Forging Destiny is the tenth main quest (path) in God of War Ragnarok. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Forging Destiny Main Quest (Path).
Requirement: Complete The Word of Fate
Reward: 5250 Kratos XP, 5250 Freya XP
Quest Info: The Dwarves require aid from a “Lady” in the mountain to forge this Draupnir into a weapon against Heimdall. We will meet Brok at the end of these tunnels.
- Find a path to the surface
- Head to the forge with Brok
- Destroy the Nightmare Haunt to release the lift
- Ride the lift up to the forge
- Repair the switch
- Forge the weapon
- Find a path down the mountain
- Return to Sindri’s when ready
- Speak with Sindri
- Retire
- Look for Odin in his study
- Check the library
Find a path to the surface
At the start of the chapter, you’ll be in the tunnels inside the mountain in Svartalfheim, and need to find your way out. Follow the path until you run into a dead end. On the right path, you can burn some vines for a small crawlspace where you can pick up some Hacksilver, then to progress, you can attach your Blades to the red barrel to blow a hole in the gate.
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The tunnel areas are mostly full of Grim, so watch out for any that jump out from the tunnels as you progress. Keep following the path to the next gate blocking your path, and this time you can ignite the oil on the floor, which blows up the barrel on the other side.
Head through the tunnels, dealing with the next group of Grim. When they’re dealt with you will have a short conversation with Sindri, then can push the cart to his left to go further into the tunnels.
On the other side of the cart take a left first. You can burn all the vines and destroy the items in your way to find a Legendary Chest that contains Fog of Fimbulwinter (Axe Heavy Runic Attack).
Head back the other way and you’ll need to deal with the chain pull in two steps to get past the next door. First, grab the chain and pull the door down, then shoot a Sigil arrow at the gear and throw your axe to freeze it.
Retrieve your axe (with the gear staying frozen because of the Sigil arrow) then you can use the Twilight Stone on the wall to the left to bounce your axe over the partially open gate, hitting the clamp and opening the gate all the way.
Head into the next room and you will be immediately attacked by a Bergsra. Deal with it the same way you have prior, being aware that this one won’t spawn Wretches so you don’t need to worry about extra enemies.
You’ll need to activate the water wheels in this room to continue through the gates. For the first one on the left, throw your axe at the trough just above it to direct the water into the wheel.
Follow the path through the gate on the left to the next hallway. In this hallway, there is a Nornir chest you can loot. For the first brazier, break the boxes on the right-hand side of the hallway to reveal it in an alcove.
Keep walking down the hallway and look immediately left once you enter the larger room with the chest to find the second brazier in the corner.
The final one is down the blocked hallway to the left. There are a couple of options for lighting this one, but the intended way is to throw your axe at the barrel on the right which releases a bunch of oil on the floor. You can then light the oil (using Sigil arrows if needed) to light the brazier, allowing you to loot the chest.
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Continue following the path ahead, dealing with the enemies in your way. In the large room, you can grapple to the balcony for a Materials Chest containing 1 x Luminous Alloy and 3 x Honed Metal.
You can then head to the corner where Freya should be waiting to climb a ladder to the floor above.
Follow the short path and interact with the crank at the end. This turns the water trough in the other room to the opposite side, which will allow you to open the next door. Head back down there (you can use the shortcut to the balcony you passed by earlier when attacked by the Nightmare Parasite).
This time you’ll need to interact with both troughs to redirect the water. Shoot a Sigil arrow on the top one so that you can have it frozen for longer, then throw your axe above the wheel to open the gate.
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Head into the next tunnel area and you’ll be attacked by a pair of Bergsra. You can use some items in this area such as explosive barrels to deal with them, so they’re not too bad even though there are two of them. When they’re dealt with, head to the north in this loop for a spot to interact with. These are Yggdrasil Rifts, and you can obtain unique items from them (or find a Lindwyrm or fight an enemy). What appears from each rift is dependent on how many you’ve found prior, they’re not specific like chests.
Head to the right where there will be a gate you can head through, then follow the path ahead. You can grab a Materials Chest on the left side to obtain 1 x Asgardian Ingot and 6 x Dwarven Steel, then start climbing the path on the right side of the room to exit the tunnels.
Head to the forge with Brok
Freya heads out to do some things on her own, so you’ll be with Brok for the rest of this quest. Follow him over to the left to start making your way back to the Forge (if you remember your last trip through Svartalfheim, you’re just going in the opposite direction). On your way, you’ll run into a Nightmare Nest and some enemies that you’ll need to take out before you can progress.
When the enemies are out of the way, interact with the door to continue.
Follow Brok through the area ahead to the lift.
Destroy the Nightmare Haunt to release the lift
You have to go around to be able to clear the nest off the lift, so take the path to the right. You’ll be dealing with a large puzzle to reach the upper level of this area. First, you want to destroy the brambles blocking the elevator to the right.
Brok will wait on the elevator for you. To raise it for him, grapple up the wall to the right. You need to get to the far water geyser, so freeze the close one and jump over to reach the path leading around. When you freeze the far one it increases the power on the near one, turning the water wheel and raising the elevator.
Wait for Brok to get off the elevator at the top, then you can head back and hop on the elevator. Hit to direct him to turn the crank which caps the geyser you froze before, which also lets you ride the elevator up.
You’ll need to freeze the first geyser again to raise the gate and get through. To do that, climb the wall that is to the immediate right of the elevator. You can direct Brok to turn the crank again, dropping the elevator so you can aim back at the first geyser.
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Direct Brok to cap the geyser once more (without recalling your axe!) to raise the gate ahead. Make sure to grab the Legendary Chest on the way by to obtain Atlas Eruption (Heavy Runic Attack).
Follow the path to reach the spot near the lift. Toss your axe at it a bunch of times to destroy it, releasing the lift back to the bottom of the area.
Ride the lift up to the forge
Head back down and interact with the crank on the left side to ride the lift to the top.
Head through the cave ahead, dealing with the couple Grim in your way. On the other side before dropping down you can kill a Raven sitting on a ledge to the left.
Drop down to ground level and try to interact with the crank in the middle of the bell.
Repair the switch
Turns out it’s broken, and Brok needs some materials to fix it. He first asks you for the silver material, which is the farther one away from him. He’ll then ask you for the bronze material, which is just to its right.
Forge the weapon
After Brok inserts the part, interact with the switch for a scene where you forge the weapon.
After the scenes are complete, you’ll now be able to use the Draupnir Spear. The spear has normal melee attacks like your other weapons, but the main usage is that you can throw a bunch of them at enemies, with up to 5 (starting out) sticking to them, then hitting causes them to explode, dealing further damage. If you spotted the enemies in the prior sections with the grey health bar covering (like the fire or ice health bars) you quickly remove those by exploding spears on them.
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Find a path down the mountain
After dealing with all the Grim, you’ll need to figure out a way back down the mountain. Notice the gold glowing spot on the wall beside the forge, you can now interact with these using Draupnir. Throw a spear at the spot and then detonate it to blow it up, which in this case reveals a climbing spot that you can use to climb out of the area.
Continue into the next area and you’ll have some Grim and Nightmares to deal with. The spear makes dealing with nests easier, as you can just stick a bunch of spears from a distance and then blow them up to destroy the nests. When the enemies are all dealt with, follow the small river down and look on the opposite side of the large rock blocking your path for another spot to throw Draupnir, which blows this rock out of the way.
Head through where the rock was but don’t continue too far. You can look back near where you entered the area for a spot on the rock blocking your path to the Materials Chest. Blow the rock out of the way and head back around to obtain 1 x Asgardian Ingot and 6 x Dwarven Steel.
Keep following the path and you’ll need to deal with some more Grim and Parasite Nightmares. When they’re dealt with, turn around and look on the wall to the right of where you entered to spot a vent. These vents you’ll have seen earlier in the game, but you can now interact with them. Throw a spear at them from straight on (if you’re too far at an angle it won’t work) and you’ll lodge a spear in them, allowing you to use them to climb on. Also make sure to look up to the left farther up for a second vent that lets you jump across to a Yggdrasil Rift.
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On the first platform you jump to, look down below to the large pillar for a destroyable spot on the opposite side, allowing you to then shimmy along the wall to progress.
Continue into the next area and you’ll encounter a couple of Ogres along with other enemies. You can jump back and forth in this area to avoid enemies if needed, along with riding the Ogres once they are weakened. Once all the enemies are dealt with make sure to grab the loot from the Ogres, where you can obtain the Huldra Charge (Spear Light Runic Attack) and a Jewel of Yggdrasil (they’ll go to the shop chest if you miss them accidentally).
Brok is stationed at the nearby shop and stays there while you go on your way. When you’re ready to leave, interact with the nearby post and you’ll use the spear to toss the rope across the gap, allowing you to zipline down and head back out of the area.
Return to Sindri’s when ready
Outside the gate, Freya meets back up with you, and you’ll be attacked by Einherjar. Deal with them as you make your way back towards the train. While heading down the path, you can go into the crack on the left instead of the way you came up with Brok. This leads you back to where you originally fought there Dreki, where you’ll now find a Yggdrasil Rift to collect from.
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Continue following the path back to where you originally passed a Nornir Chest you couldn’t open your first time through this area, though you can now open it with Draupnir. Head towards it, and note that if you had picked up the “Across the Realms” Favor when you were in Midgard you can acquire one of the ingredients on the ground to the left.
For the Nornir Chest, equip the spear and look immediately to the left on the cliff. These taller totems need to all be destroyed at once, which is why Draupnir is required. Throw a spear at the totem and leave it for now while you find the other two.
You can then move to the edge of the cliff and look at the rocks to the right, where you can spot the second totem.
For the final one walk back out of the area and towards where the carts are hanging off the walkways. Stand at the bottom of the cart and look at the rock to the left of it for the final totem. Once you have a speak placed on all three at once you can detonate them to open the chest.
Now that you’re done in this area, you can take the train back down the mountain to reach the closest Mystic Gateway.
At the bottom of the train follow the cliff on the left, where you can toss a spear into a vent to jump across to the gateway. Before entering you can speak with Durlin who’s sitting on the platform, and he’ll give you the Favor “Spirit of Rebellion”.
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When you’re ready to progress the story, head back to Sindri’s.
Speak with Sindri
Head inside the house and interact with the Dwarves at the table to continue.
After speaking with the dwarves, go interact with the table to progress.
There will be another dream sequence once Kratos goes to sleep. This one you’ll be paddling a boat down the river, and can just keep following the linear path until the end.
Look for Odin in his study
After switching to Atreus, you’ll be in his room in the lodge. Head out when you’re ready to progress and go down to Odin’s study.
Check the library
Head down into the library to meet with Odin and start the next story quest.
This finishes Forging Destiny in God of War Ragnarok.
Up Next: Unleashing Hel
For all other quests refer to the God of War Ragnarok Walkthrough.
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