Deathloop Trophy Roadmap Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10 Approximate amount of time to platinum: 15-20 hours Total Trophies: 55 (1, 1, 11, 42) Offline Trophies: 52 (1, 11, 40) Online Trophies: 3 (1, 2) Number of missable trophies: 0, nothing missable Glitched trophies: 3 (as of Patch 1.1): Play It Again, Colt , Don’t Mind Me , Clean-ish Hands Does difficulty […]
Deathloop Walkthrough
Here you can find a full Deathloop Walkthrough for the entire game. Deathloop has 10 Main Missions that can be tracked through the Visionary Leads Menu. A playthrough will take around 10 hours. There are no difficulty settings, meaning it’s the same for every difficulty for every player. This Walkthrough will guide you through all of […]
Deathloop All Mostly Naked Character Locations
Deathloop has 14 Mostly Naked Character Locations. Finding and killing all Mostly Naked Characters unlocks the Deathday Suit trophy. The mostly naked character is an enemy that has one fixed spawn per time of day per map. There are 4 maps (The Complex, Updaam, Karl’s Bay, Fristad Rock) x 4 daytimes (Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Evening), except for Karl’s Bay […]
Deathloop All Door Codes & Lock Combinations
This guide shows the locations to all the door codes, safe combinations and other lock keys in Deathloop. All codes for locks in Deathloop are random to each playthrough and will be different for every player, thus you will need to locate the code to be able to open a lock. Once a code is found […]
Deathloop Search the Fristad Shore & Photograph Location
Search the Fristad Shore is a story objective of the Space Invader story arc in Deathloop. It requires you to find the location of where the photo of the lovers was taken in Fristad Rock, near the shoreline. What makes this one of the more tricky story objectives, is that there’s no map marker for […]
Deathloop How to Get All Deaths (Rocket, Depressurization, Ground Up, Reactor, Poison)
In Deathloop you need to die in every way for The Spice of Life trophy. There are 10 different types of deaths in total. None of them are missable, you can still do it after the story by repeating loops. You don’t need these to be loop-ending deaths either, it’s okay if you have Reprises […]
Deathloop All Pictogram Locations
In Deathloop you need to find 4 Pictogram Locations during Objectives Search Fia’s Fortress and Find the Pictogram of the Afternoon Delight Questline. This takes place on Fristad Rock at Noon. It is random for every player on each playthrough which pictograms are the correct ones, so this guide includes all of them. The pictograms […]
Deathloop The Yerhva Puzzle Quiz Answers Solution
Yerhva is a puzzle minigame in Deathloop, found in Karl’s Bay. It’s found in a building on the right side of the first street on this map, after exiting the tunnels where you spawn. Yerhva also counts as one of Charlie’s Challenges for A Charlie Montague Game trophy. You can also win a small prize […]