Granblue Fantasy: Versus Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 4/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 10 – 20 hours
- Offline Trophies: 43 (0
, 2
, 4
, 37
- Online Trophies: 7 (1
, 1
, 1
, 4
) – Backup Please!, Reporting In!, Now the Real Fight Beings!, Hot Enough for You?, Always Strive for Perfection, Communication Skills at Full Power, Platinum Sky
- Number of missable trophies: 0
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: 1 Versus match must be won with AI set to Normal, majority of Hard difficulty RPG mode needs to be played through for 1 trophy if you don’t get the required weapon through drawing
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1 – 2 RPG mode playthroughs, many Versus matches, 1 Arcade completion
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: RPG mode quests can all be replayed as much as needed
- Release Date: Asia = Feb 06, 2020 / North America = Mar 03, 2020 / Europe = Mar 27, 2020
Welcome to the Granblue Fantasy: Versus Trophy Guide! This is the latest game developed by Arc System Works, based on the Granblue Fantasy “gacha” RPG game made by Cy Games. This game features standard fighting game modes, as well as an RPG mode based around the Granblue Fantasy story and featuring a mission and loot RPG structure. which is where you will spend most of your time for the platinum. Difficulty wise the game is on a relatively similar level to other recent ASW fighting games, but with basically no grind aside from needing to play through RPG mode twice on each difficulty.
Step 1: Training Mode / Versus / Arcade
Starting out if you’re not as used to fighting games it would be advised to work through the Training Mode Mission trophies, as well as play through Arcade/Versus so that you can get acquainted with the game mechanics. There are some specific moves you need to do a certain number of times for trophies that aren’t specifically told to you in RPG mode, so if you do the Missions first to learn what they are you can work on using them while playing through RPG mode.
Step 2: RPG Mode
Next will be the overall longest step, playing through RPG mode. You need to finish the entire story to the end once, then very likely play through all main missions again on hard difficulty basically to the end so that you can get the materials needed to make the weapon Luminiera Blade Omega for trophy “Luminiera’s Blade”.
Step 3: Online
Next you can start working on the online trophies. If you can win one of your two ranking matches during the initially required ones you don’t need to play any more, otherwise you can boost the online win with another player when you go to do the trophy “Communication Skills at Full Power” which requires being in a lobby.
Step 4: Cleanup
Lastly you will only have miscellaneous trophies to clean up, such as all of the character move specific trophies as most of those aren’t able to be done in RPG mode, but can be cleaned up quickly in Versus match with a second controller.
Granblue Fantasy: Versus Trophy Guide
Warning: The trophy “Granblue Know-It-All” was patched to now also require all DLC characters! However, if you play the non-updated disc version you can get it without the DLC characters (disconnect console from internet so it can’t download the patch). If you own the digital version it automatically downloads the patch, so you’d have to buy the DLC characters to earn platinum.
Zero says
You can get the Luminiera’s Blade from Drawing. Got mine while I’m still in Ch. 3 Normal in RPG Mode.
Gage says
Thanks for confirming, I added a note in there about that now.
Az says
Might need to reconfirm, the one that you got from Drawing is probably Luminiera’s Blade SR version, the SSR version needs to be forged.
I’ve tried save-scumming for around 12h and didn’t got any. I’ve also confirmed with others on gamefaqs, and seems like you can’t get forged SSR weapon from Ticket Draw.
Gage says
I found people on PSNP who had got it during the middle of first RPG mode playthrough, so not possible to get the Gran coins then and not something I think people would stop and go out of their way to cheat then instead of at the end. I think the chance is there, it’s just so small that you get one of the Omega weapons, let alone the specific one for the trophy, it’s not worth actually trying to get that way.
Gros says
If anyone wants to do both coop quest trophies you can add me, my id: legrooos76.
Just put the game name in the friend request.
Happy gaming
Dinasty says
I Will my ID :Dinastyx5
Steven says
Can you help me please for trophies online ? Id classik13
Shahin Miah says
Just wondering about the blade that you need to get from Drawing. Is it possible to make a save before this or even before the chapter and load up that save to try and acquire the blade? Or is it that if you don’t get it through Drawing, then you’ll never get it from drawing despite the save?
Gage says
I theory you could do this yes. I assume the items it gives from the draw are randomized when you perform it, not beforehand. I don’t know how low the drop rate is though, and if you wanted to do a ton at once you’d have to purposefully not use the draw tickets, which then potentially makes it harder for you to progress normally because you don’t have weapons to level/use.
Sonic-san says
I have all the trophies now except the Hard mode trophy.
I finished all the quests in the rpg mode, even the hard ones. But I didn’t get the trophy.
The only one I haven’t done is Narmaya’s free quest since I didn’t bought the DLC.
I suspect I miss this trophy because I skipped the credits (I pressed start) when I beat the RPG mode in normal difficulty.
Anyone has the same problem?
BluesBomber says
I had the same issue. Still don’t have the trophy and I‘ve beaten every quest (even the free ones) as well as Narmaya. Nothing has popped. I skipped the credits as well. Maybe if we beat it again? And don’t skip
Sonic-san says
I beat the game again on PC and this time since I didn’t skipped the credits after Episode 40, well I did get the achievement.
I beat the quest again (episode 40) annnd it doesn’t work
Maybe it would be great to mark it as a missable trophy and clearly avoid skipping the credits.
I hope they fix this in a patch.
Gage says
I skipped the credits, that’s not what the reason is for not getting it.
BigBake says
Glad to know that I wasn’t the only person who had this problem. So do we have to wait for a patch or are we just out of luck? I thought about deleting my saved data and beating it again but that’s too much work lol.
Alucard says
Can you do the SSBA 10x per match trophys within VS mode, 1Round settings?
h4m says
If someone wants to sort of skip a few chapters in Hard Mode, I found out that you can join Backup Requests of players in a higher chapter than you. You can’t skip to the Gran mission because it’s a single-player mission. However, it’s in Chapter 5, and you can unlock Chapter 5 by beating Chapter 4.
This works by joining someone who is requesting help for a Chapter 4 HARD mission. Complete the mission (or don’t) and when the host eventually disbands the room, it throws you back to the Chapter 4 mission select… on HARD difficulty. From here, finish all the missions in Chapter 4 (with backup help or not) and you’ll open Chapter 5. NOTE: don’t back out to the RPG menu. If you leave the overworld screen, you’ll lose access to the Chapter 4 Hard missions.
It’s not a huuuge time save, but if you happen to get slotted into a chapter 4 backup request, you can do this. I got this and just did backup requests and bam. Chapter 5. (If you’re looking to grind out some dark weapons for the Gran Battle, farm Zeta in Chapter 4 Hard to forge the SSR spear in the shop)
Dinasty says
I need help with the trophy back up please ’cause nobody comes to help me 🙁
Steven says
Can you help me for online ?
Jake00286 says
Hi i completed the rpg mode but i didn’t get the Know it all glossary trophy, someone in the same case?
isaac says
Having the same issue here. it really sucks! I have absolutely no idea what could be causing it
icecattu says
Hey all, I thought I would leave my findings here in this thread for future internetfarers who have this issue. After a full day of torment and deliberation, I was able to figure out why the “Granblue Know-It-All” trophy / achievement wasn’t popping for me despite clearing the game on both Normal and Hard. Unfortunately, this achievement completion is locked behind the DLC Character Anre. His Free Quest and Boss Battle in Albion grant the final two glossary entries for The Eternals and Seofon.
Depending on when you’re reading this, they may continue to add Glossary entries for new characters since they tie them into the RPG Mode Story. I got this achievement when Anre was the most recent DLC character, so if this (for whatever reason) still doesn’t unlock for you, know that the answer doesn’t lie in any characters released prior to Anre.
Text for search engines: Granblue Know-it-all know it all trophy Bug Achievement Not Popping broken not working
Steven says
Please i need help for online trophies
iD : classik13
Calypso says
I can’t get know it all either, do I have to actually buy the dlc to unlock it??
William Mantell says
Looking for someone to help with the online trophies. PSN ID: DragonBone. Thanks!
Smartguy says
Cant seem to figure out the 10 SSBA. I’m pretty sure I’ve done over 10 for Gran and no trophy. Does it have to be done against thr CPU as I was doing it against a 2nd player?
Phanatic says
Can someone pleaseee help me with these back up missions?? I need to join someone’s back up mission PSN: Mister_Phanatic Please someone help me