Gotham Knights has 16 Training Area Exercises (Combat Training Tutorials). Completing all of them unlocks the Practice Makes Perfect trophy and achievement. You can start them in your Headquarters – The Belfry. After entering The Belfry, on the left side is a training dummy and exercise equipment. Interact with it to start the Training. They are very quick combat tutorials and easy to complete.
Only 10 of 16 Challenges are available at the start of the game. To unlock the remaining 6, complete all of a character’s Momentum Ability Challenges (press Touchpad to open Menu >
Challenges > Momentum Abilities). You must also buy a few Abilities in the Abilities Menu for two of the Advanced Trainings to unlock. The requirements for Momentum Abilities can be seen in the Challenges Menu. Below are all Challenges and their unlock requirements.
Basic Training:
- Interrogation – available from the start
- Grabbing Enemies – available from the start
- Stealth – available from the start
- Combos – available from the start
- Guard Break – available from the start
- Ranged Attacks – available from the start
- Smoke Bombs – available from the start
Abilities Training:
- Momentum – available from the start
- Momentum Abilities: Guard Break – unlocked while doing all of a character’s Momentum Ability Challenges (found in Challenges Menu)
- Momentum Abilities: Piercing – unlocked while doing all of a character’s Momentum Ability Challenges (found in Challenges Menu)
- Momentum Abilities: Area of Effect – unlocked while doing all of a character’s Momentum Ability Challenges (found in Challenges Menu)
- Momentum Abilities: Damage Over Time – unlocked while doing all of a character’s Momentum Ability Challenges (found in Challenges Menu)
Advanced Training:
- Perfect Evade – unlocked after buying Ability “Perfect Evade” (1 Skill Point, in Abilities Menu, left skill tree)
- Timed Strikes – available from the start
- Attack Chains – unlocked from buying Abilities (in Abilities Menu)
- Fear – unlocked after reaching Knighthood (did all Knighthood Challenges), then interacted with the highlighted objects in The Belfry (your character’s icon will be on those objects), then you get the last Momentum Ability challenge for your hero’s Knighthood Momentum Ability. Do this final Momentum Ability Challenge (see Challenges Menu) and after it the last Advanced Training Exercise will unlock.
That’s all 16 Training Area Exercises in Gotham Knights.
For everything else needed for 100% completion check out the Gotham Knights Wiki & Strategy Guide.
Armin Farsiabi says
I did everything with batgirl
All knighthood challenges and the monument ability but the fear challenge didn’t appear.
I also do all other training challenges…
Armin Farsiabi says
Alright I got the trophy
One monument ability was missing haha
PowerPyx says
I tested it with Red Hood and retested it with Robin, both times the Fear Advanced Training unlocked after doing their Momentum ability related to using their Knighthood skill a bunch of times.
Should be the same for all characters. But if it didn’t unlock for you with Batgirl, simply redo Knighthood with another char and it should show up. Only slightly grindy thing is doing 10 Premeditated Crimes, rest of the Knighthood requirements comes automatically along the way.
Adallus says
I cannot find piercing training anywhere in my selection. Do I have to unlock knighthood for all knights?
PowerPyx says
What character are you using? I had only unlocked Knighthood with Red Hood when I did it, hadn’t played any other chars at all by that point. I had also finished the story but I’m sure I saw it before that.
But all characters should have an ability in that category? Try with Red Hood, if it’s still not there check again after story if it shows up then. Let me know if that unlocks it for you.
Adallus says
It did unlock! Now I am having an issue where my last momentum ability is not unlocking any suggestions? I have completed this game twice now.
Adallus says
Never mind, I just realized what I missed. The walkthrough did help with clarification!