God of War Ragnarok has over 60 bosses, spread across the Story, Favors (Side Quests) and Miscellaneous bosses. This guide will have strategies listed for every boss. All boss strategies were written based off No Mercy difficulty, so the strategies will apply on lower difficulties too.
All Story Bosses will have checkpoints throughout the fights, making them more manageable even on higher difficulties. Favor Bosses and Miscellaneous Bosses will not have checkpoints. As you progress through the game, you will unlock the ability to purchase Resurrection Stones from the dwarf blacksmiths. These will allow you to revive once per fight, restoring a percentage of health/rage. All strategies/videos are made without using these, so once again utilizing these Resurrection Stones will make the fights easier while following the strategies.
Favor/Miscellaneous Bosses are best done after completing the game, as you will have access to all the best gear. The recommended gear, abilities and skills to use for bosses in the end-game are as follows:
Recommended Gear:
- Weapon Attachments: Grip/Pommels/Hind of the Nine Realms, anything that gives high stats
- Shield: Onslaught Shield or Stone Wall Shield
- Rond: Rond of Expedition or Rond of the Nine Realms
- Armour: Berserker Armour Set or Surtr’s Scorched Armour Set
- Amulet Enchantments: 3x Niflheim Enchantments, 3x Muspelheim Enchantments, Emblem of the Nine Realms, Greater Regenerating Essence, Emblem of Elusion
Recommended Abilities:
- Leviathan Axe: Njord’s Tempest and Ivaldi’s Anvil
- Blades of Chaos: Hades Retribution, Tame the Beast
- Draupnir Spear: Thrust of a Thousand Soldiers, Honour the Fallen
- Relic: Hilt of Hofud, Hilt of Skofnung, Glaive of Dodher
- Spartan Rage: Spartan Wrath for damage, Spartan Valour for healing
Recommended Skills:
- Leviathan Axe: Extinguish Flames, Permafrost, Glacial Permafrost, Whirling Storm, Frost Rush, Leviathan’s Fury, Glacial Rake, Serpent’s Snare
- Blades of Chaos: Vaporise Frost, Immolation, Furious Immolation, Spinning Chaos, Rushing Chaos, Chaos Slam, Chaotic Rampage I/II/III
- Draupnir Spear: Maelstrom, Violent Maelstrom, Spear Throw, Spear Drill, General’s Advance, Elemental Siphon I/II, Hoplite Lunge I/II, Impaling Thrust I/II/III
Generally speaking, all enemy attacks can be broken down into four categories, and they can be dealt with in different manners:
- Regular Attack: No indicator, these can typically be blocked, parried, dodged or interrupted.
- Block Break Attack: Indicated by a yellow ring on the attack, these attacks will break your block if you attempt to block them. These can be parried with good timing, or they can be dodged.
- Unblockable Attack: Indicated by a red ring on the attack, these attacks cannot be blocked or parried. For these you will need to either dodge them, or in special cases they can be cancelled with ranged attacks.
- Shield Strike Attack: Indicated by a double blue ring on the attack, these attacks usually have a build up and can be countered by shield striking by pressing
twice rapidly.
Most boss fights you can follow the same general strategies: Utilise all your runic attacks, companion attacks and Spartan Wrath to deal most of your damage. Fill your Permafrost/Immolation/Maelstrom bar by dealing damage without being hit, then charge your preferred weapon with +
to deal more damage with it for a period of time.
- Story Bosses
- Favor Bosses
- The Hateful
- Soul Eater
- Double Dreki #2
- The Maven
- Gravel Belly
- Olaf Nautson
- Ormstunga
- Soul Eater #2
- The Crimson Dread
- Flame Phantom
- Crag Jaw
- Double Dreki #3
- The Corpse Eater
- Slag Horn
- Dreki #2
- The Ash Tyrant
- Stinnr and Sterkr
- The Raven Keeper / The Pale One
- Fraekni the Zealous
- Bodvar the Fierce and Starolfr the Troublesome
- Hardrefill the Callous
- Beigadr the Feared
- Svipdagr the Cold and Sisters of Illska
- Hjalti the Stolid
- Hvitserkr the Bold
- Haklangr the Bearded
- Skjorthendi the Unerring
- King Hrolf Kraki
- Gna
- Miscellaneous Bosses
Story Bosses
Boss #1 – Bjorn
Quest: Surviving Fimbulwinter
Strategy: Bjorn is a giant bear, and will introduce you to block break and unblockable attacks. Block break attacks will be indicated by a gold circle, whilst unblockable attacks will be indicated by a red circle. Bjorn will release a flurry of swipe attacks and follow it up with either of these attacks. The best way to fight Bjorn is to block his regular attacks with your shield, then dodge when he uses a special attack, getting in hits after dodging. You can also destroy trees in the environment to get health crystals.
Partway through the battle you will be able to enable your Spartan Fury ability with +
, allowing you to do serious damage and heal. This will also act as a mid-battle checkpoint.
Reward: 250 Kratos XP, Battle the Bear
Boss #2 – Thor
Quest: Surviving Fimbulwinter
Strategy: For Thor, you will want to employ similar strategies to Bjorn: block his regular attacks, dodge the yellow and red circle attacks, hitting him in between his attacks where you can. This fight will have 3 phases in different areas, and it will give you a checkpoint for each phase.
For the first phase, it will mostly be hand-to-hand combat without weapons. In the second phase, Thor will start using his hammer a lot more including lightning attacks. There will also be pillars you can interact with to throw at Thor for some damage. In the final phase, Thor will introduce more attacks, including lightning on the ground that you will need to dodge.
Utilise your Spartan Fury ability when you can to heal and deal damage, and try to fill Thor’s stagger bar to progress the phases faster.
Reward: 500 Kratos XP, Blood Debt
Boss #3 – The Huntress
Quest: Surviving Fimbulwinter
Strategy: The Huntress is a very simple fight. She will mostly launch ranged attacks or try to ram you, both of which can easily be avoided by dodging. Whenever her horns glow, use a ranged attack with your axe or blades on them to stagger her, then wail on her until she stands up. After a few cycles of this she will go down.
Reward: 250 Kratos XP, 372 Atreus XP, Winter’s Bite (Light Runic Attack), Frozen Flame (Weapon Upgrade)
Boss #4 – Dreki
Quest: The Quest for Tyr
Strategy: You will encounter the Dreki once you arrive at The Forge. At range the Dreki will spit at you, and in close range it will either lunge to bite or swing its tail at you. Some of these can be blocked but it’s easier to simply dodge them all, getting hits in where you can. Utilise your runic attacks and Spartan Rage when you have them to inflict more damage. Halfway through the battle the Dreki will be imbued with lightning and will start doing a close range and long range unblockable lightning attack. These are area-of-effect, so you want to get away from the target zone when he starts these attacks. Other than the new attacks this phase is still the same, so attack when you can. There are multiple health crystals around the arena for you to collect if you need them.
Reward: 500 Kratos XP, 500 Atreus XP, Flames of Anguish (Light Runic Attack), Chaos Flame (Weapon Upgrade)
Boss #5 – Alva
Quest: Groa’s Secret
Strategy: At the end of the Temple of Light you will fight Alva. This is the first boss fight that will really test you, as Alva is fast, aggressive and there are no checkpoints mid-battle. Alva will always start with a double-blue circle attack, and these can be countered by doing a shield strike by double tapping quickly. She will do these regularly throughout the battle, so get used to shield striking. After being slammed, she is vulnerable, so it is recommended to use a heavy attack during this. A good example is the Serpent’s Snare ability for the Leviathan Axe if you have it unlocked (hold
), as this will do hefty damage and also build her freeze status a decent portion.
Alva will regularly use a block break attack in the form of throwing her polearm at you, as well as an unblockable attack in the form of a crossed blades range attack. Both of these will hurt a lot so when you see the yellow/red circle appear, be ready to dodge to the side. Later in the fight she’ll do two unblockable attacks in a row, so be wary of this. She will also have a close-combat unblockable attack that she can do at the end of a combo with her polearm, where she will slam the ground and deal area-of-effect damage, so make sure to dodge backwards if she does this.
Utilise your runic abilities on both weapons at the start of the battle and they should recharge in time to do them a second time before the end, and if you have your Spartan Rage ability available, use it when you need to heal. Alva will also drop health occasionally, but it is sparse.
Reward: 500 Kratos XP, 332 Atreus XP, Frozen Flame (Weapon Upgrade), Rond of Expedition (Shield Attachment)
Boss #6 – Gryla
Quest: The Lost Sanctuary
Strategy: Gryla will be the first boss fight you have as Atreus. This will mostly be a ranged battle, and isn’t too difficult. In order to damage Gryla, you will need to hit her Cauldron on the purple rune when it’s exposed. Gryla will attack with mostly ranged attacks, unless you are standing on the floor near her, in which case she will use melee attacks. For the majority of the battle it is best to stay on the shelves, dodging the attacks she throws at you and unleashing arrows at the cauldron whenever the rune is exposed. After enough attacks on the cauldron, her stagger bar will fill and she will drop the cauldron, this is your chance to rush in with melee and get a combo going.
After enough damage, there will be two candles you can tell Angrboda to attack with , which will stun Gryla if she is close to them, so you will want to go between the two shelves with the candles to lure her close to them. At this point in the fight she will also sometimes make either the floor or the shelves dangerous to stand on, covering them in purple magic. If this happens, get off that surface until it dissipates. She will also occasionally launch a flurry of slow-moving purple projectiles at you, which you will want to shoot with your arrows to stop them from hitting you.
There will be several checkpoints throughout the battle, and multiple health crystals around the area, plus Gryla will drop more.
Reward: The Cauldron
Boss #7 – Vanadis
Quest: After Main Quest – The Lost Sanctuary
Strategy: Immediately after regaining control of Kratos, you’ll have another boss fight. This fight is similar to Alva, as Vanadis is very fast and aggressive. She will retreat to a distance and use her bow a lot, so make sure to either block or dodge to the side when trying to close the gap. Many of her attacks can be blocked, and it is easier to block her than to dodge. Utilise your runic attacks to get a quick start on her, then try stay close to her and pummel her between her attacks.
When she gets to half health, you will start a new phase and be introduced to Spartan Valour, which will use a chunk of your rage bar to heal you instead of buff your attacks. This will also be a checkpoint, so if you die you won’t have to redo the first half. In this second phase she will start shooting poison pools and use her arrows a lot. Atreus can get downed by her poison, so if this happens run over to him and press to bring him back. Utilise Atreus’ abilities to try and stun her, and whittle away at her health, dodging/blocking as necessary.
Reward: Backyard Brawl
Boss #8 – Forest Ancient
Quest: The Reckoning
Strategy: You will encounter the Forest Ancient roaming when leaving Freyr’s Camp. This is a very easy fight. It can only take damage to its core, so throw your axe at it. When you attack the core it will spit out white orbs you can pick up and throw at it to deal massive stagger damage. When it staggers, run up to it and press , then start pummeling it with
. After doing this once it will spawn a bunch of Legions, but you can ignore them and finish off the Ancient first. It should only take two phases to kill it.
Reward: 500 Kratos XP, Chaos Flame (Weapon Upgrade)
Boss #9 – Fiske
Quest: The Reckoning
Strategy: Fiske will be located at the end of The Abandoned Village. Fiske uses a Bifrost Scythe so he has long range and can inflict Bifrost onto you, which will freeze a chunk of your health bar and if hit again will instantly remove that chunk. Fiske is quite difficult due to this, and he is very aggressive. He will occasionally do an area-of-effect unblockable attack where he slams into the ground, make sure to dodge back twice to get to a safe distance. If he does this attack, use it as a chance to get some ranged attacks in.
He will also do combo attacks that finish in a yellow block break attack. Even though it ends in a block break, it is recommended that you still block these combos, as if you time it right you can pull off parries, and if he breaks your block, he will then follow it up with either an unblockable attack that is quiet lenient to dodge, or he’ll do a shield strike attack which is an opportunity to stun him.
Fiske can kill you very quickly due to his Bifrost, so it is recommended that you use Spartan Valour as a source of healing. There is also a single health crystal that will fully heal you if needed. There are no checkpoints in this fight so you must do it without dying.
Reward: 500 Kratos XP, Glaive of Dodher (Relic)
Boss #10 – Nidhogg
Quest: The Reckoning
Strategy: Nidhogg will have four phases, and you will get a checkpoint between each phase. Ranged attacks barely do any damage against Nidhogg, so you will need to use melee attacks for the majority of it. Nidhogg will primarily use Bifrost attacks, as well as Realm Tear attacks. For the first phase, it will primarily do bite attacks, as well as Bifrost ranged attacks and a Bifrost area-of-effect attack. For all attacks you will want to dodge out of the way, you can attempt to block/parry the bites but it’s easier to dodge.
After dealing enough damage you will pull the Nidhogg from the realm tear and start the second phase. Now it will also stab its tail into the ground which you can shield slam to stun the Nidhogg and get extra damage in. These first two phases aren’t too long, and after doing enough damage during the second phase, Freya will join you for the third phase.
The Nidhogg will now have a variety of new attacks, including a bunch of realm tear attacks where it will either try stab you with its tail or launch Bifrost beams, both of which can be dodged with decent time leniency. It will also suck up debris and shoot it out at you, once again best dodged. A lot of the time during the phase the Nidhogg will be wrapped around a tree or pillar making it hard to hit, but eventually Freya will launch sigils at these objects which you can use to destroy them, either with a Chaos Blade flame attack or a Leviathan Axe throw.
After dealing enough damage, the Nidhogg will go into a final desperation phase where it will mostly suck up objects to spit at you. You will mostly want to dodge during this until Freya places a sigil on it that you can hit with your axe, and then finish off the boss.
Reward: 2000 Kratos XP, Frozen Flame (Weapon Upgrade), Amulet of Yggdrasil, Root of the Problem
Boss #11 – Frost Phantom
Quest: The Word of Fate
Strategy: Frost Phantom cannot be hurt normally, so you must fill its stagger bar and then destroy its 2 pillars. To stagger it you must hit the runic orb at the centre of the Phantom, and due to the nature of the boss the best way to do this is by throwing your Leviathan Axe. Occasionally the runic orb will flash, and if you hit it while this is happening it will be stunned, allowing you to run in and attack it for more damage. Freya’s arrows will do a decent chunk of damage during this, so be sure to use them with . None of the Phantom’s attacks are particularly dangerous, as you can simply dodge them all while throwing your axe.
When it is staggered, you will need to destroy the pillars. There are two in the area and glow purple when they are vulnerable. After they are all destroyed, stagger the Phantom one more time and finish it off.
Reward: 1400 Kratos XP, 500 Freya XP, Chaos Flame (Weapon Upgrade), Jewel of Yggdrasil (Amulet Upgrade)
Boss #12 – Garm
Quest: Reunion
Strategy: Garm is a giant wolf that you fight in Helheim. When at a distance he will do stomp attacks that launch a line of ice at you, which can be easily dodged. He will rush in to do bite attacks, either starting with regular bites that can be blocked, or block break/unblockable bites that can be dodged. After dodging/blocking these attacks, attack his snout while it is up close to stun him momentarily, at which point you can deal damage. Don’t bother attacking him when he is at a distance, simply dodge and wait for the bite attacks. After enough damage Garm will swing his chain at you, which you can dodge and then freeze by throwing your Axe at it. Grab the chain with and he will be stunned for a longer period of time, allowing for bigger damage. This stun is a good opportunity to use runic attacks or Spartan Wrath if you have it equipped.
After enough damage Garm will howl and enter the second phase, which gives you a checkpoint. Garm will launch ice at you which you can dodge, and then throw the ice back at him for damage. This phase will be practically the same as the first, except now he’ll intermittently throw ice at you, as well as his ice stomps will launch multiple waves of ice instead of one. When he swings his chain at you to freeze, it will also have multiple swings before it gets stuck.
Repeat until Garm howls again and goes into the final phase, which once again gives you a checkpoint. His attacks will remain mostly the same, except now he’ll also jump down and do a large area-of-effect slam if you don’t manage to knock him down by throwing ice back at him. Continue dodging his attacks and unloading on him when he attempts to bite you. Once you freeze the chain in this phase, you will have a few QTEs to finish the battle.
Reward: 2500 Kratos XP, 1250 Atreus XP, Off the Leash
Boss #13 – Garm
Quest: Reunion
Strategy: You will fight Garm again, except this time he will have weak spots on his leg and neck that you can throw your Draupnir Spear at to detonate for big damage. His attacks will mostly be the same, slamming and throwing ice at you as well as the bite attacks. Repeat as you did before, while also damaging the weak spots when they are available until Garm’s stagger bar fills up. Attack him until he gets back up and his health bar restores, which will trigger a checkpoint.
The second phase will be identical, so repeat what you did until he is staggered again, except this time you can grab Garm with to lead to a QTE to finish the fight.
Reward: None
Boss #14 – Double Dreki
Quest: Creatures of Prophecy
Strategy: You’ll face two Drekis at once, but these Drekis won’t become lightning empowered at all. If you have Spartan Wrath equipped, you can unload all of your Rage on one to nearly kill one Dreki outright, even on higher difficulties. This will also fully charge your +
ability for the weapon equipped, which can be used to finish off the first Dreki quickly. The second Dreki will likely be hiding in the water spitting poison at you, but once it comes out it will be like a regular Dreki without too much threat. Dodge/block its attacks and utilise your runic/companion abilities to deal with it quickly.
Reward: 500 Kratos XP, 350 Atreus XP, Artillery of the Ancients (Heavy Runic Attack), Chaos Flame (Weapon Upgrade)
Boss #15 – Gulltoppr / Heimdall
Quest: Creatures of Prophecy
Strategy: This is effectively 3 boss fights in one. Fight up you fight Heimdell riding Gulltoppr, his steed. Gulltoppr is a relatively easy fight, even on higher difficulties, as he does not have a lot of health. Gulltoppr will attack with a variety of swiping attacks that can be dodged, blocked or parried, as well as unblockable charges and and a shield strike trample attack. Heimdall will also throw Bifrost at you, which you can dodge. Most of these attacks are very easy to read and punish.
Once Gulltopr is dead, you will face Heimdall for the first time. Initially you won’t be able to hit him directly, so you will need to throw your Draupnir Spear at him or near him and detonate them with to increase his stagger bar. You will need to fill his stagger bar this way 3 times before you are able to hurt him normally. Initially you can throw the spears and detonate them immediately to increase his stagger, but eventually he’ll catch on and dash away when you throw them, so you will need to plant some and lure him towards them before detonating.
Once you’ve staggered him 3 times and got your first proper hit in, you’ll get a checkpoint. Heimdall will now start slowing down time and rush you with either a block break or unblockable attack, which you can dodge to then attack him. He’ll do a variety of slashes and swipes with his sword and Gjallarhorn, as well as slam his sword down for area-of-effect damage. After any of these attacks you will be able to punish him and get some hits in. He will also occasionally give himself some Aesir Armor, which you will need to whittle away at before you can hurt him again. You can do this the same way you were previously, or by throwing your spears and detonating them. Use your runic attacks and Spartan Wrath if you have it when he’s vulnerable to make this fight faster.
After beating him, you’ll have a cutscene which is followed by another fight with Heimdall, which is another checkpoint. This is much the same as the previous fight with Heimdall, except now he will combo a lot of punching attacks together, and throw boulders at you before he slows down time. He will also follow up his unblockable ground slam with a shield strike attack that will launch you back for a lot of damage if you fail to strike him in time. Continue attacking him as you are until he is defeated.
Reward: 3000 Kratos XP, Hilt of Hofud (Relic), Emblem of the Nine Realms (Amulet Enchantment), Comeuppance
Boss #16 – Frost Ancient
Quest: Unlocking the Mask
Strategy: Frost Ancient is basically the same as the Forest Ancient you fight earlier in the story, or the Soul Eaters you fight in some favors, except this time you won’t have the strength of Kratos to deal with it. You will need to attack the core when it is exposed to both deal damage and increase the stagger bar. Unlike with Kratos, the Ancient won’t spit out explosive cores to throw back, so you will need to use your arrows and companion abilities to bring it down.
Use Sonic Arrows instead of Runic Arrows, as these will do both damage and stagger, whereas the latter will only deal stagger. When the stagger bar fills, it will collapse and you can attack it with , which will reset the stagger. It will stay down for a few seconds more, so use your special attacks here for extra damage. A good method is to use Ingrid’s
attacks when it is down and the stagger bar has reset, as using these attacks can completely fill the bar before it even stands up, allowing you to stagger it a second time immediately. Ignore the Hel-Walkers until after the Frost Ancient is defeated, as they will respawn infinitely. Once you defeat the Ancient, kill the remaining Hel-Walkers to finish the battle.
Reward: 500 Atreus XP
Boss #17 – Flame Phantom
Quest: The Summoning
Strategy: Flame Phantom cannot be hurt normally, so you must fill its stagger bar and then destroy its 3 pillars. To stagger it you must hit the runic orb at the centre of the Phantom, and due to the nature of the boss the best way to do this is by throwing your Leviathan Axe or Draupnir Spear. Occasionally the runic orb will flash, and if you hit it while this is happening it will be stunned, allowing you to run in and attack it for more damage. Freya’s arrows will do a decent chunk of damage during this, so be sure to use them with . None of the Phantom’s attacks are particularly dangerous, as you can simply dodge them all while throwing your axe.
When it is staggered, you will need to destroy the pillars. There are three in the area and glow purple when they are vulnerable. After they are all destroyed, stagger the Phantom one more time and finish it off.
Reward: 500 Kratos XP, 500 Atreus XP, Frozen Flame (Weapon Upgrade), Vindsvalr’s Windstorm (Heavy Runic Attack)
Boss #18 – Double Soul Eater
Quest: The Summoning
Strategy: This is like the fights with the Soul Eaters and Ancients previously, except there’ll be two of them to fight. As with previous fights, use range attacks on the core when it is exposed and throw the orbs it spits out to deal massive damage. Attack it with when it’s staggered. Once both Soul Eaters are defeated, deal with the Draugrs. Very simple fight.
Reward: 500 Kratos XP, 500 Atreus XP, Chaos Flame (Weapon Upgrade), Boon of Fury (Amulet Enchantment)
Boss #19 – Hrist and Mist
Quest: The Summoning
Strategy: Hrist and Mist are Valkyries that you will fight together. They both share the same health bar, and you will need to deplete their health bar 3 times to defeat them. There will be a checkpoint between each health bar. In the first phase, Hrist will attack you while Mist will attack Atreus. Usually you will only have to deal with one of them, as they will typically focus on you and Atreus separately. When in close range they will do a few melee attacks that can be easily dodged or blocked, as well as a shield strike block that you can use as a chance to stun them.
Once the first health bar is depleted, they will retreat and heal, then throw you off the ledge. Spam to get up and you’ll be introduced to a mechanic for this boss fight, where one of the Valkyries will grab Atreus. If they do this, be sure to quickly throw a Spear at them to free Atreus. They will now regularly retreat to the opposite side of the arena, where Mist will launch feathers at you, followed up by Hrist throwing an unblockable boulder. The feathers can easily be blocked, followed up by dodging the boulder. Mist will also start doing a spinning attack towards you, but that can be stopped with any attack. During this phase you can simply throw your Spear over and over when they are at range, as this will cancel Mist’s spin, stop them from grabbing Atreus, and deal damage while they throw feathers and boulders. They will also start doing a double attack where they will launch a boulder alongside one of the Valkyries, and they will also do a sweeping attack where they will sweep across the field. During this there will be obvious markers on the ground indicating where they will attack, so just avoid these zones.
After the second health bar, they will retreat once again for the final health bar. For phase 3 they will be mostly the same, using the attacks from phase 2, but with some more melee attacks that can easily be dodged or blocked. Once their final health bar is depleted, there will be a couple of QTEs to finish the fight.
Reward: 5000 Kratos XP, 2500 Atreus XP, Gale Flame (Weapon Upgrade)
Boss #20 – Thor
Quest: The Realms at War
Strategy: You will face Thor outside the lodge in Asgard. This fight will have several phases, and there will be checkpoints between each phase. In the first phase, Thor will use a variety of punches/kicks at close range, unblockable/block break swings with his hammer, as well as an unblockable grab attack. At range, he will throw his hammer at you multiple times in succession, which is best dodged, and he will also slam his hammer down multiple times creating electric fields around the arena that you will want to avoid. He can also cleave the ground to launch lightning in a line in front of him. After the first 30% of his health, Thor will grab you and you will be able to spam /
to hurt him more, before you will need to spam
. After this will initiate the second phase of the fight.
In the second phase, Thor will use a shield strike attack where he floats into the air and releases lightning throughout the arena, so make sure to strike him with double to stop it, and punish him with attacks afterwards. He will jump into the air and throw his hammer down dealing area-of-effect damage that you can dodge. For the most part however he will continue using the same attacks as the first phase, except now everything will be lightning enchanted and deal more damage. Once you get his health down to 40%, there’ll be another short scene that initiates the third and final phase.
In the third phase, he’ll start summoning electric fields around the arena a lot more, making it harder to dodge them. He will also throw his hammer into the air and come crashing down on your location a second later, so when he does this you will need to be prepared to dodge away from the attack. He will also throw his hammer around allowing him to travel quickly. Once you get his health low enough, you can initiate another QTE with and press
when prompted to finish the fight.
Reward: None
Boss #21 – Odin
Quest: The Realms at War
Strategy: This fight will begin immediately after the Thor fight, and there will actually be two fights against Odin. Each fight will be a checkpoint, plus there’ll be phases for each fight that count as checkpoints.
In the first fight, you will now have Atreus at your side to assist. Odin will swing his spear at you, as well as thrust with a block break attack. He will jump into the air and slam down releasing Bifrost in a line in front of him. He will also do a regular attack where he launches multiple Bifrost beams directly at you. After dealing 30% damage to his health, he will slam into the middle of the arena, breaking the middle and separating the arena into multiple platforms, initiating the second phase.
In the second phase, Odin will slam his weapon into the ground and cover the entire area in Bifrost. After a few seconds this will explode and deal heavy damage, but if you time it correctly you can parry this attack as it explodes. Most of his other attacks will remain the same, except now he will teleport around and also deal more damage. After enough damage on this phase, he will teleport into the middle and cover all platforms in Bifrost, which can be avoided by jumping across one of the gaps just as the attack ends. From this point on he will mostly continue using the regular attacks, so dodge/block/parry what you can and punish him with runic/companion attacks and Spartan Wrath. When at range, use your Draupnir Spear to deal damage to him. Once his health is low enough, finish this fight with .
After the cutscene, you will be in a new arena, and this time you will have both Atreus and Freya to assist you. Odin’s regular attacks will now include whip attacks as well of spear attacks. He will do a large area-of-effect shield strike attack that you can either dodge away from and attack him with the Spear at range, or strike him with the shield to punish him while he’s stunned. Odin will dash around the arena, and also do a block break attack where he releases ravens towards you. If the ravens hit you, you will be stunned momentarily and will need to spam to escape.
He will have several unblockable whip attacks where you can flick ice at you, or create walls of Bifrost that travel in a line. He will also sometimes spawn five fireballs above his head that you can either destroy with range attacks, or dodge them so they hit the ground. Eventually after enough damage you will be able to attack Odin with , which will initiate his next phase.
Now Odin will start putting on elemental shields and using magic. Break his shields with the opposing element (Blades of Chaos for Frost Shield and Leviathan Axe for Flame Shield), or simply use the Draupnir Spear. He will launch a beam of fire in an arc around him, and do a large attack where he jumps into the air and launches flame and frost attacks at five or six spots around the arena, indicated by red danger zones. He will continue to use the same attacks from the previous phase on top of these, so deal with them the same way you have previously. Attack from range when necessary, otherwise punish his attacks with runic/companion attacks and Spartan Wrath. Once his health is low enough, grab him with and there will be a few QTEs to finish the fight.
Reward: Ragnarok
Favor Bosses
Boss #1-6 – The Hateful
Location: Svartalfheim – The Watchtower, The Applecore / Alfheim – The Barrens / Vanaheim – The Abandoned Village, The Plains / Midgard – Lake of Nine
Quest: Born From Fire
Strategy: The Hateful is a Fire Draugr that spawns from a fiery Draugr Hole. There are six of these at different locations, but they all work the same way. He will do a flurry attack, as well as an unblockable flame attack that creates a wall of fire, so dodge to the side when he does this. Partway through the fight two regular draugrs will spawn, so use this opportunity to use Spartan Fury to kill them quickly and heal off them. The boss fight itself is just a matter of patience, dodging/blocking when he’s attack and getting hits in when he’s vulnerable.
Reward: Cursed Empress Handles (Blades Attachment – First Kill), Chaos Spark (Weapon Upgrade Shard – Every Kill)
Boss #7 – Soul Eater
Location: Vanaheim – Vanir Shrine
Quest: Freya’s Missing Peace
Strategy: This is very similar to the Forest Ancient you fought outside Freyr’s Camp, except the Soul Eater will spray an ice beam every time it opens its core, and will also slam ice around it whenever you are close. Wait until it opens its core and throw your axe, then grab and throw the white orb it spits out to deal massive stagger damage. Run in, press , and spam
to deal big damage. This will take two phases to kill it. There will be reavers and poison gas present during the whole fight, but it is not worth trying to deal with first, just focus on the Soul Eater.
Reward: 500 Kratos XP, 345 Freya XP
Boss #8 – Double Dreki
Location: Vanaheim – Goddess Falls
Quest: Freya’s Missing Peace
Strategy: This is like the battle against the solo Dreki, except one is regular and one is lightning empowered. Focus on one Dreki at a time, it is up to you which you prefer to deal with first but I dealt with the regular one. Fortunately with Freya present you don’t really need to worry about both Drekis focusing on you at once, so you can focus one without too much concern for the second Dreki. Employ the same strategies that you did with the solo Dreki fight, dodging or blocking the regular attacks and dodging the spit attacks when at range. Occasionally one of the Drekis will hide in the water and start spitting at you, so during this time you will need to focus on the second Dreki. There are only the two health crystals for this boss fight, and no checkpoints, so it is recommended to use Spartan Valour as your source of healing.
Reward: 500 Kratos XP, 500 Freya XP, Seal of the Falling Star (Amulet Enchantment)
Boss #9 – The Maven
Location: Alfheim – The Forbidden Sands
Quest: The Elven Sanctum
Strategy: The Maven will fight very similarly to Alva, however she will be more aggressive and deal a lot of damage. Her attacks will consist of a flurry attack that ends in an unblockable slam attack, which is best handled by blocking the regular attacks and dodging back from the slam, then rushing in for a heavy attack while she is recovering.
She will also do a ranged unblockable attack that is easily dodged, and often follow it up with 2 (later 3) block break attacks where she throws her weapon. These can be difficult to dodge and if you get hit by one, you won’t recover fast enough to dodge the others, so the most effective way to deal with these attacks is to parry them. If you choose to parry them, only the final parry will stun her, so you will need to parry 2 (or 3) attacks in a row if you choose to do this. I recommend this however as I found it easier than dodging, and it gives you a good chance to deal damage after stunning her.
She will also do a shield strike attack which will deal area-of-effect damage over the entire boss area, so it is paramount that you shield strike these to stun her and avoid the damage. You will want to try and stay close to her as much as possible to avoid her doing this shield strike attack when you are too far away to counter it.
There are no health pick ups and no checkpoints, so it is highly recommended you use Spartan Valour as a source of healing. You won’t get many chances to use it due to her aggressive nature, so if you need to heal you will want to sacrifice an opportunity to attack her when she’s stunned to instead heal up. Don’t forget to utilise your runic attacks and your companion’s abilities to deal extra damage and stun.
Reward: None
Boss #10 – Gravel Belly
Location: Alfheim – The Forbidden Sands
Quest: The Desert Door
Strategy: You will encounter Gravel Belly after opening The Desert Door in The Forbidden Sands. Gravel Belly is a drake and is not to be taken lightly. Gravel Belly will deal a lot of damage with its attacks, but a lot of the attacks have a lot of build up. It will do regular swipes, unblockable bites and block break tail whips, all of which can be rather easily dodged due to the build up time (however the tail swipe has an especially long build up, so don’t dodge too early or you’ll get hit).
It will also do a charge attack, which can be blocked, and if parried will knock the drake over and allow you to get in some serious damage. The most dangerous attack it will do however is an unblockable slam attack, which will launch debris out in front of it, so you will need to dodge to the side to avoid this. Just before the charge attack and slam attack, Freya will call out to warn you of the attack, so listen out for these to prepare to either parry the charge or dodge the slam. When at range it will also launch barbs from it tail, which can be dodged pretty easily.
Once it reaches half health, it will start doubling up certain attacks, namely the swipes which will lead into a block break swipe, and more notably the ground slam attack will happen twice (even three times once it gets down to the final health bar). As the most dangerous attacks happen when right in front of the drake, it is best to try stick to the side and attack the legs, making it easier to dodge these attacks. It’s quite manageable to get a lot of hits in without taking any damage, which makes Permafrost/Immolation and their upgrades very powerful against Gravel Belly, as these will let you deal more damage if you can get successive hits in without damage.
Take your time with this fight, as being overly aggressive can make it easy to miss a dodge or block, and a mistake can very quickly result in death. There are no health or rage crystals in this battle, so utilise your Spartan Valour for healing.
Reward: 2400 Kratos XP, 750 Freya XP, Alfheim’s Fortune (Amulet Enchantment), Skirnir’s Gambanteinn (Unique Resource), Dragon Claw (Unique Resource)
Boss #11 – Olaf Nautson
Location: Midgard – Raider Stronghold
Quest: Animal Instincts
Strategy: Olaf is a relatively simple fight, as he doesn’t have a huge amount of health and his attacks are quite predictable. He will do a mix of block break and unblockable swings, as well as unblockable slam attacks and a shield strike attack where he will heal himself. At the start he’ll only have short combos, but as his health gets lower he’ll start chaining together more of these in a row.
Unload all your runic attacks at the beginning, then bait out his attacks, dodging and getting in hits in between. His ground slam and healing ability are great opportunities to get in some heavy damage, as he’ll be vulnerable after these. When his health is low enough he’ll do two ground slams followed by a shield strike ground slam, given you another opportunity to stun him and get heavy damage in.
Reward: Token of Elemental Evasion (Amulet Enchantment), Crackle of Bilskirnir (Unique Resource)
Boss #12 – Ormstunga
Location: Svartalfheim – Alberich Hollow
Quest: The Lost Treasure
Strategy: Ormstunga is a boss variant of the Wicked Grims. He is very agile, jumping around constantly and attacking very quickly, making him difficult on higher difficulties. Ormstunga will do multiple attacks when at range; spitting acid at you, back-to-back block break tongue lashes, a block break diving slash – all of which can be dodged or parried – and his deadliest attack, an unblockable jump attack. This attack is very quick and you only have a moment to dodge it after seeing the red indicator. Due to this it is recommended to play defensively when he is at range, as rushing him or attacking aggressively can be costly if he launches a jump attack.
When at close range he will mostly do a flurry attack of four slashes, which can be blocked or parried. This is your best chance to deal damage to him, as you can start off with regular blocks, then either dodge or parry at the end of the combo for an attack opening. At lower health, he will also do a poison spray attack, extend his flurry combos and occasionally do a block break flurry which is best dodged.
You can opt to use the fire bomb dispensers in the area to deal damage from range, however be wary when using these as he can launch an attack while you’re grabbing a bomb. The bombs will also do damage to you if you throw them too close, so only use them at range if you do use them. If you need to heal with Spartan Valour, hide behind a rock so that he cannot do any range attacks while you heal.
Reward: 500 Kratos XP, 405 Freya XP, Emblem of Elusion (Amulet Enchantment), Svefnthorn (Unique Resource)
Boss #13 – Soul Eater
Location: Vanaheim – The Plains
Quest: In Plain Sight
Strategy: This is very similar to the Forest Ancient you fought outside Freyr’s Camp, except the Soul Eater will spray an ice beam every time it opens its core, and will also slam ice around it whenever you are close. Wait until it opens its core and throw your axe or spear, then grab and throw the white orb it spits out to deal massive stagger damage. Run in, press , and spam
to deal big damage. This will take two phases to kill it. There will be no regular enemies to deal with, but if you haven’t killed the dragon yet then it may join the fray, in which case just be aware of its fire.
Reward: 1400 Kratos XP, 330 Atreus XP, Hunter’s Brand (Unique Resource), Eir’s Armament (Amulet Enchantment)
Boss #14 – The Crimson Dread
Location: Vanaheim – The Plains
Quest: For Vanaheim!
Strategy: The Crimson Dread is a red dragon that uses a variety of close range attacks as well as fire attacks. It will use an unblockable charge attack that is often followed up with a block break attack. It will also use a variety of regular bites that can be blocked, parried or dodged. When at close range it can use an unblockable fire attack where it breathes fire in front of it, which you will want to dodge backwards to avoid. It will also breathe a line of fire towards you when at range.
Several times throughout the fight, the dragon will fly up into the air and breathe fire as it flies over you. It will continue doing this until you shoot it down, so use your Draupnir Spear and throw it at the dragon’s head to bring it crashing down, giving you a chance to unload on it. This stun period is your best opportunity to use Spartan Wrath, runic attacks and companion attacks to deal heavy damage, though you can also use these during the regular close range attacks to try and stun lock it a bit.
Once you get the dragon’s health bar completely down, you will have a few QTEs to finish it off.
Reward: 500 Kratos XP, 500 Atreus XP, 2 Dragon Claw (Unique Resource), Frozen Flame (Weapon Upgrade), Vanaheim’s Fortitude (Amulet Enchantment)
Boss #15 – Flame Phantom
Location: Vanaheim – The Plains
Quest: Nocturnal Predator
Strategy: Flame Phantom will appear out of the Sigil after capturing the 3 wisps. This is essentially the same as the Frost Phantom you fight during the story, except there’ll be 5 pillars instead of 2. Flame Phantom cannot be hurt normally, so you must fill its stagger bar and then destroy its 5 pillars. To stagger it you must hit the runic orb at the centre of the Phantom, and due to the nature of the boss the best way to do this is by throwing your Leviathan Axe or your Draupnir Spear. Occasionally the runic orb will flash, and if you hit it while this is happening it will be stunned, allowing you to run in and attack it for more damage. Your companion’s arrows will do a decent chunk of damage during this, so be sure to use them with . None of the Phantom’s attacks are particularly dangerous, as you can simply dodge them all while throwing your weapons.
When it is staggered, you will need to destroy the pillars. There are five in the area and glow purple when they are vulnerable. You might be able to get 2 per phase if you are fast, otherwise you will need more phases. After they are all destroyed, stagger the Phantom one more time and finish it off.
Reward: Hunter’s Brand (Unique Resource), Gale Flame (Weapon Upgrade)
Boss #16 – Crag Jaw
Location: Vanaheim – The Sinkholes
Quest: Quaking Hollow
Strategy: You will encounter Crag Jaw after crawling through a gap in The Sinkholes in Vanaheim. Crag Jaw is a drake, but if you previously fought Gravel Belly in Alfheim then this is identical to that fight, only easier as you’ll likely be stronger now. Crag Jaw will deal a lot of damage with its attacks, but a lot of the attacks have a lot of build up. It will do regular swipes, unblockable bites and block break tail whips, all of which can be rather easily dodged due to the build up time (however the tail swipe has an especially long build up, so don’t dodge too early or you’ll get hit).
It will also do a charge attack, which can be blocked, and if parried will knock the drake over and allow you to get in some serious damage. The most dangerous attack it will do however is an unblockable slam attack, which will launch debris out in front of it, so you will need to dodge to the side to avoid this. When at range it will also launch barbs from it tail, which can be dodged pretty easily.
Once it reaches half health, it will start doubling up certain attacks, namely the swipes which will lead into a block break swipe, and more notably the ground slam attack will happen twice (even three times once it gets down to the final health bar). As the most dangerous attacks happen when right in front of the drake, it is best to try stick to the side and attack the legs, making it easier to dodge these attacks. It’s quite manageable to get a lot of hits in without taking any damage, which makes Permafrost/Immolation/Maelstrom and their upgrades very powerful against the drake, as these will let you deal more damage if you can get successive hits in without damage.
Use your runic attacks, companion attacks and Spartan Wrath to make quick work of Crag Jaw’s health.
Reward: 1875 Kratos XP, 500 Atreus XP, Regenerating Essence (Amulet Enchantment), Dragon Claw (Unique Resource)
Boss #17 – Double Dreki
Location: The Jungle
Quest: What Lies Below
Strategy: Inside the dam, You’ll face two Drekis at once, and both of these Drekis will be lightning empowered. As they both have lightning abilities, this is the most dangerous Dreki encounter in the game, but if you focus on taking one out quickly it isn’t too bad. Unload all your runic and companion attacks on the first Dreki, then one or two Spartan Wrath attacks to fill your +
gauge on your weapon. Using this should be enough to finish off the first Dreki, which will drop a health and rage crystal to top you up.
For the second Dreki, use your remaining Wrath/special abilities if you have any left, then treat it like a regular Dreki fight, dodging/blocking its regular attacks and being wary of its lightning attacks. If it’s hiding in the water upon killing the first Dreki, use your Spear to hurt it a bit until it comes out.
Reward: 500 Kratos XP, 500 Atreus XP
Boss #18 – The Corpse Eater
Location: Vanaheim – The Jungle
Quest: Trail of the Dead
Strategy: The Corpse Eater is a blue dragon that uses a variety of close range attacks as well as ice attacks. It will use a couple of block break/unblockable biting attacks that you will want to dodge. It will also do a grabbing attack where you will need to rapidly press to escape. Primarily however it will use ice attacks, such as an ice beam across the arena or launching a group of icicles in front of it, both of which can be easily avoided by dodging to the side.
Several times throughout the fight, the dragon will fly up into the air and either breathe an ice beam at you, or slam down with an area-of-effect attack. When it swoops towards you to do either attack, throw your Draupnir Spear at the dragon to bring it crashing down, giving you a chance to unload on it. This stun period is your best opportunity to use Spartan Wrath, runic attacks and companion attacks to deal heavy damage, though you can also use these during the regular close range attacks to try and stun lock it a bit.
Eventually the dragon will grab you and fly you into the air, at which point you will want to repeatedly attack it with until it drops you back in the arena. Once you get the dragon’s health bar completely down, you will have a few QTEs to finish it off.
Reward: 500 Kratos XP, 500 Atreus XP, 2 Dragon Claw (Unique Resource)
Boss #19 – Slag Horn
Location: Vanaheim – The Jungle
Quest: Path of Destruction
Strategy: You will encounter Slag Horn after crawling through a gap in The Jungle in Vanaheim. Slag Horn will play identically to the other drakes, Gravel Belly and Crag Jaw, however he will be noticeably stronger in terms of health. Slag Horn will deal a lot of damage with its attacks, but a lot of the attacks have a lot of build up. It will do regular swipes, unblockable bites and block break tail whips, all of which can be rather easily dodged due to the build up time (however the tail swipe has an especially long build up, so don’t dodge too early or you’ll get hit).
It will also do a charge attack, which can be blocked, and if parried will knock the drake over and allow you to get in some serious damage. The most dangerous attack it will do however is an unblockable slam attack, which will launch debris out in front of it, so you will need to dodge to the side to avoid this. When at range it will also launch barbs from it tail, which can be dodged pretty easily.
Once it reaches half health, it will start doubling up certain attacks, namely the swipes which will lead into a block break swipe, and more notably the ground slam attack will happen twice (even three times once it gets down to the final health bar). As the most dangerous attacks happen when right in front of the drake, it is best to try stick to the side and attack the legs, making it easier to dodge these attacks. It’s quite manageable to get a lot of hits in without taking any damage, which makes Permafrost/Immolation/Maelstrom and their upgrades very powerful against the drake, as these will let you deal more damage if you can get successive hits in without damage.
Reward: 2500 Kratos XP, 1125 Atreus XP, Greater Regenerating Essence (Amulet Enchantment), Dragon Claw (Unique Resource)
Boss #20 – Dreki
Location: The Plains
Quest: In the Dead of Night
Strategy: This Dreki will be empowered by poison instead of lightning, but it will be a solo Dreki which makes it a bit more manageable. It will have slightly more health than a regular dreki, but its attacks will all be the same, except the lightning attacks will be replaced with poison attacks. Most of its attacks will be bites or tail swipes that can be dodged or blocked, while the poison attacks are best dodged to avoid getting poisoned. Utilise your runic attacks, companion attacks and Spartan Wrath to hurt the dreki quickly, and utilise Permafrost/Immolation/Maelstrom if you manage to charge your weapon to deal extra damage and stun the dreki easier.
Reward: 500 Kratos XP, 500 Atreus XP
Boss #21 – The Ash Tyrant
Location: The Sinkholes
Quest: The Burning Skies
Strategy: The Ash Tyrant is a white dragon that uses a variety of close range attacks as well as fire attacks. This dragon is quite unique compared to the other dragons you fight, as the mechanics are quite different. It will do some melee attacks, but for the most part it will attack with fire. When the dragon attempts to breathe fire, a weakspot will appear on its neck, which when attacked with the Spear or Axe, will stun the dragon momentarily allowing you to deal heavy damage.
At two intervals throughout the fight, the dragon will fly off and land on one of the pillars in the area, spawning Draugr and Wyverns. You will need to defeat all these mob enemies (of have them killed by the dragon’s fire attacks), at which point you will be able to destroy the pillar the dragon is on. Occasionally the dragon will fly up and slam down, but you cannot bring it crashing down like the other dragons. As long as you focus on dodging the fire and not getting overwhelmed by Draugrs/Wyverns when they spawn, this dragon shouldn’t pose too much of a problem.
Once you get the dragon’s health bar completely down, you will have a few QTEs to finish it off.
Reward: 1400 Kratos XP, 500 Atreus XP, 2 Dragon Claw (Unique Resource)
Boss #22 – Stinnr and Sterkr
Location: Alfheim – The Barrens
Quest: The Last Remnants of Asgard
Strategy: Stinnr and Sterkr will be at the Remnant of Asgard in The Barrens. Stinnr wields a scythe and Sterkr wields a warhammer. They will play like an Einherjar Captain and Einherjar Brute, respectively. Both of them will have similar attacks, a mix of regular, block break and unblockable melee attacks, as well as a shield strike attack and an area-of-effect slam that you will want to dodge. These two are quite simple to fight, unload your runic/companion abilities on one of them, then use your Spartan Wrath on the second. There is also a health crystal in the area that restores a lot of health, so health shouldn’t be a concern.
Reward: 500 Kratos XP, 150 Freya XP
Boss #23 – The Raven Keeper / The Pale One
Location: Niflheim – The Raven Tree
Quest: The Eyes of Odin
Strategy: The Raven Keeper can be fought after killing all of Odin’s Ravens and opening the chests at The Raven Tree. The Raven Keeper is a Hel-Revenant, so you will need to shoot her with Runic/Sonic Arrows to make her vulnerable. She will mostly use either an unblockable ice breath that you will want to dodge, two ice walls that are best blocked, or melee you with a block break attack. As long as you don’t attempt to dodge your ice wall attacks (as this will almost always result in you getting hit by them), she herself isn’t too difficult.
The difficulty here will come from the enemies she will spawn at different intervals. At 80%, 50% and 20% health, the Raven Keeper will disappear and spawn a wave of enemies, and will come back after killing a few of them. The first wave is mostly just Hel-Reavers and Hel-Shadows, and the second wave will incorporate a Hel-Viken. When The Raven Keeper does return after a wave, you will want to focus on clearing the regular enemies first so that you don’t get attacked from behind. The third wave is the hardest however, as this will initiate a second boss fight with The Pale One, a frost dragon.
The Pale One will start by flying in and shooting ice at you. When it is flying, you can throw your Draupnir Spear at its head to bring it crashing down and give you a chance to deal extra damage. When on the ground, it will either attempt bite you, which can be blocked or dodged, or it will use ice attacks that are best dodged. It may be best keeping your runic attacks and Spartan Wrath for this fight.
Once The Pale One is defeated, The Raven Keeper will return. Finish her off and remember to use yours arrows on her. Throughout the fight the regular enemies will drop occasional health crystals, but not a lot. There will also be no checkpoint at all despite there being a second boss fight in the middle, which can make this a bit difficult on higher difficulties. A particularly beneficial skill for this fight is Elemental Siphon II on the Draupnir Spear, as this allows you to receive a temporary resistance to the element you absorbed, making everything in the fight hurt you less. You will need to hold to do this and it has some build up, but with all the regular enemies it shouldn’t be too hard to keep this up for most of the fight.
Reward: 200 Kratos XP, 50 Freya XP, Niflheim’s Justice (Amulet Enchantment), Hilt of Forsbrandr (Relic)
Boss #24 – Fraekni the Zealous
Location: Midgard – Lake of Nine
Quest: Fit for a King
Strategy: Fraekni the Zealous can be fought at the Berserker Gravestone in the Lake of Nine. Fraekni can kill you fast, but has a very predictable attack pattern. At range Fraekni will either perform an unblockable charge attack, which can be dodged and punished, or she’ll jump up and perform a block break attack, which is almost always followed up with a close range unblockable slam. So for this one you will want to dodge both attack, then follow up with attacks. When in close range, Fraekni can either do a regular jab which can be blocked or parried, or she’ll do an unblockable attack followed up by a regular jab.
When she gets below half health, she’ll extend her combos – at range she’ll do 2 (3 at critical health) unblockable charge attacks in a row, and sometimes she’ll follow up her block break/unblockable attack combo with a regular jab, which can catch you off guard if you’re not expecting it. She’ll also occasionally do 2 or 3 regular jab attacks in close combat. Due to many of her attacks being charge attacks, it is best to stay near the wall so that when she attempts to attack you and you dodge her, she won’t go flying past too far and you can get in faster for more hits. Don’t get greedy with your hits, only hit her when she’s vulnerable after a combo or when you’ve parried/stunned her. It can be a bit difficult to fill her stagger bar, but if you utilise Freya’s arrows to stop it from depleting when she’s far away, you can fill it up and inflict some extra damage.
Reward: 1500 Kratos XP, 375 Freya XP, Berserker Waist Guard (Waist Armour)
Boss #25 – Bodvar the Fierce and Starolfr the Troublesome
Location: Svartalfheim – Jarnsmida Pitmines
Quest: Fit for a King
Strategy: Bodvar the Fierce and Starolfr the Troublesome can be found at the Berserker Gravestone in Jarnsmida Pitmines. This is a double boss fight, so you will need to pay attention to two enemies. Bodvar will be wielding two shields and Starolfr will be wielding two swords. Of the two, Bodvar will be the more dangerous one. Both of them will do close range flurry attacks with block break/unblockable attacks, as well as a variety of dangerous attacks at range, such as unblockable charging/ground slam attacks. Bodvar can do a block break flash of light in front of him that is very damaging, and will also do a shield strike attack where he charges up before releasing and dealing massive area-of-effect damage. Because of this you will want to keep an eye on Bodvar at all times in case he does this. Starolfr will occasionally cling on the walls and throw knives at you, but these can be easily blocked.
You can choose to either focus on one until they are dead, or whittle them down individually. Both have their benefits, as when you’re fighting one you only have one target, but they will also enrage and start hitting harder. I opted to work them both down, killing Starolfr first as she is weaker, then focusing on Bodvar to finish him off. You will want to utilise all your runic/companion attacks and Spartan Wrath if you have it equipped to quickly disperse damage, and use your +
ability when you get it to deal even more. With some good dodging and ability usage you will be able to defeat one by the time you’ve used all your abilities, and can then focus on the second. Health crystals will drop throughout the fight, so Spartan Wrath will prove more beneficial than Spartan Valour or Fury.
Reward: 1500 Kratos XP, 375 Freya XP, Gale Flame (Weapon Upgrade), Hind of the Nine Realms (Spear Handle)
Boss #26 – Hardrefill the Callous
Location: Svartalfheim – Nidavellir
Quest: Fit for a King
Strategy: Hardrefill the Callous can be found at the Berserker Gravestone in Nidavellier. Hardrefill doesn’t have a very large repertoire of attacks, at close range he’ll do a series of flurry attacks that can be a mix of regular and block break swings. These combos can be blocked/dodged and punished after he finishes it. At range, he’ll jump and swing towards you to perform a block break attack, and will often lead into a flurry attack. The main attack to look out for from Hardrefill is a leaping attack, where a green indicator will appear on the ground. This indicates where he will land after about a second, so you will want to prepare to dodge away as he lands. This attack can deal heavy damage, but as long as you don’t immediately dodge when you seem him jump, you should be able to avoid these without too much effort.
When his health gets lower, the flurry attacks will extend and his jumping attacks will start coming in two or three in a row. There won’t be any health crystals during this fight, so if you need health you may opt to use Spartan Valour, but Spartan Wrath may prove more beneficial for dealing massive damage. As usual, unload your runic attacks and companion attacks.
Reward: 1500 Kratos XP, 375 Freya XP, Asgard’s Fortitude (Amulet Enchantment)
Boss #27 – Beigadr the Feared
Location: Svartalfheim – Alberich Island
Quest: Fit for a King
Strategy: Beigadr the Feared can be found at the Berserker Gravestone on Alberich Island. Beigadr is lightning enchanted, so most of his attacks will be ranged lightning attacks. He will do several unblockable lightning attacks, one where he throws four lightning orbs at you, and another where lightning will strike all around the arena, indicated by danger zones on the floor. Both of these you will need to time your dodge to avoid them. Getting hit by a lightning attack with shock you, and you will need to spam to escape. There will also be normal ranged lightning attacks, where he can launch two orbs at you or cast a line of lightning in front of him. At close range he will also do some punches, but these are all regular attacks so can be blocked, parried or dodged. Lastly there will be a leaping attack where after a second or two he will slam down into the ground, so you will want to time your dodge so you don’t get hit by this.
There are no health crystals, so you will need to play cautiously. As he is often at range, you cannot be hyper aggressive here, and you may want to opt to use range attacks yourself as necessary.
Reward: 1500 Kratos XP, 375 Freya XP, Asgard’s Might (Amulet Enchantment)
Boss #28 – Svipdagr the Cold and Sisters of Illska
Location: Alfheim – The Barrens
Quest: Fit for a King
Strategy: Svipdagr the Cold and Sisters of Illska can be found at the Berserker Gravestone at The Barrens. This is a triple fight, but the Sisters of Illska will share a health bar. The sisters will be flame and frost enchanted, while Svipdagr will use dual axes. The Sisters will use punch attacks infused by their element, as well as throw ice bolts/homing fire balls at you. They will also jump into the air and release multiple unblockable area-of-effect attacks that cover a large area, so keep an eye out for the danger indicators on the floor and stay out of them. It is best to focus on the Sisters first given they share a health bar and will mostly attack you from range.
Once the Sisters are dead, you will have Svipdagr. She will mostly swing at you multiple times with regular and block break swipes, as well as do an unblockable area-of-effect attack where she jumps into the air and slams near you, so be prepared to dodge this. This is a relatively simple fight as long as you focus on the Sisters first, utilise your runic/companion abilities and Spartan Wrath to kill them quickly, then you can focus on Svipdagr, blocking, parrying and dodging her attacks as need be.
Reward: 1500 Kratos XP, 375 Freya XP, Berserker Cuirass (Chest Armour), Asgard’s Security (Amulet Enchantment), Frozen Flame (Weapon Upgrade)
Boss #29 – Hjalti the Stolid
Location: Alfheim – The Forbidden Sands
Quest: Fit for a King
Strategy: Hjalti the Stolid can be found at the Berserker Gravestone in The Forbidden Sands. You will want to stay close to Hjalti through the battle, as she will occasionally do a shield strike ability that does heavy damage from a distance so you will want to be close enough to stop it. She will also do a block break jumping slash attack and an unblockable range attack where she jumps and shoots two bolts at you. There will also be an unblockable area-of-effect slam that you will want to dodge. Most of these attacks will be done from a distance.
At close range, Hjalti will do multiple swinging strikes, starting with a block break attack and ending on an unblockable attack. Most of her attacks you will want to dodge, but some you can block/parry and punish her afterwards. Unload all your runic/companion attacks and Spartan Wrath and you can stunlock her for a while, so this fight shouldn’t pose too much of a threat as long as you remember to stay close to her.
Reward: 1500 Kratos XP, 375 Freya XP, Grip of the Nine Realms (Axe Attachment)
Boss #30 – Hvitserkr the Bold
Location: Vanaheim – Pilgrim’s Landing
Quest: Fit for a King
Strategy: Hvitserkr the Bold can be found at the Berserker Gravestone at Pilgrim’s Landing. Hvitserkr is poison-based and will also summon Shadows and Nightmares to fight alongside him. He will respawn the minions if they die, so don’t bother directly attacking them. Most of his attacks will be range based, such as throwing two poison shots at you, an unblockable attack where he throws four poison shots simultaneously, and a summoning attack where he will spawn exploding enemies on you about five times. For the regular attack you can block, but for the other attacks you will want to dodge, repeatedly in the case of the summoning attack. He will also rush in and swing at you multiple times, but these are pretty basic melee attacks that aren’t hard to deal with.
The biggest problem with Hvitserkr is getting overwhelmed by all his minions and his range/area-of-effect attacks. The best way to deal with him is chaining together all of your runic attacks, companion attacks and Spartan Wrath to deal heavy damage to him, using your +
attack when available to deal even more damage. By the time you’ve exhausted all your abilities he should hopefully be heavily damaged, allowing you to quickly finish him off. If need be you can use your Spear or Axe for ranged attacks when he is at a distance, but you will have to be cautious of his attacks and the minions.
Reward: 1500 Kratos XP, 375 Freya XP, Pommels of the Nine Realms (Blades Attachment)
Boss #31 – Haklangr the Bearded
Location: Vanaheim – The Sinkholes
Quest: Fit for a King
Strategy: Haklangr the Bearded can be found at the Berserker Gravestone at The Sinkholes. Haklangr will shield his health a few times throughout the battle, so when he does this simply use the weapon of the opposite element, or use the Draupnir Spear to break it as it works on all shields. All of his attacks will be block break or unblockable attacks, so you will want to dodge most of them, though you can try parry his block break ones if you choose. When in close range he’ll swing him hammer a few times before slamming it down. At range he’ll jump and leap towards you with a block break attack, often following it up with the melee combo. His deadliest attack is a very large area-of-effect slam where he raises his hammer for a few seconds before slamming it down. Due to the size you will need to get a lot of distance to avoid it, 2-3 dodge rolls back to escape it.
As his health gets lower, he will start doing his regular slams in succession, and the heavy ground slams more frequently. Most of this battle comes down to dodging, otherwise just unload your arsenal of abilities and he shouldn’t pose too much of a threat.
Reward: 1500 Kratos XP, 375 Freya XP, Chaos Flame (Weapon Upgrade)
Boss #32 – Skjorthendi the Unerring
Location: Niflheim – Mist Fields
Quest: Fit for a King
Strategy: Skjorthendi the Unerring can be found at the Berserker Gravestone at Mist Fields. Skjorthendi is the hardest of the berserkers, as she uses Bifrost attacks and can teleport around. It is highly recommended that you use the Remedy of the Bifrost and Celestial Panacea Amulet Enchantments if you have them, as these will make the Bifrost more manageable. It is also recommended that you use the Elemental Siphon II ability on the Draupnir Spear (hold ) to receive a temporary resistance buff to Bifrost.
She has a very wide array of attacks, including but not limited to throwing Bifrost at you, slamming Bifrost in a line towards you, teleporting towards you and swinging in a combo, releasing Bifrost energy in a blast directly in front of her, jumping in the air and slamming down on your spot. Many of these attacks can be dodged, some blocked/parried, but Bifrost will still occur as she even has a Bifrost aura so when in close range you will receive Bifrost over time.
Alongside all her other Bifrost attacks, she has one more attack, her deadliest attack of all: an unblockable, full area-of-effect Bifrost attack that will Bifrost your entire health bar on higher difficulties. Fortunately though this last attack can be stopped by throwing your Axe/Spear at her, but it is absolutely paramount that you are to do this at a moment’s notice, as if she manages to unleash this attack you can die in a in single hit.
On top of all the attacks she will do, she will also teleport all around the arena, constantly into close range to swing at you, then back to a distance to attack from range, making it very difficult to get a combo going on her. This can also ruin your +
attack or Spartan Wrath attacks if you do them at an inopportune time and she teleports as you initiate these. You can either go aggressive and unload all your special attacks and abilities, trying to get combos off and not wasting them when she teleports, or play more purposefully and wait until after an attack to punish her with these abilities. Either way this is a difficult fight, so be prepared.
Reward: 1500 Kratos XP, 375 Freya XP, Berserker Gauntlets (Wrist Armour)
Boss #33 – King Hrolf Kraki
Location: Midgard – King’s Grave
Quest: Fit for a King
Recommended Gear: Onslaught Shield, Berserker Armour Set, 3x Niflheim Enchantments, 3x Muspelheim Enchantments, Emblem of the Nine Realms, Greater Regenerating Essence, Emblem of Elusion
Recommended Abilities: Njord’s Tempest, Ivaldi’s Anvil, Hades Retribution, Tame the Beast, Thrust of a Thousand Soldiers, Honour the Fallen, Hilt of Hofud, Spartan Wrath
Strategy: King Hrolf Kraki can be found at the Berserker Gravestone at King’s Grave after defeating all other Berserkers. King Hrolf will adopt the attack patterns of many of the previous Bersekers, as well as boasting a massive health bar, making him one of two hardest fights in the game.
Before you fight King Hrolf, it is recommended that you have the above listed recommended gear and abilities at max level. You can change some things up if you like, but in my testing I found this to be the best loadout for defeating him on No Mercy difficulty. This loadout will allow you to dodge further, deal more damage when your Permafrost/Immolation/Maelstrom bar is full, effectively deal with Hrolf’s shield strike ability, regenerate your relic and runic attacks at a faster rate, and deal massive damage while in Realm Shift and using your +
King Hrolf will have a large array of attacks. At close range he’ll usually either swing his hammer at you multiple times before slamming it down multiple times, all of which are best dodged, or he’ll release a burst of energy in front of him, usually twice. This burst of energy can be parried if you time it well, but the best way to deal with them is to dodge backwards, then throw some charged Draupnir Spears at him while he is attacking. He will also charge into melee distance from across the arena with either a block break or unblockable attack, so be prepared for these at any moment.
When at range, he’ll use all elements, and do a variety of the double bolts, the unblockable quad bolt attack, slam the ground to release an elemental attack in a line towards you, all of which are best dodged. He will also jump into the air to release area-of-effect attacks for three different elements. When he does flame or lightning, many small danger zones will appear on the ground that you will want to dodge out of repeatedly until he stops them. When he does the frost variant, there will be only three danger zones, but they will be much larger and take longer to appear. In this latter case, you can dodge out of the way of a danger zone and throw a charged Draupnir Spear or two before dodging the next one. He can also launch a slow-moving, homing orb at you (either frost or flame) that will target you until it hits you or is destroyed. When he launches one of these, prioritise hitting it with your Axe or Spear to avoid heavy damage.
He will also jump into the air to charge up with Bifrost energy, which is unblockable and covers the whole arena. When he does this, make sure to hit him with a ranged attack with either the Spear or Axe, or by detonating spears inside of him. Hrolf will also do a shield strike attack, where he will slam his weapons together to deal damage across the entire arena. He can do this at range, which makes it very difficult to deal with if you don’t have the Onslaught Shield, hence the recommendation. With this, you can initiate a shield strike ( twice) from across the arena and you will charge at him to strike him. Even if he manages to complete the attack before you reach him, you will block it mid-charge, turning the attack from a very deadly attack at range to something you can mitigate completely.
At half health and near the end of his health bar, he will give himself a shield, so make sure to use the opposing element if it’s a flame/frost shield, or simply use the Draupnir Spear to clear the shield.
As for actually fighting King Hrolf, you won’t be able to get too many combos on him as he will be very aggressive at close range and will often immediately jump back to a long distance upon finishing a combo. You’ll be able to get a few hits in here and there normally, but the best way to deal damage is to utilise your runic attacks, companion attacks, Spartan Wrath and a combination of the Hilt of Hofud relic and your +
attack. The Berserker Armour set will make it so many of these attacks will cooldown faster, allowing you to do them more often, while the Amulet Enchantments and Hilt of Hofud will make it so when your Permafrost/Immolation/Maelstrom bar is full, you can slow down time with the relic, then use
with your preferred weapon (I opt to use the Leviathan Axe for it), then unleash a combo on him during slowdown to deal heavy damage to him. When he is at range, you can abuse your Draupnir Spear, throwing charged spears to deal damage and fill him with spears that you can detonate for further damage, as well as potentially stun him.
Health crystals will drop throughout the fight, but these won’t heal a huge amount, so don’t rely on them. Greater Regenerating Essence is good in this regard, as it will provide passive healing over the fight. Once his health is depleted, finish him with .
Reward: 15000 Kratos XP, 3750 Freya XP, Hilt of Skofnung (Relic), Helheim’s Virtue (Amulet Enchantment), Grave Mistake
Boss #34 – Gna
Location: Muspelheim – The Crucible
Quest: Defend Your Valour
Recommended Gear: Stone Wall Shield, Rond of Expedition, Berserker Armour Set, 3x Niflheim Enchantments, 3x Muspelheim Enchantments, Celestial Panacea, Greater Regenerating Essence, Emblem of Elusion, Weapon Attachment of the Nine Realms on your preferred weapon
Recommended Abilities: Njord’s Tempest, Ivaldi’s Anvil, Hades Retribution, Tame the Beast, Thrust of a Thousand Soldiers, Honour the Fallen, Hilt of Skofnung, Spartan Wrath
Strategy: Gna can only be fought after completing the game. She will be found at The Crucible in Muspelheim, at a remnant of Asgard. Gna is the hardest fight in the game, her attacks will have very small windows for dodging/blocking/parrying, and she can attack very quickly without down time. While she is harder than King Hrolf, she also has less health, which at least makes the fight less a battle of attrition and more a matter of mastering how to deal with each of her attacks.
The above listed gear and abilities are what I found to work the best on No Mercy difficulty. Do note that this setup utilises the Hilt of Skofnung that you get from defeated King Hrolf, so if you do this first the strategy will change. This setup allows for faster ability regeneration, further dodges and heavy damage distribution.
Gna will have a lot of attacks, but the most important ones to take note of are the attacks that are indicated by a particular quote. Having subtitles on will benefit during the fight so you can quickly recognise one of these attacks even if you can’t hear her:
- “For Asgard!” – Gna will jump high into the air and slam down on your location, dealing heavy damage if it hits you. This is very rapid and will be done up to three times in succession, so the moment you hear her say “For Asgard!” you will want to dodge, and be prepared to do it three times. When Gna is below half health, this attack may be delayed, where she will stay in the air for a longer time before slamming down. Typically when this happens you can dodge twice on the first one to avoid it, then if there are follow up attacks you can wait a second before dodging to avoid it.
- “Kneel!” – Gna will hop into the air and heel kick where you are standing, dealing heavy damage and frosting you if it connects. This is unblockable, so wait a moment then dodge. If you dodge the moment you hear “Kneel!”, you risk getting hit. She will usually follow this up with multiple block break attacks where she slams the ground and launches rocks in a line in front of her.
- “Submit!” – Gna will charge at you with an unblockable attack, and if it connects it will deal heavy damage. She will usually do several of these in a row, but she may feint into a flurry of regular attacks. When she initiates this attack, you will want to dodge to the side and then block in case she feints into the regular attack, and then dodge again if she does another “Submit!” attack. Usually after two she will be open to attack, but occasionally she’ll initiate another attack immediately so it can be risky to punish her here.
- “Bathe in fire!” – Gna will build up fire above her, and you must shoot her with Runic Arrows (purple) to stop the attack. If you don’t stop it with the arrows, you will be hit for heavy damage and burned. Hitting her with Runic Arrows will burn and stun her, allowing for follow up attacks.
- “Rise, rise!” – Gna will summon a boulder to throw at you, and you must shoot her with Sonic Arrows (light blue) to stop the attack. If you don’t stop it with the arrows, you will be hit for heavy damage. Hitting her with Sonic Arrows will stun her, allowing for follow up attacks.
- “Asgard’s blood is on you!” – One of Gna’s shield strike attacks, where she will charge up a lightning attack that will hit a large portion of the arena. If you are close to her you can shield strike her (
twice) and punish her, and if you’re not close you can dodge backwards out of the danger zone, then throw charged Draupnir Spears at her while she is busy.
Her other attacks will include a rain of Bifrost in a line in front of her, that you will want to dodge. This will usually be followed up with her dodging to the side and then dashing in to you to perform one of three attacks: a flurry attack where she swings her wings at you, a feint attack followed up with an unblockable slam attack, or a very fast unblockable stab attack. With this it is best to block in preparation for the attack, and if you see the unblockable attack coming quickly dodge to the right to avoid it. This attack can be hard to dodge as the red ring indicating the attack appears at the very last moment before it hits, so you will need to dodge fast to avoid it. You can try dodging to the right for all of these attacks, but sometimes even with the longer dodge you won’t get out of range of the wing flurry and get hit by that. One of these attacks will occur any time she dodges to the side, so when you see her do that be prepared for it.
She will also throw Bifrost feathers at you, either regular ones horizontally that you will want to block, or unblockable ones vertically that you will want to dodge. These will happen twice in a row and can be any combination of the two. These attacks are typically followed up with either “Submit!”, the dodge attack mentioned above, or she’ll rush in with a block break attack where she swings her weapon at you twice. This is where the Stone Wall Shield comes in handy, as you can block both these strikes without it breaking your shield if you are unable to effectively parry them. This attack will allow for a follow up immediately after.
At the start of the fight, the best way to initiate the fight is to charge in with a Spartan Wrath attack, using Freya’s companion attacks as you charge. Immediately use your Hilt of Skofnung, then 3-4 of your runic attacks while she is stunned. You may not get the fourth attack out depending on how early she breaks out, but if you manage to get them all you will immediately remove 2 bars of health on No Mercy. After this initial flurry, you will want to play cautiously, only attack her when she is vulnerable after an attack, and never rush her. The only time to go aggressive is when you have an activation for Hilt of Skofnung at the ready, at which point you can unload your abilities again. Whenever your Permafrost/Immolation/Maelstrom is charged up, if you have the Weapon Attachment of the Nine Realms on your preferred weapon you can use the +
attack to temporarily slow down time and get a few swings on her at a higher damage, and chain it into a runic attack.
Gna will regularly drop health crystals throughout the fight, plus with Greater Regenerating Essence you will restore health throughout the fight. That said certain attacks from her will effectively kill you outright on No Mercy difficulty, so you will want to avoid her stronger attacks as best you can. Once her health is depleted, finish her with .
Reward: 4000 Kratos XP, 4000 Freya XP, The Queen’s Armour (Freya Armour), The Queen’s Roar (Freya Runic Summon), Rond of Obliteration (Shield Attachment), The True Queen
Miscellaneous Bosses
Boss #1 – Frost Phantom
Location: Alfheim – The Forbidden Sands
Strategy: Frost Phantom will appear out of the sands east of the entrance to The Forbidden Sands. This is essentially the same as the one during the story, except there’ll be 3 pillars instead of 2. Frost Phantom cannot be hurt normally, so you must fill its stagger bar and then destroy its 3 pillars. To stagger it you must hit the runic orb at the centre of the Phantom, and due to the nature of the boss the best way to do this is by throwing your Leviathan Axe. Occasionally the runic orb will flash, and if you hit it while this is happening it will be stunned, allowing you to run in and attack it for more damage. Freya’s arrows will do a decent chunk of damage during this, so be sure to use them with . None of the Phantom’s attacks are particularly dangerous, as you can simply dodge them all while throwing your axe.
When it is staggered, you will need to destroy the pillars. There are three in the area and glow purple when they are vulnerable. If you are fast you may be able to destroy them all in 2 phases, but if not you will need to do 3 phases. After they are all destroyed, stagger the Phantom one more time and finish it off.
Reward: 500 Kratos XP, 500 Freya XP, Alfheim’s Honour (Amulet Enchantment)
Boss #2 – Visi Haglkorn
Location: Midgard – Lake of Nine
Strategy: Visi Haglkorn is a Frost Troll found in the southeast of Lake of Nine. He will primarily attack by stomping and creating a wave of ice in front of him, or by slamming down his ice pillar. These attacks are quite easy to read and dodge, and he doesn’t have a huge amount of health either so is relatively easy to beat. Simply attack and dodge, using Freya’s abilities and your runic abilities as needed and you should beat him quickly. Just don’t get greedy as you can get caught in a combo and take heavy damage if he slams you.
Reward: 500 Kratos XP, 500 Freya XP, Jotunheim’s Honour (Amulet Enchantment)
Boss #3 – Blatonn
Location: Vanaheim – The Abandoned Village
Strategy: Blatonn is the Alpha Wulver, and can be found on the side path in The Abandoned Village leading towards Freyr’s location. Blatonn doesn’t have a lot of health, but he has long combos and can deal massive damage. Because of his low health, the best way to deal with him is to chain together your runic attacks for all three weapons, as well as your companion abilities. With a good set of damaging abilities, you will be able to unleash all of these back to back while keeping him stunned and dealing good damage. With all of these used, you can use spam Spartan Wrath to deal most of his remaining health (if you have 4 bars of Spartan Rage). If you’re not able to kill him by using all of these attacks, you should have Permafrost/Immolation/Maelstrom available on your weapon to deal extra damage ( +
As for his actual attacks, he mostly does block break or shield strike slash attacks, which can be dodged/parried or deflected respectively. He will also do a long flurry attack where he slashes about 10 times before finishing with 1 or 2 block breaks. For this you can simply block the whole thing and either dodge or parry at the end.
Reward: Boon of Valour (Amulet Enchantment), Nar’s Cup (Unique Resource)
Boss #4 – Vali the Oath Guard
Location: Vanaheim – The Plains
Strategy: Vali is a powerful Traveller, one of three found within The Plains. He can be found by the Red Chest near the entrance to the boss battle with the red dragon, The Crimson Dread. There are two poison plants and two Shadow enemies you will want to deal with first before engaging with Vali. Vali will use a lot of heavy attacks, with the majority of them being either block break or unblockable attacks. For the most part you can dodge these, but you will still need to be careful as he can follow up with attacks quite quickly. He will also occasionally slam into the ground unleashing frost, which you will want to simply block or else take significant damage.
It can be hard to stun Vali, so the best way to deal with him is unleash a combo of runic attacks, companion attacks and Spartan Wrath to keep him stunlocked for a period while also dealing significant damage. When you have no special abilities left to use, you will want to mostly dodge his attacks and get hits in where you can, being wary of his frost attacks.
Reward: 3000 Kratos XP, 750 Atreus XP, The Path of Lies (Lore Scroll)
Boss #5 – Jorgen the Oath Guard
Location: Vanaheim – The Plains
Strategy: Jorgen is a powerful Traveller, one of three found within The Plains. He can be found across a gap directly west of the Crater Entrance, and can only be accessed at night. Jorgen will use a lot of heavy attacks, with the majority of them being either block break or unblockable attacks. For the most part you can dodge these, but you will still need to be careful as he can follow up with attacks quite quickly. He will also occasionally slam into the ground unleashing frost, which you will want to simply block or else take significant damage.
It can be hard to stun Jorgen, so the best way to deal with him is unleash a combo of runic attacks, companion attacks and Spartan Wrath to keep him stunlocked for a period while also dealing significant damage. When you have no special abilities left to use, you will want to mostly dodge his attacks and get hits in where you can, being wary of his frost attacks.
Reward: 2200 Kratos XP, 300 Atreus XP, Hilt of Hrotti (Relic), The Blind Guest (Lore Scroll)
Boss #6 – Egil the Oath Guard
Location: Vanaheim – The Plains
Strategy: Egil is a powerful Traveller, one of three found within The Plains. He can be found across a gap directly south of the Eastern Plains Celestial Altar. Egil will use a lot of heavy attacks, with the majority of them being either block break or unblockable attacks. For the most part you can dodge these, but you will still need to be careful as he can follow up with attacks quite quickly. He will also occasionally slam into the ground unleashing frost, which you will want to simply block or else take significant damage.
It can be hard to stun Jorgen, so the best way to deal with him is unleash a combo of runic attacks, companion attacks and Spartan Wrath to keep him stunlocked for a period while also dealing significant damage. When you have no special abilities left to use, you will want to mostly dodge his attacks and get hits in where you can, being wary of his frost attacks.
Reward: 200 Kratos XP, 60 Atreus XP, Hind of Deadly Vitality (Spear Handle), The Destination (Lore Scroll)
Boss #7 – Miklimunnr
Location: Svartalfheim – The Applecore
Strategy: Miklimunnr is a Flame Troll and can be found where you freed Tyr in The Applecore. He will primarily attack by stomping and creating a wave of flames in front of him, or by slamming down his flame pillar. These attacks are quite easy to read and dodge, and he doesn’t have a huge amount of health either so is relatively easy to beat. Simply attack and dodge, using Freya’s abilities and your runic abilities as needed and you should beat him quickly. Just don’t get greedy as you can get caught in a combo and take heavy damage if he slams you.
Reward: 1400 Kratos XP, 500 Freya XP, Hind of the Four Winds (Spear Handle)
Boss #7 – The Everlasting
Location: Svartalfheim > Dragon Beach
Strategy: This Dragon can be summoned from the stone statue at Dragon Beach by using Mystical Heirloom Relic ( +
Reward: 3 Dragon Claw
That’s all of the Bosses in God of War Ragnarok. For more guide check out God of War Ragnarok Wiki & Strategy Guide.
baston says
there are 4 optional trolls with yhe heirloom and another troll in the crater, plus repated boss kentaur/hunter in crater as well.