Guardians of the Galaxy Chapter 3 contains 9 Collectible Locations. This walkthrough will guide you to all collectibles in Chapter 3 in chronological order. Everything that’s needed for trophies and 100% completion is included: Outfits, Guardian Collectibles, Compendium Items, Archives.
All of the Collectibles are missable, the reason being that your progress reverts in Chapter Select to the progress you had when you played the Chapter for the first time (except Outfits which do stay). Finding missing items in Chapter Select doesn’t add them to your save later in the game. In other words, whatever you find through Chapter Select doesn’t get saved and doesn’t count towards trophies & achievements. Because of this it’s recommended to save in a different Manual Slot at the start of every Chapter. If you miss something you can reload the save to replay the Chapter right away. Make sure you save in a different slot each time, because the autosave automatically keeps overwriting the active Save Slot.
Chapter 3 – The Cost of Freedom
Galactic Compendium Item: Spinal Control Unit
At the very start of Chapter 3 on your spaceship, go into Rocket’s room, interact with this item, then Rocket will show up and you got to exhaust all dialogues to get this added to your Compendium items. Only available if you picked it up in Chapter 1. It only gets added to your Items after interacting with it, which is mandatory to get 65% compendium entries in all categories. So always do this for all Guardian Collectibles.
General Note on interacting with Guardian Collectibles: Grab this as soon as you go on the spaceship before talking to anyone as this would advance the story. If you advanced the story by accident, you can still interact with the other Guardian Collectibles on the next spaceship visit. The items stay there and can be interacted with later. You return to the spaceship multiple times throughout the story – in Chapters 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14.
Galactic Compendium Item: Ravager Comm Bracelet
At the very start of Chapter 3 on your spaceship, go into Star-Lord’s room and interact with the bracelet by the mirror. Exhaust all dialogues to get this added to your items. Only available if you picked it up in Chapter 1.
Galactic Compendium Item: Broken Translation Device
At the very start of Chapter 3 on your spaceship, go downstairs into the hangar and pick up the device to the immediate left of the stairs, on a yellow chest with a flower pot. Then Groot will show up, exhaust all dialogues with him to get this added to your Items database. Only available if you picked it up in Chapter 2.
Archive: Collateral Damage
After fighting the first group of enemies in Chapter 3 (Jellies), you will have to command Rocket to use a console that brings down a platform to proceed forward. Instead of going straight ahead where you’re supposed to go, head to the left instead up a red ramp, then left again to find this on the ground by a crashed spaceship.
Outfit – Gamora: Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
From the previous collectible’s location, reunite with the other Guardians. Instead of going down the main central pathway, go off to the right to find an optional path leading to an opening in the wall. Crouch under and proceed forward to enter a cave. Destroy the goo in the cave (shown in yellow in visor vision) to access a new area with some Jelly enemies. After getting rid of the Jellies, destroy the Brittle Material (grey goo). Proceed onwards to squeeze through a narrow opening and then you’ll see a purple container with this Costume collectible on a ledge.
Guardian Collectible: Chitauri Sear-Cuffs
After fighting a new monster type called “Slakebeast” (Tiger body with Squid face and Gamora cuts off its tail), you’ll be in an area where you must command Gamora to climb a wall and lift you up to shoot down a pillar that Drax can carry around. Command Drax to place the pillar near the ledge that is opposite the wing of the spaceship. Climb up and then jump down to the platform below to find this on the ground.
Archive: Off the Grid
From the last collectible, climb back to the area where the other Guardians are, tell Drax to place the pillar on the left side (blue outline for where the pillar is supposed to go), then command Gamora to cut the cables above on the spaceship (outlined yellow in Visor Vision). This will drop the wing of the spaceship to the ground. Walk up and find this Archive on the left side of the wing. Basically straight above where you commanded Gamora to cut the cable.
Archive: Stupid Job
After unlocking the Ice Element for Star-Lord’s blasters, you’ll need to freeze two platforms and then command Gamora to cut through a wall. Immediately after, look to your left on the ground to find this. Make sure to collect it BEFORE dropping down.
Trophy: Slakebuster
When fighting the next two big Slakebeasts (blue tigers with squid faces), you can attempt this trophy. You need to get them to low health and/or stun them. Then with some luck a /
button prompt will show up. Press it to have one of your teammates perform their Call to Action. For this trophy you need to get lucky and have Drax perform his Call to Action, which comes down to luck. You can also let your other team members get knocked out, or if Drax doesn’t do the Call to Action restart the checkpoint and repeat until he does it.
Outfit – Groot: Five Horsemen of the Apocalypse
After fighting the two big Slakebeasts (tigers with squid faces), you will have to command Groot to build a bridge to move on to the waterfalls. After going over Groot’s bridge, head left and destroy the grey goo, then use your Ice Element blasters to freeze the waterfall in the cave and jump up to find this Costume chest.
For all other Chapters, refer to Guardians of the Galaxy Collectibles Guide.
Drvoje says
For some reason nothing happens when I interact with the bracelet in Quills room, I already restarted the whole game once to see if it would fix it, same deal.
PowerPyx says
I’ve had the same with one of Rocket’s items & Drax’s Rap Sheet. Haven’t had it with the bracelet. It seems they just randomly glitch out 🙁
Snake2410 says
It’s doing to me with the one in Rockets room too. Hopefully they fix this. It worked the first time I interacted with it, and then enter accidentally interacting with the items that progress the story in Starlords room I reloaded an earlier save. Now it doesn’t trigger the conversation and acts like it already happened.
Mister Mukkey says
This is a legit problem with the game. What happened for me was a made a new game file (I was in chapter six and wasted my money and wanted to get the pay the fine trophy so I made a new game file). I realized there was an issue when I couldn’t find items in the new game. Costume boxes were open as if I had already grabbed them (I did but in an entirely different game file).
In chapter 3 I saw the items I collected IN THE FIRST GAME FILE appear aboard my ship IN THE SECOND GAME FILE. I tried to interact with them and no dialogue scenes were triggered. I found one I hadn’t interacted with that I had gotten in my first game file and it triggered a dialogue and then was added to my compendium. So now that item is locked into the second game file and I can’t get it to appear in my first game file.
So in attempts to restart the game to get the pay the fine trophy I may have screwed up my chances getting the 65% completed compendium trophy. I’m beyond annoyed.
Peebzzz says
I have all of the items, but when I start Chapter 3 and interact with the items in Rocket and Star-Lord’s rooms and the item in the Hangar, but no interaction occurs and the items are not added to my collectibles list. Up to that point I had collected 100% of the items from Chapters 1 and 2. Tried restarting the chapter which didn’t help. I even deleted the save data and started the game over from the beginning. Same thing happened. Very frustrating glitch – I haven’t progressed very far but don’t know if I can possibly do this interaction on the ship in a later chapter. Ugh.
Snake2410 says
The only fix is to completely delete your save and start over, or have a cloud/USB(PS4 version) back up from before accessing any of the three collectables on the ship and copying that save back to the system.
I recommend disabling the automatic cloud back up for this game and manually backing it up after each chapter you’re sure you got 100% collectables on.
To prevent it completely, make sure you access all three items and do both dialogue options in the conversations for them BEFORE picking up the credits on Quills table in front of the mirror in his room. Otherwise reloading a previous save after will bug it out.
Mister Mukkey says
Glad I read your comment. I went through something similar and was about to just delete all save files and restart the game brand new. So that doesn’t work? The items were still interactable? Were you even able to collect them again or did they just appear on your ship as if you had gotten them?
Josh Kaufman says
I didn’t go to the hangar but I got the interaction with the 1st 2 restored chapter to get groots interaction and went back the 1st 2 and nothing ?
Matt says
It also seems, on NG+, if you already found the collectibles, they’re not in their locations. They are on the ship, but if you interact, nothing happens. Also, the corresponding item on your list is still greyed out.
Mister Mukkey says
I’m beginning to wonder if this bug can permanently lock you out from getting the Lore trophy/achievement…
Louis says
I accidentally advanced the story before interacting with the ravager comm bracelet and the broken translation device. I also didn’t save prior. Can I still get them for the compendium in later chapters when revisiting the ship?
PowerPyx says
Yes, you go back to the spaceship multiple times, can interact with them on the next visit. All the Guardian Collectibles stay there and can be interacted with later (although there are reports of a few bugging out over time).
Lowkey says
I too encountered that bug in chapter 3 where I am no longer able to interact with the items I collected, I proceeded on with the game and have every single trophy except Lore Hourde, so I can confirm it does lock you out of that trophy. I started a NG+ and I still cannot interact with those items.
CharlieB says
The way collectibles are handled in this game sucks! Why can’t it just save a collectible forever when picked up, and it stays saved even when selecting different chapters on the same game save like many games do? There isn’t even a collectible tracker in chapter select!
Goopteruk says
Hi There
I picked up the bracelet at the start of Chapter 3 and got the interaction with Gamora. However, I then interacted with the other items in Quill’s room unknowingly which advanced the story. I wanted to get the other collectibles so I reloaded a manual save in order to start chapter 3 again. I had been creating a manual save in a new save slot at the start of each chapter in case I did miss anything.
Now when I pick up the bracelet I don’t get the interaction with Gamora and the bracelet doesn’t appear in my compendium. I was able to pick up the other two items relating to Rocket and Groot and they are appearing in my compendium ok. It’s as though the game somehow remembers that I have already done the interaction with Gamora.
My question is does this one glitched collectible mean that my save file is corrupted and that I will be locked out of the “lore hoarder” trophy now regardless of whether I collect everything else going forward or is it ok for me to proceed as normal?
Is anyone able to confirm that they were still able to get the lore hoarder trophy with any of the collectibles bugging out or is it a case that you need to completely delete all game data and start again if this happens?
Thanks in advance.
Goopteruk says
Update – Further to my previous comment I decided to continue my game after the glitched bracelet in chapter 3 rather than starting again.
I am pleased to report that the “lore hoarder” trophy still unlocked near the end of chapter 11. At the point the trophy popped I had 23 items and 31 archives unlocked in my compendium. To compensate for the glitched bracelet I purchased the Gamora doll (2,000 units), the lottery ticket (1,000 units) and the toy from the machine (750 units) in Chapter 6. I also entered the bar and successfully completed the song to earn the emporium ticket. I had over 12,000 units at the start of chapter 6 and my fine was only 7,000 units (picked hide lama option in chapter 2) hence I was able to purchase all of the above and still have enough money to pay the fine in chapter 9.
Anyway just wanted to let everyone know that if a guardian collectible glitches then it’s not the end of the world. As long as you get 65% of the items and archives to show in your compendium then you should be fine. There are a total of 32 items so technically collecting 21 (65%) or more should do the trick.
Big thanks to Powerpyx for another excellent trophy and collectibles guide.
SystemIDentifier says
Both the spinal thingy and the bracelet bugged out for me, I had the conversations, but did not end up in the inventory. The broken translator did though, odd. Hope the trophy will work anyways