God of War’s Bestiary features a total of 71 entries, all of which you can see on this site.
The Bestiary is divided into the following sub-sections; click on any to directly scroll to the section:
Primordial |
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DRAUGR Mother said that Draugr were warriors who died, but their souls were too stubborn and angry to stop fighting. They’d fight off the Valkyrie that came to collect them, and bring their own dead bodies back to life… warping and twisting their previous form into something else. Now they’re husks of their former selves and fight anybody they can find. She also said they can come back in all different shapes and sizes and that some even have powers that others may not.
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DRAUGR (DUAL WIELD) A Draugr with two weapons is twice as dangerous, right? When they’re with a more defensive enemy, we should consider taking down these dual-wielding Draugr early in the fight an not turn our back on them.
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I’m not sure how they do it, but these Draugr store energy in their bodies, and then explode on contact. But the explosion doesn’t hurt them at all! I wonder if it feels good to them? Anyways, we should attack from a distance when we see that they are fully charged up.
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As if the undead trying to kill us with sharp objects wasn’t bad enough, some Draugr can channel energy through their arms, charging their weapons and making them even more dangerous. Getting hit with a rusty old sword hurts, but getting hit with a fire-charged sword hurts worse.
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These Draugr can shoot fireballs. How do they do that? They like to attack from a distance, which can be really annoying when we’re fighting a bunch of other enemies, but luckily they go down pretty quickly.They can attack from long range, but we should be safe if we dodge or block.He has to create his projective before launching it, if either of us can interrupt his attack, he’ll have to create it again. |
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I already knew that Draugr weren’t just mindless monsters, but I didn’t think they were smart enough to use a shield. They like using it, too. We’ll have to change up our strategy a bit and see where we can find an opening.
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What’s more terrifying than a Draugr? A Draugr that can run at you really fast. Mother said some Draugs had special powers, and these ones are able to shoot fire out their legs and move quickly around the battlefield. We’ll need to be on our toes.
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These Draugr seem bigger than the ones we first encountered. They carry heavier, more dangerous weapons. It makes them slower, but they’re a LOT stronger than the regular ones.
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These Nightmares Nightmares shoot fireballs. As if we needed MORE reasons to hate Nightmares.
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We ran into an Ancient of the Forest on our way out of Fafnir’s Storeroom. This one was walking around, instead of just hibernating like most of them do. Or maybe we woke it up while we were trying to get inside? These Ancients are kind of beautiful… I wish their hearts weren’t so valuable. |
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We ran into a Frost Ancient on our way up the Mountain. Before this journey, I thought all the Ancients were made of fire and rock, but I guess it’s just the rock part they all share. This one must have originally been part of the Mountain itself. I bet it got tired of being a mountain, and one day just got up and walked away. |
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An Ancient in the ice and snow… I wonder if they have thoughts like we do? I can’t hear any. They don’t have mouths or ears… none that I can see, anyways. They’re mostly pretty peaceful, unless we attack first. I’d never say this to Father, but I wish we could just leave them alone. |
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SOUL EATER They look almost exactly like Ancients, but there’s something… off about them. Mom always called the Soul Eaters, “Dangerous abominations.” She never said a bad word about ANY living creature (even poisonous bugs!), so her saying that always stuck with me. I wish I could tell her Father and I killed one. |
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One of the Ancients… I can’t believe it! Did Mom know they were still alive? They’re, well… ancient! Supposedly they’re a part of Ymir himself, and they’ve been around since the beginning of time. I thought they were all in Midgard… I wonder why this one is in Alfheim? |
Seidr |
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BROOD These things are a complete mystery. They always show up in groups, but at least they go down fairly easily. They don’t have weapons, but they can grow their limbs into sharp points that are just as dangerous. They also tend to try and latch onto Father, and use their greater numbers to overwhelm us.
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NIGHTMARE Mom used to tell me stories about Nightmares until, well… I started having nightmares. I was embarrassed, but she said they were just another part of life, and that sometimes there was “beauty in the horror.” She always saw the upside to everything, even these creepy little floating eye monsters. They’re named after an older creature, called a Mare, that sits on your chest while you sleep and feeds off your fear. |
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As if Nightmares weren’t annoying enough, it looks like this type can actually possess other creatures and make them stronger. Does the possessed creature have any control over their actions, or are they just trapped in some horrific waking nightmare? Not a very nice thought.
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These Nightmares like to swarm in close and then explode. Why do they sacrifice themselves like this? Maybe they are all part of some kind of hive mind. Whatever the reason, ifs really annoying.
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LEGION Freya always seems to have more and more magic up her sleeve. First she used her roots to try to restrain Father and Baldur, but they were too strong. Then she reanimated Thamur—the Giant Stone Mason! That was incredible, but it still didn’t work. Baldur kept trying to kill Freya, and we couldn’t let that happen. So we kept fighting, and Freya summoned these weird creatures. They kept trying to grab Father to keep him from fighting. Luckily, they go down easily. There sure are a lot of them though… |
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REAVER These were just normal human Reavers once, but they look like they’ve been corrupted by Seidr magic. When did this start happening?
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Mother once told me that some witches trade little bits of their soul here and there to become more powerful in Seidr magic. Eventually, they lose every part of their humanity and become Revenants. They can disappear in an instant, and these particular Revenants are able to spread poison through touch and breath.
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This kind of Revenant can actually summon Nightmares. Does she create them with her Seidr magic, or are they all just squeezed together in her pack? I wonder how so many of them fit in that little pack.
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SHADOW These were human Reavers, but now that they’ve embraced the ways of the Seidr, they can throw magic spells at a distance.
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They wear really strong armour, have huge swords, and are one of the toughest enemies we’ve faced. Who are they, and what do they want with us? Mom never mentioned the Travellers. I hope we don’t have to fight too many of them. |
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This Traveller has a huge shield on his back, which makes breaking through his extremely tough armour even tougher.
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VIKEN These Seidr Reavers like to use big maces when they fight. Mom always referred to them as “Vikens” for some reason. |
Beast |
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I can’t believe it… Father just killed a dragon! I’ve never seen him fight like that before. I mean, I know he’s really strong and all, but this thing was huge! The dragon’s name was Hræzlyr, which is sort of like the word for “Terror”. It’s an appropriate name too—he’s vicious, ugly, and shoots lightning out of his mouth. Luckily, Father was able to find some Yggdrasil tree sap crystals, and he used them to stun Hræzlyr. Then he stabbed a big crystal into his throat! There was a big explosion, and down went the dragon. I’m still shaking from the excitement, but Father doesn’t even seem fazed. Does he ever get scared? |
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These Ogres are similar in size to the regular ones, but they can cover long distances with a single jump. And… they smell REALLY bad. I wonder if that’s why they’re so angry all the time?
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Giant, powerful, angry, but thankfully not very smart. The Ogre is one of the ugliest enemies we’ve fought. Their huge arms give their attacks good range, and they can hit the ground so hard it creates powerful shock waves.
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We’ve seen a lot of aggressive wolves, but these are something else… some other kind of disease. They spit out some kind of poison that we should avoid walking in, and they’re even more aggressive than the rabid ones. I bet we would be doing them a favour by putting them out of their misery.
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I’ve always admired wolves, but the ones we’ve encountered attack us on sight, which means they’re probably rabid. I guess to them, we are food. I know it’s kill or be killed, but still… they’re beautiful in their own way, and killing them makes me a little sad. Good thing Father probably won’t read this.
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Reginn was captured by the Dwarf King and forced to act as Sentry of KonUnsgard. He’s not very good at it; there are monsters everywhere. I guess that’s what happens when you force a dragon to stand guard against his will. The Dwarf King must’ve wanted to capture these dragons for a different purpose… |
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A Tatzelwurm is part lizard, part cat—a Lizard-Cat! Or a Cat-Lizard… or something. Either way, the combination is pretty weird. They like to burrow underground to close the distance between them and their prey. Their claws and teeth are extremely sharp, but it’s that poisonous barb on their tails that we really need to watch out for.
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This Tatzelwurm doesn’t have the poisonous barb, but it does have a sac in its throat that lets it barf poison at us. I know; it’s really gross. The poison is deadly to the touch, so even if we dodge the attack, we still need to be careful not to step in it.
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They look like wolves, but they stand upright like humans and are a lot smarter. And stronger. And faster. Their fur is so dense, it makes them tough to put down. They remind me a little of those Berserkers that Father put down last summer… but wolves instead of bears.
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This looks like an even tougher breed of Wulver. They’re smarter, too. Really, really dangerous creatures. Glad my bowstring has some magic in it, otherwise, I’m not sure how we’d bring these stronger ones down.
Hel-Walker |
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These faceless creatures are very aggressive and don’t hesitate to run straight at us. They clearly have the same kind of ice powers we see from anything that comes from Hel. They fall very easily to Father’s Blades.
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First, it was a human Reaver. Then we killed it. It died in battle, so shouldn’t the Valkyries have taken it to Valhalla? But they didn’t… it just came back as something else. Before she died, I overheard Mother telling Father that, “The Hel-Walkers were returning.” Is this what she was talking about? People rising from the dead? Father doesn’t seem to know (or care) much about it. Since this thing used to be a Reaver, I’ll call them, “Hel-Reavers.” |
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It’s a Hel-Reaver, but it carries a shield and it knows how to use it. Guess they aren’t completely mindless.
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These must’ve been strong Reavers back when they were alive. Now that they’re dead they are even stronger Hel-Reavers.
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Like the other Hel-Walkers, the Hel-Revenant attacks with ice that can slow us down. Mother used to tell me bedtime stories about the Revenants, but she never mentioned this kind. Maybe she thought it was too scary for me.
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It’s like one of the Shadows, but it uses Ice magic like a thrown spear. Must be one of the Hel-Walkers.
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It acts like a Shadow, but uses ice magic instead of Seidr magic. Definitely a Hel-Walker.
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I didn’t think the Travellers could get much worse, but it looks like death wasn’t enough to keep this one down. In fact, it’s even MORE aggressive than the other Travellers we’ve seen. I guess even Travellers can become Hel-Walkers.
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It’s a Viken, but a dead one. So, a Hel-Viken? This Hel-Walker is just as strong as its Seidr counterpart. Maybe even stronger.
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These Nightmares can use the same power of frost that we’ve seen the Hel-Walkers use. These attacks will slow us down if they manage to hit.
Elves |
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Unlike the Light Elves of Alfheim, the Dark Elves prefer dark places. Maybe that’s why they want to cover up the Light? They can fly and seem pretty smart and well-coordinated; more so than most of the enemies we’ve fought so far. Their weapons are useful; effective up close and at a distance. Kind of like Father’s axe!
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Bigger, faster, and stronger than any Dark Elf we’ve fought so far. Their attacks are so strong they can blind and deafen us for a bit. They fight a lot like regular Dark Elves, just WAY harder.
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We just killed the Dark Elf King that’s been harassing us this whole time. I thought I’d feel good about that, but… just before he died, he said the Light Elves were the bad guys. Could that be true? What if we’ve been fighting against the good guys this whole time? The Light Elves don’t SEEM evil, but… if they really were the ones who started this war, then maybe the Dark Elves were just fighting back? So confusing… I guess I see why Father didn’t want to get involved (but I’m not going to tell him that). |
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This one is able to call in reinforcements, so we should take him down quickly. They should be easy to spot, thanks to the bright glow in their wings. I wonder how many Dark Elves there are in Alfheim? When he spins his weapon, it means he’s about to call in more Dark Elves. We should stop him before he slams it into the ground. He can block axe throws, but if we catch him off guard, Father’s heavy axe throw will freeze him and negate his speed. |
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This type seems stronger than the average Dark Elf. They swing their heavy weapons so hard it creates a shock wave, making their attacks really tough to dodge.
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The Light Elves are back! We freed the Light of Alfheim from whatever the Dark Elves were doing to it, and they all returned to the temple. Everything is beautiful in Alfheim now that the Light shines free. The Light Elves seem nice. They don’t really say anything, but at least they aren’t trying to kill us. Father says I shouldn’t assume anything, but what does he know? He was doing who knows what inside the Light, while I had to take down an entire swarm of Dark Elves by myself. I don’t care what he says… I’m glad we got involved. |
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These Nightmares can blind us for a little bit. Just when I thought Nightmares couldn’t get any worse… |
Friends |
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Andvari wasn’t very helpful at first, but something about seeing that dead Soul Eater in the Landsuther Mines made him realise he was being kind of a jerk. I think he feels guilty because he and some other Dwarves were experimenting with Ancients there, and they accidentally created Soul Eaters. Glad we didn’t have to fight any more. Anyway, his soul is still trapped in a ring. Brok wanted to melt him down (he can be so mean sometimes!), but I convinced Father to keep him, and now he’s part of our group. Father even uses Andvari’s soul as an Enchantment sometimes. Must be hard being trapped in a piece of jewellery, but Andvari doesn’t complain TOO much. I’ve gotten pretty good at ignoring him. |
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We met this Dwarf on our way to the Mountain, and he’s a blacksmith. A famous blacksmith, apparently. He made the Leviathan Axe! He upgraded it for Father, too. He was a little rude and grouchy, but I kind of like him anyway. I hope we see him again! |
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The Witch of the Woods was the goddess Freya the whole time! No wonder she’s so good at magic. Father got REALLY mad at her when he found out. He always tells me that gods are nothing but trouble, but Freya’s always been nice to us. Maybe not all gods are bad? |
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We found this strange man trapped in a tree at the summit of the Mountain. His name is Mimir, and he calls himself the Smartest Man Alive. Or he did, until Father chopped off his head. The witch of the woods (who was actually the goddess Freya this whole time!) was just able to resurrect him, and now we’re taking him to talk to the World Serpent. Mimir says Jormungandr is the only Giant left in Midgard who knows the secret rune to Jetunheim. It’s kind of weird talking to a reanimated head, but it’s nice to have someone else to talk to. |
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The Dwarf King. One of the Sons of Ivaldi. He ruled over humans both in Veithurgard and Konimsgard. He was a good king at first, but then he started having dreams about his people dying. For some reason, he thought forcing them to hunt deadly beasts was the way to save them. He captured three dragons to harvest their “Fury” killed innocent people to harvest their “Screams”, and was then killed by those very same people when they returned as HeI-Walkers. That created “Ultimate Sacrifice”. We can use these three ingredients to create some kind of legendary armour. |
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Sindri’s also a famous blacksmith, but he and his brother are really different. Sindri REALLY doesn’t like dirt and grime. Weird trait for a blacksmith dwarf, but he’s just as talented as his brother. I wonder why they don’t get along? |
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We just woke up the World Serpent of Midgard! Father thought he was going to try and eat us, but Mother always said Jormungandr was a friendly Giant. He tried speaking to us, but I couldn’t understand him. I wonder if that’s the language all the giants speak? He doesn’t seem very interested in us right now. I wish I could talk to him… I have so many questions! Where did he come from? What does he do all day? What does he eat? Maybe we can find another way to talk to him… |
Aesir |
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Baldur… He’s one of the Aesir. Odin’s son, Thor’s brother. He came to our house and fought Father and Father killed him. Or… so we thought. Supposedly he can’t feel pain. And now he’s hunting us with his nephews, but we don’t know why. |
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The older son of Thor. He had a huge sword, could use the power of lightning, and was really mean. Father killed him. |
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The younger son of Thor, and a relentless creep. He also can shoot lightning, and uses a mace and shield. He ran off after Father killed his brother, Magni, but I bet we haven’t seen the last of him. I’ll kill him next time I see him. |
Trolls |
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BRENNA DAUDI This is the second Troll we’ve seen so far. I had no idea they were so close to our house! They’ve never bothered us before… but I guess we never bothered them either. Mother said if I ever saw a Troll, I should run the other way. Guess she never said that to Father. |
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I think the troll we just fought was Daudi Kaupmadr. Mother used to always tell me stories about him to try and scare me if I wandered off too far. I think she’d be proud of me, but Father thinks because I got a little angry that I’m “not ready?’ Whatever. I just helped him kill a troll; I know I’m ready! Mother told me a lot of stories about trolls. This one’s name translates to Death Merchant. With a name like that, I think it’s safe to assume he was pretty evil. I’m glad we killed him. |
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We killed this one while trying to restore the Jotunheim Tower to the Lake of Nine in all the realms. When the doors opened to Muspelheim, I guess he wanted to see what was happening. Why is every troll’s first and only instinct to attack? |
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Grendel of the Frost was the stuff of legend. Even Mother thought he was just a myth. It was said that Grendel was the strongest and most feared among the Stone Troll Tribe. They hold the name “The Frost” in the highest regard, and only give it to someone who is to be honoured and revered. And now he’s dead. Serves him right for trying to kill us! |
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This must have been the other Grendel’s brother? Or maybe “The Ashes” is a different kind of title that the Fire Trolls use to honour their kind. There’s so much we don’t know about trolls… but I guess the most important thing to know is that they are all trying to kill us, so we have to kill them first. That’s what Father would say, anyways. |
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Mother said this troll lived in the Heart of the Mountain with the Giants, but there was a falling out one day and they cast him out. Makes sense to me; I wouldn’t want to live with a troll. Guess he moved back in when they left. |
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Máttugr Nelson, known as Helheim’s son and bridge keeper. Apparently, he was actually born and raised in Hel. Growing up in a troll tribe can’t be an easy life, but growing up in Hel must be even worse. |
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Mother said Stonebeard King earned his title “King” simply because no one could take it from him. If you are arrogant enough to call yourself a king, you better be able to back it up, and Stonebeard could. He never lost a fight… until now. |
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