CF01: Clayface is a Side Mission in Gotham Knights. This walkthrough will guide you through all Sub-Chapters and Objectives of the CF01: Clayface side quest.
Requirement: having finished Main Case 02: The Rabbit Hole
- Subcase 1.1 The Malleable Mugger:
Something in the Clay, 20100XP, 1x Heroic Melee Weapon of your level
- Subcase 1.2 Disturbance at Dixon Docks:
The Show Mud Go On, 20100XP, 1x Heroic Suit of your level
- Subcase 1.3 Rumble at the Reservoir:
Rock and a Hard Place,
End of an Era, 13400XP, 1x Heroic Melee Weapon of your level
Mission Info: We investigated some faceless muggers terrorizing people in Gotham. It’s pretty clear that this is Basil Karlo, AKA Clayface. He disappeared and was presumed dead after his last confrontation with Batman. We’re tracking his signature now to see what he’s up to.
- 1.1 – The Malleable Mugge
- Collect clay samples from the Mimics attacking civilians x5
- Investigate the clay sample
- 1.2 – Disturbance at Dixon Docks
- Reach the warehouse
- Scan the warehouse for clues
- Follow the trail
- Defeat the Clay Mimic x1
- Chase Clayface
- Follow the Trail
- Defeat the Clay Mimics x5
- Enter Clayface’s hideout
- Defeat Clayface and his Clay Homunculi
- 1.3 – Rumble at the Reservoir
- Talk to Detective Montoya
- Enter the Reservoir
- Locate Clayface
- Defeat Clayface
- Reach the smelting factory
- Defeat Clayface
1.1 – The Malleable Mugge
Collect clay samples from the Mimics attacking civilians x5
This mission and the samples only appear when you go near the start location of sub case 3.1 from Main Case 3: In The Shadows. The samples are marked with an orange triangle on the Map.
You just have to defeat the samples. After defeating the first two samples, two more samples will appear on the map, and after that again two more will appear. So six samples in total, but you only need five. After getting the 5th sample, you will earn Something in the Clay
Investigate the clay sample
Now get back to Belfry (your HQ) and examine the samples next to the batcomputer.
This will end this subcase.
1.2 – Disturbance at Dixon Docks
Right after Clayface subcase 1.1 you can start this subcase from the batcomputer. A cutscene will start.
Reach the warehouse
After the cutscene, a loading screen will appear. After that, another short cutscene will play and you will be right in front of the warehouse.
Scan the warehouse for clues
Inside the warehouse, scan the clue in front of the chest next to the car.
Follow the trail
Now follow the trail to the outside of the warehouse.
you will stop at another warehouse, use your grappling hook to get up there.
On the roof, you have to jump into the next warehouse.
Defeat the Clay Mimic x1
Inside the warehouse, you just have to hit the mimic one time to start a little cutscene.
Chase Clayface
Clayface will run away from you, call your bike with and follow his trail. Even if you lost him you will find his trail because the street will be broken where he goes.
At the end of the chase you have to jump over the ramp and get into the sewers.
Follow the Trail
Inside the sewers just follow the trail.
Defeat the Clay Mimics x5
You will reach a room with some mimics, just defeat them.
Enter Clayface’s hideout
After defeating the mimics, squeeze through the wall to enter the hideout.
Just follow the given way.
Defeat Clayface and his Clay Homunculi
You will fight against Clayface and two of his subordinates.
After you get down the health bar by a quarter, a small cutscene will start and the fight will continue. Some smaller enemies will appear.
After defeating Clay and his subordinates a cutscene will start which will bring you back to Belfry (your HQ) and the subcase will end.
1.3 – Rumble at the Reservoir
Right after Clayface subcase 1.2 you can start this subcase from the batcomputer. A cutscene will start.
Talk to Detective Montoya
After the cutscene, you will be in front of the reservoir. Get to Detective Montoya and talk to her.
Enter the Reservoir
After talking to Detective Montoya, get into the Reservoir by using your grappling hook and enter the door there.
Locate Clayface
Follow the given path, and open the door. A cutscene will start.
Defeat Clayface
After the cutscene, you will fight against Clayface.
It’s best to attack him after he does the slam with his arms. If you attack him while he is walking, the floor around him will get poisoned and you will get damage.
If you get his health bar down by a quarter, a cutscene will start.
Reach the smelting factory
After the cutscene you will be on your bike, escaping from Clayface. The key here is to accelerate and drift around the corner. Don’t use the break to often or else Clayface will kill you.
Defeat Clayface
You will fight against Clayface again.
The strategy here is the same as in the first phase. Only attack him when he does his slam with the arms on the ground.
After you get his health bar down by 75%, a small cutscene will start and the fight continues. Now finish off Clayface.
This finishes the Side Case (Villain Case) CF01: Clayface in Gotham Knights.
For all other Side Cases, check out the complete Gotham Knights Walkthrough.
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