Paldea Pokedex: #206 Amoonguss Type: Grass/Poison Ability: Effect Spore/Regenerator Height: 2’00” Evolution: Foongus > Amoonguss (Level 39) Characteristics: Be wary of the poisonous spores it releases. Mushrooms resembling Amoonguss’s caps will grow out of anywhere the spores touch. Amoonguss Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Evolves from Foongus at Level 39 Biome: Forest (30%), Bamboo (15%) Area: Matching Biome Forest: South Province (Area One), South […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Foongus Location
Paldea Pokedex: #205 Foongus Type: Grass/Poison Ability: Effect Spore/Regenerator Height: 0’08” Evolution: Foongus > Amoonguss (Level 39) Characteristics: There is a theory that the developer of the modern-day Poké Ball really liked Foongus, but this has not been confirmed. Foongus Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Biome: Forest (60%), Bamboo (15%) Area: Matching Biome Forest: South Province (Area One), South Province (Area […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Stantler Location
Paldea Pokedex: #204 Stantler Type: Normal Ability: Intimidate or Frisk/Sap Sipper Height: 4’07” Evolution: No Evolution Characteristics: This Pokémon apparently used to live in much harsher environments, and thus it once had stronger psychic powers than it does now. Stantler Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Biome: Rocky (60%), Grass (20%) Area: South Province (Area Five) Time: Morning, Noon, Evening, Night Version: […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Grafaiai Location
Paldea Pokedex: #203 Grafaiai Type: Poison/Normal Ability: Unburden/Poison Touch/Prankster Height: 2’04” Evolution: Shroodle > Grafaiai (Level 28) Characteristics: The color of the poisonous saliva depends on what the Pokémon eats. Grafaiai covers its fingers in its saliva and draws patterns on trees in forests. Grafaiai Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Evolves from Shroodle at Level 28 Biome: Forest (70%) Area: Tagtree Thicket Time: Morning, […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Shroodle Location
Paldea Pokedex: #202 Shroodle Type: Poison/Normal Ability: Unburden/Pickpocket/Prankster Height: 1’00” Evolution: Shroodle > Grafaiai (Level 28) Characteristics: Though usually a mellow Pokémon, it will sink its sharp, poison-soaked front teeth into any that anger it, causing paralysis in the object of its fire. Shroodle Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Biome: Forest (60%) Area: Tagtree Thicket Time: Morning, Noon, Evening, Night Version: […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Pachirisu Location
Paldea Pokedex: #201 Pachirisu Type: Electric Ability: Run Away/Pickup/Volt Absorb Height: 1’04” Evolution: No Evolution Characteristics: It’s one of the kinds of Pokémon with electric cheek pouches. It shoots charges from its tail. Pachirisu Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Biome: Forest (40%), Grass (10%) Area: South Province (Area Four), South Province (Area Five), West Province (Area Three) Time: Morning, […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Dedenne Location
Paldea Pokedex: #200 Dedenne Type: Electric/Fairy Ability: Cheek Pouch/Pickup/Plus Height: 0’08” Evolution: No Evolution Characteristics: It’s small and its electricity-generating organ is not fully developed, so it uses its tail to absorb electricity from people’s homes and charge itself. Dedenne Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Biome: Flower (10%), Town (20%) Area: West Province (Area Three), North Province (Area Three) Time: Morning, Noon, […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Toxtricity Location
Paldea Pokedex: #199 Toxtricity Type: Electric/Poison Ability: Punk Rock/Plus (Amped Form)/Minus (Low Key Form)/Technician Height: 5’03” Evolution: Toxel > Toxtricity (Level 30 – will evolve to Amped or Low Key Form depending on its nature) Characteristics: As it scatters toxic sweat and emits electricity, a melody that sounds like it came from a guitar reverberates through the surrounding area. Toxtricity Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Evolves from […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Toxel Location
Paldea Pokedex: #198 Toxel Type: Electric/Poison Ability: Rattled/Static/Klutz Height: 1’04” Evolution: Toxel > Toxtricity (Level 30 – will evolve to Amped or Low Key Form depending on its nature) Characteristics: It has no problem drinking dirty water. An organ inside Toxel’s body filters such water into a poisonous liquid that is harmless to Toxel. Toxel Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Biome: Mountain (40%), Cave (25%), Grass (60%) […]
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Mabosstiff Location
Paldea Pokedex: #197 Mabosstiff Type: Dark Ability: Intimidate/Guard Dog/Stakeout Height: Evolution: Maschiff > Mabosstiff (Level 30) Characteristics: This Pokémon can store energy in its large dewlap. Mabosstiff unleashes this energy all at once to blow away enemies. Mabosstiff Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Evolves from Maschiff at level 30 Biome: Grass (20%), Ruins (30%), Forest (20%) Area: South Province (Area Two), South Province (Area […]
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