This page contains all Crafting Material Locations in God of War (2018, PS4). There are many Resources / Crafting Materials of different rarity levels in GOW. Some are dropped by only specific enemies, others are found in chests, and yet others are restricted to one specific region. This material list is structured in order of Rarity.
As you may have guessed, materials are used for crafting Armor, Upgrades, Talismans, Enchantments, and Weapon Upgrades. There are also Special Items which are all quest-related.
You will find almost all materials when you play through the story, side quests, and go for 100% game completion (find all collectibles). Farming materials is not necessary. For 100% game completion you may find the God of War Collectible Guide useful.
Common Resources:
- Aegir’s Gold: Gold pieces from the treasure of Aegir the Sea Giant, found afloat in the waters of Midgard. Used in a wide variety of crafting applications.
- Location: When travelling the Lake of Nine by boat you can see golden glitter in the water. Interact with it to retrieve this crafting material.
- Soft Svartalfheim Steel: A fairly sturdy fragment of Dwarven metal. Used to upgrade various armour sets, as well as the Talon Bow. Found in coffins.
- Location: Most frequently found in red chests. Also dropped by low-level enemies mostly in Midgard.
- Mist Echoes: Once, the Dwarves learned to craft their works from the mists of Niflheim. The mist bears a memory of this time as well, and becomes tangible enough to collect. Used to craft and upgrade armour, Pommels, and Talismans with the powers of cursed mist.
- Location: A “currency” exclusive to the realm of Niflheim. You get it by opening chests in the randomized Niflheim Maze.
- Enchanted Dust: The mystic dust of a broken enchantment. Used to construct new enchantments.
- Location: Obtained from selling enchantments at the shop. The amount of dust you receive depends on the level and rarity of the enchantment sold.
Rare Resources:
- Ancient’s Rubble: Shards from the natural armour of an Ancient. Used to craft the Ancient armour set.
- Location: Exclusively dropped by the “Ancients” enemy type – the big walking rocks that shoot concentrated energy out of their chest. A bunch are encountered automatically during the story and side quests, the first one during the story quest in Alfheim. There’s a limited number of these enemies in the game, they don’t respawn infinitely.
- Solid Svartalfheim Steel: A mostly sturdy fragment of Dwarven metal. Used to upgrade various armour sets, as well as the Talon Bow. Found in coffins.
- Location: Mostly found in red chests in mid-game areas. Also dropped by enemies later in the game.
- World Serpent Scale Fragment: A scale fragment from the hide of a World Serpent, worn but still strong. Found amongst the island, beaches, and caves in the Lake of Nine. Used to upgrade Pommels with assorted properties.
- Location: Sometimes dropped by enemies in the greater “Lake of Nine” area in Midgard. Also called Shores of Nine on the map. Carefully explore all islands around the lake, open all chests and kill all enemies on the islands.
- Traveller’s Grisly Trophy: A severed piece of a Traveller’s defeated foe, kept as a totem of Asgardian magic. Used to craft and upgrade the Traveller armour set.
- Location: Exclusively dropped by the “Traveller” enemy type – the knights with heavy armor and big shields. First encountered halfway through the game during a story quest in Thamur’s Corpse Region. There is a limited number of them in the game, they don’t respawn. You encounter them at certain points in the story, during side quests, and on the big towers around the Lake of Nine.
- World Serpent Scale: An intact scale from the hide of the World Serpent, sturdy and shiny. Found deep amongst the island, beaches, and caves in the Lake of Nine. Used to upgrade Pommels with assorted properties.
- Location: Sometimes dropped by enemies in the greater “Lake of Nine” area in Midgard. Also called Shores of Nine on the map. Carefully explore all islands around the lake, open all chests and kill all enemies on the islands.
- Niflheim Alloy: A fragment of the misty metal used to craft Ivaldi’s armour, found in his Niflheim maze. Used to craft and upgrade armour, Pommels, and Talismans with the powers of cursed mist.
- Location: Open all chests and collect all enemy drops in the Maze in the Realm of Niflheim. The maze is randomized so it may take multiple runs to find this resource.
Legendary Resources:
- Corrupted Remnant: A mystic remnant of a soul lost at sea. Used to upgrade the Versatile Warrior’s Handle.
- Location: Given by 3 of the Wayward Spirits during Favour/Side Quest “Unfinished Business” in Midgard.
- Dragon Tear: The crystallised gem-like tear of captive dragon. Used to upgrade a powerful Talisman.
- Location: From freeing Dragons. There are 3 total. They are in the regions: Konunsgard, Council of Valkyries, Veithurgard. You can also dig up one dragon tear at the top of the region Forgotten Caverns, where a dead dragon’s corpse is.
- Pristine Scales of the Realm: Scales from the World Serpent, infused with the Light of Alfheim. Used to upgrade powerful armour. Found only at the Light Elf Outpost.
- Location: From legendary chest in the region Light Elf Outpost.
- Pristine Ore of the Realm: A flawless stone containing a mixture of rare metals. Used to upgrade powerful armour. Found only in the Iron Cove.
- Location: From legendary chest in the region Iron Cove.
- Pristine Dust of the Realm: Mystic dust that pulses with mysterious forces. Used to upgrade powerful armour. Found only at Stone Falls.
- Location: From legendary chest in the region Stone Falls.
- Haze Weave: A piece of cloth made indestructible by Dwarven craft, found in the chambers of the Niflheim maze. Used to upgrade armour, Pommels, and Talismans with the powers of cursed mist.
- Location: exclusively found in the realm of Niflheim, in the randomized Maze. Open all chests in the maze and pick up enemy loot. It may require multiple runs of the maze to get it.
- Greater Crest of Flame: A very rare resource gathered from the hottest flames of the Scorching Seas of Muspelheim. Used to craft and upgrade armour, Pommels, and Talismans with the powers of primordial flame.
- Location: Reward from Muspelheim Trials (open the chests you unlock after trials).
- Crest of Flame: A rare resource mined from the volcanic fires of the Eldthursar mountains of southern Muspelheim. Used to craft and upgrade armour, Pommels, and Talismans with the powers of primordial flame.
- Location: Reward from Muspelheim Trials (open the chests you unlock after trials).
- Smouldering Ember: Embers of Surtr’s eternal fire, found in Muspelheim. Used to craft and upgrade armour, Pommels, and Talismans with the powers of primordial flame.
- Location: Reward from Muspelheim Trials (open the chests you unlock after trials).
- Pure Essence of Realms: Highly concentrated energy from the space between Realms. Used to upgrade a powerful Talisman. May be found in Realm Tears.
- Location: from completing Realm Tear Encounters, a type of collectible that spawns enemies when interacting with it.
- Glacial Catalyst: A shard from one of Hel’s glaciers. It can be used to upgrade the Charm of Infinite Storm.
- Location: There are only two of these in the entire game, from digging up the treasures “Don’t Blink” and “Njörd’s Oarsmen“.
- Eternal Frost: Unmeltable ice from the furthest reaches of Hel. Used to upgrade Pommels with FROST damage effects. Found in Treasure Map caches.
- Location: From digging up Treasures.
- Asgardian Steel: Asgardian metal found on scraps of Valkyrie armour. Used to upgrade armour, Pommels and Talismans with the powers of the Valkyrie.
- Location: Dropped by the 9 Valkyries. They get marked on the map automatically after the story.
- Oblivion Stone: A stone that hungers for energy and absorbs it on contact. Coveted and hoarded by Dwarves. Used to upgrade Pommels with life-draining damage effects. Found in Treasure Map caches.
- Location: From digging up Treasures.
- Unstable Ore: A volatile substance that sparks on contact. Used to upgrade Pommels with explosive damage effects. Found in Treasure Map caches.
- Location: From digging up Treasures.
- Unyielding Cinders: Unquenchable fire from the depths of Muspelheim. Used to upgrade Pommels with BURN damage effects. Found in Treasure Map caches.
- Location: From digging up Treasures.
- Leiptr Alloy: Lightning-infused metal used by the kin of Thor. Used to upgrade Pommels with SHOCK damage effects. Found in Treasure Map caches.
- Location: From digging up Treasures.
- Dust of Realms: A formless substance found inside Realm Tears. Used to enhance unique properties of various Talismans.
- Location: From completing Realm Tear Encounters, a type of collectible that spawns enemies when interacting with it.
- Raging Inferno of Muspelheim: The hottest fires from the peak of Muspelheim. Used to unlock an upgrade to a powerful item.
- Location: Dropped by the Valkyrie in the Realm of Muspelheim.
- Chaos Flame: A small flame that has no source, but burns in all directions. Generated through mighty battles. Used to upgrade the Blades of Chaos.
- Location: Dropped automatically by story bosses. The last one needs to be bought at a shop in exchange for a Raging Infern of Muspelheim.
- Frozen Flame: An impossible material that houses the rage of fire and the temper of ice. Generated through mighty battles. Used to upgrade the Leviathan Axe.
- Location: Dropped automatically by story bosses. The last one is bought at a shop in exchange for a Chilling Mist of Niflheim.
- Hardened Svartalfheim Steel: A very sturdy fragment of Dwarven metal. Used to upgrade various armour sets, as well as the Talon Bow. Found in coffins.
- Location: Found in red chests in endgame areas.
- Ancient’s Heart: The smouldering heart of an Ancient. Used to craft the Ancient armour set.
- Location: Exclusively dropped by the “Ancients” enemy type – the big walking rocks that shoot concentrated energy out of their chest. A bunch are encountered automatically during the story and side quests, the first one during the story quest in Alfheim. There’s a limited number of these enemies in the game, they don’t respawn infinitely.
- Chilling Mists of Niflheim: Bleak mist found in the depths of Niflheim. Used to unlock an upgrade to a powerful item.
- Location: In the realm of Niflheim, in Ivaldi Workshop’s Center Chamber, inside the chest that costs 5,000 Mist Echoes.
Epic Resources:
- Perfect Asgardian Steel: A flawless and hardened piece of Asgardian Valkyrie armour. Used to upgrade armour, Pommels, and Talismans with the powers of the Valkyries.
- Location: Dropped by some of the 9 Valkyries. They get marked automatically after the story.
- Crest of Surtr: An extremely rare resource found only in the deepest of Surtr’s fire mines in Muspelheim. Used to craft and upgrade armour, Pommels, and Talismans with the powers of primordial flame.
- Location: Reward from last (6th) Muspelheim Trial (open the chests you unlock after the trial).
- Ultimate Sacrifice: A mystical ingredient for the Dwarven Armour of Legend.
- Location: From completing the favour “Hail to the King” for Brok & Sindri in Region “Konunsgard”.
- Offering to Týr: A lost tribute to Týr, left by wayward spirits around the Lake of Nine. Used to craft the Týr armour set.
- Location: From completing 3 favours for Wayward Spirits in Midgard. The favours are: Hammer Fall, Time Heals All, The Anatomy of Hope.
- Screams of the Innocent: A mystical ingredient for the Dwarven Armour of Legend.
- Location: From completing the favour “Hail to the King” for Brok & Sindri in Region “Konunsgard”.
- Ivaldi’s Rusted Armour: Ivaldi’s armour was the peak of Niflheim craftsmanship, but this set is small and has grown decrepit. Sindri may be able to make use of it.
- Location: Obtained during the favour “Ivaldi’s Protection” for Sindri in Niflheim.
- Dragon’s Fury: A mystical ingredient for the Dwarven Armour of Legend.
- Location: From completing the favour “Hail to the King” for Brok & Sindri in Region “Konunsgard”.
- Traveller’s Armour Shard: Battle-hardened metal found on scraps of Traveller armour. Used to craft and upgrade the Traveller armour set.
- Location: Exclusively dropped by the “Traveller” enemy type – the knights with heavy armor and big shields. First encountered halfway through the game during a story quest in Thamur’s Corpse Region. There is a limited number of them in the game, they don’t respawn. You encounter them at certain points in the story, during side quests, and on the big towers around the Lake of Nine.
- Aesirbane: Ivaldi’s ultimate creation, a concentration of mists made poisonous to Aesir gods… and also everyone else. Used to upgrade armour, Pommels, and Talismans with the powers of cursed mist.
- Location: In Niflheim, in the chest in Ivaldi’s Workshop that costs 7500 Mist Echoes to open.
Special Items:
All of these are quest items, also found under the Resources tab. You get them during quests (favours). The 5 keys are from their respective Muspelheim trials and the Helmets are from killing their respective Valkyries. Resurrection stones are bought at shops (they resurrect you when you die).
- Konunsgard Entry Stone: Grants entry to the Dwarf King’s kingdom of Konunsgard.
- Konunsgard Stronghold Entry Stone: King Motsognir kept parts of Konunsgard locked behind these stones.
- Northri Entry Stone: A stone that grants entry to the Northri Stronghold.
- Landsuther Entry Stone: A stone that grants entry to the Landsuther Mines.
- Fafnir’s Entry Stone: A stone that unlocks doors in Fafnir’s Storeroom.
- Völunder Entry Stone: A stone that grants entry to the Völunder Mines.
- Vivarium Key Stone: King Motsognir kept his vivarium locked with this stone.
- Niflheim Entry Stone: A stone that grants entry to the depths of Nifheim.
- Mark of the Dwarves: An enhancement that permanently increases RUNIC by 4.
- Horn of Blood Mead: Blood Mead is a rare drink that makes one’s rage run deeper. Find the 9 total horns in the world in chests locked by magic. Every 3 you collect will increase your maximum Rage.
- Idunn Apple: Idunn Apples are choice food of the gods. Find the 9 total apples in the world in chests locked by magic. Every 3 you collect will increase your maximum Health.
- Berserker’s Resurrection Stone: A magical stone that revives Kratos from death with full Rage and a small amont of health. Press
when Kratos dies to allow Atreus to resurrect him and rejoin the fight. Only one resurrection stone can be carried at a time.
- Key of the First: A usable token signifying completion of the first challenge.
- Key of the Second: A usable token signifying completion of the second challenge.
- Key of the Third: A usable token signifying completion of the third challenge.
- Key of the Fourth: A usable token signifying completion of the fourth challenge.
- Key of the Fifth: A usable token signifying completion of the fifth challenge.
- Sigrun’s Helmet: The helm of Sigrun, the Valkyrie Queen.
- Olrun’s Helmet: The helm of the Valkyrie, Olrun. Some vestige of her spirit remains, longing to join her sisters…
- Hildr’s Helmet: The helm of the Valkyrie, Hildr. Some vestige of her spirit remains, longing to join her sisters…
- Eir’s Helmet: The helm of the Valkyrie, Eir. Some vestige of her spirit remains, longing to join her sisters…
- Rota’s Helmet: The helm of the Valkyrie, Rota. Some vestige of her spirit remains, longing to join her sisters…
- Kara’s Helmet: The helm of the Valkyrie, Kara. Some vestige of her spirit remains, longing to join her sisters…
- Geirdriful’s Helmet: The helm of the Valkyrie, Geirdriful. Some vestige of her spirit remains, longing to join her sisters…
- Göndul’s Helmet: The helm of the Valkyrie, Göndul. Some vestige of her spirit remains, longing to join her sisters…
- Gunnr’s Helmet: The helm of the Valkyrie, Gunnr. Some vestige of her spirit remains, longing to join her sisters…
- Thamur’s Chisel: A magical shard from the chisel of Thamur, the Giant stone mason.
- Dragon Tooth: A tooth, brimming with energy, pulled from a dragon’s mouth at Sindri’s request.
- Andvari’s Hammer: Hammer of the Dwarven blacksmith Andvari, of value to Brok.
- Alchemist’s Ring: Green ring belonging to Brok’s friend, Andvari. Brok will probably want to give this a look.
- Anchor of Fog: To hide his machinations from Odin, Ivaldi crafted devices that could pull anything from Niflheim back to its home. Use (with caution) to open Realm Tears in Niflheim.
- Location: Really the only special item on the list that’s not an obvious automatic unlock. You need 3 Anchors of Fog to open the Realm Tears in Niflheim’s Center Chamber. The Anchors of Fog are obtained from golden chests (legendary chests) in the randomized Niflheim Maze. It’s most often in the chest where an Ogre spawns, either at the end of the Labyrinth where the path ends (straight ahead from the entrance) or in the room where Niflheim’s Valkyrie was. While farming for the 68,500 Mist Echoes required to open everything you should very easily get 3 Anchors of Fog along the way, assuming you open all chests on every run. The fastest way to farm it is by opening only the chests in the two maze sections described above (at the dead-end and where the Valkyrie spawned).
That completes the list of Crafting Materials (Resources) in God of War 2018 and their locations.
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Juan says
I found the Aesirbane in Niflheim. They dropped when I opened the chests of 7500 Mist Echoes in the Ivaldi’s Workshop
PowerPyx says
Thanks, added!
Antknee says
The Ultimate Sacrifice, Dragons Fury, and Screams of the innocent come from the side quest or favor that takes you into the Konunsgard area . When you complete the favor you get all of those materials.
PowerPyx says
Added those too now, thank you!
iburnandfume says
You can get a corrupted remnant from lighting the braizer at the isle of death then talking to the wayward spirit.
iburnandfume says
Actually, you get it from each wayward spirits
PowerPyx says
Added, thank you!
Gian Casetta says
Hi, all 3 items for the Dwarven Armour of Legend (Dragon’s Fury, Screams of the Innocent and Ultimate Sacrifice) are automatically obtained when you complete the ‘Hail to the King’ favor in Konùnsgard, you find a passageway in the Dwarf King’s Stronghold where he lies dead and his loot are the items.
And there are 2 Glacial Catalysts in the whole game, both of them are found in the Treasures Maps of ‘Don’t Blink’ and ‘Njörd’s Oarsmen’.
PowerPyx says
Perfect, thanks! Added all those in. I also checked these on my recordings and can confirm all of these.
List is complete now. Thanks to everyone who sent in a material location!
Dave says
There’s actually three in the whole game. The two you mentioned and the third is near Thamur’s Corpse. You need the chisel to obtain it. Go through the sealed door and it’s near the iron gate.
graf1k says
Aesirebane is found in the maze in Niflheim. Not sure if it’s dropped by enemies or in chests only but that’s definitely where you get it.
ash says
I kill all the ancients but I don’t have enough material for ancient armor
Gordon Walker says
Can the third glacier catalyst still be picked up after the game is completed or have I missed the chance to get it
Ian Hero says
You can get Aesirbane when you drop Anchor of Fogs in Niflheim after you closed all the realm tears. One you pick up the Anchor of Fog it will appear as Aesirbane on your inventory. Now anyone have an idea how to get more Perfect Asgardian Steel? I’ve killed all Valkyries and I still need 2 or 3.