The Plains contains 32 Collectible Locations in God of War Ragnarok. This walkthrough will guide you to all the collectibles in The Plains Region in chronological order. Everything that’s needed for trophies and 100% completion is included. Nothing is missable, everything can be collected after the story.
- Nornir Chests: 2
- Legendary Chests: 1
- Lore: 5
- Buried Treasure: 1
- Odin’s Ravens: 5
- Yggdrasil Rifts: 3
- Draugr Holes: 1
- Dragon Hunts: 2
- Epic Hunts: 2
- Casualties of War: 3
- Seasonal Stags: 2
- Minibosses: 3 (needed for Relic, not tracked in region overview)
- Favor Items: 2 (not tracked in region overview)
It’s recommended to collect everything after the story. Most regions can’t be completed on the first visit because they require certain skills from story progress.
Collectibles Overview:
How to Fully Unlock The Plains:
To reach “The Plains” you must complete Favor: Scent of Survival in Vanaheim, you reach the region automatically at the end of the favor. Next you should get the 100% Completion in “The Jungle” (see The Jungle Collectible Guide). This will flood The Plains so that you can use the boat to fully explore the area and reach all collectibles. Before this point you wouldn’t be able to reach half the collectibles.
#1 – Favor Item – Casualty of War: The Brooch
After getting 100% completion in “The Jungle”, backtrack to the “Crater Entrance” Mystic Gateway. We’ll start our exploration from there. The first collectible is a favor item, found at the first boat dock west of the mystic gateway.
#2 – Miniboss: Jorgen the Oath Guard (Requirement for Hilt of Hrotti & Hind of Deadly Vitality)
From the last location follow the path south, at the end of the path you encounter this miniboss. There are 3 “Oath Guards” in the Plains, this is the first of the three. Killing all of them is needed for a Hilt Relic (needed for “Collector” trophy) and a Spear Hind.
#3 – Yggdrasil Rift
Go to the boat dock, enter the boat and row south to find a small island with this rift on it. Easy to see.
#4 – Lore (Treasure Map – A Scar is Born)
On the same small island as the Yggdrasil Rift.
#5 – Dragon Hunt (Favor: In the Dead of Night)
Row the boat to the south-west boat dock, then drop down into the pit. The dragon (Dreki) spawns there. The Dragon Hunt automatically completes after defeating it.
#6 – Favor Item – Casualty of War: Stein
Same place as the Dreki dragon boss. To interact with this purple item you must first have started this favor in “The Jungle” – See The Jungle Collectible Guide.
#7 – Odin’s Raven
Same place as the Dreki dragon, sitting next to the favor item.
#8 – Lore (Lore Marker – Stupidity)
In the area where you defeated Dreki dragon lift the gate, go through the tunnel, go to the nearest boat dock. Row the boat back to where you entered the Dreki boss area, but this time climb up the left wall with a red chest on it, from that red chest use the rope to slide to the hill on the right. There’s a lore marker up there.
#9 – Epic Hunt (Favor: In Plain Sight)
From the Lore Marker drop down. Then inspect any 2 of the animal carcasses in the area. Then attack the rock in the center, it’s a Soul Eater miniboss that wakes up when attacked.
#10 – Odin’s Raven
After defeating the Soul Eater, go to the boat dock in the north-east of this area, the raven sits there.
#11 – Lore (Lore Marker – Apology)
Now follow the path to the left (don’t go through the main gate in the middle, take the path left of it). After dropping down, there’s a locked gate on the right with poison mist behind it. Shoot purple runic arrows near the gate, then hit them with the axe to cause a chain reaction that freezes the poison totem. You can shoot 3 arrows in one spot to increase the radius. After going through the gate the lore is on the left.
#12 – Nornir Chest
Same place as the Lore Marker. You must destroy 3 Nornir totems. #1 is to the right of the chest in a tree. #2 is left of the chest on a hill. #3 is behind the chest in a tree, must throw axe at the poison totem to go there.
#13 – Odin’s Raven
From the Nornir Chest turn around and walk towards the chasm that has a red chest. The raven sits on the cliffs below the red chest.
#14 – Favor Item – Casualty of War: The Scroll
After the Raven jump over the chasm and enter the cave on the right, talk to the spirit there.
#15 – Favor Item – Casualty of War: The Scroll
From last location climb up, next to the Mystic Gateway you can throw a spear at the back of the yellow-glowing rock. Climb down next to the red chest and throw another 2 spears at the front of the yellow-glowing rocks. Then detonate all 3 weak spots at the same time (press with spear). This will blow up the rubble and you can find 2 collectibles behind, a casualty of war and legendary chest.
#16 – Legendary Chest (Honour of the Fallen – Heavy Runic Attack)
Same place as the above collectible.
#17 – Miniboss: Vali the Oath Guard (Requirement for Hilt of Hrotti & Hind of Deadly Vitality)
Go through main gate in the middle of the area where the Soul Eater miniboss was. There’s a miniboss on the left after going near a red chest. If this is your 2nd Oat Guard it will drop the Hilt of Hrotti relic (needed for “The Collector” trophy). Doesn’t count as a collectible in the region’s 100% tracker.
#18 – Dragon Hunt (Favor: For Vanaheim!) + Frozen Flame & Rönd of the Nine Realms Shield Attachment
After defeating the Oat Guard through the gap to find dragon. Defeat the dragon, climb up the wall, talk to Birgir and interact with the Mystic Gateway to finish this Dragon Hunt. It isn’t completed immediately after killing the dragon, only counts after interacting with the Mystic Gateway when the favor counts as complete.
#19 – Seasonal Stag
To the left of the Mystic Gateway.
#20 – Yggdrasil Rift (Lindwyrm + Gale Spark)
From the Mystic Gateway climb back down where you fought the dragon. There’s an Yggdrasil Rift straight ahead after climbing down. It contains a Lyndwyrm for “The Lost Lindwyrms” Favor. You must have accepted this favor from the Squirrel at Sindri’s house, he gives you the Lindwyrm Trap, without it you won’t be able to pull the wyrm out of this rift. After pulling out the Lindwyrm, interact with the rift a second time to make it count as completed.
#21 – Odin’s Raven
To the left of the Yggdrasil Rift in the corner of the area where you fought the dragon. Look down the hole at the edge of the area to see it.
#22 – Draugr Hole (Chaos Spark)
Get back to your boat and row to the north-east corner of the lake. Go to the northernmost boat dock. There you find the Draugr Hole. Defeat the enemy that spawns from it.
#23 – Odin’s Raven
Get back in your boat and row to the beach at the north-east end of the lake, from the Draugr hole it’s the other side of the river just a short distance away. There you find a blacksmith shop. Across from the shop is a raven, sitting on a cliff.
#24 – Lore (Lore Marker – Seidr)
Same place as the Raven, from the blacksmith shop go upstairs to find the Lore Marker.
#25 – Yggdrasil Rift (Lindwyrm + Gale Spark)
To the left of the Lore Marker drop down the path to find this rift at the lake. It contains a Lyndwyrm for “The Lost Lindwyrms” Favor. You must have accepted this favor from the Squirrel at Sindri’s house, he gives you the Lindwyrm Trap, without it you won’t be able to pull the wyrm out of this rift. After pulling out the Lindwyrm, interact with the rift a second time to make it count as completed.
#26 – Miniboss: Egil the Oath Guard (Requirement for Hilt of Hrotti & Hind of Deadly Vitality)
Miniboss on cliffs at favor pickup.
#27 – Favor Item – Casualty of War: The Brooch (End)
Go back to the Blacksmith Shop. Follow the path along the left side (don’t drop down, stay on the upper path). Then you reach a cliffside, which is guarded by a miniboss (if you haven’t killed him yet). There at the cliff is the favor item, picking it up completes this favor in the map overview.
#28 – Buried Treasure (Treasure Map – A Scar is Born)
From the last location turn around and drop down the cliffs. Walk under the big archway in the direction of The Sinkholes region. Pick up the golden glowing treasure there. If you followed the order here you should already have picked up the treasure map earlier here in The Plains.
#29 – Nornir Chest
From the treasure turn around, climb the ledge, head right, into the area where animals are trapped under purple glowing glyphs. There’s a Nornir Chest here. You must hit 3 bells quickly before their lights turn on again. #1 & #2 are directly right and left of the chest, can be seen while standing in front of the chest. #3 is to the left of the chest, hidden behind the rock, but it has vines around it that you must burn first. Climb up to the Mystic Gateway, where an Yggdrasil Rift was, from there you can use the Chaos Blades to burn the vines. Then climb back down and throw the axe at them in the order #1 > #2 > #3, if you’re quick enough the chest will open.
#30 – Epic Hunt (Nocturnal Predator) + Gale Flame
Around the Nornir Chest are 3 animals trapped in purple glowing runes. Use your chaos blades on them ( +
) to free all 3 of them. They are all close together in the same spot and easy to see. After this interact with the platform in the center of the area to spawn a Phantom boss. You must then destroy all 5 purple totems to defeat it. One is to the north across the lake/river, the rest are all easy to see from the center of the area. Note: if you followed this Collectible Guide in the suggested order (and completed The Jungle & The Sinkholes) this should be your last favor for trophy to unlock “Invasive Species”.
#31 – Seasonal Stag
Get back on the boat, row south into The Jungle region. Near the Jungle Entrance Mystic Gateway you can pull the chain of a gate to open it. Follow the path behind that gate until you reach a hidden sub-area called “The Wishing Well”. Even though it’s accessed from The Jungle it actually counts towards The Plains region. As soon as you enter the Wishing Well you’ll see the Stag standing there.
#32 – Lore (The Lost Pages)
To the left of the Seasonal Stag, also in the Wishing Well area. Climb up the path and through the opening on the left (top of the area), it’s there in the corridor that leads to a golden chain.
That’s 100% of the collectibles you can find in The Plains area in God of War Ragnarok.
Next Up: The Strond
For more Collectible Guides, check out the complete God of War Ragnarok Collectibles Guide.
Caleb says
Note on #2- use a celestial altar to change it to night time for the wooden blockade to go away.
Steven says
Did not see that throwing crystals into the well gives a TON of rewards
Aaron says
#5 also has to be done at night. It’s literally in the name.
Sam says
#26 Egil the oath guard did not spawn. Already killed the other two.