GYLT contains 47 Collectibles (21 Diaries, 10 Inhabitants, 10 Blood Quartz, 6 Canaries) and 8 Miscellaneous Trophies. This guide shows you the location of all collectibles and how to unlock the miscellaneous trophies in chronological order. None of the collectibles or miscellaneous trophies are missable. After the story, you can select Back to Campus from the main menu to retune to Bethelwood to continue in free-roam and collect what you’ve left behind. The same is true for miscellaneous trophies. While all of them can be unlocked during your pacifist run without voiding the trophy for not killing anyone, you can still unlock them in Free Roam if you’d like.
Here’s a brief rundown of all collectibles:
- 21 Diaries for
Those Are Her Feelings
- 10 Blood Quartz – needed for the 10 Inhabitants
- 10 Inhabitants for
Helping the Missing Ones and to be able to unlock the Good Ending. To be able to free all 10 Inhabitants you need the 10 Blood Quartz
- 6 Canaries, needed to access a secret room in the School Courtyard which contains one Diary and one Inhabitant
Intro, Cable Car Way
Avoid a Cold: when you first can control Sally, sprint through the snow until you can crouch through a fallen trunk. Before leaving the trunk, wait for the searchlights to move away and then continue on. Immediately after, you’ll reach a small puddle. To unlock this trophy, you must make it across using the wooden planks and without touching the water.
Main Building, First Floor, Hall
- Diary 1/21 (First Day at Bachman School): after entering the school, go straight on through the double doors and you’ll find this Diary immediately on the first bench.
Main Building, First Floor, Infirmary
- Blood Quartz 1/10 + Inhabitant 1/10 (both story-related): a bit after you’ll have to crouch through a ventilation shaft. One you drop down, you’ll collect the first Blood Quart and free the first Inhabitant.
- Diary 2/21 (Neverending War): behind the wheelchair where you’ve freed the first Inhabitant, on a desk.
- Diary 3/21 (A Day at the Hospital): in the same room, past the wheelchair, near a cabinet and an empty bed.
Main Building, First Floor, Infirmary Hallway
Shocked!: exit the Infirmary through the door diagonally opposite the wheelchair and then enter the ventilation shaft behind the two toppled brown lockers. When you get to the end of the shaft, wait for the enemy on your left to leave before continuing, then make it to the green switch in the hallway to disable the electrical current running along the cable on the floor. Then, run towards the enemy in front of you, use the flashlight to have him chase you and quickly go back to the switch to turn the current back on. This will kill the enemy chasing, thus unlock this trophy. IMPORTANT: immediately after unlocking the trophy, quit out to the main menu to reset the kill counter to 0 and then press Continue.
Main Building, First Floor, Teachers’ Lounge
Oops… Sorry: after pressing Continue, leave the shaft again and enter the door on your right past the electrical current switch. First, grab the key from the noticeboard and then the empty soda can from the vending machine. Immediately after grabbing it, a monster will enter the room. Aim the can at the monster, making sure that it lands on him, then quickly hide if you’re in his view. This will unlock the trophy.
Main Building, First Floor, Class 105
Main Building, First Floor, Library
Let There Be Light: after going through a bunch of rooms and a ventilation shaft, you’ll wind up in a room with some Christmas lights. Inside this room you can pick Sally’s bigger flashlight. Then, dispose of the eye in the corner to reveal another ventilation shaft. Crouch through it and the next room will be the Library. Inside the Library, aim your flashlight at the monster to kill him and this will unlock the trophy. IMPORTANT: immediately after unlocking the trophy, quit out to the main menu to reset the kill counter to 0 and then press Continue.
Main Building, First Floor, Class 102
Main Building, First Floor, Cafeteria
Backlighted: when you reach the Cafeteria, grab the battery from the table in front of you and stealthily approach the back of a monster. Press the prompt to dispose of the enemy and unlock this trophy. IMPORTANT: immediately after unlocking the trophy, quit out to the main menu to reset the kill counter to 0 and then press Continue.
Street, Exterior Street Area
- Blood Quartz 3/10: when you leave the sewers, flank the right wall and continue on until you can crouch under a plank. Opposite the plank, by a red car, is this Blood Quartz.
Don’t Look at the Light: later on you’ll have to enter the Park. Immediately on your right, by a bench you can picture up the Flash Device, which allows you to flash-stun more enemies at once. Once you’ve picked it up, let the three enemies that snuck up on you get close to you and then release the charge of the Flash Device to unlock this trophy.
- Inhabitant 2/10: in one of the corners of the park there’s a sewer access point. Climb down the ladder and you’ll find the Inhabitant by a mining cart.
- Diary 5/21 (Working at the Mine): in the same room as the Inhabitant, in a corner.
Arcade, Arcade 1st Floor
No Time to Play: when you reach the Arcade, go right, walk up on the metal sheets and drop down where the pool table is. Distract the two nearby monsters with a vending machine can and then go up the stairs. Keep going diagonally across the room and reach the corner where a monster is. Once you do, you’ll find an arcade cabinet with a prompt. Press the prompt to unlock this trophy.
Arcade, Arcade 2nd Floor
- Blood Quartz 5/10: you’ll soon reach an area with some torn electrical cables on the ground. To avoid getting killed, use the manhole nearby to access the sewers. Climb down the ladder, then go behind it. Immediately climb the small ladder on your right to access an opening leading you to some valves. Interact with valves 3 and 1 to turn all lights to green, then climb down. Now go right, past the valves to find this Blood Quartz. You can use the ladder opposite the Blood Quartz to make it back up and turn off the generator.
Main Building, Second Floor, Class 210
- Diary 6/21 (The Second Floor): shortly after unlocking
What is this place? (unmissable, story-related unlock), you’ll be in a classroom with some mannequins. You’ll find this Diary on one of the desks.
Main Building, Second Floor, Emily’s Hideout
- Diary 7/21 (My Grandpa): leave the room and return where you unlocked
What is this place?. Now enter Room 212 and move the cart. Then, reflect the flashlight on the prism. Open the door and continue along the library hallway until you can crouch through an opening on your right amongst green cabinets. Clim up the ladder. At the top, below Emily’s tent, is this Diary.
Main Building, Second Floor, Class 208
- Diary 8/21 (Depression Symptoms): soon after you’ll have to go through a door giving you access to a laboratory with some monsters. Stick to the left side of the room, crouching behind the desks and open the door in the first corner you come across. After opening the door, check the top corner on your left (above the lockers) to dispel two eyes (one is very hidden, behind two lockers). Now crouch through the newly revealed opening to enter a hallway full of red lockers. Continue on until you can open another door, then check one of the lockers on the room for this Diary.
- Inhabitant 3/10: in the same room.
Main Building, Second Floor, Class 211
Main Building, Second Floor, Secret Room
- Blood Quartz 6/10: if you open the map, you should notice a bathroom icon near the middle of it. Continue through the story and turn off the valve. Then, the entrance to the bathroom will be available. Enter the bathroom, then open the other door and check the wall on your right for a small ventilation shaft that leads you to the Secret Room where you’ll find this Blood Quartz.
Main Building, Second Floor, Interrogation Room
- Diary 9/21 (She’s Missing): in the hallway near the bathroom, pick up a can from the vending machine and throw it through the window opening opposite the vending machine so that it lands on the electrical current switch. You can now safely enter the room with the switch to grab the Diary from the desk.
School Courtyard
- Canary 2/6: when you reach the School Courtyard, go towards the big statue in the middle and shine your flashlight at the cage it’s holding.
North School Courtyard
- Inhabitant 4/10: in the left hand side of the maze, on a bench by a swing set.
- Diary 10/21 (The Rock People): on the same bench as the Inhabitant.
Auditorium, Auditorium 1st Floor
- Diary 11/21 (Homeless): after entering the Auditorium, go to your immediate left, past the TV sets. Crouch through the red curtain and under a collapsed cabinet to reach a side room full of mannequins. You’ll find this Diary on a sleeping bag amongst some of the mannequins.
- Inhabitant 5/10: in the same room, opposite the Diary.
- Diary 12/21 (In the Spotlight): leave the room and return to the foyer. Now go up half the stairs and drop down to the right. Continue down the hallway to find this on a wooden bench at the end.
Auditorium, Auditorium 1st Floor, Office
- Blood Quartz 7/10: after solving the light and cart puzzle and removing the electricity from the puddle of water on the second floor of the Auditorium, drop down the hole on the floor in the room where you moved one of the carts. Then, turn around and crouch under the cabinets to find this Blood Quartz.
Auditorium, Auditorium 2nd Floor
- Canary 3/6: when you’re able to reach the second floor of the Auditorium, your only way is through a ventilation shaft. Before going through it, check the furniture on your right to find this canary past it.
Arts Center, First Floor, Elevator Secret Room
- Inhabitant 6/10: a while after, you’ll have to repair an elevator. After doing so, press the switch, but exit immediately. Then, drop down the hole to find a ventilation shaft opening. This will lead you to a secret room with the Inhabitant.
- Diary 13/21 (The Mine): basically in the same spot as the Inhabitant, on a crate.
Arts Center, Arts Center 2nd Floor
- Canary 4/6: when you reach the second floor via the elevator, face the elevator doors. To your left, near the area patrolled by the enemy is a ladder you can climb. Climb it and then drop down and to your left is this canary.
- Freeze One Monster of Each Type 1/4 (Puppet): at end of Class A02, after destroying the eyes with the fire extinguisher, open the door and freeze the Puppet enemy behind the table with the white tablecloth.
Arts Center, First Floor
- Freeze One Monster of Each Type 2/4 (Humanoid): ride the elevator down and freeze the monster roaming around the main floor. You will have encountered this monster on your search for the valve at the start of the Arts Center section.
Arts Center, First Floor, Office (Side Room)
- Blood Quartz 8/10: continue past the monster you’ve just frozen, making sure you stick to the right side of the room. Enter the room opposite the fire burning on the ground and then use the extinguisher on the electrical current. Then, pick up the Blood Quartz.
Arts Center, Second Floor
- Freeze One Monster of Each Type 3/4 (Crowman): return to the main room with the Humanoid and the Puppet and climb the stairs. Extinguish the flames halfway up and continue to the left until you see the Crowman monster to freeze.
Arts Center, Second Floor, Art Storage Room
- Diary 14/21 (Observers): on the second floor, get rid of the eyes around the Crowman monster and crouch through the ventilation shaft, drop down and open the door behind you. Grab a can from the nearby vending machine and enter the room again. Continue along the hallway until you see a bucket on a shelf. Cast the can at the bucket, which will, in turn, drop the Diary.
Gym, Gym 1st Floor, Basketball Court
- Freeze One Monster of Each Type 4/4 (Invisible Monster): immediately after reaching the basketball court, climb down the stairs and be ready to spray your fire extinguisher when you hear children’s cries closing in on you.
Take it to the Hoop: when you enter the basketball court, go past the ladder in the middle and grab a can from the vending machine. Now aim with
at the basketball hoop on your left and
to throw. If the can lands in the hoop, you’ll unlock this trophy.
Gym, Gym 1st Floor
- Inhabitant 7/10: now make your way to the red door by the vending machine, enter the new room and crouch through the opening in the wall. You’ll find this Inhabitant lying on the bed.
- Diary 15/21 (Homeless): in the same room as the Inhabitant, on a crate.
Gym, Gym 1st Floor, To Basement
- Blood Quartz 9/10: now return to the basketball court and go through the red door by the stairs. Enter the bathroom and freeze the jets with your Fire Extinguisher. Continue on until you see a toolbox with a key on top of some lockers. To push it down, quickly freeze the surrounding jets. Then, crouch under the floor to reach a new room where you can find this Blood Quartz.
- Canary 5/6: return to the hole you came up from. Here, there’s another tunnel you can follow which leads to one of the keys needed to open up the door leading to the Basement. Climb down the ladder and start checking the ceiling of the tunnel for a Canary.
- Diary 16/21 (Gym Class): after opening all the isolation cells (unmissable, story-related event), go back to the basketball court, flanking the right side of the room and past the red doors in the corner. Continue flanking the right side and enter the first available door on your right. Continue through the opening to find it on a bunk bed.
- Canary 6/6: inside one of the corner Isolation cells, ground floor of the basketball court, left of the hoop you’ve used for the trophy.
Gym, Gym Roof
- Diary 17/21 (Caged): after defeating Violence, climb up the ladder in the middle of the room to reach the rooftop. Once there, go up the planks, burn the fire by the fence and open the sliding doors. Now go straight ahead to find it on a crate in the corner.
- Inhabitant 8/10: now go through the nearby door to find this Inhabitant.
School Courtyard
- Diary 18/21 (The Old Man): after climbing down the rooftop, check the bench nearby.
- Blood Quartz 10/10: now freeze the steam jets on both ends of the opposite annex. This will drop a gear. Now freeze the contraption by the fence in the corner and place the gear. This will open up the fence and give you access to the 10th and final Blood Quartz in the game.
- Diary 19/21 (Get Lost): go back to the statue and interact with the plaque. Because you have collected all 6 Canaries in the game, the statue will now open, revealing a secret alcove with this Diary.
- Inhabitant 9/10: now open the door and you’ll find this Inhabitant by the console.
- Diary 20/21 (We Did This): on another console, same room.
Main Building, Second Floor
- Inhabitant 10/10: return to the Main Building and open the map. Right of Class 104 is a dark room that you can now access. Go upstairs to the second floor, extinguish the fire in front of the door of the room in the bottom right corner and drop down to access the final room with the Inhabitant.
- Diary 21/21 (Here’s the Truth): next to the Inhabitant.
These are all the collectibles and miscellaneous trophies in GYLT. For any remaining story-related trophies and endings refer to GYLT Trophy Guide & Roadmap.
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