Paldea Pokedex: #147 Florges Type: Fairy Ability: Flower Veil/Symbiosis Height: 3’07” Evolution: Flabébé > Floette (Level 19) > Florges (Using a Shiny Stone) Characteristics: This Pokémon creates an impressive flower garden in its territory. It draws forth the power of the red flowers around its neck. Florges Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Evolves from Floette by giving it Shiny Stone Biome: Flower (1%) Area: North Province […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Flabébé Location
Paldea Pokedex: #145 Flabébé Type: Fairy Ability: Flower Veil/Symbiosis Height: 0’04” Evolution: Flabébé > Floette (Level 19) > Florges (Using a Shiny Stone) Characteristics: This Pokémon can draw forth the power hidden within blooming wild flowers. It is particularly fond of red flowers. Flabébé Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Biome: Flower (60%) Area: Matching Biome Flower: South Province (Area One), The Pokémon […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Drifblim Location
Paldea Pokedex: #144 Drifblim Type: Ghost/Flying Ability: Fluctuating Height: 3’11” Evolution: Drifloon > Drifblim (Level 28) Characteristics: It can generate and release gas within its body. That’s how it can control the altitude of its drift. Drifblim Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Evolves from Drifloon at Level 28 Biome: Mountain (30%), Town (20%) Area: Matching Biome Mountain: South Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Four), […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Drifloon Location
Paldea Pokedex: #143 Drifloon Type: Ghost/Flying Ability: Fluctuating Height: 1’04” Evolution: Drifloon > Drifblim (Level 28) Characteristics: It is whispered that any child who mistakes Drifloon for a balloon and holds on to it could wind up missing. Drifloon Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Biome: Mountain (30%), Town (40%) Area: Matching Biome Mountain: South Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Four), South Province (Area Six), […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Persian Location
Paldea Pokedex: #142 Persian Type: Normal Ability: Limber/Technician/Unnerve Height: 3’03” Evolution: Meowth > Persian (Level 28) Characteristics: Although its fur has many admirers, it is tough to raise as a pet because of its fickle meanness. Persian Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Evolves from Meowth at Level 28 Biome: Grass (30%), Town (30%) Area: West Province (Area Three) Time: Morning, Noon, Evening, Night Version: Scarlet, […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Meowth Location
Paldea Pokedex: #141 Meowth Type: Normal Ability: Pickup/Technician/Unnerve Height: 1’04” Evolution: Meowth > Persian (Level 28) Characteristics: All it does is sleep during the daytime. At night, it patrols its territory with its eyes aglow. Meowth Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Biome: Grass (30%), Town (60%), Mine (15%) Area: West Province (Area Two), West Province (Area Three), East Province (Area Three) Time: […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Swalot Location
Paldea Pokedex: #140 Swalot Type: Poison Ability: Liquid Ooze/Sticky Hold/Gluttony Height: 5’07” Evolution: Gulpin > Swalot (Level 26) Characteristics: It gulps anything that fits in its mouth. Its special enzymes can dissolve anything. Swalot Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Evolves from Gulpin at Level 26 Biome: Lake (30%) Area: Casseroya Lake Time: Morning, Noon, Evening, Night Version: Violet Exclusive (Scarlet players can get it via trade […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Gulpin Location
Paldea Pokedex: #139 Gulpin Type: Poison Ability: Liquid Ooze/Sticky Hold/Gluttony Height: 1’04” Evolution: Gulpin > Swalot (Level 26) Characteristics: There is nothing its stomach can’t digest. While it is digesting, vile, overpowering gases are expelled. Gulpin Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Biome: Town (60%), Grass (20%) Area: South Province (Area Three), East Province (Area One) Time: Morning, Noon, Evening, Night Version: Violet […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Basculin Location
Paldea Pokedex: #138 Basculin Type: Water Ability: Reckless/Adaptability (Red Striped), Rock Head/Adaptability (Blue Striped), Rattled/Adaptability (White Striped), Mold Breaker Height: 3’03” Evolution: Basculin (White Stripe) > Basculegion (Receive 294 HP in recoil damage and level up) Characteristics: Its temperament is vicious and aggressive. This Pokémon is also full of vitality and can multiply rapidly before anyone notices. Basculin Location in Pokemon Scarlet & […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Barraskewda Location
Paldea Pokedex: #137 Barraskewda Type: Water Ability: Swift Swim/Propeller Tail Height: 4’03” Evolution: Arrokuda > Barraskewda (Level 26) Characteristics: It spins its tail fins to leap from the water, then viciously bites down on Wingull flying close to the water’s surface. Barraskewda Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Evolves from Arrokuda at Level 26 Biome: Ocean (20%), River (20%) Area: Matching Biome Ocean: South Province (Area […]
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