Paldea Pokedex: #019 Fletchling Type: Normal / Flying Ability: Big Pecks/Gale Wings Height: 1’00” Evolution: Fletchling > Fletchinder (Level 17) > Talonflame (Level 35) Characteristics: This Pokémon is normally calm, but once it enters battle, its hormonal balance changes and it becomes aggressive. Fletchling Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Biome: Grass (60%) Area: South Province (Area One), South Province (Area Two) Time: Morning, Noon, Evening, Night Version: […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Skiploom Location
Paldea Pokedex: #017 Skiploom Type: Grass/Flying Ability: Chlorophyll/Leaf Guard Height: 2’00” Evolution: Hoppip > Skiploom (Level 18) > Jumpluff (Level 27) Characteristics: Skiploom enthusiasts can apparently tell where a Skiploom was born by the scent drifting from the flower on the Pokémon’s head. Skiploom Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Evolves from Hoppip at Level 18 Biome: Grass (40%), Flower (20%) Area: South Province (Area Five), East Province […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Jumpluff Location
Paldea Pokedex: #018 Jumpluff Type: Grass/Flying Ability: Chlorophyll/Leaf Guard Height: 2’07” Evolution: Hoppip > Skiploom (Level 18) > Jumpluff (Level 27) Characteristics: Jumpluff travels on seasonal winds. Once its cotton spores run out, its journey ends, as does its life. Jumpluff Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Evolves from Skiploom at Level 27 Biome: Grass (30%) Area: The Great Crater of Paldea Time: Morning, Noon, Evening, Night Version: […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Hoppip Location
Paldea Pokedex: #016 Hoppip Type: Grass/Flying Ability: Chlorophyll/Leaf Guard Height: 1’04” Evolution: Hoppip > Skiploom (Level 18) > Jumpluff (Level 27) Characteristics: This Pokémon is blown across vast distances by the wind. It is unclear where the Hoppip of Paldea originally came from. Hoppip Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Biome: Grass (60%) Area: South Province (Area One), South Province (Area Two) Time: […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Lokix Location
Paldea Pokedex: #015 Lokix Type: Bug/Dark Ability: Swarm/Tinted Lens Height: Evolution: Nymble > Lokix (level 24) Characteristics: When it decides to fight all out, it stands on its previously folded legs to enter Showdown Mode. It neutralizes its enemies in short order. Lokix Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Evolves from Nymble at Level 24 Biome: Mountain (20%), Rocky (30%), Bamboo (60%) Area: Matching Biome […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Nymble Location
Paldea Pokedex: #014 Nymble Type: Bug Ability: Swarm/Tinted Lens Height: Evolution: Nymble > Lokix (level 24) Characteristics: It has its third set of legs folded up. When it’s in a tough spot, this Pokémon jumps over 30 feet using the strength of its legs. Nymble Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Biome: Mountain (30%), Grass (60%) Area: South Province (Area Three), West […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Spidops Location
Paldea Pokedex: #013 Spidops Type: Bug Ability: Insomnia/Stakeout Height: Evolution: Tarountula > Spidops (Level 15) Characteristics: It clings to branches and ceilings using its threads and moves without a sound. It takes out its prey before the prey even notices it. Spidops Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Evolves from Tarountula at Level 15 Biome: Forest (30%), Bamboo (20%) Area: South Province (Area One), The Pokémon […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Tarountula Location
Paldea Pokedex: #012 Tarountula Type: Bug Ability: Insomnia/Stakeout Height: Evolution: Tarountula > Spidops (Level 15) Characteristics: The ball of threads wrapped around its body is elastic enough to deflect the scythes of Scyther, this Pokémon’s natural enemy. Tarountula Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Biome: Grass (50%), Forest (60%) Area: South Province (Area One), The Pokémon League, South Province (Area Four), South […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Oinkologne Location
Paldea Pokedex: #011 Oinkologne Type: Normal Ability: Lingering Aroma (Male)/Aroma Veil (Female)/Gluttony/Thick Fat Height: Evolution: Lechonk > Oinkologne (Level 18) Characteristics: Oinkologne is proud of its fine, glossy skin. It emits a concentrated scent from the tip of its tail. Oinkologne Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Evolves from Lechonk at Level 18 Biome: Grass (20%), Forest (20%) Area: South Province (Area One), The Pokémon League, […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Lechonk Location
Paldea Pokedex: #010 Lechonk Type: Normal Ability: Aroma Veil/Gluttony/Thick Fat Height: 1’08” Evolution: Lechonk > Oinkologne (Level 18) Characteristics: It searches for food all day. It possesses a keen sense of smell but doesn’t use it for anything other than foraging. Lechonk Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Biome: Grass (80%), Forest (60%) Area: South Province (Area One), The Pokémon League, South Province […]