The Realms at War is the seventeenth main quest (path) in God of War Ragnarok. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of The Realms at War Main Quest (Path).
Requirement: Complete The Summoning
Reward: 20000 Kratos XP, 20000 Freya XP
Quest Info: On the eve of battle, the most important preparation one can do is rest. I do not know how much sleep will come to me this night, but I will try.
- Get some rest
- Sound Gjallarhorn
- Fight to reach the war machines
- Find Odin
- Find Father
- Follow Angrboda
Get some rest
At the start of the quest, you’ll be just outside the tent at Tyr’s temple. Interact with the front to head to sleep.
After some initial scenes, Kratos will be having one more dream you play through. Follow the linear path as normal, and you will have a few interactions where you need to swipe directions on the touchpad to proceed.
Sound Gjallarhorn
Now after waking, head inside Tyr’s Temple. You’ll have one final opportunity to upgrade your gear for the rest of the quest, so make sure to check that you’re good to go now. If you haven’t been upgrading your armor as you’ve been playing, Lunda has a new set of armor called the Fate Breaker set which doesn’t cost anything and is level 6, to make sure you’re not going into the final battle woefully underleveled.
When you’re ready to continue, head through the next door to reach the main area of the temple, then walk around to the back and interact with the crystal on the ground.
Fight to reach the war machines
Now in Asgard, your first goal is fighting your way to the war machines that are shooting at the transfer portals. Most of this section just involves running between each area, fighting groups of Einherjar and their allied creatures, then moving to the next area. You need to defeat all enemies in each area to progress, so just make sure to clear out everything in your way. After the third combat area, you’ll need to pull your way through a barrier with your Blades to progress.
After progressing enough Freya will leave and Atreus will be with you instead. After defeating the Einherjar Tamer and their beast a Dragon will perch on the pillars outside the area and start breathing fire on you. To deal with them you need to use your spear on the weak spot on the left of the pillar, knocking the dragon down.
Continue following the path ahead to meet up with Sindri. After a scene closer to the wall you will switch to playing as Atreus to push the rest of the way toward the wall. Sindri is with you, but can’t be directed to attack specific enemies like prior sections, so just worry about what you’re doing and Sindri will work on his own enemies. Once you finish the first combat area you’ll have a scene where you need to press +
, then get to take out the enemies in the next area in bear form.
Once all the enemies are dealt with, follow the path the rest of the way up to the wall.
Find Odin
After blasting a hole in the wall, you’ll switch back to playing as Kratos and will be progressing through the rubble, with Thrud now also helping out. There isn’t anything new to watch out for in this area, just keep defeating all enemies as they appear so that you can progress.
After some scenes, you will face Thor outside the lodge in Asgard. This fight will have several phases, and there will be checkpoints between each phase. In the first phase, Thor will use a variety of punches/kicks at close range, unblockable/block break swings with his hammer, as well as an unblockable grab attack. At range, he will throw his hammer at you multiple times in succession, which is best dodged, and he will also slam his hammer down multiple times creating electric fields around the arena that you will want to avoid. He can also cleave the ground to launch lightning in a line in front of him. After the first 30% of his health, Thor will grab you and you will be able to spam /
to hurt him more, before you will need to spam
. After this will initiate the second phase of the fight.
In the second phase, Thor will use a shield strike attack where he floats into the air and releases lightning throughout the arena, so make sure to strike him with double to stop it, and punish him with attacks afterward. He will jump into the air and throw his hammer down dealing area-of-effect damage that you can dodge. For the most part however he will continue using the same attacks as the first phase, except now everything will be lightning enchanted and deal more damage. Once you get his health down to 40%, there’ll be another short scene that initiates the third and final phase.
In the third phase, he’ll start summoning electric fields around the arena a lot more, making it harder to dodge them. He will also throw his hammer into the air and come crashing down on your location a second later, so when he does this you will need to be prepared to dodge away from the attack. He will also throw his hammer around allowing him to travel quickly. Once you get his health low enough, you can initiate another QTE with and press
when prompted to finish the fight.
This fight will begin immediately after the Thor fight, and there will actually be two fights against Odin. Each fight will be a checkpoint, plus there’ll be phases for each fight that count as checkpoints.
In the first fight, you will now have Atreus at your side to assist. Odin will swing his spear at you, as well as thrust with a block-break attack. He will jump into the air and slam down releasing Bifrost in a line in front of him. He will also do a regular attack where he launches multiple Bifrost beams directly at you. After dealing 30% damage to his health, he will slam into the middle of the arena, breaking the middle and separating the arena into multiple platforms, initiating the second phase.
In the second phase, Odin will slam his weapon into the ground and cover the entire area in Bifrost. After a few seconds, this will explode and deal heavy damage, but if you time it correctly you can parry this attack as it explodes. Most of his other attacks will remain the same, except now he will teleport around and also deal more damage. After enough damage on this phase, he will teleport into the middle and cover all platforms in Bifrost, which can be avoided by jumping across one of the gaps just as the attack ends. From this point on he will mostly continue using the regular attacks, so dodge/block/parry what you can and punish him with runic/companion attacks and Spartan Wrath. When at range, use your Draupnir Spear to deal damage to him. Once his health is low enough, finish this fight with .
After the cutscene, you will be in a new arena, and this time you will have both Atreus and Freya to assist you. Odin’s regular attacks will now include whip attacks as well of spear attacks. He will do a large area-of-effect shield strike attack that you can either dodge away from and attack him with the Spear at range, or strike him with the shield to punish him while he’s stunned. Odin will dash around the arena, and also do a block break attack where he releases ravens toward you. If the ravens hit you, you will be stunned momentarily and will need to spam to escape.
He will have several unblockable whip attacks where you can flick ice at you, or create walls of Bifrost that travel in a line. He will also sometimes spawn five fireballs above his head that you can either destroy with ranged attacks or dodge them so they hit the ground. Eventually, after enough damage you will be able to attack Odin with , which will initiate his next phase.
Now Odin will start putting on elemental shields and using magic. Break his shields with the opposing element (Blades of Chaos for Frost Shield and Leviathan Axe for Flame Shield), or simply use the Draupnir Spear. He will launch a beam of fire in an arc around him, and do a large attack where he jumps into the air and launches flame and frost attacks at five or six spots around the arena, indicated by red danger zones. He will continue to use the same attacks from the previous phase on top of these, so deal with them the same way you have previously. Attack from range when necessary, otherwise punish his attacks with runic/companion attacks and Spartan Wrath. Once his health is low enough, grab him with and there will be a few QTEs to finish the fight. After all of the scenes after the fight are complete and you regain control, you will earn the final story related trophy Ragnarok
Find Father
After Atreus awakes, you will be inside an area in Midgard. Follow the path up the stairs, and you will pass by a number of characters who speak to you about what has occurred.
Follow Angrboda
After reaching Angrboda you will switch back to controlling Kratos. Continue following her up the path to the end for the final scenes of the story.
This finishes The Realms at War in God of War Ragnarok.
Next up: Ending Explained & Beyond Ragnarok
For all other quests refer to the God of War Ragnarok Walkthrough.
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