To fully upgrade the Blades of Chaos in God of War (2018), you need Chaos Flames and a Raging Inferno of Muspelheim. The maximum level for Blades of Chaos is level 5. It can be upgraded at every shop.
The blades start out at level 1. The Chaos Flames for Upgrade Levels 2-4 are automatic drops from story bosses. They cannot be missed, just beat the story. Even if you don’t pick them up from a dead boss, they will be placed in the “Lost Items” section at every shop.
The last upgrade makes an exception and wants you to trade in the Raging Inferno of Muspelheim at a shop to get the Chaos Flame material in exchange. You must have beaten the story to perform the final upgrade.
How to Get Raging Inferno of Muspelheim:
Short version: it’s dropped by the Valkyrie in the Realm of Muspelheim.
- Start by unlocking the Realm of Muspelheim. For this you must find 4 Muspelheim Language Ciphers in purple chests. You can find a video with the cipher locations below or refer to the text/screenshot version How to Unlock Muspelheim Realm.
- Once you reached Muspelheim, you must fight your way through 5 challenges to reach the top of the mountain. You must beat each trial twice – one time the normal version, one time the hard version. This unlocks a gate to let you advance further up the mountain. At the top of the mountain is the Valkyrie.
- Defeat the Valkyrie. She drops the “Raging Inferno of Muspelheim” resource item.
- Go to any shop > Buy > Resources > Chaos Flame. This exchanges the Raging Inferno for the item you need. Now in the shop go to Upgrade > Blades of Chaos (you must have beaten the story to exchange the item).
All done. After the story your Blades of Chaos can be fully upgraded to maximum level (level 5). This also unlocks the trophy “Why Fight It?”.
5000 says
I don’t get why you need to trade it for the last. It’s just so awkward.
Couldn’t the Valkyire just drop a choas flame?
Or why not just use the Raging Inferno for the last Upgrad? That at least would make sense, so that you could only use it for the last one.
Both would be bether then just trade it at the shop you already Need to go for the upgrade in the first place. Plus they don’t even tell you, you can trade it there. So it’s a pain to find.
Jerome says
I was able to upgrade the Blades of Chaos to level 5 without finishing the story mode.
Eddie says
Damn I killed the valkyrie but I had no idea I had to trade. I must of used it cause I dont have it. What do I do now? This is dumb if its the only way
PowerPyx says
Check in Shop under Lost Items. If you didn’t pick it up it will be there.
Bostonted says
The same thing happened to me I did not know I had to trade it at the shop so now I can’t fully upgrade the chaos blade. Not sure if there are any other options for the final upgrade because the resource is not in my inventory
PowerPyx says
There is no way to sell this item or lose it. When it drops and you forgot to pick it up, it will ALWAYS be under lost items. Also, there is no way to sell unique upgrade materials, only the ones that can be gathered infinitely.
I’m sure it gotta be somewhere in your game. Have you went back to the Valkyrie spot and checked the Lost Items section in the Shop? Otherwise, if you haven’t already, beat the story. See if that unlocks it under lost items. If still nothing, then it’s possibly a bug.
Konghit says
I’m having the same problem man.. With the damn thing
Nappa says
I have it but can’t trade it
PowerPyx says
Have you beaten the story yet? That might be it. Try again after story, let us know if that worked
DJHapp says
I traded for the chaos flame and upgraded the blades without completing the story. So it can be done before completing the story. Go to buy at the store then resourced and buy the chaos flame then go to the blades and upgrade.
Cj says
I can’t trade mine in to get chaos flame.
Sputnick says
You need to go to buy resources and buy the flame with the rageing inferno. Then you can upgrade.
jdmkev says
im having the same problem except i remember getting that resource & trading it in, but i just noticed under my goals tab, it says that i only have 3 of 4 blade upgrades…i did check my inventory and it has the raging inferno of muspelheim & i remember trading it in as well so i know thats not where im missing it, as well i checked the missing items section & theres nothing under that.
I’ve completed the story, the only things i have left is the queen valk, i’ve done muslpelheim valkyrie & i’ve also gone past that and completed the 3 keys part twice already.
any ideas people?
Eliyanto says
I have the item in my inventory, but when i go shop, i cant find the resource from option “buy > resource” no chaos flame resource in the shop. Same problem for leviathan item too, the resource i have it, but cant trade
Daniel Hopkins says
I have the Chaos Flame, but I cant upgrade. I go to the shop and it doesnt give me the icon to upgrade. What gives?
Daniel Hopkins says
Oh and I’m at levcl 10 and I’m sure I completed the story. Hope someone has the solution.
Pickle says
you have to go into resources with the raging inferno to trade the flame, then you go into upgrades and it should work
Julio Mercado says
Wow, how you reach LEvel 10? With the mist armor?
Jake says
You don’t sell it from resources you buy it from the upgrade section
Jax says
You go to the buy section and find where it says chaos flame. When you select it, it will show the raging inferno on the square you use to purchase. You use the raging inferno to get the chaos flame. I have done this step for both the axe and blades and I’m on new game plus, but it won’t let me upgrade them.
Ray says
I’m playing New Game + and my blades are already level 5 but it gave me another chaos flame. However, it won’t allow me to use it, anyone know how to help??