Paldea Pokedex: #136 Arrokuda Type: Water Ability: Swift Swim/Propeller Tail Height: 1’08” Evolution: Arrokuda > Barraskewda (Level 26) Characteristics: Arrokuda can swim quickly only in a straight line. The ones that become sluggish from overeating are the first to be targeted by flocks of Wattrel. Arrokuda Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Biome: Ocean (60%), River (40%) Area: Matching Biome Ocean: South Province […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Gyarados Location
Paldea Pokedex: #135 Gyarados Type: Water/Flying Ability: Intimidate/Moxie Height: 21’04” Evolution: Magikarp > Gyarados (Level 20) Characteristics: Once it appears, it goes on a rampage. It remains enraged until it demolishes everything around it. Gyarados Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Evolves from Magikarp at Level 20 Biome: Lake (15%), Ocean (5%) Area: Casseroya Lake (15%) Time: Morning, Noon, Evening, Night Version: Scarlet, Violet Held Item: […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Magikarp Location
Paldea Pokedex: #134 Magikarp Type: Water Ability: Swift Swim/Rattled Height: 2’11” Evolution: Magikarp > Gyarados (Level 20) Characteristics: An underpowered, pathetic Pokémon. It may jump high on rare occasions but never more than seven feet. Magikarp Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Biome: Lake (60%), Ocean (60%), River (20%) Area: Matching Biome Lake: South Province (Area One), South Province (Area Four), South Province (Area Six), South […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Pelipper Location
Paldea Pokedex: #133 Pelipper Type: Water/Flying Ability: Keen Eye/Drizzle/Rain Dish Height: 3’11” Evolution: Wingull > Pelipper (Level 25) Characteristics: It is a flying transporter that carries small Pokémon in its beak. It bobs on the waves to rest its wings. Pelipper Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Evolves from Wingull at Level 25 Biome: Ocean (40%), Beach (30%) Area: South Province (Area One), West Province (Area […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Wingull Location
Paldea Pokedex: #132 Wingull Type: Water/Flying Ability: Keen Eye/Hydration/Rain Dish Height: 2’00” Evolution: Wingull > Pelipper (Level 25) Characteristics: It soars high in the sky, riding on updrafts like a glider. It carries food tucked in its bill. Wingull Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Biome: Ocean (80%), Beach (60%) Area: South Province (Area One), West Province (Area One), West Province (Area Two), […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Garganacl Location
Paldea Pokedex: #131 Garganacl Type: Rock Ability: Purifying Salt/Sturdy/Clear Body Height: Evolution: Nacli > Naclstack (Level 24) > Garganacl (Level 38) Characteristics: Garganacl will rub its fingertips together and sprinkle injured Pokémon with salt. Even severe wounds will promptly heal afterward. Garganacl Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Evolves from Naclstack at Level 38 Biome: Rocky (10%), Underground (20%) Area: The Great Crater of Paldea, The Great […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Naclstack Location
Paldea Pokedex: #130 Naclstack Type: Rock Ability: Purifying Salt/Sturdy/Clear Body Height: Evolution: Nacli > Naclstack (Level 24) > Garganacl (Level 38) Characteristics: This Pokémon dry cures its prey by spraying salt over them. The curing process steals away the water in the prey’s body. Naclstack Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Evolves from Nacli at Level 24 Biome: Rocky (30%), Beach (10%) Area: Matching Biome Rocky: The […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Nacli Location
Paldea Pokedex: #129 Nacli Type: Rock Ability: Purifying Salt/Sturdy/Clear Body Height: Evolution: Nacli > Naclstack (Level 24) > Garganacl (Level 38) Characteristics: It was born in a layer of rock salt deep under the earth. This species was particularly treasured in the old days, as they would share precious salt. Nacli Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Biome: Rocky (60%), Beach (15%) […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Garchomp Location
Paldea Pokedex: #128 Garchomp Type: Dragon/Ground Ability: Sand Veil/Rough Skin Height: 6’03” Evolution: Gible > Gabite (Level 24) > Garchomp (Level 48) Characteristics: It is said that when one runs at high speed, its wings create blades of wind that can fell nearby trees. Garchomp Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Evolves from Gabite at Level 48 No known spawns in the open world (from evolution only) Location […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Gabite Location
Paldea Pokedex: #127 Gabite Type: Dragon/Ground Ability: Sand Veil/Rough Skin Height: 4’07” Evolution: Gible > Gabite (Level 24) > Garchomp (Level 48) Characteristics: In rare cases, it molts and sheds its scales. Medicine containing its scales as an ingredient will make a weary body feel invigorated. Gabite Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Evolves from Gible at Level 24 Biome: Cave (10%), Underground (30%) Area: Matching Biome Cave: […]
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