South Park The Fractured But Whole Trophy Roadmap Estimated trophy difficulty: 2/10 Approximate amount of time to platinum: 20-30 hours Offline Trophies: 36 (1, 4, 12, 19) Online Trophies: 0 Number of missable trophies: 1 (The Token Experience), everything else can be done after the story in free roam. Glitched trophies: 0 Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, […]
South Park The Fractured But Whole All Yaoi Locations
South Park the Fractured But Whole contains 40 Yaoi Art Piece Locations. Finding all Yaoi Pictures unlocks the “Boy Love Aficionado” Trophy or Achievement and is required to complete the Scavenger Hunt “The Yaoi Project” (Side Quest) for Craig’s dad. You can find a map for all 40 Yaoi Locations in the basement of Bebe’s house. […]
South Park: The Fractured But Whole – Touch The Sky Side Quest
Touch The Sky is a Side Quest in South Park The Fractured But Whole, available on Day 4 of the game. Walkthrough On the 4th day you will receive a call from Father Maxi. He wants you to meet someone at Starks Pond. The person who you will meet there will be Seaman. He wants you […]
South Park: The Fractured But Whole – For Nippopolis Side Quest
For Nippopolis is a very short Side Quest in South Park The Fractured But Whole, which you can find in SoDoSoPa. In order to reach the starting point of this you will need to have unlocked Kyle (Human Kite) as your Buddy Skill. Head to SoDoSoPa in the south-east corner of the map. On the […]
South Park: The Fractured But Whole – Scavenger Hunt: Big Gay Al’s Big Gay Cats
Scavenger Hunt: Big Gay Al’s Big Gay Cats is a Collectible Side Quest in South Park: The Fractured But Whole. This walkthrough reveals all Cat locations required to complete the quest. Throughout the game you may notice a few stray cats in South Park. Those belong to Big Gay Al, who lives in the red […]
South Park: The Fractured But Whole – Scavenger Hunt: The Headshot Job
The Side Quest Scavenger Hunt: The Headshot Job in South Park The Fractured But Whole can be started very early on, on day 1. You can, however, finish the mission not earlier than day 4. This walkthrough shows all the headshot locations required to complete it: To start this sidequest head to the Police Station and talk […]
South Park: The Fractured But Whole – Peppermint Hippo Lost & Found Side Quest
In order to start the short side quest “Peppermint Hippo Lost & Found” in South Park The Fractured But Whole, you need to head into Jimbo’s Gun Shop in the northern street of South Park on the second day of the game or later. Jimbo will let you know that he lost his wallet. He wants […]
South Park The Fractured But Whole Happiness Reigns Riddle Solution
During the main quest “To Catch a Coon” in South Park the Fractured But Whole, you receive a riddle from Conner called the “Happiness Reigns” riddle. Over the phone you are told: “I am a place where seats hang from chains, part desert, part jungle, where happiness reigns”. Just like with the previous Death Store Riddle […]
South Park The Fractured But Whole Death Store Riddle Solution
During the main quest “To Catch a Coon” in South Park the Fractured But Whole, you receive a riddle from Conner called the “Death Store” riddle. Over the phone you are told: “A place where death comes in shapes and sizes. Go into this store to find what your prize is”. The problem is that […]
South Park The Fractured But Whole: How to Get Skeeter’s Roof-Aged Cheese
In the main mission “Medicinal Friend Fiasco” of South Park The Fractued but Whole, you must find an ingredient called “Sketter’s Roof-Aged Cheese”. Here is how you get it: First you must do the quest “Alternate Universes Collide Again” for Kyle (the Kite Hero). This unlocks the ability to Fartkour to rooftops and other places […]
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