GTA Vice City Definitive Edition Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 4/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 25-30 hours
- Offline Trophies: 34 (1
, 5
, 9
, 19
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: 4: Iron-y
, Not my First Time
, Salutations My Little Friend
, Chopper’d Up
- Glitched trophies: 0 as of Patch 1.02 (Prior to patch 1.02, Take the Cannoli
was unobtainable)
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No difficulties available
- Do Cheats disable trophies?: Yes, must play without cheats
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1
- PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: No Save Transfer
- PS4/PS5 Crossbuy: Yes for digital download / No for physical disc
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Yes
- Release Date: November 11, 2021
Welcome to the Grand Theft Auto Vice City Definitive Edition Trophy Guide (aka GTA Trilogy / GTA Vice City Remaster on PS4 and PS5). The 2021 remaster of a 19-year old classic, this definitive edition includes upgrades and quality of life updates such as updated graphics and lighting, updated driving controls, updated gunplay mechanics, a GPS system and other features.
Unlike the PS2-to-PS4 port of GTA Vice City, cheats will disable all trophies in this version, so you will not be able to use cheats to your advantage. The game can very rarely crash, so it is recommended that you save regularly, especially when doing stuff without autosaves such as collecting hidden packages or doing unique jumps. If you want autosave easily when not near a safehouse, you can find a taxi and start/end the Taxi Driver mission to create an autosave.
You will need to get 100% Completion in order to obtain the platinum, which consists of doing all story missions, asset missions and side missions in the game, collecting all hidden packages, completing all unique jumps, finishing all rampages and purchasing all properties, amongst some other smaller requirements. Nothing that is required for 100% Completion is missable, so you can work towards this however you like. For more information regarding 100% completion, please see the 100% Completion Guide & Checklist.
Most other trophies fall under the 100% requirement, however there are some you will need to go out of your way to do, such as the mission-specific trophies. There are four of these in the game and these are missable. The story itself can be completed within roughly 10 hours, with the platinum requiring 25-30 hours, however it is recommended to do some side content such as Vehicle Missions early on to unlock their upgrades, rather than doing them after the story.
The platinum is obtainable from patch 1.02 onwards, however if you do not have the game updated you will be unable to earn the Take the Cannoli trophy.
Step 1: Godfather Criminal Rating (Optional)
As soon as you start the game and have free roam, it is recommended that you knock out the Godfather Criminal Rating required to unlock Take the Cannoli . While this has been made significantly easier compared to the PS2 version, it is worth doing a soon as you start the game as it will give you $100,000,000 making money a non-issue. This can be done at any point in the game however, so it’s still doable later if you prefer. For more information, please see Take the Cannoli
Step 2: Complete the Story, get missable mission-related trophies
Play through the story in any way you please, doing as much optional and side content along the way as you want. While you could simply focus on the story and asset missions until you complete the game and do all other content afterwards, it is recommended that you complete the Vehicle Missions, as these will give you upgrades such as increased health and infinite sprint.
While playing through the story, take note of the below 4 missions, as these have mission-specific trophies that are missable:
- Four Iron: Iron-y
- Demolition Man: Chopper’d Up
- Rub Out: Salutations My Little Friend
- G-Spotlight: Not my First Time
Step 3: 100% and Cleanup
After the story, you will now need to work on whatever is left for getting 100% such as side missions, vehicle missions, hidden packages, unique jumps and rampages, as well as cleaning up all miscellaneous trophies. While working towards 100% you will be able to keep track of most progress in the stats menu. There is also an exploit you can utilize that will allow you skip anything required for 100% that doesn’t have a trophy tied to it. For more information, please see the 100% Completion Guide & Checklist. Other than working towards 100%, you will also have any remaining miscellaneous trophies to work towards, all of which can be done at any time.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides
- GTA Vice City Definitive Edition – 100% Completion Guide & Checklist
- GTA Vice City Definitive Edition – All Unique Jump Locations
- GTA Vice City Definitive Edition – All Rampages Locations
- GTA Vice City Definitive Edition – All Hidden Package Locations
- GTA Vice City Definitive Edition – All Off-Road Mission Locations
- GTA Vice City Definitive Edition – All RC Mission Locations
- GTA Vice City Definitive Edition – All Chopper Checkpoint Locations
- GTA Vice City Definitive Edition – All Sunshine Autos Import Garage Locations
- GTA Vice City Definitive Edition – All Purchasable Property Locations
- GTA Vice City Definitive Edition – All Robbable Store Locations
GTA Vice City Definitive Edition Trophy Guide
For other GTA Trilogy Guides, refer to:
GTA III Definitive Edition Trophy Guide & Roadmap
GTA San Andreas: Definitive Edition Trophy Guide & Roadmap
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Kingpin Unlock all trophies. |
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Earn all other trophies in GTA Vice City Definitive Edition (PS4/PS5 Remaster) to unlock Platinum. | ||
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Born in the 80’s Listen to all music stations at least once. |
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There are 9 radio stations to listen to for this trophy, 7 music stations and 2 talk show stations. For a station to be counted as “listened to”, you will need to listen to a full section, from advert to advert. The below steps will help ensure all stations register:
The best time to do this is while you are doing the 100 fares required for the Taxi Driver mission, as you will be stuck in a car for extended periods of time while doing this. |
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Running Rampant Complete Vigilante mission level 12. |
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Vigilante missions will require any law enforcement vehicle, including the Police Car, Rhino and Hunter (in the case of the Hunter the mission is called Brown Thunder, but it still counts as the same thing). In order to complete it, you will need to reach and complete level 12 in one go. Each level will increase the number of criminals to kill by 1, with level 1 starting with a single criminal in a car, and level 12 having 12 criminals split across 3 cars.The easiest way to do this is either with the Rhino or Hunter, but these will require you to collect Hidden Packages to get easily. The Rhino will be available at the Fort Baxter Air Base after collecting 90 Hidden Packages, and the Hunter will be available at the same location after collecting 100 Hidden Packages (or alternatively at Lance Vance’s house after both completing the game and collecting 100 Hidden Packages). These vehicles will make Vigilante a joke, as the Rhino is effectively indestructible, destroys cars on impact and has a cannon, whereas the Hunter can cover ground incredibly quickly, has lock-on guns as well as rockets.
If you want to do this without collecting packages, you will need to use a regular law enforcement vehicle, of which the Police Car is the easiest to access. With this method you will want to use any variant of SMG (preferably with 2000+ bullets to ensure you don’t run out during the mission) and drive-by the criminals until they either get out of their cars or they blow up. Be careful when they get out as they can sometimes have shotguns or rifles which will destroy your vehicle very quickly. You will inevitably get a high wanted level while doing this method, meaning you will either need to find police bribes or quickly grab another vehicle to use a Pay’N’Spray. You will also likely need to change law enforcement vehicles several times during the course of this. Upon completing the Vigilante mission, your armor will be upgraded to 150. |
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Iron-y Kill the property developer with a Golf Club during “Four Iron”. |
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Mission: Four Iron (Avery Carrington) In this mission you will need to kill a property developer who is at the driving range at Leaf Links Golf Course. Head over to the golf course and just inside the entrance you will find a golf club to your right (or alternatively you will get a golf club whenever you get in a Caddy if you have no melee weapon). Head over to the driving range to the north where the property manager will have several guards. Ignore the guards and run straight to the target, then kill him with the golf club before he can escape. The mission ends immediately upon killing the property developer, so make sure to have a save beforehand in case you accidentally kill him with another weapon. |
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Not my First Time Complete mission “G-Spotlight” without falling from the rooftops. |
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Mission: G-Spotlight (InterGlobal Studios) In this mission, you will need to use a PCJ-600 to jump across the rooftops of many buildings in Downtown. At several points along the way there will be shortcuts unlocked in case you fall, but for the purpose of this trophy you will want to clear all jumps first try without falling. When doing the jumps, make sure to line up your bike and go full speed. Pull back on the analog to begin a wheelie when you’re about to hit a jump to get extra air to ensure you clear the jumps. In the event you fall off at all, simply reload your autosave to restart the mission and try again. |
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One is Better Than Two Perform a 30 second wheelie. |
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Wheelies can be performed by pulling back on the left analog ![]() ![]() |
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Point A to Point B Drop off 25 passengers driving the taxi. |
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Taxi Driver missions will require either a Taxi or Cabbie. You will need to complete an overall total of 100 fares for 100% completion, but for this trophy you only need 25. The fare do not need to be done in a single sitting. This will simply require driving from point A to point B, picking up fares, and dropping them off. The game will autosave every time you start or end the Taxi Driver mission, so if you are worried about losing progress to a crash, you can simply end and restart the mission whenever you want. | ||
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High Quality H2O Extinguish 10 fires. |
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Fires can be extinguished as part of the Firefighter vehicle mission. Firefighter missions will require a Fire Truck, and the only Fire Station can be located in Downtown on Vice City Mainland, meaning you will need access to the second island before you can do this. You will need to complete level 12 for 100% completion, but for this trophy you only need to put out 10 fires.
Each level will increase the number of fires to put out by 1, with level 1 starting with a single car on fire, and level 12 having 3 cars on fire, all full with passengers. When you put out a burning car the passengers will get out and start running around, and you must put them out. You will receive time with every fire put out and quickly have an excess of time, so the only thing to be careful of while doing this is making sure you don’t ram into any burning cars or run over any burning passengers, as this make you fail the mission. Upon completing the Firefighter mission, you will become fireproof. |
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Pie Guy Deliver 10 pizzas. |
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Pizzas can be delivered as a part of the Pizza Boy vehicle mission. Pizza Boy will start automatically upon getting on the Pizza Boy bike that is parked behind any of the 3 Well Stacked Pizza Company restaurants around Vice City. You will need to complete level 10 for 100% completion, but for this trophy you need to deliver 10 pizzas.
This mission tasks you with delivering pizzas to people around your area, starting with 1 pizza at level 1 and 10 pizzas at level 10. Pizzas can be delivered by aiming sideways with Upon completing the Pizza Boy mission, your health will be upgraded to 150. |
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Bull in a China Shop Cause $1,000,000 in property damage. |
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Property Damage increases when you destroy vehicles, and you can track this in the statistics page. It’s entirely possible that you will get this naturally doing 100% Completion, but if not it can be done in conjunction with Catch Me if You Can ![]() ![]() |
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Vice City Mogul Own 10 properties. |
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There are two types of properties you can buy in the game, safehouses (available immediately) and assets (available after the mission “Shakedown”). In total there are 17 properties you can acquire and you will need 10 of those for this trophy.
For a complete list of Purchasable Properties, please see GTA Vice City Definitive Edition – All Purchasable Property Locations. |
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Salutations My Little Friend Use the M4 to take out Diaz during the mission “Rub Out”. |
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Mission: Rub Out (Ricardo Diaz) In order to earn this, you must simply kill Diaz with the M4. You are given an M4 when the mission begins, so fight your way through Diaz’s men into the mansion and make sure you are using the M4 when you attack Diaz. The mission ends immediately upon killing Diaz, so make sure to have a save beforehand in case you accidentally kill him with another weapon. |
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Catch Me if You Can Achieve a six-star wanted level. |
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Before you can get a 6-star wanted level, you must first complete the mission “Rub Out”, as prior to this the highest you can get is a 5-star wanted level. The easiest way to get a 6-star wanted level is to simply use the Rhino to wreak havoc on everything. You can alternatively do this during certain missions that will give you a 5-star wanted level, as you won’t have to do as much to get the final level.
See I’m Famous! |
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Somebody Call the Wambulance? Complete Paramedic Mission level 12. |
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Paramedic missions will require an Ambulance. In order to complete it, you will need to reach and complete level 12 in one go. This mission tasks you with picking up injured civilians around the map, and returning them to the hospital, granting time both on pick up and (sometimes) on drop off, with the number required to rescue going up by 1 every level. The Ambulance has very poor handling and can flip very easily, so while doing this it is recommended to drive cautiously, and brake with ![]() Upon completing the Paramedic mission, you will unlock unlimited sprint. |
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Greasy Palms Use a police bribe to reduce your wanted level. |
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Police bribes are floating police badges, which when picked up will remove a wanted level. These can be found hidden all over the map, but the easiest ones to locate are just behind the Malibu Club and directly outside the Hyman Condo safehouse. Simply grab one with a wanted level for the trophy. | ||
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Just Like the Real Thing Win the RC Bandit Race. |
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The RC Bandit Race is one of three RC missions in the game, and it can be located at the sand track at the north-east of the first island on the beach, east of North Point Mall. Get into the Toy Fun van and the race will commence. This will be a 2-lap checkpoint race against 3 other RC Bandits, but like regular races this shouldn’t be too much of an issue to win.
If you struggle ot find the location of the RC Bandit Race, please see GTA Vice City Definitive Edition – All RC Mission Locations. |
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Keepie-Uppy Okie Dokie Earn a high score of 5 with the Keepie-Uppy Beach Ball. |
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Beach Balls can be found at several places around the map, such as randomly along the beaches or in pools. The easiest location to find one however is in the pool of one of the mansions northeast of Vercetti Estate on Starfish Island, as one will always spawn here.
Once you’ve located a beach ball, you will need to knock it into the air by running into it. For every hit of the ball without it touching the ground, you will get 1 point, so you will need to juggle the ball 5 times without it hitting the ground. The shadow can be a bit difficult to see at times, so it’s best to angle your camera slightly so that you’re able to see the ball coming down and let it hand on your head. |
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Gun for Hire Complete all assassination contracts. |
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There are 5 assassination missions in the game, and these unlock after completing certain story missions. They can be started by going to a payphone at specific locations. These missions will task you with killing a person or group of people either within a time limit or under certain conditions.
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I’m Famous! Earn the Stuff of Legends media attention rank. |
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Media Attention is a statistic that goes up basic on how much havoc you cause in one streak or wanted level. You can see your best Media Attention rank at the bottom of the stats screen. In order to get the Stuff of Legends rank, you will need to get your media attention to 1,600+. This can be done in several ways, but the easiest way is to use the Rhino Tank. You can get this either by getting 90 Hidden Packages and grabbing it from within Fort Baxter Air Base, or by getting a 6-star wanted level and stealing one from the army.
Once you have a Rhino, your goal is to simply cause as much havoc as possible. Destroy any vehicles you see and run over anyone you can. This will likely take a few minutes of destroying vehicles at a high wanted level, but it shouldn’t take too long, just keep checking your media attention rank in the stats screen. In the process of this you should also unlock Catch Me If You Can |
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Don’t Need Roads Hit max speed in a Deluxo. |
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In order to unlock the Deluxo, you must complete the first list for the Sunshine Autos Import Garage (please see GTA Vice City Definitive Edition – All Sunshine Autos Import Garage Locations).
Once you’ve completed the first list of the Import Garage, the Deluxo will spawn just inside the Sunshine Autos showroom. Drive it to Escobar International Airport and head to the end of the longest runway. Make sure you’re straight and accelerate along the full length of the runway and the trophy will pop before you reach the end. |
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Daredevil Complete 36 unique jumps. |
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These are specific jumps off makeshift ramps that require you to land in a specific zone or area to complete. When you initiate a Unique Jump, your camera will slow down and go into cinematic mode, and if you are successful there will be a text notification on screen indicating this. These are best done with the PCJ-600 bike, as many jumps are off small ramps, and bikes can’t flip like a car can. While using a PCJ-600, it is recommended to pull back to begin a wheelie just as you go off a Unique Jump, as by pulling back you will be able to get more airtime. This is necessary to complete certain jumps, as without doing this you will never clear some.
For a complete list of all Unique Jumps, please see GTA Vice City Definitive Edition – All Unique Jump Locations. |
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Legal Counsel Complete the “Riot” mission. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Riot is the final mission for Ken Rosenberg. You will need to get a new outfit, incite a riot at Spand Express, and then destroy the two trucks inside. |
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Life of the Party Complete the “All Hands on Deck!” mission. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
All Hands on Deck! is the final mission for Cortez. In this mission you are simply tasked with defending Cortez’s yacht as it sails to freedom. There will be a Ruger on the boat for you to use if you don’t have weapons. You will need to destroy several boats and helicopters while defending it. |
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South American Connection Complete the “Supply & Demand” mission. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Supply & Demand is the second last mission for Diaz. In this mission you will need to race other boats to a yacht with the speedboat obtained in the mission prior. After arriving at the yacht, you will then have to defend the speedboat against attacking boats and a helicopter while Lance controls it. |
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Big Heat from Little Havana Complete the “Trojan Voodoo” mission. |
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Trojan Voodoo is the final gang mission for Umberto Robina. For this mission you must first steal a Voodoo from Little Haiti to disguise yourself as a Haitian. Meet the other Cubans and drive into the Haitian Drug Factory, then plant the bombs inside. Planting the first bomb will start a 45 second countdown, so kill everyone before you plant them. Once the bombs are planted, simply escape the compound before it blows up.
Upon completing this mission, the Haitian gang members will be hostile towards you. |
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Chauffeur Complete the “Publicity Tour” mission. |
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Publicity Tour is the final gang mission for Love Fist. For this mission you will need to drive Love Fist around in a rigged vehicle, where if you go too slow the vehicle will explode. There is a detonation bar that will start to fill if you go too slow, so you will want to drive onto the long straight road to the south and drive at a steady speed. The bomb will be disarmed after 1 minute and 50 seconds, after which you can simply drive to the venue to finish. | ||
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Tommy Two-Wheels Complete the “Hog Tied” mission. |
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Hog Tied is the final gang mission for Mitch Baker. For this mission you need to steal back Mitch Baker’s bike. Grab the PCJ-600 behind the glass directly opposite the biker bar, and use this to jump the stairs in front of Ammu-Nation to where the bike is. Steal the bike while killing the NPCs and return it to Mitch to complete the mission. | ||
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Grand Theft Auto Retrieve every wanted vehicle at Sunshine Autos Import Garage. |
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In order to access the Sunshine Autos Import Garage, you must first buy the Sunshine Autos asset for $50,000 after completing the mission “Shakedown”.
There are four lists of vehicles to deliver to the Import Garage, each with a different theme. Each list has six vehicles to be delivered, for a total of 24. Completing each list will unlock a unique vehicle at the Sunshine Autos showroom, as well as increase the amount of daily revenue generated by Sunshine Autos, as listed below:
For a complete list of vehicles needing to be delivered, please see GTA Vice City Definitive Edition – All Sunshine Autos Import Garage Locations. |
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Bloodstained Hands Earn the Butcher criminal rating. |
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In order to reach the Butcher rank, you will need a criminal rating of 10,000. Criminal rating is a general statistic (seen at the top of the stats screen) of the mayhem you have caused in Vice City, and goes up with NPCs killed, vehicles destroyed, higher accuracy and total money accrued. Once you have reached 10,000 criminal rating, you will need to pause the game for the trophy to pop.
See Take the Cannoli |
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Take the Cannoli Earn the Godfather criminal rating. |
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Obtainable as of Patch 1.02. If you have an earlier version, then this will not unlock.
In order to reach the Godfather rank, you will need a criminal rating of 100,000 (lowered from 1,000,000 before Patch 1.02). Criminal rating is a general statistic (seen at the top of the stats screen) of the mayhem you have caused in Vice City, and goes up with NPCs killed, vehicles destroyed, higher accuracy and total money accrued. 100,000 isn’t something you will get naturally, as even getting 100% completion you can only really expect to be between 25,000-30,000 criminal rating. Thankfully however there is a nice exploit that allows you get $100,000,000 in a short time frame, which is enough for 100,000 criminal rating and this trophy. Once you have reached 100,000 criminal rating, you will need to pause the game for the trophy to pop. Cone Crazy is an Off-Road mission that you can do by getting into the Stallion parked on top of the Ocean Beach multi-storey carpark, located just behind the Ocean View Hotel (your default safehouse). This mission can be exploited as every time you see a new record, your reward will double. It starts at $200, but by beating your record 19 times with the reward doubling each time, you will finish with a grand total of $104,857,400. Every time you finish Cone Crazy, simply park your Stallion back in the position it started and get back in it to start the mission again. In order to complete Cone Crazy, you must collect 5 checkpoints without breaking any traffic cones, and these checkpoints initially give 12 seconds each. Each time you finish Cone Crazy the checkpoints will give you 1 less second each, down to 6 seconds each. Therefore for the first 7 completions of Cone Crazy, you will want to pick up the final checkpoint with 0 seconds left on the clock, then for the 8th through 19th completions you will want to add 1 second each time, up to 12 seconds. Up until 9 seconds you should be able to do this normally, but for the final 3 completions you will need to move some traffic cones out of the way so that you can drive through quickly. This can be done by putting your front wheel next to a traffic cone and slowly reversing so that the cone moves without being destroyed. With some cones moved, you can start with the 2 checkpoints on the ramp, and then collect the remaining 3 going north with lots of time to spare. If need be you can start using this method earlier if you struggle to meet the earlier times. Below is a list of the completions you will need, with the reward for each, seconds you want to finish with, and the completion time displayed at the end:
If you struggle to find the location of Cone Crazy, please see GTA Vice City Definitive Edition – All Off-Road Mission Locations. |
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Mischief Managed Complete the “Keep Your Friends Close…” mission. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Keep Your Friends Close… is the final story mission in the game, and can be started at Vercetti Estate on Starfish Island. For this mission you will need to defend your safe from attacking mafia members, until Lance Vance shows up. Chase him up to the rooftop where you will need to kill him. Return back to the main foyer of the mansion and Sonny Forelli will now be there, simply kill him to finish the mission. |
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Chopper’d Up Kill all hostile NPCs during the mission “Demolition Man” using the RC chopper’s blades. |
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Mission: Demolition Man (Avery Carrington) In this mission you are tasked with using a remote-controlled helicopter to place 4 bombs in the competing construction site. This construction site will be defended by several builders with hammers, and security guards with pistols. You will have 8 minutes to complete the mission, which is more than enough time to do the trophy. In order to kill the NPCs, simply fly your rotors into them and they will die instantly. NPCs will become aggressive as soon as you’re nearby but sometimes they can get stuck behind objects, so you may need to fly around on each floor to make sure everyone is dead. There are 4 floors, each with more NPCs, for a total of 17 NPCs. This trophy may pop early, as I had one left when it popped. For the NPC count on each floor, see below:
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City Sleuth Find 100 hidden packages. |
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Hidden Packages are your traditional open world collectible. They are often hidden in obscure locations or hard to reach areas, and several of them will require a helicopter to access.
Every 10 packages you collect up to 70 will unlock a weapon/item at the Ocean View Hotel, Vercetti Estate and Hyman Condo:
Every 10 packages you collect from 80 to 100 will unlock vehicles at certain locations:
For a complete list of Hidden Packages, please see GTA Vice City Definitive Edition – All Hidden Package Locations. |
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Done it All Earn 100% completion. |
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100% Exploit: The mission “Checkpoint Charlie” for the Boatyard asset can sometimes glitch in a positive way. There are 6 variants of this mission, each with less time to complete and more money as a reward. However sometimes when you get in one of the boats at the Boatyard after first completing it, it will instead replay the initial mission (you can tell if it is the glitched initial mission if you start with a time of 3:00). If you complete this glitched mission, you will complete the Boatyard asset again, which will spawn a duplicate revenue pickup at the Boatyard as well as give you another 1% Completion. In order to repeatedly do this glitch, you simply need to save the game after completing a glitched run of it, and the next time you get into a boat at the Boatyard it will be the glitched mission. If you don’t save and try to do another run immediately, it will simply progress to the second variant of the mission. If you decide to utilize this glitch you can effectively skip certain content that is normally required for 100% and isn’t tied to other trophies / achievements, such as the Rampages or Taxi Driver mission.
100% completion is what you’ll be working towards the whole time while playing this, and aside from a few miscellaneous trophies it will encompass everything. Your completion percentage can be seen at any time on the stats screen. In order to get 100% completion, you will need to complete the following:
None of this is missable and can be done at any time and at your own leisure. Getting 100% completion will also unlock the following, which can help for some miscellaneous trophies if you haven’t done them yet:
For a complete guide towards 100%, please see GTA Vice City Definitive Edition – 100% Completion Guide & Checklist. |
For other GTA Trilogy Guides, refer to:
GTA III Definitive Edition Trophy Guide & Roadmap
GTA San Andreas: Definitive Edition Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Anonymous says
Thank you for the trophy guide. Unsure if I’m still going to buy the trilogy because of the horrible reception to these “remasters” but I’m glad that Take the Cannoli has been patched to actually unlock the trophy and it now being way easier to earn the Godfather criminal rating (from 1,000,000 to only 100,000 points).
Dix3n says
Another option to get Take the Cannoli is to do the Hunter helicopter vigilante mission. I went from 75000 to 100000 rating in 1.5 hour. It starts slow but once you get to vigilante level 50+ it goes pretty fast, so even if you’re at 50000 vigilante rating, it might only take 2 hours.
Tev says
The thing with that is this remaster is prone to crashing so getting to level 50 in vigilante sounds really scary. Can lose 2 hours of my life for nothing trying that.
D/O says
Is the pier glitch in this version? I used it to be able to get all the hidden packages early on but im guessing you just have to wait till the islands unlock naturally now
Roy says
I am at 102860 criminal rating but it still says don so what am i doing wrong?
Sean Humphries says
One massive tip with the Cannoli exploit that I didn’t find out about until I was almost done. To retry the off road race park back where you found the Stallion, get out, get back in. It’ll restart the race
Also most vids are rubbish, start at the 2 in the corner, then almost straight line to the other side. Moving cones you’llhave plenty of time
Nikki_boagreis says
Thank’s for the guide PowerPyx
Nicolomeus says
Maybe I’m wrong, but you could use a cheat on the PS4 port that made all the cars explode around you. This gave tons of points for the “take the cannoli” trophy and the cheat didn’t prevent the trophy. Has anyone checked that?
Felix says
Hi guys,
do you think the “take the cannoli” exploit gets fixed in future updates or is there no way to fix it because of game mechanic?
The reason is that I wanna start GTA3 and San Andreas first before Vice City.
Thank you!
And thank you powerpyx for all the guides, I really love your site.
SxyxS says
Dude, just deactivate auto update on your ps4,then new patches can not update without your permission.
Nicolomeus says
I got the 100% and all rewards including this damn tshirt but no trophy. In Version 1.03 this trophy is bugged.
Negan says
Thank you so much for the cone crazy walkthrough! I attempted it with only 7 runs on 00.00, and then adding a sec eons every run for 9 runs. Then I tried the police boat on Cortez’s yacht, and left it for 7 hours! No dice there.
So I found your article, and tried cone crazy the additional 3 times and BAM! Take The Cannoli popped! You rock! ?
Dan3k says
Hello, thanks for this guide!
I think i just stumbled upon some kind of potential bug with 100% achivement. On my first playthrough i did literally anything (99%) beside ‘Keep your friends close’ mission and when i completed it achivement ‘Mischief Managed’ popped, in stats menu i had 100% (also got 200 life + armor) but ‘Done it All’ achivement not popped. I had to reload save i made before last mission (99%) and use speedboats exploit to get that missing 1% (I didn’t tried to replay last mission, maybe it’s enough).
Hagz says
Did they patch out the Cone Crazy exploit? I was able to rack up well over $100,000,000 doing but my rank was only around 25,000. My version is 1.04
RAD14NT says
For the life of me can’t get born in the 80s,literally have everything else ?
Elliott says
Hey! Want to point out something I discovered today. I was having trouble with this trophy too, I went through all 7 music radio stations and left them playing for 30 mins each, it didn’t unlock so I did it a second time, 30 mins each. After that, I tried doing the same with the 2 chat stations, and it unlocked! So the 2 chat stations, VCPR and K-Chat do 100% count toward this trophy. Hope this helps
Dan says
Struggling to get the ‘we don’t need roads’ trophy.
Got the Deluxo and bombing it along runway and nothing. Any reports of this being glitched?
Eticket says
For those like me who just can’t or don’t want to spam Cone Crazy, there is an alternative.
Get a firetruck.
Drive it to the Diaz/Vercetti mansion. (Stash it in the garage and save to be safe.)
Start the firefighter missions and drive up the steps into the mansion.
Drive back out
Turn around and drive back in
Repeat until you ding Godfather
Each time you zone in or out it will put out all of the fires. It can take a bit of time. Altogether with what I had done in the game up to that point it took about 170 levels.
Lucibur says
I’ve gotten 100,00 for the Criminal Rank but it still says Don and not Godfather, I’m confused.
MoAl-racing says
Thank you for this amazing guide, I did the Kingpin trophy on both the PS4 & the PS5 & used this guide on both attempts, along with the interactive map it absolutely perfect & felt you deserved a shout out for your hardwork.
P.S I was stuck on 99% after having done every mission & task & couldn’t figure out what was missing so I attempted “Checkpoint Charlie” at the boatyard & upon passing the mission I got the 100% & also got the “Kingpin” trophy.
Dzsofi says
“Take the Cannoli” still works. I planned for 2024 as the last trophy, but in 2025 it became the first.
Version 1.07