God of War Ragnarok contains 15 Muspelheim Trials (Challenges). This guide shows how to complete all of them. Completing all Trials of Muspelheim unlocks the Trials by Fire trophy. They are also needed to complete the two favors The Crucible & The Final Challenges. To reach Muspelheim you must first find two Muspelheim Seed Pieces from Legendary Chests in Svartalfheim.
Step 1: Find both Muspelheim Seeds (The Crucible Favor)
Muspelheim Seed Piece #1
The earliest Muspelheim Seed Piece can be found in a Legendary Chest at Modvitnir’s Rig in Svartalfheim. The Crucible Favor is automatically started upon acquiring the first Muspelheim seed piece.
Muspelheim Seed Piece #2
The second piece of the Muspelheim seed can be found in Alberich Hollow in Svartalfheim, accessed via Dragon Beach. It will require the Draupnir Spear, only available after Main Mission 10: Forging Destiny. Climb up the gold chain on the side of Dragon Beach, then throw the spear at the wind coming out the wall, this allows you to climb up to Alberich Hollow. Once at Alberich Hollow, it is inside the Legendary Chest, that can be accessed by using the fire bomb dispenser to smash the golden ore.
Alternative Muspelheim Seed Spawns:
There is a third possible spawn for the seeds in Muspelheim > Burning Cliffs, in a Legendary Chests on the main path, impossible to not see it. It’s in the cave under the Mystic Gateway. If you already got the 2 seeds from the above 2 spots, then it will only contain some Divine Ashes. But if you get a Seed from this Chest first, then one of the other 2 chests won’t give a Seed. It doesn’t matter from which of the 3 Chests you get the seeds.
A fourth alternate Spawn is in the Legendary Chest in Vanaheim > Freyr’s Camp:
Step 2: Travel to The Muspelheim Crucible
With the full seed, you can now travel to Muspelheim via the Mystic Gateway.
There will be a Nornir Chest in the middle of the arena, but to open it you will need to complete the 6 Crucible Challenges.
Step 3: Complete The first 6 Crucible Trials
There are 3 swords in the area that have 2 challenges each to complete. After completing each challenge, you will be rewarded with a Legendary Chest. The first chest at each sword will give a piece of the Undying Pyres Armor Set, and every chest will give Divine Ashes. Head up the northern path to the first sword for the first two challenges.
Trial #1 – Weapon Mastery: This challenge is quite simple, you will need to kill 16 enemies within 180 seconds. Each enemy will have a shield, so make sure to use your Leviathan Axe on enemies with fire shields, and your Chaos Blades on enemies with frost shields. At the end there will be a Nokken that heals the remaining enemies, so kill that before the last few enemies.
Trial #2 – Flawless: For this challenge, you will need to defeat 15 enemies without taking damage. Most of these enemies will either explode on death or attack with range, so use your Draupnir Spear or Leviathan Axe to attack them from range. At the end you will face a Gradungr, which will charge at you. Make sure to either block or dodge the charge attacks, and keep attacking from range to ensure you don’t take damage. Utilize your companion’s abilities to help deal with the Gradungr.
After the first two challenges, head down the middle path to the second sword.
Trial #3 – Ring Out Challenge: In this challenge you will need to defeat a total of 21 enemies which will rapidly regenerate health. Because of this, the main method for killing them will be to knock them into the lava pits. There are a few means of doing this, but the most consistent methods are by using the skills for the Leviathan Axe: Serpent’s Snare and Leviathan’s Fury. Both attacks will launch the enemies back, so by positioning it you can launch them into the lava. You can also throw your axe at their legs to knock them down, then kick them with
when you don’t have your Axe to knock them in.
Trial #4 – Feed the Rift: This challenge will require you to kill enemies to retrieve orbs, and then throw those orbs into the rift in the middle. There will be 2 waves, the first will be 60 seconds and require 6 points, while the second wave will be 150 seconds and require 15 points. Orbs dropped by regular enemies will be worth 1 point each, while orbs dropped by larger enemies will be worth 2 points each. A very simple challenge, just kill enemies and grab their orbs to throw in. Remember to shoot arrows at the Wisps to make them vulnerable.
Head down the southern path and use the sword to do the final two challenges.
Trial #5 – Population Control: The first challenge will require you to kill the Bergsra without the enemy count going above 4. Kill the first 4 Grim that appear, then the Bergsra will spawn. Simply focus on the Bergsra and you should kill it before a 5th enemy will spawn. If any Grims spawn alongside the Bergsra you can kill them, but you don’t need to hunt down other enemies to get the enemy count down.
Trial #6 – King of the Hill: The second challenge will require you to keep enemies out of the rings for 3 waves. Each wave will increase the time required, as well as the amount of rings. The first wave will be 1 ring for ~35 seconds, second wave 2 rings for ~60 seconds, third wave 3 rings for ~90 seconds. The best way to go about this is to focus on the enemies currently inside the rings to clear them out, using area-of-effect runic attacks if there’s multiple in a ring to clear them quickly. Use your Draupnir Spear to attack enemies at range.
After completing the 6 trials, it finishes “The Crucible” Favor. Return to the Nornir Chest to get a Chaos Flame.
Step 4: Complete The Final 9 Trials
The Final Challenges can be started by interacting with the central sword in Muspelheim after completing The Crucible and opening the Nornir Chest. It also spawns a 3rd tier challenge at each of te previous swords. So in total you have 6 initial challenges, 3 new ones at each sword, 6 final challenges at the central sword = 15 total.
In order to access the Final 6 challenges, you will need to do 2 challenges from different swords to spawn a new challenge at the central sword. For example, if you do a challenge at Sword 1 (Left) and challenge at Sword 2 (Middle), you will have access to the Boss Rush Challenge. There are 6 combinations required to get all 6 Final Challenges, and those combinations are as follows:
- Sword 1 (Left) + Sword 2 (Middle): Endurance Challenge
- Sword 3 (Right) + Sword 2 (Middle): Boss Rush Challenge
- Sword 1 (Left) + Sword 3 (Right): Shield Breaker Challenge
- Sword 3 (Right) + Sword 1 (Left): Phantom Challenge
- Sword 2 (Middle) + Sword 1 (Left): Ring of Fire Challenge
- Sword 2 (Middle) + Sword 3 (Right): Onslaught Challenge
Each sword will also have a new challenge to do. Head to the northern sword (Sword 1 (Left)) for the Rampage Challenge.
Trial #7 – Rampage: For this challenge you will need to kill at least 20 enemies with 150 seconds. Nothing special here, simply kill enemies as quickly as you can. A Troll and Bergsra will spawn at two points in the challenge, but these can be ignored in favour of weaker enemies to complete it faster.
Head to the middle sword (Sword 2) for the Health Steal Challenge.
Trial #8 – Health Steal: In this challenge you take constant damage, but heal when attacking. You will need to kill 22 enemies, and there’s no real tactic here, just kill the enemies quickly and you will easily keep your health up. Some Nokkens spawn near the end, so make sure to kill those to prevent enemy healing.
Now that you’ve completed a challenge at Sword 1 (Left) and Sword 2 (Middle), head back to the central sword for the Endurance Challenge.
Trial #9 – Endurance Challenge: For this, you will need to kill 99 enemies without dying. This will mostly be regular enemies, but there will be occasional elite enemies. The biggest concern here is maintaining your health, so it may be worthwhile using gear/abilities that allow you to heal, such as Nidavellir’s Finest/Raven Tears Armor Sets, Regenerating Essence Amulet Enchantments, and Spartan Valour. This is a rather long challenge, but as long as you play conservatively and utiltise your abilities, this should be manageable.
Head to Sword 3 (Right) where you will have the Kill Fuse Challenge.
Trial #10 – Kill Fuse: For this, you will need to kill enemies to increase the timer. You will start with 30 seconds and need to kill 22 enemies. Killing enemies will give you 5-10 seconds depending on the enemy. Focus on the range enemies and leave the small Wretches as a source for quick time if you need it later. Nothing too difficult here, just kill them quickly.
Now that you’ve completed the new challenges at the 3 swords, you can simply do the fastest challenge at each in the combinations listed above to unlock the remaining final challenges. The fastest challenges to do are Weapon Mastery – Sword 1 (Left), Feed the Rift – Sword 2 (Middle) and Population Control – Sword 3 (Right). Complete a Sword 2 (Middle) challenge and return to the centre for the Boss Rush Challenge (meaning on this run you did Sword 3 (Right) + Sword 2 (Middle) to get this to spawn).
Trial #11 – Boss Rush Challenge: You will need to kill 5 elite enemies, 1 at a time. The elites you will fight will be a Traveller, a Fierce Stalker, a Dark Elf Lord, a Light Elf Warrior, and an Einherjar Brute. These will be like any you have fought previously in the game, so apply the same tactics here. You may want to play a bit conservatively, as the only heals you get will be what the enemies drop after killing one.
Complete a challenge at Sword 1 (Left) and Sword 3 (Right) to unlock the Shield Breaker Challenge.
Trial #12 – Shield Breaker Challenge: In this challenge, you will have to defeat the regular enemies before you can attack the elite enemy. First will be an Einherjar Champion, followed by a Stalker after you defeat him. The regular enemies will only spawn in groups of 3-4, so quickly deal with them, then fight the elite enemy until more spawn. Nothing too difficult about this one, use methods you would normally use to defeat the two elite enemies.
Complete a challenge at Sword 3 (Right) and Sword 1 (Left) to unlock the Phantom Challenge.
Trial #13 – Phantom Challenge: For this challenge, you will face a Flame Phantom. Much like other phantoms in the game, you will need to increase its stagger bar by hitting the core, best done with range attacks. Once it staggers, the 3 purple pillars in the area will be vulnerable and you will need to destroy them. Regular enemies will start spawning in, but ignore these until you destroy all 3 pillars. Once the pillars are destroyed, finish the enemies off, then finish the Phantom off when it spawns back. Do not down the Phantom in one of the caves though, as Kratos will not be able to charge at it and you will have to restart the challenge.
Complete a challenge at Sword 2 (Middle) and Sword 1 (Left) to unlock the Ring of Fire Challenge.
Trial #14 – Ring of Fire Challenge: In this challenge, you will need to defeat the 15 enemies while remaining inside the circle. The circle is your safe zone, if you step into the lava outside of it you will take constant damage. The circle will periodically move around the arena, so it is best to fight enemies with range attacks. There is also a poison totem that the circle can lead you towards, so make sure to freeze this with your Axe. Nothing too difficult here.
Complete a challenge at Sword 2 (Middle) and Sword 3 (Right) to unlock the Onslaught Challenge.
Trial #15 – Onslaught Challenge: In this challenge you must survive for 300 seconds against endless enemies. There will also be a ring like in the Ring of Fire Challenge. Stay inside the ring and kill the enemies as necessary, but don’t play aggressively. If health crystals drop outside of the fire, then it is worth running out to grab them, as you will heal more than the damage you’ll take from the fire. Much like the Endurance Challenge, using health-restoring gear/abilities can be beneficial for this if you struggle to complete it without them.
That’s all 15 of the Muspelheim Trials and finishes “The Final Challenges” Favor in God of War Ragnarok. This also unlocks the Trials by Fire trophy.
For all other quests refer to God of War Ragnarok Walkthrough. For All Collectibles refer to God of War Ragnarok Collectible Guide.
Andrew min says
So i didn’t get the second seed of the musphelheim at the second chest at the location mentioned. Could it be a bug?
PowerPyx says
Did you by any chance already have both seeds? There is another chest in Muspelheim > The Burning Cliffs that can give one of the seeds too. If you already got there, it wouldn’t respawn in one of the other chests. I’ll add a note about this.
Lynn says
Boss rush challenge directions are confusing…. 1 and 2 or 3 and 2???
Brian says
How do i know which is sword 1,2 or 3? Thanks
PowerPyx says
Sword 1 = Left
Sword 2 = Middle
Sword 3 = Right
I added clarification for that in the text, thanks for asking 🙂
Ryan says
How do I farm/grind the trials this time round? I had the sword spawn in the middle and did it a few times, but it disappeared when I died and I can’t figure out how to get it to return.
Manu says
found the 2 seeds but no crucible quest.. when i go to muspelheim the area is still undiscoverd don’t know what to do. Can not unlock the door. Please need help.
PowerPyx says
Might have something to do with the story missions you’re in. During some story parts other areas get locked out. Try advancing the story and check between missions, it should work later.
cano says
Im facing this issue also, were you able to resolve it?
Dreadful says
Once you unlock a challenge does it stay unlocked, or do i need to do them right before going to the main sword each time?
SermN8R says
I did the 2 trials for each sword, did the big sword, then did each combo with the big sword after and it says I only have 14 of 15. The markings on ground around big sword are unlit and I got chest out of each one. What happened?
SermN8R says
Nevermind, I missed one combo in one of the caves near big sword!
Lee says
The combination stuff is the most idiotic nonsense, what is the point in making these shitty challenges even more shit by needing to do all this combination bullshit. So annoying
Jay says
i came here looking for directions. thanks for posting this guide. the sequence of doing left middle right to unlock further challenges is so stupid
King Hrolf says
Thanks ! I was confused on the last one.
MrTacoNinja says
Feed the Rift, a “very easy challenge” he calls it. Are you fucking kidding me?! With the NONSTOP spamfest of melee, long range and wisp enemies (that you constantly have to command your useless AI partner to shoot) all the while getting wailed on from every direction while you’re busy trying to pick those damn spheres up to throw through the rift leads to an incredibly frustrating and INFURIATING challenge that’ll make you want to kick a puppy and smash everything in your house! A “very easy challenge”, lmao. MY ASS!
Randy says
The Feed the ring wasn’t too difficult, I used the spear and used runic abilities for it, butkeeping enemies out of the ring challenge idk how I passed that but I’m glad I did, I had some enemies in it during and after the timer was almost done and some not idk.
Nabil says
i did everything and all the challenges and favour is completed . i also finished gna but it is showing 14/15 completed in the map. but the favour is completed. how tk fix it