whenever they are offered to complete Prophecies and gain free resources and learn which you’d like for higher difficulty runs.
When you obtain Nectar make a conscious effort to give one to each character first to unlock all the Keepsakes (except Hades’ which can’t be unlocked until you complete your 10th successful run). Once you have unlocked them all make sure to switch between them as you level them to 3 so that you have less time required at the end to finish leveling them. If you want to prioritize Nectar usage you could aim to give them to either the characters that give Chthonic Companions (listed under the Complete Set trophy) or the ones with the various Prophecy trophies attached to them, but it’s generally up to you. Once you have unlocked all Infernal Arms and Mirror of Night upgrades you can trade keys for Nectar at the Wretched Broker located in the lounge, as the only thing you can use Keys for at that point is cosmetic changes or to reset your upgrades at the Mirror of Night, which only costs 1 Key at a time.
Step 3: Complete the Epilogue, Unlock all Weapon Aspects, use the Pact of Punishment
After your 10th successful playthrough you “complete” the story, then will be able to work towards the extra epilogue requirement. While doing this you should be increasing your Heat each run with the Pact of Punishment to obtain more rewards, which then allows you to unlock the Weapon Aspects. You should continue focusing on completing any Prophecies during runs if you can, and when you feel confident do the 8 and 16 Heat runs to unlock the first two of Skelly’s prizes, along with attempting the Extreme Measures run.
Step 4: Level Keepsakes, clean up remaining unlocks for Trophies
Leveling Keepsakes takes the longest amount of time in general, as they are leveled purely from completing encounters. Complete any outstanding trophies for anything like Prophecies or one-off actions, then if you are only left with leveling Keepsakes at the end you could just run 0 Heat runs to complete them faster.
God Mode / Hell Mode Explanation
“God Mode” is a toggle in the settings menu that you can turn on or off at any time during gameplay. Turning it on gives 20% extra damage reduction to Zagreus during gameplay, with the reduction increasing by 2% each time you fail a run with God Mode enabled, up to a cap of 80% reduction. The setting doesn’t affect any other aspect of gameplay, only adds damage reduction. You can turn this on or off as you please and the damage reduction you have reached doesn’t reset, so you are free to experiment with it if you want a harder experience. Using God Mode doesn’t affect trophies in any way, and while allowing you to survive longer by taking less damage doesn’t actually make the platinum much shorter.
“Hell Mode” is a toggle you select when creating a new save file and basically is a “Hard Mode” modifier for the save slot. It cannot be turned off once turned on, disables the use of God Mode, starts you with the Pact of Punishment right from the start of the game, and always has certain Pact modifiers enabled right from the start. Hell Mode is NOT required for trophies, and wouldn’t be recommended to be used unless you already had some experience with the game as you can’t turn it off without making a new save and starting over.
Game Saving Explanation
Hades saves your current progress after every enemy encounter you complete during a run, and every time you enter a different room in the House of Hades. During runs you can complete an encounter, then quit the game from the pause menu and it will return you to the same spot when you load your save again, meaning you can stop in the middle of runs if needed. YOU MUST QUIT FROM THE PAUSE MENU. If you close the game without quitting from the pause menu first the game reverts you back to the start of the run instead of the last room you are in, which is also what will occur when the game crashes.
Because you can save and quit during a run this means you can back up your save during a run, if you had a situation such as wanting to make sure you can beat the final boss during a run and back up your save to give yourself multiple tries if needed.
PhantomFear94 says
Couple of questions for anyone able to answer.
– For a newcomer to the genre, how difficult would this game be compared to something like Dark Souls, or Returnal (probably better genre fit)? Appreciate God Mode will naturally make it easier, but without it, is it comprable in difficulty to those games?
– Could one hypothetically ‘spam deaths’ for Platinum purposes (e.g. intentionally get to 80% damage protection by dying over and over on purpose) and then do the entire game and all escape runs on 80% damage?
– How long would an escape be? Are we talking several hours, an hour, etc.?
Gage says
Easier. The game leads you into everything much more gradually and there’s way more persistent unlocks and variety of boons than Returnal, so you can get very good combinations by the end of runs.
You could farm your way to 80% damage reduction if you wanted right away yes, but you’d probably be better off still attempting to play properly so you actually learn mechanics and aren’t entirely crutching on the damage reduction.
Full runs will take about an hour real time starting out when you’re learning and reading everything, when you get better and know what to do they can start creeping down to 30 minutes (and you need to have an about 30 minute run of the in game timer for one of the Pact modifiers). The game saves after every encounter and you can quit at any time if you want to stop playing in the middle of a run.
Jonathan says
If I platinum the PS4 version can I transfer my save to the PS5 version and make the trophies auto pop?
Gage says
No, there is no save transfer.
Thomas McManus says
Curious about this as well. I bought the PS4 physical version just in case lol
Roy says
So I quit the game before the last boss fight saved on the cloud came back on the game and had to start over. I actually lost everything I did that whole run like it never happened.
Gage says
I have been reading of people having this issue, though due to the game crashing mid-run and reverting back like the run hadn’t happened.
DKT says
I’ve been save scumming with no problem, but you need to choose “Quit” from the in game menu. If it’s blacked out, you can’t actually quit if an encounter started.
If you force close the game in an attempt to bypass it, the game will clear your run and send you back to the beginning as of you did nothing.
Gage says
I figured that’s what it was doing, and why if the game crashes it wipes your run in a similar manner. I’ll update the info in the guide to explain that better.
SepVF says
Do you really have to max out every weapon upgrade or just one weapon is enough?
Gage says
Only one weapon aspect for the trophy, otherwise you only need to upgrade them enough to trigger the unlock conditions for the hidden aspects, then unlock them for use.
migix959595 says
Tips: to unlock some dialogue you can dead (not complete full run) for example to donate nectar (because you can donate 1 each dialogue) or to do fast the prophecy dead spontaneous .. i do plat into 50 hours (not 70-100) with this method.
AncientGameR says
I finished a run with heat level 8 but didn’t get the trophy. Has anyone had this problem?
Madmartigan says
In the training room, make sure you interact with the statue at the bottom left of the screen. This will make the challenge available for the trophy.
TPD1987 says
I can confirm that for the hidden aspect of Fists of Malphon, you don’t need to have them equipped. You still need to put in the required Titan Blood into the upgrades and still need to talk to the Minotaur in the miniboss chamber, but you do not need to have the fists equipped. I just got the phrase from him while doing a bow run with the Aspect of Hera (so that means any weapon/aspect should work).
Dix3n says
If you do a heat +16 run before talking to skelly about it, will you be able to get the reward once he mentions the rewards ? or do you have to do it again once he tells you about the rewards ?
philyson says
I did an 8 heat run before interacting with the statues at all, and afterwards when I did interact with and reveal the first statue, the trophy popped. Id think it’s the same thing with 16.
AAB says
Same question
sleepingisgivingin says
Has anyone had problems with trophies popping? I have all the keepsakes but cant get the trophy to pop. Does anyone know what to do?
Nine4fours says
There’s 2 keepsakes you cannot get until you complete 10 runs. One is Hades’. If you got the keepsake prophecy than you only need those two more
AAB says
I did +16 before the statues. Later them appered and i got trophies for +8 and +16 by opening it.
thUg-inc says
Don’t if it’s a bug or if it’s missable but I’ve got a problem with “Divided by Death” trophy.
I’m at 73 excapes and I finished epilogue and both prophecy “End to Torment” and “Musician and Muse”, talking and giving Nectar each time it’s possible to everyone but Achilles & Patroclus stay with there locked hearts and saying random things every time I speak to them.
And the 2 weirdest things is that I can’t find “Divided by Death” prophecy in prophecy list anymore and I’m pretty sure I saw it at some point. And it seem it’s the same for lots of people, in playstation trophy list this one is one of the rarest just before getting all Chthonic Companion trophy who also depended on this trophy.
Does anyone have same problem and have a solution?
kada says
I have the same problem and I’m at run 110~. All other trophies are unlocked around 80 runs. And I’ve played for 40 more runs there’s no trigger for the “risk it all” dialog with Patroclus.
Dix3n says
You also have to talk to Nyx and give her Nectar, she will tell you about the contract in the administrative chambers.
anasterion says
Got platinum yesterday. So can confirm that procephy is not bugged. But trophy description could be more detailed. Found some tips on other sources and here what I did. So first that you not only need affinity level 6 with both characters, but also to see all dialogues with them until Achilles don’t have exlamation above head with dialogue option and until you get dialogue with key words “risk it all” with Patroclus. So after I started focusing on this procephy I needed to do like 13-15 more runs to Elysium to see required dialogues with Patroclus and about 3-4 new dialogues from Achilles. Second thing was that I saw was advised to raise max affinity with Nyx as she then tells you location of the contract in the administrative chamber. And with all this mentioned, everything progressed for me with no issues.
kada says
Finally got all the trophies in run 136. You just need to do more runs and talk to Patroclus more.
thUg-inc says
It start clearly to look like a bug, i’m on my 90 escape now and like I said before, I gave nectar and talk to everyone when it was possible, so Nyx has already her heart level to the maximum for a long time and she already told me about the contract for Achille & Patroclus even longer but nothing since that.
@kada Do you still have “Divided by Death” prophecy in your prophecy list?
I tried multiple things, die several times, rushing many time to Patroclus, but things don’t move.
I also noticed that Hypnos and the last 4 gods (because we only need 5 for epilogue) remain stuck on their locked hearts and don’t move anymore. But what make me think it’s a bug is “Divided by Death” that disappeared from the list…
Dix3n says
Did you pick up the contract in the Administrative Chambers ? and then pay to release it at the House Contractor ? i think it cost like 5 diamonds
JKatarn says
For the reference, I completely levelled up all my keepsakes in chamber 17 of run 70
I have 31 clears prior. My first 10 runs were pretty bad as well as I was just starting.
ducttapeofdoom says
I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong with the Nyx’s Mirror trophy. I have at least one point in every talent but the trophy just won’t unlock. Is it because I filled it out over multiple runs? That shouldn’t mean anything but I’m racking my brain trying to figure it out. Do I have to start a run with the alternate ones or does just putting points into it count? I’ve done both of that, I’ve gone in and out of Zagreus’ room and nothing.
ducttapeofdoom says
Never mind, I’m an idiot. Stygian Soul wasn’t unlocked, I thought it was.
GaloWar says
With God mode is a 3/10 and take 50 hours.
Sean Humphries says
61 hours for me, could have been less if I realised speaking to the actual boulder too is required to trigger Sisyphus quest
Flow says
Do I miss something unlocking the devided by death prophecy?
6 nectar each and I do not have the prophecy at all. All other trophies already completed. Only companion and the prophecy left…
Gage says
That’s the worst one to do, you just have to keep talking to Patroclus until it triggers if you’ve done everything else.
Kevin says
Has anyone had problems with the divided by death popping? Have it on fates list greyed out but trophy still hasn’t popped