God of War Ragnarok contains 48 Odin’s Raven Locations. This guide shows where to find all of them. They are the green ravens that either perch on objects or fly around in the sky. They make a screeching metallic sound which can help you hear them from far away.
Finding all Odin’s Ravens is needed to open all Legendary reward chests at The Raven Tree in Niflheim. That’s basically the rewards area where you turn in the ravens. Those chests contain an armor set and runic attacks. Getting all 48 Ravens is also mandatory for a Relic/Hilt to obtain the Collector trophy! This means for the platinum trophy they are all required.
None of the Ravens are missable. You can still get all of them after the story in free-roam.
For more Collectible Categories see » God of War Ragnarok Collectible Guide. The Ravens are also included in the guides by region.
#1 – Aurvangar Wetlands
Immediately after exiting the Aurvangar Wetlands Mystic Gateway (portal), look to your left. There’s a green raven sitting on a rock, throw your axe at it. You can also hear the raven making a metallic screeching sound. If this is your first Raven, it will also unlock the “Eyes of Odin” Favor for finding all 48 Ravens.
#2 – Nidavellir
Next to the dwarves shop, go left and look up, a Raven sits on top of a house. Just to the left of the exit of this area.
#3 – The Applecore
After blowing up some rubble with your spear, follow the path to the end and look up at the ceiling. There’s a grappling point, press on it to swing across. Then you can climb down a golden chain, in the next room a Troll boss spawns, called “Miklimunnr”. Defeat him, then crouch through the tunnel in the back of the room. This leads into a room with a red resource chest, exit through the gate on the right and the Raven will be in front of you.
#4 – Jarnsmida Pitmines
Near the crane, drop down at the end of the path. You can throw your spear at a wall with wind coming out of it. This creates a path to jump over. Then you can see the raven flying in circles above the water in the middle of the area. Throw an axe at it when it flies by. It’s best to keep the cursor aimed at one point where it will always fly by, instead of moving it around. Let the raven fly into your cursor, throw the axe just a little bit beforehand.
#5 – The Forge
To get back to The Forge after the story, fast travel to the Mystic Gateway Svartalfheim > Nidavellir Beach (automatic story unlock). From there take the little train up the hill, leading to the Forge area. After the train ride, there will be a raven flying on the right. It always flies the same path in circles. Position yourself to look towards it when it comes flying in your direction and throw your axe to hit it in midair.
#6 – The Forge
Inside the main Forge area where you obtain the Spear weapon from the story. The raven sits on the left wall. To get back here after the story, use the same big lift you took with Brok during the story, there’s a lever in front of the lift you can press on to call the lift to you.
#7 – The Watchtower
There is a raven flying in circles around The Watchtower. Listen for the metallic screeching sound it makes. You’ll want to be facing it and throw your axe when it flies towards you to hit it midair. When standing at the Draugr hole look towards the path you came from, look up in the sky between two trees and wait until the raven flies by. It always flies on the same path. A quick throw with +
will work best, aim a little bit ahead of the raven so it flies into the axe as it moves.
#8 – Althjof’s Rig
After reaching Althjof’s Rig by boat, climb up the golden chain, then immediately turn left to see this raven.
#9 – Radsvinn’s Rig
Take a boat to the island of Radsvinn’s Rig, then take the uphill path left of the Mystic Gateway. After climbing up the first wall, turn left to see the green raven sitting on a crane.
#10 – Alberich Hollow
To Access Alberich Hollow you first need the Spear (story unlock from Main Mission 10: Forging Destiny). Go do “Dragon Beach” region and climb up the golden chain on the left side of the beach. Then you must throw a spear at the wind coming out of the wooden pole, this creates a path to climb up. After throwing the explosive to clear the golden ore from the path, there’s a raven on the left side of the path, sitting under a tree.
#11 – Alberich Island
After talking to the spirit head to the end of the path. To the left of a broken bridge are some green soundstones, shoot a green arrow to blow them up. Behind these you can find a raven flying in circles. Throw your axe when it flies by.
#12 – Alberich Island
From the platform, swing across the grapple. Climb up and you can look through a gap in the rocks to see this Raven.
#13 – Lyngbakr Island
Progress through until you arrive at the second golden chain. There’s a Wretch Nest you must destroy, it reveals a vase with explosives you can pick up and throw. Lift the gate on the left, grab one explosive, retrace your steps to the Lore Marker, throw the explosive at the rubble before climbing the gold chain to the Lore Marker. This clears the path, jump over there, to the right of a red chest is a little tunnel, go through it, then turn left to find the Raven on the ledge.
#14 – Well of Urd
At the top of the cliff, turn around to see the raven on the mountain peak.
#15 – The Oarsmen
In the first room, clear out the enemies and ignore the Nornir Chest for now. Climb up the wall behind the Nornir Chest, then clear out the next group of enemies and climb up the golden chain. Drop down the other side to find a big chain you must pull, this opens up the full region to grab the other collectibles. From where you pull that big chain you can see the raven sitting on the cliffs, next to a big Viking statue. It’s easier to hit if you climb back up the path you came from, then throw the axe from there.
#16 – The Derelict Outpost
At the very start of the area, after climbing a fallen log turn left to see this Raven sitting under a blue boat stuck in the ice above you. This is still before reaching the Mystic Gateway / before climbing up the golden chain (if you reach those you must backtrack just a few meters/yards).
#17 – The Derelict Outpost
Swing across the third grapple hook in the area. Then the Raven is on the left.
#18 – Lake of Nine
At Raider Hideout entrance, to the right of it.
#19 – Lake of Nine
At the south wall of Tyr’s Temple, in an ice cave.
#20 – The Strond
Follow the linear path through the area, the raven will sit on a tree on the left, after jumping over a broken bridge.
#21 – Temple of Light
Go through the temple until you must use two grappling points to jump across a gap, then you reach a spiral staircase going up (it’s the only way forward, can’t miss it). Halfway up the spiral staircase you can drop down the left. In that area you find 3 collectibles. Throw axe at the purple mirror, this will deflect your axe at another mirror which then hits the raven behind the gate.
#22 – Temple of Light
In the same room as a Nornir Chest, enter the next platform and the Raven will set on the left.
#23 – The Canyon
Next to the dwarven shop and Mystic Gateway for the area. You must hit it in midair while it flies. Look for a point where it always flies and keep your cursor centered on that point, then throw the axe as it flies by.
#24 – The Barrens
Sitting in the eye of the big Dragon Skull, in the north-eastern section of the area.
#25 – The Barrens
Next to a tower in the north of the area. Has a Lore Scroll, Legendary Chest, Raven all in same spot.
#26 – The Forbidden Sands
In front of the Elven Sanctum you must destroy the breakable rocks to squeeze through the wall, leading to a hidden area. The Raven is flying inside on the left.
#27 – The Forbidden Sands
In the north-west of the region, flying in circles in front of a big statue that’s holding up a sword. Where the “Freyr’s Gift” Favor takes place.
#28 – The Forbidden Sands
In the south-west of the region, on a platform with a Troll.
#29 – The Forbidden Sands
Sitting on a rock by the entrance to the region. Can be seen from the middle of the area.
#30 – The Southern Wilds
From the Mystic Gateway, follow the path to the left, it leads to a lake with a raven flying above it.
#31 – Freyr’s Camp
Leave the camp through the wooden gate near the blacksmith. Go straight ahead through a cave. After exiting the cave, turn left and you’ll see the raven sitting across a ravine.
#32 – Eastern Barri Woods
After entering the area via Freyr’s Camp, squeeze through the hole, then go forward and at the first opportunity take a slight right turn to go through a small cave. After this turn right to see the raven sitting under a tree.
#33 – The Abandoned Village
Enter the area from Eastern Barri Woods. After collecting the lore at the end of Eastern Barri Woods, drop down the wall and swing across the water. Follow the path until you have to slide down a rope, then enter the next pavilion on the left. From the balcony you can see the raven. Before swinging across with the spear.
#34 – The Veiled Passage
Take your boat to the second beach and climb the wall. Head left to see the raven near the ceiling of the cave, above the beach where you docked your boat.
#35 – Goddess Falls
From the beach where you dock the boat, look up to see the raven flying in circles. It’s easier to hit after climbing up, when standing at the red chest (but can also be hit from the beach).
#36 – River Delta
Can be shot while standing next to the Lore Marker collectible in Cliffside Ruins. You must finish that region first, see Cliffside Ruins Collectible Guide. As part of getting 100% completion in that region you will automatically open the path to the Lore Marker.
#37 – River Delta
Can be shot while standing next to the Legendary Chest collectible in Pilgrim’s Landing. You must finish that region first, see Pilgrim’s Landing Collectible Guide. As part of getting 100% completion in that region you will automatically open the path to the Legendary Chest.
#38 – The Jungle
On the island with the ogres. Dock the boat behind that island, kill the ogres. When you kill the last one a dragon will arrive and steal the corpse to eat it. This starts the next dragon hunt, but before you leave check for the raven above the red chest. Same place where you killed the ogres.
#39 – The Sinkholes
From The Sinkholes Mystic Gateway, pull the chains to open the next gate that blocks the river. Now get back in your boat and row to the next beach. On the left of the beach is another gate with chains. Stand in front of the chains, look left to see the Raven. You can hit it from this point with the Spear.
#40 – The Plains
Same place as the Dreki dragon, in the south-west of the area. Will need to complete Favor: Return of the River to access this spot, or can be hit from the Celestial Altar area above it.
#41 – The Plains
By the beach west of the frozen lightning, on a rock.
#42 – The Plains
In the north-west of the area, walk towards the chasm that has a red chest. The raven sits on the cliffs below the red chest.
#43 – The Plains
To the left of the Yggdrasil Rift in the corner of the area where you fought the dragon. Look down the hole at the edge of the area to see it.
#44 – The Plains
Near the Eastern Plans Celestial Altar is a blacksmith shop. Across from the shop is a raven, sitting on a cliff.
#45 – Burning Cliffs
After the story, fast travel back to the “Burning Cliffs” Mystic Gateway. Follow the linear path downhill (can only go one way here). Next to the Legendary Chest is the Raven.
#46 – Surtr’s Forge
You first go to Surtr’s Forge in Main Mission 16: The Summoning (can still go back after story). Go where you first met Surtr in the story, in the area with his forge and lots of swords sticking out. Turn around and look up, the Raven is under an archway. Note: to leave the area, you can climb the wall to the left, below the Raven.
#47 – Helgrind
After the story you can travel back to “Hel’s Perch” mystic gateway. In front of the mystic gateway you can either go left or right. Head left and it’s above the lore marker.
#48 – Helgrind
From the Mystic Gateway take the path on the right, a raven will fly in circles above the area. You must throw the axe at it. Just wait until it comes flying towards you, keep your cursor centered on its flying path and throw the axe just before it flies into your cursor.
- No Ravens in this Realm
- No Ravens in this Realm
That’s all of the Ravens in GOW Ragnarok.
For more Collectible Categories see » God of War Ragnarok Collectible Guide.
Kyle says
PowerPyx you rock!! Thank you for investing your time in creating awesome guides, and helping us fellow gamers achieve platinum trophies!! Will you be adding video guides as well??